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Post time 25-3-2004 08:47 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
weii kawan2......

wa sedih ah.

korang baca paper tak?

ada satu amoi ni dah terjun bunuh diri dari tingkat 25 ngan baby dia dua orang. Siap ngan ikat tangan supaya tak terlepas..

Abis...lagi wa sedih, baby girl dia yang umur 2 tahun kot, masih hidup ah bila orang ramai datang... siksa eh....

lepas tu aku tengok kat internet punya news footage...kesian ah masa dorang tunjuk body budak2 kecik tu kena bawak pergi.

ni dia dari cut and paste sokkabar melayu

Singapura : 25 Mac 2004   
Farid Hamzah

SEORANG wanita dan dua kanak-kanak perempuan ditemui mati, dipercayai jatuh dari tingkat 25, di sebuah blok di Chin Swee Road semalam.

Pergelangan tangan kedua-dua budak perempuan itu, yang berusia antara satu dengan dua tahun, dikatakan diikat pada setiap belah pergelangan tangan wanita yang dipercayai keturunan Cina itu.

Polis sedang menyiasat kemungkinan wanita berusia antara lewat 20-an dengan awal 30-an tahun itu menggunakan sebuah meja untuk memanjat parapet di luar koridor di Blok 53 itu sebelum jatuh ke bawah.

Semasa dihubungi, jurucakap polis berkata identiti wanita dan kedua-dua kanak-kanak itu serta hubungan mereka belum dipastikan.

Menurut beliau, wanita itu memakai ceongsam hitam, manakala kedua-dua kanak-kanak itu memakai gaun biru.

Wanita itu disahkan meninggal dunia sekitar 11.50 pagi, sementara dua kanak-kanak itu lima minit kemudian.

Seorang penghuni di tingkat 25 blok itu yang ingin dikenali hanya sebagai Encik Ng berkata beliau melihat ketiga-tiga mayat bergelimpangan selepas mendengar kekecohan di sekitar bloknya itu.

'Saya tidak pernah melihat mereka di blok ini. Mungkin mereka orang luar. Setahu saya, meja itu biasanya berada dekat koridor dan bukan di luar parapet,' kata pesara itu.

Polis menyifatkan kes tersebut sebagai kematian luar biasa dan sedang menyiasat.

Ni dari version straits times pulak

Mum, two kids in 25-storey death fall
Children tied to woman at wrists with red string

By K. C. Vijayan

A MOTHER and two toddlers, bound by red string to her wrists, were found dead at the foot of a block of flats yesterday morning.

The deaths occurred some time after 11am at Block 53, Chin Swee Road, when the 34-year-old unemployed Singaporean woman, dressed in a black cheongsam, went up to the 25th floor with her two daughters, aged one and two.

The police found a knee-high wooden table there, which the woman is believed to have used to climb over the concrete parapet for the deadly plunge.

The table belonged to a resident on the far corner of the floor, who had placed a flower pot on it outside his flat.

The owner, who gave his name as Mr Ng, said he did not notice anything amiss when he returned to his flat at about 11am, and did not hear of the deaths until the police knocked on his door more than an hour later.

People living in the area did not hear any screams during the fall, but some heard a loud thud as the bodies landed on the grass verge encircling the block.

Paramedics, who arrived shortly after, pronounced the mother dead at 11.50am, and the two children, one in a dark blue dress and the other in a light blue one, within 10 minutes of each other.

A 43-year-old office worker, who said he saw the bodies before the police arrived, claimed there was a message strung around the dead woman's neck, reading: 'Please call my husband' with a mobile phone number written next to it.

The man, who did not want to be identified, also said the elder girl appeared to be breathing soon after the fall but was lifeless by the time police arrived.

Stunned residents said that the woman did not live in the area, adding that most of the home owners on the upper floors of the 26-storey block were old folk with grown-up children.

A 20-year-old computer studies student, who lives on the eighth floor, said the deaths were a brutal way to mark his birthday.

The China national said he was horrified when he looked out of the window and saw the three bodies directly below.

'I am trying hard to forget this as quickly as possible,' he said, looking very troubled.

Though the police did not disclose the identity of the woman, it is understood they have notified her husband.

They have classified the case as unnatural deaths for the present and are investigating, said spokesman Siow Cheng Cheng.

sapa nak tengok news footage dia, pegi kat sini,3459,,00.html?

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2004 08:55 PM | Show all posts
so ni wa baru lepas buat search kat internet ah....

pasal wa memang ada dengar a few suicide cases terjadi kat Spore baru2 ni yang libatkan pelajar2 tapi tak masuk paper omputeh atau paper Melayu..

so ni yang wa jumpa ...

dari sammyboy punya porum -

From:  SaddamHussain (ilicu)   6-Mar 06:28  
To:  ALL   1 of 169  


according to Ch U news, a Sec 3 15 year old boy committed suicide by leaping off a hdb block because he was in love with a female classmate but was found out by the teacher and pricipal. the principal summoned his parents to school.
wonder why the teacher and principal have nothing better to do than to interfere in who is seeing who in class or outside school. I really hope that the teacher responsible will be traumatized mentally and emotionally for the rest of his/her life for being such a idiot.

From:  laalaaland   6-Mar 21:37  
To:  SuperHeatedSteam (spurgears)   30 of 169  

  43104.30 in reply to 43104.12  

the news reported that the boy jumped from 6th floor and his gal was screaming from downstairs telling him not to jump. i guess the gal must be super traumatised by now.

kesian ah, baru sec 3, umur 15 tahun kot, fikiran belum matang ah.. ni mesti tak tahan malu atau takut habis ah...
Atau mungkin principal atau cikgu dia over react kot.

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2004 09:03 PM | Show all posts
ni lagi satu tapi budak pompuan pulak

From:  Serenditpity   19-Mar 00:25  
To:  ALL   1 of 65  


On Feb 12th a Sec 4 girl from Cedar Girls school apparently committed suicide.
The Principal of the school made the announcement and urged the students not to report the matter to anyone since police investigations were underway. After more than a month, the Principal has kept mum on the issue. Some of the students who are friends of the victim are still in a state of shock.

While exact details for the reasons of the suicide is not known, it seems to be that the girl was embarassed publicly by her teacher over a trivial stealing incident. She felt humiliated that it was being reported and that a small mischief which she and her friends planned went out of control.

The news agencies (Straits Times News desk) was informed about this but they demanded that they can investigate this news only if I gave them a signed email informing them of the news.

I am outraged should that be true. Apparently the news agencies dont want to report such things..rather they have been strictly warned to downplay such news.

pasal henpon je? kesian betul ah budak sekarang....

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2004 09:08 PM | Show all posts
tahun 2002 kot, aku ada satu kawan amoi ah.

So lepas tu dia kahwin ah.....

lepas tu hubby dia ada mental sikit kot....

pun suicide jugak... terjun flat.

kesian ah...ada baby lagik.

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Post time 25-3-2004 09:09 PM | Show all posts

Deaf wa harap pompuan ni tiada kaitan ngan pompuan yang terjerit-jerit kat ngan blok lu ari tu....

Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2004-3-25 08:47 PM:
weii kawan2......

wa sedih ah.

korang baca paper tak?

ada satu amoi ni dah terjun bunuh diri dari tingkat 25 ngan baby dia dua orang. Siap ngan ikat tangan supaya tak terlepas. ...

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2004 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sutera_abadi at 25-3-2004 09:09 PM:

Deaf wa harap pompuan ni tiada kaitan ngan pompuan yang terjerit-jerit kat ngan blok lu ari tu....

tak ah...tu jerit2 histeria je.....   cuma sakit kepala, sakit tekak ngan malu ngan jiran2 je...

tapi yang ni, terjun ah.... ko tahu la.....tingkat 25 lagi...aku tak boleh imagine ah...

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Post time 26-3-2004 06:29 AM | Show all posts
cakap pasal commit suicide ni...haritu ada jugak dgr news yg kat tmpt keje myra ada satu pompuan ni bunuh diri pasal work stress....ish...kesian eh.....:cf:

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 26-3-2004 08:24 AM | Show all posts
first time see orang terjun commit suicide kat jurong,went to my school mate punya rumah,while talking,heard a loud thud.......then you dear orang terpekik kat luar....matz pun went out....matz saw this man ...badan dia masih terketar2...ada small boy (can't remember the gender)...still breathing...takut jugak....all the while tinggal kat low building,tak pernah see this things..orang cakap jangan tengok....nanti kena badi....matz pun masok balik rumah my friend.
matz punya friend is NS police,dia kata kadang2 the victim punya brain  splash terkeluar......yuks ngeri

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Post time 26-3-2004 09:40 AM | Show all posts


time sekolah menengah ader seorang kawan terjun diri dari tingkat tiga
melayu, male..
sedih ah... bukan dia yang nak terjun.....tapi aku dengar dari kawan klas yang
dia ni ader macam bender jahat dalam badan dia@rasuk yang buat dia camtu...
kawan aku cakap mak dia lupa nak awasi dia time tu...

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Post time 26-3-2004 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 25-3-2004 08:47 PM:
weii kawan2......

wa sedih ah.

korang baca paper tak?

ada satu amoi ni dah terjun bunuh diri dari tingkat 25 ngan baby dia dua orang. Siap ngan ikat tangan supaya tak terlepas. ...

Chic belum baca paper hari ni tapi Chic dengar radio tadi diorang kata pompan ni baru dapat tau dia dapat cancer. Sebelum dia terjun tu apparently dia ada call hubby dia bilang dia tak nak bebankan keluarga dia. Tapi tak munasabah kan ko terjun dengan anak2 kau. Kau nak mati, matilah sorang. Chic tak kesian kan dia, Chic kesiankan anak2 dia yang dua orang tu. They didn't have their say....jap Chic nak nangis ni....:cry:

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Post time 26-3-2004 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Apa perasaan laki dia eh Matz eh....sebak dada fikirkan....:cry:

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Post time 26-3-2004 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Chic....  sut pon blom baca sokkabar ari ni jugak ....

tapi my fren cakap....  
sokkabar kata, derang tinggal kat Thai & laki pompuan owang French...

so.... my fren nyer andaian, mesti laki dia dah kena ngan pompuan Thai sampai lupa bini dia, sooo .... sebab tu bini dia bunuh diri ngan anak-anak dia skali....


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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 26-3-2004 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 26-3-2004 10:22 AM:
Apa perasaan laki dia eh Matz eh....sebak dada fikirkan....:cry:

matz pulak...kalau budak pergi tidor rumah nenek,matz dah rindu abis.matz very loving dad,tak tau nak marah2 kat rumah...kat rumah pun tak ada rotan.
there's no words to describe his sorrow......barang yang kita punyai semua
bagaikan pinjaman...tuhan nak ambik, kita tak boleh buat apa....i dare not think of that.....

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Post time 26-3-2004 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 26-3-2004 10:30 AM:

matz pulak...kalau budak pergi tidor rumah nenek,matz dah rindu abis.matz very loving dad,tak tau nak marah2 kat rumah...kat rumah pun tak ada rotan.
there's no words to describe his sorrow. ...

Your words made me think. Ada kah orang yang mati bunuh diri tu memang telah di takdirkan ajal nya begitu? Sedangkan agama kita melarang kita mengambil nyawa sendiri?

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Post time 26-3-2004 10:45 AM | Show all posts
This is from today's papers, couldn't control my tears....

MARCH 26, 2004
'I have cancer and I don't want to burden the family'
Madam Yap calls her husband in Thailand, says this, hangs up and then jumps, her two daughters tied to her with red string

By K. C. Vijayan and Tanya Fong

THE woman who jumped to her death along with her two daughters on Wednesday was suffering from cancer, and is believed to have been planning her death for some time.

Madam Yap Cheng Chui was believed to have had cancer of the womb, and had sought treatment at a Singapore hospital after flying here last Friday from Thailand, where she lived with her husband and their two children.

She probably found out about her disease while in Thailand, and it is likely that she flew here to commit suicide.

A note recovered by police from her hotel room indicated that she was depressed because of her illness.

Madam Yap, 34, a housewife, moved to Thailand from Singapore after marrying Mr Nicholas Oliver Prud'hon, 26, a French national of Vietnamese-Thai descent, about five years ago.

He taught French at a school for gifted children, and the couple had two girls, Kathleen, three, and Calista, two.

But while in Singapore, she behaved normally and did not seem troubled, said staff at the Hotel 81 in Chinatown, where she stayed with her girls while here.

She was always well-dressed in cheongsams, and left the hotel at about 10 each morning with her daughters.

Staff said she was also very courteous, and greeted them each day. Her daughters were polite, they added, and always said thank you when plied with sweets.

But on Wednesday, Madam Yap picked out Block 53 in Chin Swee Road - a stone's throw from the hotel - apparently because it was the tallest building in her line of sight from the hotel, left her room, and never came back.

Shortly after leaving the room, at about 11am, she called her husband in Thailand and gave him an indication of what was to come.

In a phone call, she told him: 'I have cancer and I don't want to burden the family. That's why I'm going.'

Her call set off a panic. Mr Prud'hon tried calling her back a few times, but got no response.

He then called his in-laws, who were in Thailand.

All three made futile attempts to contact her, and finally decided to catch the first available flight here.

But it was too late.

While they were trying to call her, Madam Yap went to the 25th floor of the 26-storey block, pushed a table against the parapet, tied her daughters' wrists to hers with red string, and jumped.

Her husband and parents only found out what happened when they arrived in Singapore late on Wednesday, and police gave them the grim news.

The shock discovery told on them at the morgue yesterday morning.

Both Mr Prud'hon and his mother-in-law came close to collapsing when the bodies of Madam Yap and the two toddlers were released, and sobbed uncontrollably throughout.

At the funeral service at Mount Vernon Crematorium yesterday afternoon, Mr Prud'hon tried to clamber into his wife's coffin, while screaming out her name.

Reflecting the rushed nature of the proceedings, the service was kept simple and brief, and there were no wreaths or photographs fronting the coffins.

Madam Yap's mother was similarly grief-stricken.

At the funeral, she cried loudly throughout, and cradled her dead daughter's face and planted kisses on her cheeks. She also pressed her teary cheeks against her grandchildren's coffins and wailed loudly.

As his wife's coffin was being closed to be brought to the incineration furnace, relatives had to restrain Mr Prud'hon, who reached into the casket and held onto her.

Meanwhile, Madam Yap's mother wailed in Cantonese: 'Why are you so stupid? Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how sad you have made me?'

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Post time 26-3-2004 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Here's one more...

MARCH 26, 2004
'Red string' death plunge
Their final days

Didn't tell family whereabouts
Checked into a hotel
Mum took girls shopping
By Tanya Fong and K.C. Vijayan

WHEN Madam Yap Cheng Chui, 34, checked into a hotel last Friday, she probably had suicide on her mind.

Her actions from the time she arrived here from Thailand seemed to suggest that.

For instance, she checked into a hotel, instead of going to her parents' home in Pasir Ris, as she usually did when in town.

She also gave the Hotel 81 in Chinatown, where she stayed with her two children, Kathleen, three, and Calista, two, exact notice of how long she planned to stay - till yesterday, she said, and paid in advance.

There was another reason she did not go and stay with her parents: She had planned for them to be out of town. A few weeks before her death, she invited them to Thailand, and made arrangements for them to arrive in the country on Sunday.

But when they got there, she was already in Singapore.

Her parents checked into a hotel, and did not suspect anything because they thought her whole family had gone for a short holiday and would be back soon.

Said her mother: 'Ah Mei told me she had flown to Hong Kong for a short holiday and would be back in a few days.

'I did not think anything was wrong as her family travels very frequently.'

Even her husband, Mr Nicholas Oliver Prud'hon, 26, a French national of Vietnamese-Thai descent who teaches French in a gifted school in Thailand, did not seem to know that his in-laws were in town.

It is not known what his wife told him when she left town with their children.

Something else was unusual about the visit to Thailand: In the five years since Madam Yap married her husband in 1999 and moved there, her parents never visited them.

The last time Madam Yap's mother saw her was when she and her husband brought their two daughters to see her shortly after the Chinese New Year this year.

Said her mother, who only wanted to be known as Mrs Yap: 'She arranged for us to go to Thailand for 10 days (till March 31).'

As the picture of Madam Yap's movements began to emerge yesterday, it was clear she had something planned.

But no one had any idea.

The manager of Hotel 81, Mr Ong Swee Leong, said there was only one thing unusual about her: She did not make any calls out, and there were no phone calls for her, either.

To the hotel staff, the people who saw her most in the last few days of her life, Madam Yap was like any other guest, except for her two young children.

They were a big hit with the staff, and workers there were visibly upset yesterday.

Said Mr Ong: 'She was very normal. She did not talk very much, and only spoke to the hotel staff when she went out before lunch and needed them to make up her room.

'The girls were very lively and seemed very happy.

'She even went shopping with them.

'We saw her coming in with the kids carrying shopping bags.'

On the morning of her death, Madam Yap dressed up in a cheongsam, as she had during the last three days she had stayed there.

And she left the hotel just before 11am, like clockwork.

Mr Ong caught up with them as they left.

He said: 'I even gave sweets to the two girls, and she told them to say thank you, and goodbye.'

That was the last he saw of them.

Barely an hour later, Madam Yap and her two girls were found at the foot of Block 53 in Chin Swee Road.

Said her mother at the mortuary yesterday morning: 'The family has always travelled together since Kathleen was a baby. And both girls are very attached to their mother.

'She probably took them both with them because she could not bear to leave them behind.'

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 26-3-2004 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 26-3-2004 10:39 AM:

Your words made me think. Ada kah orang yang mati bunuh diri tu memang telah di takdirkan ajal nya begitu? Sedangkan agama kita melarang kita mengambil nyawa sendiri?

kadang2 ada orang terjun tapi tak mati.....tapi kalau hidup paralysed neck down....apalah nasib.....worst than death...

can anyone correct me:

pantang ajal sabelum maut atau pantang maut sabelum ajal   .....

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2004 06:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dak_angelz at 26-3-2004 01:00 PM:
..kesiannya ..agaknya dia ni caught in a very  serious deep depression...:kant::kant:

Dak angelz...ko cakap pasal depression kan....

memang ah , ada lagi satu ex colleague aku ( aku ni cam ada related ngan banyak kes suicide la )

dia punya wife baru give birth, terus kena post natal blues...

terus terjun flat mati...   jadi sekarang tinggal ex colleague aku ngan baby dia dua orang je...

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2004 06:43 PM | Show all posts
ni dari straits times cakap pasal depression mungkin salah satu sebab...

The strings were still attached when the bodies of Madam Yap Cheng Chui, 34, and daughters Kathleen, three, and Calista, two, were found at Block 53, Chin Swee Road. -- LIANHE ZAOBAO

Doc: It probably wasn't impulsive act
By Salma Khalik

THE 34-year-old woman, who fell to her death on Wednesday with her two toddlers, did not do it on impulse, said consultant psychiatrist Adrian Wang.

Such a decision would have been building up over some time, said the head of the Mood and Anxiety Clinic at the Institute of Mental Health.

He speculated that Madam Yap Cheng Chui could have been suffering from post-natal blues after the birth of her second daughter, Calista, who was two. The older child, Kathleen, was aged three.

Such depression affects 13 per cent of mothers and starts two to three months after delivery. It could last a year.

According to Associate Professor Elizabeth Nair, a psychology lecturer at the National University of Singapore, women stricken with post-natal depression are 'very good candidates for suicide'.

The strain of meeting the extremely demanding needs of such young children can be overwhelming if she were the only caregiver, Prof Nair added. Dr Wang suggested that she could have felt defeated also by her womb cancer.

Other factors like the inability to cope with living in another country could add up. Madam Yap, a Singaporean housewife, had lived in Thailand for many years.

Depression is caused by a neurochemical imbalance in the brain, which can be corrected with medication. For those who are less severely depressed, counselling or just talking it over with someone could help, said Dr Wang.

Women are twice as likely to suffer depression in their lifetime - 5-10 per cent compared to 3-5 per cent of men.

There are two 'peak' depression ages. From the mid-20s to late-30s, the 'depression gene' in people genetically predisposed starts to work and, on top of that, their external stress is at its worst - from work, relationships and starting a family.

The other peak is among people in their 60s and 70s. 'They are getting old, have stopped work, their friends are dying, and even the maid doesn't listen to them any more,' said Dr Wang.

A shocking 15 per cent of depressed people succeed in killing themselves. Madam Yap had her two daughters tied to her wrists with red string when she killed herself. Why?

Explained Dr Wang: 'She might have thought, 'If I die, there will be nobody to take care of my children. There will be no one to love them. They will be a burden on the family. My poor children. They might as well go with me'.' He stressed repeatedly that with depressed people, 'their thinking is distorted'.

In the three cases last year of parents who killed their children before killing themselves, at least two were known to be in depression. -- Additional reporting by Wong Sher Maine

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2004 06:46 PM | Show all posts
korang ingat last year, ada LTA engineer yang stress kan...

dia balik rumah time lunch, dia cekik anak lelaki dia primary school sampai mati...

lepas tu pegi Yishun pun terjun flat jugak..

Kesian ah, bini dia ialah lecturer kat ITE..

Lepas tu ada lagi satu kes, yang tak banyak orang tahu jugak...

kat Sengkang tahun 2001 ke 2002,  ada couple budak2 melayu, umur tak salah less than 20 years. terjun flat kat Sengkang sama2 pasal family tak kasi dorang kawan or something like that.

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