org baru nak cuba2 recipe yg guna cheese...so semalam gi shopping le kat giant
nak cari mozarella dan parmesan cheese...pastu org tgk ada cheese yg ada tanda
halal...ada yg takde..yg frust tu..cheese yg org nak cari tu takde tanda halal so
cam was2 je nak beli..so...sape2 forumers kat sini boleh kasi guide nak beli
cheese pada saya yg baru nak belajo masak ni..tq
[ Last edited by Kacip_Fatimah at 20-3-2007 10:22 AM ] |
Ya ada cheese yang halal ada yang tak halal .. saya pernah baca info dia dlm internet (oh no no saya pernah pinjam buku mengenai cheese dari Library) tapi sekarang saya tak ingat .. haram tu sebab dia campur lemak khinzir, dkt US ada senarai cheese yang orang Islam tak boleh makan .. nanti saya cari balik list tu. Kalau jumpa saya paste dkt sini kalau tak jumpa kena tunggu hari Sabtu utk saya bagi more infor (kena pergi cari dkt Library)
Dar |
bagus tu Dar, saling mengingati kita |
Originally posted by taxotere at 12-10-2004 13:27:
org baru nak cuba2 recipe yg guna cheese...so semalam gi shopping le kat giant
nak cari mozarella dan parmesan cheese...pastu org tgk ada cheese yg ada tanda
halal...ada yg takde..yg frust t ...
taxotere...memang betul banyak cheese yg didapati di msia dan spore susah nak dapat yg ada tanda halal.
to harden and curddle the cheese memerlukan rennet dan live enzyme. bahan 2 ni lah yg dikhuatiri sumbernya.
tapi ada juga cheese yg menggunakan non-animal rennet atau halal rennet (didapati dari haiwan yg disembelih secara Islam). so look out for these when buying cheese.
kebanyakkan cheese mozarella dan cheddar (selalunya keluaran australia) menggunakan non-animal rennet. ada juga feta, haloumi dan goat cheese khas utk vegetarian - ni memang selamat kita gunakan.
up till now, syah masa belum jumpa parmesan yg boleh dianggap halal utk kita. so banyak recipe cheese yg syah gantikan dgn cheddar, feta dan mozarella sajer. atau gunakan mature cheddar for a sharper, richer taste. |
Okay saya dah pinjam buku mengenai cheese .. nanti saya tulis ya  |
kak liza terbaca mengenai keju dalam web JAKIM...
Keju Sebagai Bahan Makanan
Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kali Ke 27 pada 3 Oktober 1990 telah memutuskan :
" Keju sebagai bahan makanan adalah harus sama ada enzim yang digunakan sebagai bahan campuran dalam pembuatan keju itu diperolehi daripada tumbuhan atau kulat atau binatang yang halal dan disembelih'
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RasaCinta This user has been deleted
aku masak pakai cheddar cheese jek...tak pun kraft singles tu arrrr.. easy to get n taste wonderful :lol |
Originally posted by RasaCinta at 2004-11-16 07:59 PM:
aku masak pakai cheddar cheese jek...tak pun kraft singles tu arrrr.. easy to get n taste wonderful :lol
My reply:-
Jarang sekali makan cheese kecuali ingin sgt nak makan. Selalu beli yg brand Kraft tu sebab memang very tasty. Sedap makan dgn buah epal hijau & buat nasi goreng. |
O believers ! Eat of the good things that We have provided you with and give thanks to Allah.
(2: 172)
Though thorough research has gone into producing this guideline, it is by no means complete and only covers the common products as it is very difficult to obtain exactly the listing of halal and haram ingredients present in all products. Also, companies are constantly changing their product ingredients and Muslims should always be aware that what is originally certified halal might in the future be haram and vice versa. Due to aggressive campaigning by The Vegetarian Society, UK, most products now display their symbol 慡uitable For Vegetarians |
Cadbury抯 (Manor Bakeries)
Halal - Caramel Cake Bars, Caramel Cakes (Selection Pack), Caramel Mini Cake Bars, Chocolate Flake Cake, Chocolate Mini Rolls, Christmas Log, Christmas Pudding Cakes, Creamy White Buttons Cakes, Flake Cakes, Fry抯 Turkish Delight Cakes, Fudge Cakes, Jaffa Cubes, Milk Choc Mini Cake Bars, Milk Chocolate Cake Bars, Mini Swiss Gateaux, Mini Yule Logs, Orange Choc Roll, Orange Egg Cake, Rich Chocolate Roll, Snow Flake Cakes, Swiss Gateaux, Toffee Mini Rolls, Turkish Delight Mini Cake Bars.
Lyons Cake
Battenberg; Buttercream Sandwich; Carrot Corner House Cake; Chocolate |
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KP Foods Groups
Halal - 揘utsters |
Sesetengah product, walaupun tiada tanda bahan tidak halal, diperbuat dari hasil lembu yg tidak disembilih dgn halal. Contoh,Ferrero Rocher Chocolates |
PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Saya beli cheddar cheese slices yg ada tanda HALAL.
Brand : PRIDE
Produced by : United Food Industries Corp. Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Website : www.fresh.com.sa |
thasya This user has been deleted
try jenama Lemnos...keluaran ni menggunakan non-animal rennet.
boleh dibeli di cold storage klcc, bangsar, pj sect 14; hock choon, ampang sblh victoria station. not sure if giant dan carrefour also carry this brand. |
[quote]Processed foods contain food additives, regulated by the alphabet 慐 |
[quote]Originally posted by syeikh_solah at 19-8-2005 10:10 PM
OProcessed foods contain food additives, regulated by the alphabet 慐 |
E471 ni ada dibuat dr sumber haiwan dan tumbuhan..kat sini kalau makanan ada E471 mmg akak tak kan beli melainkan ada tulis suitable for vegetarian..sbb setengah tu walau ada E471 tapi suitable for vegetarian...
[ Last edited by NoorMasri at 24-8-2005 10:29 PM ] |
Originally posted by NoorMasri at 24-8-2005 10:27 PM
E471 ni ada dibuat dr sumber haiwan dan tumbuhan..kat sini kalau makanan ada E471 mmg akak tak kan beli melainkan ada tulis suitable for vegetarian..sbb setengah tu walau ada E471 tap ...
Kalau yg E-471 or E472 yg halal ada ditulis ditepinya (soya lechitin)
Kat sini OK kan K.Noor sbb dia bagitau detail info kandungan sebarang emulsifier or presev. Kat Mesia mana ada....ada sesetengah tu langsung takde tulis apa2...coz dah dipacking semula kecik2 oleh tuan kedai ... |
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