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Anxiety Disorder@Hyper Ventilation@Panic Attack??

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Post time 23-1-2007 09:43 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Kalo ada sape-sape kat sini yg bleh tlg huraikan匸/color]
Sama ker sintom2/kesan2 bg Anxiety Disorder@Hyper Ventilation@Panic Attack.
Ker ketiga2 nie tak berkait langsung.
Lately slalu kena sesak nafas.Sampai terpaksa pi hospital then kena pakai oksigen.Dah byk klinik pegi.Ada kata Hyper Ventilation.Ada tue kata Gastrik.Ada gak kata Panic Attack.
Slalu letih,pening kpla,sesak nafas,rasa nk buang air besar tapi bila msk toilet angin jer yg kuar.
Sape penah rasa tlg la share.Takut gak nie.Sbb kalo teruk sampai tak bleh bernafas.

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Post time 23-1-2007 09:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 fillet's post

Sakit dada tak???

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Post time 23-1-2007 10:27 AM | Show all posts
try Emotional Freedom Technique

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Post time 23-1-2007 10:40 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by fillet at 23-1-2007 09:43 AM
Kalo ada sape-sape kat sini yg bleh tlg huraikan

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2007 11:02 AM | Show all posts
tak der la plak sakit dada..pedih kat ulu hati pun kdg2 jer..

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2007 11:04 AM | Show all posts

Reply #3 sol_badguy's post

sol_badguy's,Emotional Freedom Technique tue camne ek??

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2007 11:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4 musang_pulut's post

musang pulut,sy dah pi jumpa doktor pakar..dh siap scoop lg..doc kata gastrik jer la..saya tak rasa la plak sakit dada...skrang nie mkn ubat gastrik jer..ada sket2 jer perubahan...alhamdulillah ar...cuma tinggal letih jer lg....nway thanks k...

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Post time 23-1-2007 12:39 PM | Show all posts
sekarang ni...kita kena paham btol2 nama penyakit2 tu....nama2 tu bukan saja2 dibagi, tapi ade maksud

macam hyper ventilation....hyper=tinggi, banyak, besar....ventilation=pernafasan, maksud hyper ventilation hanyalah pernafasan yang tinggi kadarnya....atau nama lainnya 'tachypnoea'...kadar bernafas>20 per minit

maka, hyper ventilation ni bukanlah satu penyakit...tapi hanyalah simptom....banyak bender boleh buat kita bernafas laju...penat berlari boleh, sakit jantung boleh, asma boleh, allergic boleh dan psychiatric seperti anxiety...

anxiety disorder boleh dibezakan dengan panic attacks....patient anxiety berasa resah almost all the time, ader simptom2 insomnia, rasa geli dalam perut (butterflies), tak senang duduk...

panic attacks pulak seperti namanyer adalah 'attacks'...maknanyer bukan berlaku sepanjang masa...dier datang dalam bentuk serangan....bukan sepanjang masa.....sekali serangan panik...can lasts up to 20-30 minit....dan simptom2nyer adalah: profuse sweating (berpeluh2), palpitations (jantung berdegup2 kuat), pallor (pucat), anxious and irritable (resah gelisah), chest tightness (dada rasa semput), dyspnoea (rasa susah bernafas), tremor (menggeletar), derealization (rasa macam keadaan sekililing tak real), paraesthesia (tajam2, semut2).......patient with panic attacks selalu ader condition 'agoraphobia' di mana mereka phobia, takut nak pegi tempat yang crowded, ramai orang...sbb diorang takut diorang dapat panic attacks kat tgh org ramai....

so, dapat bezakan kan?

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Post time 23-1-2007 12:46 PM | Show all posts
so, both generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) dan panic attacks boleh dapat simptom hyperventilation/tachypnoea...

hope saya punye explanation clear utk rakan2 sekalian...

kalau saudara fillet rasa ader simptom2 seperti itu, maybe la panic attacks atau pun generalised anxiety...

tapi, diagnosis tepat perlukan investigation lain seperti ECG, blood tests dan lain2...sbb simptom2 yang saya huraikan kat atas tu boleh jugak present dalam penyakit2 selain panic attacks or GAD..

.kerana, simptom2 seperti hyperventilation, sweating, tremor, chest tightness etc tu menunjukkan badan kita melalui proses 'fight-and-flight'...proses sympathetic (dalam biologi form 4 form 5 ader..kalau ingat)...adrenaline tinggi....

so, kalau saudara fillet ader simptom2 tu, pegi lah klinik atau pun hospital buat investigations ECG, blood tests, hormone etc. untuk rule out penyakit jantung, kelenjar, infection dan sebagainyer....

[ Last edited by  Arissa_Sofea at 23-1-2007 12:56 PM ]

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Post time 23-1-2007 04:07 PM | Show all posts
arissa..kalo mcm nih lak kes dia mcm mana ek..aku lak mmg kalo bad days aku..aku rs sempit salur pernafasan aku..sempit tuh skit2 dek kegabraan aku aku rs mcm sesak plak nafas..dulu rs nadi pun nih aku control...aku tarik nafas panjang lepas..sbb nak ngk is it asthma attack idak...kalo agak2 tak lepas...aku sedut ubat ler..itu msk kes panic attack gak ker?

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Post time 23-1-2007 10:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 honeybee1802's post

panic attack ni psychiatric problem honeybee....selalunyer ader jugak family member yang ade bender yang sama....lagi satu, yang selalu jugak kena panic attack adalah orang2 yang ambil dadah seperti ecstasy, acid, ganja....

so, saya tak rasa awak ader panic attack...panic attack is one of the disorders that is diagnosed by exclusion....maksudnyer untuk diagnose panic attack, kita perlu exclude sbb2 lain dulu seperti penyakit jantung, asma dan sebagainyer.....menggunakan investigations

setelah semua investigations dah buat, tak jumpa apa2 problem kesihatan, sihat walafiat jer, barulah boleh diagnose panic attack....

barula pegi psychiatric support...amik ubat antidepressants seperti Fluoxetine (prozac) dan anxiolytics seperti diazepam (valium)

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Post time 23-1-2007 10:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 23-1-2007 10:20 PM
panic attack ni psychiatric problem honeybee....selalunyer ader jugak family member yang ade bender yang sama....lagi satu, yang selalu jugak kena panic attack adalah orang2 yang ambil dadah sepe ...


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Post time 25-1-2007 08:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sol_badguy at 23-1-2007 10:27 AM
try Emotional Freedom Technique

yes. EFT could help you to overcome this prob.

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Post time 25-1-2007 02:44 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 23-1-2007 10:20 PM
ubat antidepressants seperti Fluoxetine (prozac) dan anxiolytics
Masa doc diagnose sy depress, dia ada suruh sy makan ubat ni...saya telan sebijik je. Berdengung. Lembik. Bila kesan dia dah ilang, masih depress lagi. Sy cuba alternatif lain selain pada drug mcm bersenam. Alhamdulillah skg dah ok.

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Post time 25-1-2007 08:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 musang_pulut's post

ubat antidepressant tu bukan telan terus ade effect musang....masa ambik ubat tu doktor tak citer ke camne cara nak ambik? ke musang dapat ubat tu dr underground punyer? ubat ni kena ade prescription doktor

antidepressant ni kena ambik ikut dose yang ditetapkan, ambik pada time yang sama pada setiap hari. antidepressant ni ambil masa 3-6 minggu untuk bagi effect, dan dalam masa 3-6 minggu tu, tak boleh tertinggal makan ubat walaupun sehari.

bukannye amik pastu 20 minit lepas tu ade effect. musang silap info ni.

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Post time 25-1-2007 09:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 Arissa_Sofea's post tak silap. yang supply ubat tu physician. bkn beli underground. effect dia mmg kuat. tapi sy tak sanggup makan. cam isap dadah plk

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Post time 27-1-2007 02:40 PM | Show all posts
dear all

my husband is having anxiety disorder for the past 1.5yrs. The first line of defense should be seeing a     psychologist to try and manage the dysfunctional thoughts, it should be complemented with a visit to psychiatrist to determine the need for medication. GAD or generalised anxiety disorder is a prolonged symptom more than 6 months, if less than 6 months the doc will assume it is only an adjustment disorder for the stress that one is having.

My husband has all the symptoms discussed in this thread. He advises that if one suffers GAD, need to try to UNDERSTAND the illness, then ACCEPT and finally to BE PATIENT as it will wheather out through good mind management and medication therapy.

Exercise helps a lot and probably to some, instant relief by taking benzos (Xanax) but not on leng term basis. He is taking Stablon 12.5mg 4 times daily. His condition improved dramatically after a year. Though not to his 100% as yet, he has passed his very very bad patch 6 months ago.

I hope it helps

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Post time 27-1-2007 10:45 PM | Show all posts
hyperventilation sydrome and panic attack is part of axiety disorder

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Post time 28-1-2007 02:42 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18 keratosis's post

to be clearer, Anxiety Disorders comprise of:

1. Generalised Anxiety Disorders (GAD)
2. Obsessive Compulsive disorders (OCD)
3. Panic attacks
4. Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD)
5. Social Phobias

However, These disorders may overlap with other psychiatric illnesses, which sometimes make diagnosis assumptions at best. This however does not present a remarkable problem, since the goal of psychiatric therapy is often to treat symptoms. Meaning even they are of different diagnosis, most of them are treated the same way i.e. antidepressants and anxiolytics +/- antipsychotics (if psychosis present).

p/s: and hyperventilation is not essentially caused by anxiety disorders. It is just a symptom caused by a wide variety of diseases...hyperventilation without organic cause is a presentation of anxiety disorders.

[ Last edited by  Arissa_Sofea at 28-1-2007 07:59 AM ]

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Post time 28-1-2007 07:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arissa_Sofea at 28-1-2007 02:42 AM
to be clearer, Anxiety Disorders comprise of:

1. Generalised Anxiety Disorders (GAD)
2. Obsessive Compulsive disorders (OCD)
3. Panic attacks
4. Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD)
5. So ...

ooo...OCD nih msk under anxiety disorder sis dulu psychiatrist diagnosed ngan ni la..ptt happen ms skolah lgk..she can excel but put on extra pressure to herself other external causes as well.besides the drugs what else we could do?

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