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berhati-hati....bangsa yg prihatin bangsa!
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Taken from email
> Dear All,
> FYI, Berhati hati jika kedai nasi kandar tak ada menu daging
> lembu.......elakkan lah menjamu selera dikedai tersebut. Tak ada
> daging lembu bukan kerana habis...tapi memang ugama mereka tak
> membenarkan...! Makna nya mereka bukan berugama ISLAM tapi
> berselindung disebalik sign board yg mengiklankan makanan orang
> I t is possible that the owner is a Hindu. I went to it's branch -
> Lotus Binjai (next to Nikko Hotel and LRT Jln Ampang) last Thursday
> with my friends and was quite surprised that they don't have daging
> lembu at all on their menu. My friend mintak sup lembu, dia kate
> takde, kambing ada laa.. memula puzzle jugak and tanya the waiter
> memang tak jual sup lembu or dah abis? The waiter jawab, memang tak
> jual lembu. Masa tu tak suspicious lagi but now baru terfikir the
> reason why.. so, please don't go there..
> Mengapakah Nama "Allah" di gantikan dengan"Tuhan". So, renungkan
> lah...dan buat lah apa yang patut.
[ Last edited by hi5 at 20-11-2006 11:21 PM ] |
Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Rangkaian Lotus memang dimiliki oleh Hindu. |
berselindung di sebalik agame lain hanya kerana duit...
bukanlah cara yang elok>>> |
Hang ni memang bodoh kerana buta huruf. Adakah tulis dipapan ikhlan dia tu restaurant Islam? Dan tulisan di Jawi to cerah "Dengan Nama Tuhan Yang Amat Pemurah Lagi Amat Pengasih" itu bukan hanya Islam mengatakan begitu tapi semua agama yang percaya kepada Tuhan. So, you assume it must be a Muslim restaurant. You assupe this and that. Macam kes SMS. Even if the owner is not Hindu but a Muslim and refuse to serve beef, is that a crime in Malaysia? Can you please tell me which section of the law says so? May be this Muslim owner does not want to serve beef because he wants non Muslim business too. And that is his wish and you can do nothing about it.
Of late it has become a norm for some Muslims to pick on petty things in this country. Looks like non Muslims should boycot Muslim restaurant, sundry shops and all Muslim business area. Is that what you want. It is a simple thing, if don't eat beef for a day you would not die. But making this a issue looks like people like you are trying to find issues that does not have any value. |
Originally posted by barney50 at 20-11-2006 07:49 PM
Hang ni memang bodoh kerana buta huruf. Adakah tulis dipapan ikhlan dia tu restaurant Islam? Dan tulisan di Jawi to cerah "Dengan Nama Tuhan Yang Amat Pemurah Lagi Amat Pengasih" ...
Engkau lagi bodoh sejak bila hindu pakai almost the same wording, meaning or even rhyming also almost the same. memang tak salah kalau tak nak jual daging lembu, tapi ni clearly kes nak menipu dgn cara halus. Lu memang nak menangkan bangsa lu supaya jadi penipu terbaik. Kenapa tak tulis jer dgn tulisan hindu cakar ayam tuh, apsal nak guna tulisan jawi?...kan nak menipu tuh. Anyway, those article are from the email that I received and my intention is to share with my muslim friends. not you hindu!
Non muslim wants to boycott Muslim restaurant?..hah go ahead!. You can't live without nasi lemak for sure and those roti canai are not from India. You can't find a piece of roti canai in India..only chapati. Canai means meleper/leper, those word are bahasa melayu.
The main concern is, it could be and most probably those chicken that being served by the restaurant also are not slaughtered (halal) and what about the rest of ingredients...fool!
[ Last edited by hi5 at 20-11-2006 08:12 PM ] |
- responded by BeachBoys:
- Engkau lagi bodoh sejak bila hindu pakai almost the same wording, meaning or even rhyming also almost the same. memang tak salah kalau tak nak jual daging lembu, tapi ni clearly kes nak menipu dgn cara halus. Lu memang nak menangkan bangsa lu supaya jadi penipu terbaik. Kenapa tak tulis jer dgn tulisan hindu cakar ayam tuh, apsal nak guna tulisan jawi?...kan nak menipu tuh. Anyway, those article are from the email that I received and my intention is to share with my muslim friends. not you hindu!
- Non muslim wants to boycott Muslim restaurant?..hah go ahead!. You can't live without nasi lemak for sure and those roti canai are not from India. You can't find a piece of roti canai in India..only chapati. Canai means meleper/leper, those word are bahasa melayu.
- The main concern is, it could be and most probably those chicken that being served by the restaurant also are not slaughtered (halal) and what about the rest of ingredients...fool!
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What same wording? Do you thing such word of praise for GOD only exist in Islam? You are an ignorant fool coz you know nothing else beside Islam. Go read all other religious books and learn how thy praise GOD. Yang penipu kini dari golongan mana kawan? Sila pi siasat rekod polis dan MDN. Hello! Mangkok, Di Pulau Pinang ramai kaum mamak yang mahir dalam bahasa jawi oleh tu munkin pemilik restaurant ingin menarik pelangkan mamak yang datang dari India dan juga didalam. Apa itu pun salah? Gunakan otak kamu sebelum lompat2 macam kena air panas.
Itu lah dah pun beri amaran oleh yang berkuasa tentang SMS dan email tapi golongan macam kau tak belajar juga macam mat rempit tu...Kalau hanya untuk umat kenapa ke sisni and not in the Muslim forum? Nak tipu lagi?
Hello! Di restaurant India dan Cina pun dah ada nasi lemaklah...Yeh! Those word may be Malay but the actual word is roti purta which originated from India itself. The Inidan Muslims who came to India in the early days brought the receipe here and that was how it turn to roti canai. And for your information canai is a Tamill word for hitting. The roti is claped togather before serving and that is hitting with both hands. If you do not know don't merepek.
That is your own fault for not seeing the JAIS certificate. Next time see first before you order. But don't blame others for your own fault. |
hahahaha gaduh pasal nasi lemak sama roti canai... hahaha gunakanlah perencah Adabiii hahaha
But yeah like barney sed , wut about it ? its just Jawi... Barney has a point here, why need to make such a big fuss ? And Hi5, Your responsibility as a Muslim is to keep watch for the HALAL certificate, bukanya paranoid pasal lettering yg diguna...
Di Brunei pun kedai kedai non-muslim dikehendaki menggunakan jaw lettering . So wuts the issue here? Chill...
[ Last edited by Obersliutenant at 20-11-2006 08:42 PM ] |
heh, Halal cert. even got tempered by "them"...
Yeah, I know it just Jawi but the rhyming part of " Dengan nama tuhan yg maha..." is a copycat and plus the jawi lettering. I won't get attracted by those words, but just to alert those who are not so sure.
you may say 1001 reasons but the cheat!. That's for sure...
Obersliutenant , are you in Sabah?...if you live here in KL, you'll understand..
Yeah, in Brunei there's an Indian restaurant too and I think they have better manner than "ours". Quick example in Australia & N Zealand there's a non muslim (chinese especially) selling halal food and they are trust worthy due to laws & religious issue in their country.
[ Last edited by hi5 at 20-11-2006 09:51 PM ] |
Tulah,sesetengah kaum memang suka buat camtu,sanggup membuat apa2 demi duit. |
masalah nye mr...barney, bila Muslim datang situ, adekah nanti seseorang yang akan beritahu mengatakan makanan di situ tak halal...???kalau ade mr.barney , baguslah...
demi duit, diorang pasti susah untuk beritahu muslim tentang status halal atau tidaknya....
dan akhirnya diorang abaikan sensitiviti beragama hanya kerana apa???
kerana duit...>>>
muslim tertipu, yang dapat duit seronok... |
aisehman...ada gak kedai yg wat keje camnie ye skang...mmg boleh jadi keliru klu xdiperhati betol2 tu... |
Originally posted by hi5 at 20-11-2006 09:24 PM
heh, Halal cert. even got tempered by "them"...
Yeah, I know it just Jawi but the rhyming part of " Dengan nama tuhan yg maha..." is a copycat and plus the jawi lettering. I ...
i cant argue with its intention ... hmm marketing ploy perhaps ? but i agree its far more decent in australia and New Zealand , |
whats with the caps? chill... any proof ? Nay... genetic modified food ? what are you blabbering about ? not all growth hormones are from pork laa beb.. but from microbes... ever heard of microbiology ? And genetic engineering? Genetic modification doesnt necessarily equate to pork hahaha |
Yeah u go back to eating whatever crap you are fed upon chasiew,for us, we are selective on what we eat daily, you are what you eat you know, thats what separates a human from an animal, pfft no wonder people like you end up with diseases. |
Originally posted by RedChaSiew at 20-11-2006 10:52 PM
genetically modified as long it doesn't have any derivative from non halal is consider halal. |
charsiew lemme ask you sth , a garbage is made for the purpose of throwing unwanted items into the bin right? woud you eat the dustbin?
if the Pig was created by God to be the walking dustbin , wud you eat the dustbin? |
Dia mana tau nak jawab,he's brain is probrably filled with rubbish, oh look at that , a walking rubbish! Step's on chasiew foots, skulls open up, puts trash in, now move along chasiew, good pig. |
tau sembur rhetorik ajer , lepas tu tak mau explain... |
yang penting berhati-hati jer.. |
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