Lepasan SPM ? STPM atau tiada Diploma masih boleh sambung belajar dan dapatkan Master + Degree di Universiti.
Tawaran Biasiswa 100%
A lot of companies will require MQA recognizations certificate,
Can come and get free advise with me for fully MQA certificate place for study and the scholarship that you can apply.
I can also recommend free part time job for my student for those taking part time study programme.
*Free MBA for BBA (scholarship) and a lot more great opportunity i can suggest.
*Free Hostel selama 2 tahun
*Free Token Makanan 3 tahun
*Rebate fees & Biasiswa lebih dari 10,000
*Internship placement by University
*Programe Intership di oversea wajib untuk pelajar Vatel France
*Peluang bekerja sebagai Manager selepas tamat belajar
*Program untuk belajar sambil bekerja