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Flat Earth org kristian
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Flat Earth
Like This Page · 20 April · Edited ·

When people heard the word ''Flat Earth or Earth is Flat'', they immediately think the earth look like the 2 picture above and they judge quickly without knowing the truth. The earth is not a disk floating thru space or holding by some elephant standing on a big turtle swimming peacefully through space while the see is falling off the edge. No! This is a foolish and stupid thought.
The earth is actually an enclosed realm kingdom, we are surrounded by an ice-wall and we've known it as Antarctica where the seas (ocean) stops by there. You can't fall off the edge or take any picture because the edge of the earth is the Firmament, we can go to Antarctica but we are not authorized to go to the edge of Antarctica, only for few scientist approved by the Government (Research more on Antarctica Treaty). The end of the earth and the edge of the inner space is actually the Firmament (Dome), and the Firmament is covered with water. The Kingdom of God is just above the water.
Stars are light (luminaire) and small, so is the planet. Each star is different to one another, the planets and the zodiac are a special light that God made, this is the reason why people think that the planet is a sphere while they looking thru a telescope. The sun is small, local and close. The moon is self-luminous light and is opposite light of the sun. The sun, moon, and stars are inside the firmament (dome) revolved the earth. There is light in the celestial body (firmament).
There are many things is hidden and to discovered in our world, but satan the devil doesn't want us to know or discovered the truth because the truth will reveal the true creation of God and many people would believe in the Creator. Because of the big-bang, heliocentric, evolution, gravity, alien and many other deceptions is the reason why we see many atheists today. Satan the devils is lying to indoctrinate and manipulate our mind just to turn away from our Heavenly Father.
We are so incredibly indoctrinated and manipulated by satan through pseudo-science books and programs, mass media and public education, universities and government propaganda; the world has been so systematically brain-washed, slowly indoctrinated over centuries into the unquestioning belief of the greatest lie of all time ... ?type=3&theater

Flat Earth theory comes from Ancient Egypt - probably when the Jews were still part of the Egyptian community.
The Egyptians believed that two gods named Geb (male) and Nut (female) makes up the Sky and Earth and where one. The Earth was created when Nut separed herself from her husband and held herself upward, forming the dorm of the sky. Every night, they will come together to embrace.
The Old Testament borrowed heavily on the belief system of the Old Egypt just as the New Testament borrowed heavily from Roman belief system. Flat earth is a common belief in both cultures and that is why it had made it into the New and Old Testament respectively. |
ini sudah cukup utk membuktikan kitab2 mereka ditulis oleh manusia2 yg jahil dan sudah pasti bukan dari tohan 
Or that the Commandments from God consists ONLY around Ten Commandments and everything else was added by its followers later in order to create their own culture and heritage.
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