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UAE announces relaxing of Islamic laws for personal freedoms
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DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The United Arab Emirates announced on Saturday a major overhaul of the country’s Islamic personal laws, allowing unmarried couples to cohabitate, loosening alcohol restrictions and criminalizing so-called “honor killings.”
The broadening of personal freedoms reflects the changing profile of a country that has sought to bill itself as a Westernized destination for tourists, fortune-seekers and businesses despite its Islamic legal code that has previously triggered court cases against foreigners and outrage in their home countries.
The reforms aim to boost the country’s economic and social standing and “consolidate the UAE’s principles of tolerance,” state-run WAM news agency reported.
The announcement follows a historic U.S.-brokered deal to normalize relations between the UAE and Israel, which is expected to bring an influx of Israeli tourists and investment.
The changes also reflect the efforts of the Emirates’ rulers to keep pace with a rapidly changing society at home.
“I could not be happier for these new laws that are progressive and proactive,” said Emirati filmmaker Abdallah Al Kaabi, whose art has tackled taboo topics like homosexual love and gender identity.
“2020 has been a tough and transformative year for the UAE,” he added.
Changes include scrapping penalties for alcohol consumption, sales and possession for those 21 and over. The government decrees behind the changes were announced on WAM and detailed in state-linked newspaper The National, which said they would take immediate effect.
Although liquor and beer is widely available in bars and clubs in the UAE’s luxuriant coastal cities, individuals previously needed a government-issued license to purchase, transport or have alcohol in their homes. The new rule would apparently allow Muslims who have been barred from obtaining licenses to drink alcoholic beverages freely.
Another amendment allows for “cohabitation of unmarried couples,” which has long been a crime in the UAE. Authorities, especially in the more freewheeling financial hub of Dubai, often looked the other way when it came to foreigners, but the threat of punishment still lingered. Attempted suicide, forbidden in Islamic law, would also be decriminalized, The National reported.
In a move to better “protect women’s rights,” the government said it also decided to get rid of laws defending “honor crimes,” a widely criticized tribal custom in which a male relative may evade prosecution for assaulting a woman seen as dishonoring a family. The punishment for a crime committed to eradicate a woman’s “shame,” for promiscuity or disobeying religious and cultural strictures, will now be the same for any other kind of assault. ... c77c7beb72e4f51a23a
Syukur Alhamdulillah Pak Ereb mula keluar dari kehidupan dalam gua
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Kat Malaysia.....semakin kuat Arabisation. Semua kena berkiblat ke Arab. Cakap Arab, amal budaya Arab..... kalau tak Arab tak Muslim konon, kepala hangguk dia.
Kat negara Arab (cakap Arab, budaya Arab,
agama yang asalnya Arab) ....semakin kuat Westernization dia. Hidup ala Barat, go to hell with Arab culture. Hypocrite
Jadi fikir-fikirkan lah. |
Senanglah orang Saudi nak berjimba tak perlu pergi negara kapir europe. Bahasa pun sama. Makanan halal pun senang dapat. |
Masyallaa................: |
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Post time 7-11-2020 11:46 PM
From the mobile phone
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perubahan sebegini ambil masa sekurangnya satu generasi kedepan utk nampak impak dan kesan sebenar dlm membentuk psyche/norms masyarakat. human dignity, respect for individual, secularism, freedom of choice akan terbentuk dlm society as result of natural progression bila ada dasar yg betul dlm perundangan negara.
tapi dengan hanya satu langkah kebelakang, berabad lama utk keluar dari kemelut yg jadi seropa apa yg melanda ummah melayu masakini. sedar tak sedar melayu pakai jubah mengalah kan pak ereb duduk di padang pasir. bunting ceramah lobai mengalahkan poster ahlong sangkut tiap penjuru jalan. budak sekolah rendah cekap hafal doa sebelum pandai hafal sifir math. malas belajar sains, musim covid lobai sama abah doa siang malam dlm tv. |
Sekalipun Arab nak jadi Western atau lebih liberal, selagi Iran dan Pakistan masih radikal, semangat "political Islam" di Malaysia dan Indon tetap tak akan berkurang.
Byk golongan taksub kita berkiblat / dapat inspirasi dari Pakistan / india ( contoh mudah Zakir Naik yg dipuja2, dia kutuk agama orang ok, org kutuk agama dia x bole ).... |
brownstone replied at 7-11-2020 11:53 PM
Sekalipun Arab nak jadi Western atau lebih liberal, selagi Iran dan Pakistan masih radikal, semangat ...
Boleh bagi bukti video yg Zakir Naik
menghina Agama lain seperti tuduhan ko tu. |
Thread utk senangkan hati kapir2 ke? Enjoy guys sebelum rot in hell... cheers |
Something is wrong with your thinking
Kalo a person cenderung kat ugama dia , does not mean dia akan automatically tinggalkan 'keduniaan' dia
Ramai orang 'religious' & are successful in life holding good positions in their organisations
Kita ambil satu contoh ko , consumption of alcohol - pasal apa ko mati2 klaim kalo liberalise the consumption of alcohol bermakna 'keluar dari gua'?
Tak lau lah dengan ko , apa benefit vs drawback of alcohol consumption?
Jangan pulak bebel pasal 'individual rights' ... kalo macam tu why stop at alcohol?
Wajib sebab ada manufacturing defect ka Foreskin? Prrrrrrrrrrrrrpffffftght,P
Macamana buleh silap? hahahahaha
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