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Does Koran says anything abt .....
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I am wondering. Does ur koran says anything abt women suffering while giving birth? why ? any koran verses to support?
I hve Bible verses to support my claimed. |
Another new thread? what you are going to prove here? Women treated badly in Islam? Women are 2nd class species? Women are just merely a reproduction machine? Becareful...nanti terkencing dalam seluar mcm thread2 sebelum nih...
So what's your bible says about women giving birth? |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Aduh, sakit perut aku ketawa.
Esok Karengkang, Obers, Silentkiller, i212 masuk mesti derang pun ketawa guling2.
apa lah masalah ko T8, kalau nak collect credit pun, janganlah sampai menunjukkan your true colour.. |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 21-11-2006 11:21 PM
I am wondering. Does ur koran says anything abt women suffering while giving birth? why ? any koran verses to support?
I hve Bible verses to support my claimed.
Ada tak bible cakap pasal kenapa gigi kita 32 batang, ataupun kenapa tuhan ko cipta shark dengan 2 set of teeth, ataupun macamana orang cipta satay ataupun macamana orang tau nak cipta tukul besi ataupun kenapa monyet tu monyet, ataupun pasal oil discovery ataupun pasal macamana orang tau macamana nak cipta warna, ataupun camne orang tau boleh makan ubi kayu ataupun..ataupun ... |
You dont have to quote from Bible or Quran about the pain women suffered from giving birth! You just ask your mother pain she was when giving birth to you!
[ Last edited by loona at 22-11-2006 12:08 AM ] |
Ok, cut all those crap and give ur koran verses why women need to suffered while giving birth?
than i will provide Bible verses why and what cause for the pain. |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-11-2006 12:10 AM
Ok, cut all those crap and give ur koran verses why women need to suffered while giving birth?
than i will provide Bible verses why and what cause for the pain.
You are such an insult to your mother who gave birth to you. Do you think she would be saved? Giving birth to you was her salvation?
You are an insult to all mothers. |
Originally posted by samerosie at 22-11-2006 12:16 AM
You are such an insult to your mother who gave birth to you. Do you think she would be saved? Giving birth to you was her salvation?
You are an insult to all mothers.
pls keep to the topic than brining unrelated talks. if u do not have koran veses to support, just says so than I will forward my Bible verses why according to Bible verses. |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Ok, give me the bible verses. |
Originally posted by samerosie at 22-11-2006 12:22 AM
Ok, give me the bible verses.
i give until tomorrow for other members of muhammad followers . i want see what they got to says abt it either from koran verses or so called hadith.
than compare my Bible verses. |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-11-2006 12:23 AM
i give until tomorrow for other members of muhammad followers . i want see what they got to says abt it either from koran verses or so called hadith.
than compare my Bible verses.
Tomorrow ke tonight ke do you think they care? We all know what you are, nothing will stop the others from mocking you, tonight nor tomorrow. |
Originally posted by samerosie at 22-11-2006 12:25 AM
Tomorrow ke tonight ke do you think they care? We all know what you are, nothing will stop the others from mocking you, tonight nor tomorrow.
they mocked because they realise that the Koran not a miracle book at all. At least the Bible is complete. |
samerosie This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-11-2006 12:26 AM
they mocked because they realise that the Koran not a miracle book at all. At least the Bible is complete.
Udah udah jangan merepek.
Sementara tunggu esok ni bila ko nak bagitau verses bible ko tu, boleh lah ko jawap soalan aku yang ko saja buat2 tak nampak.
Tak pe aku post balik kat sini, bigger font supaya ko nampak:-
Ada tak bible cakap pasal kenapa gigi kita 32 batang, ataupun kenapa tuhan ko cipta shark dengan 2 set of teeth, ataupun macamana orang cipta satay ataupun macamana orang tau nak cipta tukul besi ataupun kenapa monyet tu monyet, ataupun pasal oil discovery ataupun pasal macamana orang tau macamana nak cipta warna, ataupun camne orang tau boleh makan ubi kayu ataupun siapa pertama tau buat plastic bag? |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-11-2006 12:21 AM
pls keep to the topic than brining unrelated talks. if u do not have koran veses to support, just says so than I will forward my Bible verses why according to Bible verses.
Yep..Quran does mention about pain in giving what's you goin to prove actually? It's common sense that women is in pain when giving birth, and men really look up so much to them because of their sacrifice, and we always says that "syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu" ...
so what say you? |
bible(Injil) also from ALLAH. some of the contents are modified by fanatics of the prophet ISA.
we still believe in "some" part of the bible. so, stop bragging by saying bible is the great.
because i know it "was" great.
i wonder why u keep ask, ask, ask... so many questions but when we reply, u keep decline, deny and run away... |
yelah..banyak soal tul..tiap ari ada thread baru.. |
t8.. hehehehehehehehehhe
in bible ada tak cakap pasal sakit tercucuk needle? |
Mungkin juga bible ada menceritakan bagaimana menjadi bidan yg berdedikasi, :lol
Bush adalah merupakan seorang penganut ajaran Bible yg setia, anda tak tahu kah T8?
Lihat lah apa yg Bush buat pada dunia sekarang? |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 21-11-2006 11:21 PM
I am wondering. Does ur koran says anything abt women suffering while giving birth? why ? any koran verses to support?
I hve Bible verses to support my claimed.
I wonder why no christians in ur thread supports u ? :hmm:
Do they already know ur mental situation ? By the way ur Bible do mention also the greatest "WHORE" in history. Do u feel proud or shame about that ? Answer me ! |
Originally posted by loona at 22-11-2006 12:32 AM
Yep..Quran does mention about pain in giving what's you goin to prove actually? It's common sense that women is in pain when giving birth, and men really look up so much to them becaus ...
u mind giving the verses.
the rest pls refrain from talking nonsense and crap because it will reflect ur behaviour. pls keep to the topic, if not dont bothered giving ur stupid remarks. |
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