Reply #1880 masarju's post
Yassin where is he now..... |
now is time for breakfast |
breakfast with family or friend |
friend should undertand what's friendship |
friendship for ever and ever |
ever since i was little .. |
little mermaid cartoon tv series |
series of numbers on tickets |
ticket to watching new movie |
movie at the theater only |
Originally posted by ctmufizano at 24-4-2007 09:22 AM
ticket to watching new movie
correction :
to watch bukannya to watching...
> selepas perkataan to tiada penambahan ing atau ed (past tense)
sekian, utk pengetahun kita bersama...  |
Originally posted by ctmufizano at 24-4-2007 09:24 AM
only for you and me
me and my beloved mama |
Originally posted by ctmufizano at 24-4-2007 09:28 AM
ff: mekacih...
sama2..........jom sambung... |
Originally posted by Kopi-Topi at 24-4-2007 09:27 AM
me and my beloved mama
mama and me went shopping |
Originally posted by kraprz at 24-4-2007 09:43 AM
mama and me went shopping
Shopping with your mama only? |
only because we are close |
close the door behind you |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara