Sape2 leh tlong aku...pc aku jadi giler..memula dia hang pastu terus jadi cam dlm gambar nie..
pastu aku restart..and kuar lak msg cam nie..
aku dah pening n tak tau ape prob die..aku dah 2 kali format..tapi stil jadi camni gak..
harap2 ade saper2 leh tolong aku..tq
[ Last edited by bzzts at 11-9-2006 10:53 AM ] |
En. Syakirin Jusoh....
Cuba tengok kat event viewer,kalau2 ada error log. Ada device yg gagal berfungsi tu.. mungkin GPU... |
itu cuma report aje. takde apa2 pun. just klik close button dan guna je pc tu cam biasa.
error reporting service ni mmg akan kuar alert tiap kali semasa/selepas pc kita poblem.
kalau repot tu berulang sampai ke ari ni, elok off kan aje error reporting service tu. |
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Agree with neo. Most probaly ko punya GPU ade problem, driver atau hardware. |
itu adalah virus!
kalo ko rajin cek kat dlm forum ni ada isu yg sama mcm nih...
seingat aku baca solution yg perlu dilakukan dlm prob ini ialah kene buat windows update...
roger out...:cak: |
ok..thanks..nanti aku try.. |
Reply #6 ultra78's post
pc-cilin ko takleh update kot. spyware tu dah block kan. biasanya dia buh script dekat hosts file.
aku rekemen ko install "arovax", refer bod antivirus/spyware. ada thread kat situ. |
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haaa... PC aku pon ada problem gak.. tiap2 kali aku on internet (guna wireless adapter) je kuar screen biru.. dia kate sys_win32k ape ntah.. camne ek. aku bwk p kedai diorg kate tukar m/board.. dah tukar abih duit sume jadik camtu gak.. xtau la nape.. sape2 leh tolong x.. huhuhu |
Originally posted by danae at 14-9-2006 09:48 PM
haaa... PC aku pon ada problem gak.. tiap2 kali aku on internet (guna wireless adapter) je kuar screen biru.. dia kate sys_win32k ape ntah.. camne ek. aku bwk p kedai diorg kate tukar m/board.. dah ...
mungkin driver wireless adapter tu tak elok kot. atau driver pcmcia controller yg kena reinstall balik. |
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pcmia tu ape.. huhu.. kalo driver xelok camne.. kne tukar adapter ke? sbbnya aku dh try byk kali uninstall pastu install balik.. sama je jugak.. pcmia tu nak reinstall camne.. heheh.. aku ni buta IT sket.. sory le..tlg hurai cket.. tolong ye.. ape2 pon thanks ek.. |
Run the BSOD Troubleshooter. Open the Settings app and go to Update & Security section.
Use a third-party BSoD fixer.
Make sure that Windows 10 and your drivers are up to date.
Update the Photo app.
Run the SFC scan.
Remove your antivirus software.
Perform chkdsk scan.
John |
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Run the BSOD Troubleshooter. Open the Settings app and go to the Update & Security section.
Use a third-party BSoD fixer.
Make sure that Windows 10 and your drivers are up to date.
Update the Photo app.
Run the SFC scan.
Remove your antivirus software.
Perform chkdsk scan.
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