|V2.0 LOFALAND| President Hajjah Noor Neelofa fLyInG HìGheR ヽ(^。^)ノ
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Padam muka sweetie H , tak mampu move on dari hajjah.  
apa nih sayang?usah lah cobak nafikan bahwa abe mat ada hati pada sya.wahh
Moh kita terbang bersama2 hajjah dengan #airasia  |
ahnjaehyun replied at 10-12-2017 12:28 PM
Moh kita terbang bersama2 hajjah dengan #airasia
I pun fly dgn AA skrg sb tiket murah sikit dri yg lain. Dua tahun jgk la i tak fly dgn AA utk penerbangan domestik tp skrg terpksa ambik AA la dgn ekonomi yg mcm ni.. hrga tiket naik kan. So AA kira ok la utk domestik yg mcm i fly 2-3x seminggu. |
remos replied at 10-12-2017 03:28 AM
Betul tu.nothing really to neelofa's skill of business pun. Ape la yg nk dibandingkan naelofar dgn ...
Last agm kata ned dpt rm30k kan sebulan? Sbb they increase the fees from 25k kan? |
batman_2007 replied at 10-12-2017 12:45 PM
I pun fly dgn AA skrg sb tiket murah sikit dri yg lain. Dua tahun jgk la i tak fly dgn AA utk pene ...
I pilih airasia dalam keadaan tertentu, tengok destinasi dan masa. |
Dia tu x Stokist je :
I tak kisah diaorg nak mengutuk dah tu keja diaorg pagi ptg siang mlm tak move on leteww
Incanto replied at 10-12-2017 11:57 AM
aku kagum dgn tony punya business strategy bukan lofa's
tp aku dengar tony punya first choice w ...
If this rumour btl tu not surprisingly.
People can see how vivy punye pack of schedule. They really working very hard for fv. Last year fv's revenue cecah 42million. But still vivy said x untung byk. X tao la maybe byk sgt overhead cost kot.
For me personally, vivy more reflecting the word of "entreprenuer" rather neelofa. Both also famous.
Only followers on ig je vivy ketinggalan.
remos replied at 10-12-2017 12:59 PM
If this rumour btl tu not surprisingly.
People can see how vivy punye pack of schedule. They re ...
Vivy focus more on marketing her company, bringing in ideas for her company while lofa been marketing herself hard this year..she been appointed ned more like AA is buying herself..lofa market herself as an influencer to generasi social media, she equip herself with her 5.4mil followers, attend all the conference to complete her resume, promoting a lot of brands to prove she is sellable, have her army of voters so that she won all voting awards (hence the word influencer)...showing off her lavish lifestyle to kind of giving young people goals to follow..and so far her marketing works..cunning and maybe dirty but it works..
Next, future queen perhaps..fly high lofa..Tak pernah buy all the bullshit her so called Kampung fans thinking she's some kind of girl next door type..obviously she love herself most, and will do anything to be on top and having lots of people worship her..
Congrats!! |
harap lofa bawak idea baru kpd AA? naifnya lah acik2 kaki gosip takpernah baca busines section dlm sotkabar gamaknya, apatah lagi nak baca ayat2 standard yg syarikat hantar ke bskl tiap kali lantik pengarah bebas bukan eksekutif baru
Engkau orang duk tak suka dia berturban biar la dia berturban, dia akan berturban bila nak fefeling korporat lah!  |
ok apa AA lantik hajjah, dia secara umumnya punya imej yg positif di mata masarakat umum, cantik, bijak, berjaya, pakai tudunggggggg... mmg macam gula dihurung semut2 ie syarikat2 yg nak tumpang aura positif itu
cuma kita2 acik2 gosip ni ajer yg sebok nak kelebek hat2 busuk kohong hajjah dan keluarga
tapi bagi masarakat umum di luar sana, imej hajjah baik2 saja, biasalah masarakat mmg mudah terpedaya dgn retis imej gud-gud nih
takkan AA nak lantik sampah sarap mcm boy iman, rani kulup, sajat kut jadi pengarah |
remos replied at 10-12-2017 11:28 AM
Betul tu.nothing really to neelofa's skill of business pun. Ape la yg nk dibandingkan naelofar dgn ...
Sape yang pernah kerja dgn or kaji karier tony akan tahu dia prefer org yg bkn kaki angguk. Cth bila dia pilih ahli politik as independent director, dia pilih tan sri rafidah aziz, iaitu iron lady.
So bila tony fernandez kata neelofa young, smart, entrepreneurial, and a dreamer like us. Dia expect neelofa to live up to it and hargai apa neelofa bring to the table. |
Lopa bab2 keje mmg i rasa dia woooow.....tp bdg lakonan...pengacara....tk brp nak wow lgi...kalau nk bergiat lgi dlm bdg tersebut kena terus gilap bakat yg ada n kena gali lg ilmu.....berlakon kena pandai main perasaan...pengacara kena ckp biar jelas....n jgn nmpk blur n ego ye...study sket p topik yg u kena interview....ini pendpt i lah kalau lopak nk krgkan haters... |
remos replied at 9-12-2017 09:01 PM
Its still rule of sc. Sc has set new regulation of board member composition. More to fit the "quot ...
Rule tu cth kena submit annual report. Kalau tak submit ada tindakan berkenaan
diverse background tu lebih pd recommendations. Tade tindakan kalau x follow mcm belambak public companies punya BOD. Setakat explain dlm annual report je |
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