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Post time 11-9-2006 05:39 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
---------------------Bzzzt Transmission!------------------------

BujangSempoi: So Dato'. Nampaknya Dato balik berapi-api nih! Dato kepanasan ker?

Bluesyworms: You bet! The country is heading for the dumps, and majority of Malaysians are still lulled by Siti and Dato K, Dato R-lah, all the unimportant things! Our society does not reflect as an intelligent society. We argue about mundane things. We read all those 'majalah picisan' like Mangga, URTV. We claim we love music, yet we support those who can only reach the highest note, though other pitching is bad. We argue like hell over the internet, yet in real life no one's dare lift a finger at the blatant corruption surrounding them! Terrible, terrible!

BujangSempoi: But Dato', tetiba panggil Malaysians stupid, tak keterlaluan ke Dato?

Bluesyworms: When Gandhi arive back in India, he travelled all over India to find out the coomon pro and cons Indian life's were at that time. And at the first Congress meeting, he didnt praise the Indians to get their support. He didnt talk about India's past glory days. He talk about how dirty the Indians were! How unhygenic their life is1 And he remind them this is how far the Indian mentality have reach compared to yesteryears. How they have suddenly become, in my own words, stupid! I see similar trend going on now in Malaysia. Clean public toilets? There are none! Men and women sama jer.Toilets are used by everyone. So race and religion is out of the question. Its the whole Malaysian. We cant even keep our toilets clean!

BujangSempoi: Mungkin Dato kita sedang melalui satu fasa perubahan. Yelah, globalisasi, PM sekarang Pak Lah. jadi tentu kehidupan Malaysian ada mengalami perubahan sedikit untuk adjust dengan keadaan semasa.

Bluesyworms: Doesnt matter perubahan tuh sikit atau banyak, tapi yang penting ia elok ke tidak? Ae all this changes good? I dont think so. Nearly all our newapapers are turning into tabloids. Never in my life i could imagine gossips could be in the font pages! I would like to read Chinese newspapers because i heard it is much more focus. Unfortunately i can't read Chinese! So i just have to be content with Singapore Strait Times and Internet News. As to tv programs, we have currently a lot, and i mean a lot of entertainment related programs. Bicara senilah, mentor lah, AFlah, jom heboh and so on. Nearly all took prime time slot! I....

BujangSempoi: Tapi Dato sendiri tengok rancangan ni semua. Maharaja Marsyal Yau minta banned, tapi Dato juga yang reject. Now Dato marah pulak?

Bluesyworms: You didnt let me finish my sentence. As i was saying, i dont mind having all this tabloids and entertainment programs, but other educational programs, newspapers and magazines have to exist as well. Take for example music magazine. If we go to any bookstore selling foreign music magazines, we'll notice there is a variety of it selling. We have tabloids, all the gossips etc, and we also have educational ones like Total guitar, Guitar World, Rythm, or Electronic Musician, all teaching musicians how to improve their skills according to the instrument they played. So you see, the choice we had balanced each other out. Now lets look at LOCAL music magazines. What do we find. Nearly 99% are tabloids, gossips and the like. Only ROTTW can be considered a little educational. Even then at times it have fallen to the gossips category. There's no balance here. Music wise, what are we trying to produce? A good musician or a good gossiper? Ini belum masuk music business. There are no local book or magazine that touch upon such issues.

BujangSempoi: Tapi Dato, mungkin tak ada kerana tiada demand? Takkan kita nak jual something yang tak laku?

Bluesyworms: Oh! bagus argument tuh! Sebab tuh kedai mamak penat penat import magazine Guitar World, Bass etc kan? Sebab dia tahu kat Malaysia tak laku, dia sanggup buang duit lagu tuh jer. Ye tak?


Bluesyworms: You yourself as a musician, surely you tahu betapa susahnya nak cari chordbook lagu malaysian. Last last kena guna ear jugak! Pergi MPH tengok, berlambak buku-buku chord lagu orang putih. Lagu kita? Ada ler dua tiga, itu pun sikit. I bet you, kalau SEARCH buat buku chord lagu-lagu dia, gerenti laku!

BujangSempoi: Memang laku Dato'. Orang fotostat, tak pun scan and upload kasi orang download! ahaks!

Bluesyworms: Corruption jangan cakaplah. Parent nowdays tell their children, 'concentrate study', get money, and everything will be fine. Rubbish! Eveything is not fine! Because if it is, we wont be having student taking 'perguruan' complaining about they can't get jobs. What is it with all these graduates? They believe that once they graduates, they terus dapat kerja cikgu? What kind of a mentality is that? Itu bukan subsidi ker? They can't teach tuition is it? They can't find job in private colleges is it? Semua nak kena suap jugak ker? Isnt that says something about malaysians attitude?

Civil servants are getting from bad to worst. Bila pelanggan marah kerana lembap, slow, diorang marah pelanggan balik! kenapa tak pergi marah the boss, little napolean yang tak buat kerja tuh? Sebab takut kena buang kerja! So here we have a catch 22 situation. The junior officers buat kerja, tapi senior officers tak buat. Hilang ke meetinglah etc. So junior officer kena marah dgn pelanggan. Pelanggan complaint masuk paper, senior officer marah junior office. Walhal salah Pengarah tuh! So how? Nak berhenti kerja tak boleh sebab nak kasi anak isteri makan, bayar sewa rumah, hutang kereta etc. Problem pelanggan unsolved. The cycle repeat itself over and over again.

In the private sector, after service in any product or services they sell is non existent. You buy a handphone, tak sampai seminggu rosak. Hantar for repair, tunggu sebulan. Tak sampai dua minggu later, rosak lagi. Angry you hantar for repair. Takes two months! Then bila ambil, pekedai selamba kata tempoh warranty 3 bulan dah tamat! You have to pay. Isnt that unfair,  sebab diorang sendiri ambil masa lama repair?

So as a good citizen you report to the consumer tribunal. you won the case and pekedai kena bayar pampasan. Now who gonna ensure that they do?! Kalau dia tak bayar you go back to the tribunal and tunggu lagi? All in all just for a bloody handphone you tunggu one year!

BujangSempoi: Baik beli baru jer Dato. Handphone murah sekarang.

Bluesyworms: Kalau kereta? Rumah? Amacam? Beli baru?

BujangSempoi: ....

Bluesyworms: Malaysians have been shortchanged for a long time. The landslide case in Selangor last time was a tragedy that could have been avoided. I charged the local council , state government and other relevant authorities as MURDERERS for that incident. Any person working in these departments are MURDERERS!

BujangSempoi: That is a very serious allegation Dato'.

Bluesyworms: They should ask themselves if they are in front of God for this case, what would they be charged for? I'd say at least homicide. Bunuh tanpa niat. They are murderers and thats it. Deep in their hearts they know they are.

BujangSempoi: Some of them tak tahu projek tuh Dato'. Kita tak boleh generalisekan benda tuh kepada semua orang.

Bluesyworms: Then DO your job! Semua tak tahu tak tahu!!! What is this?!! Tak tahu ke TAKNAK TAHU?!!

BujangSempoi: .....

Bluesyworms: Blame here and there, and then in the end, tak tahu. I dont know. No report given to me. I'm in a different department. bla bla bla. Come on lah. When you all sembang 2 jam kat kedai kopi time breakfast takkan takder gossip bagitahu why the report was swept under the carpet? Siapa yang makan rasuah daripada contrator tuh untuk luluskan projek, TAKKAN TAK TAHU?!!!

Now somebody is dead. And as far as i'm concern, they are murderers. If these peole who believe they are not involve and not guilty at all, then by all means please resign from your job to save any dignity left! Resign as a protest to the agencies irresponsible act if you have no guts to fight them. Do something to cleanse your name. Dont hide behind 'tak tahu' and then defend the agencies policies when you know its wrong.

BujangSempoi: Then diorang nak makan apa Dato? Pasir?

Bluesyworms: Most Civil Servants are Muslims. So dont they believe in God that rezeki ada di mana-mana? Before our Independence, the teachers and malay Civil servants quit their jobs to fight for independence. Boleh hidup pulak?  Thats why until 1970's Civil Servants and teachers are respected by society. Nowdays no more. They dont have the guts to fight for even for themselves, let alone others. These people malah kadangkala rela jadi pak sanggup, to be blame rather than fight sebab takut kena buang kerja. Because diorang tahu, kalau didapati salah pun, kena transfer. No dignity at all. No maruah!

BujangSempoi: Senang cakap Dato. Dato sanggup buat ker?

Bluesyworms: I 'm prepared insya allah.

BujangSempoi: Dato nak jadi hero lah nih?

Bluesyworms: Nope. I'm doing what is right. Soal hero hero nih its all craps. masyarakat macam tu lah. Tunggu hero datang to save and repair everything and everyone. None realise that they themselves is responsible for the country, for society.  That is what i'm trying to do. To make Maaysians realise that they cant just sit still tunggu Anwar ibrahim ke, Mahathir ke, Pak Lah ker, Superman ker or any one person to help them. They must work together to change things for the better. its not his or her or theirs responsibility. its OUR responsibility!

BujangSempoi: Well good lucklah Dato. Semoga berjaya.

Bluesyworms: I really hope so. i really really do.

-------------Bzzzt Transmission Delayed------------------

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