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Professor Masuk Islam Hanya Kerana Kajian Kulit Manusia

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Post time 13-8-2007 08:46 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Professor Tagata Tagasone, Ketua Jabatan Anatomi dan Embriologi di Universiti of Shiang Mai di Thailand telah mengucap dua kalimah syahadah semasa Persidangan Perubatan Saudi Ke 8 di Riyadh.

Dia telah mendapat hidayah apabila diketahui hasil kajian para saintis yang pakar dalam bidang kulit (dermatologi) telah lama diterangkan di dalam Al Quran lebih 1400 tahun yang lalu. Professor Tagasone begitu yakin adalah mustahil ayat Al Quran yang menceritakan secara terperinci mengenai sifat kulit manusia datangnya daripada seorang manusia bernama Muhammad saw. Lalu diberitahu kepada Professor Tagasone bahawa ayat Al Quran itu adalah ayat-ayat Allah swt yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad saw.

Apakah hasil kajian tersebut sehinggakan seorang saintis dermatologi yang hebat terasa begitu bodoh kerana kajiannya yang dianggap canggih telah terdapat
dalam Al Quran ?

Kajian saintis membuktikan bahawa rasa sakit apabila dibakar badan manusia ini adalah pada sel-sel yang terdapat pada kulit manusia. Apabila kulit manusia ini
terbakar maka sel-sel yang memberi rasa sakit ini akan musnah. Maka manusia tidak akan merasa sakit lagi apabila sel-sel ini terbakar (tetapi manusia akan mati selepas itu).

Jadi kalau diakhirat nanti apabila manusia dibakar dalam api neraka adakah mereka tidak akan merasa sakit, hanya sakit apabila dibakar kali pertama ?

Jawapannya ialah ayat Al Quran surah ke 4 , ayat ke 56 yang lebih kurang bermaksud :
"Mereka yang menolak ayat-ayat Kami. Kami akan campakkan mereka dalam api; berkali-kali sehingga kulit mereka terbakar hangus. KAMI AKAN GANTI KULIT MEREKA DENGAN KULIT YANG BARU SUPAYA MEREKA MERASAKAN AZAB ; sesungguhnya Allah Maha Berkuasa, Maha Bijaksana".

Maka beruntunglah Professor Tagasone yang telah memeluk agama Islam dalam keadaan suci , bersih. Sesiapa yang tidak hendak menerima Islam dan mengamalkan segala apa yang terkandung di dalam Al Quran , maka Allah akan pilih orang lain untuk menerima hidayahNya.

Sumber :
http://english. islamway. com/bindex. php?section= article&id=34

Dr. Tagata Tagasone: Laa Ilaaha Illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah!

This man is uttering the Islamic creed (Shahaadah) and declaring that he is becoming a Muslim. This occurred during the Eighth Saudi Medical Conference which was convened in Riyadh. He is Professor Tagata Tagasone, formerly Head of the Department of Anatomy and< BR>> Embryology at the University of Shiang Mai in Thailand. He is now the Dean of the College of the Medicine at the University.

We presented to Professor Tagasone some Qur'aanic verses and Prophetic Ahadeeth which deal with his specialization in the field of anatomy. He commented
that they also had in their Buddhist books very accurate descriptions of embryonic developmental stages. We told him that we were very anxious and interested to see those descriptions and learn about these books. A year later, Professor Tcame to King Abdul Aziz University as an outside examiner. We reminded him of the statement he made one year before, but he apologized and said that he in fact had made that statement without ascertaining the matter.
However, when he checked the Buddhist books he found that they contained nothing of relevance to the subject.

Upon this we presented to him a lecture written by Professor Keith Moore about the compatibility of modern embryology with what is contained in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and we asked Professor Tagasone if he knew of Professor Keith Moore. He replied that he knew him of course, adding that Professor Moore was one of the Most world-renowned scientists in that field.

When Professor Tagasone studied this article he also was greatly astonished. We asked him several questions in his field of specialization. One of the questions
pertained to modern discoveries in dermatology about the sensory characteristics of the skin.

Dr. Tagasone responded: Yes if the burn is deep.

It was stated to Dr. Tagasone: You will be interested to know that in this book, the Holy book the Qur'aan, there was a reference 1400 years ago which refers to the moment of punishment of the unbelievers by the fire of Hell and it states that when their skin is destroyed, Allah makes another skin for them so that
they perceive the punishment by a fire, indicating knowledge about the nerve endings in the skin, and theverse is:

Those who reject our signs. We shall soon cast into the fire; as often as their skins are roasted through. We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may
taste the chastisement: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise (Qur'aan 4:56).

So do you agree that this is a reference to the importance of the nerve endings in the skin in sensation, 1400 years ago?

Dr. Tagasone responded: Yes I agree. This knowledge about sensation had been known long before. Because it says that if somebody does something wrong, then he will be punished by burning his skin and then Allah puts a new skin in him, cover him, to make him know that the test is painful again. That means they knew many years ago that the receptor of pain sensation must be on the skin, so they put a new skin on.

The skin is the center of sensitivity to burns. Thus, if the skin is completely burnt by fire, it looses its sensitivity. It is for this reason that Allah will punish the unbelievers on the Day of Judgement by returning to them their skins time after time, as He, the Exalted and Glorified, said in the Qur'aan:

Those who reject our signs. We shall soon cast into the fire; as often as their skins are roasted through. We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may
taste the chastisement: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise (Qur'aan 4:56).

We asked him the following question: 'Is it possible that these verses came to the Prophet Muhammad, (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam), from a human source?'

Professor Tagasone conceded that they could have never come from any human source. But he still asked about the source of that knowledge and from where could Muhammad have possibly received it? We said, 'From Allah, the Most Glorified and Most Exalted.' Then he asked: 'But who is Allah?' We replied: He is the Creator of all that is in existence.' If you find wisdom then it is because it comes only from the one Who is Most Wise. If you find knowledge in the making
of this universe, it is because the universe is the creation of the One Who has all the knowledge. If you find perfection in the composition of these creations, then it is proof to you that it is the creation of the One Who Knows Best. And if you find mercy, then this bears witness to the fact that it is the creation of the One Who is Most Merciful. In the same way, if you perceive creation as belonging to one unified order and tied together firmly, then this is proof that it is the creation of the Only Creator, May He be Glorified and Exalted.



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Post time 13-8-2007 09:15 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 13-8-2007 09:36 PM | Show all posts
hidayah allah bkn senang diperolehi,kecuali jika allah mengkehendaki aja..

bersyukurlah kita sbg umat islam dan tetapkan iman di hati...

alhamdulillah dia dpt hidayah

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Post time 13-8-2007 10:06 PM | Show all posts
syukur ...

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Post time 14-8-2007 09:52 AM | Show all posts
ada juga pernah terbaca satu artikel...satu profesor ni suka kaji air..satu hari tu dia nak kaji pertembungan air sungai n air laut..dia dive la kat area kuala tu..n then dia nampak satu benda yang memisahkan antara air laut n air sungai...

dia pun hairan n cek kat mana-mana buku..tup tap, jumpa dalam al-Quran..mula dari saat tu, dia peluk islam..

islam hanya memandang yang berkualiti..

ramai umat islam yang murtad, tapi kalau tgk balik yang murtad tu, hanyala picisan-picisan orang yang kosong..

berbanding orang yang peluk islam, kebanyakannya pengkaji( yang arif dengan ilmu mereka)

psst ; sesapa yang rasa diri tu kurang kualiti, tingkatkan amal..tak lupa utk diri ku jua



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anggrek_hutan This user has been deleted
Post time 14-8-2007 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Alhamdulillah...seronok dengar cerita orang-orang yg dapat hidayah Allah SWT.

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Post time 14-8-2007 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kawasakininja at 14-8-2007 09:52 AM
ramai umat islam yang murtad, tapi kalau tgk balik yang murtad tu, hanyala picisan-picisan orang yang kosong.....

you bet! jarang sangat kawan dgr orang murtad pasal buat kajian trhadap agama tertentu bertahun- tahun...kalau ada pun lepas tu boleh dibuktikan kepalsuan cerita tu....

ramai yang murtad sebab bf hensem tapi non muslim.....-->nak kawin boleh.... bf kasi syarat ...nak kawin ngan I tukar agama U.... heei....nak lepas hensem...macam brad pitt...rugi ni..murtad le...jawabnye....

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Post time 15-8-2007 10:19 AM | Show all posts
semoga Allah pelihara kita....Allahuakbar.....

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Post time 15-8-2007 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Sesungguhnya Allah swt memberi TAUFIQ n HIDAYAH kpd sesiapa yg DIA khendaki.
Semoga kita senantiasa berdoa bahawa kita adalah di kalangan oghang tersebut.

Dan Allah swt memberi KEFAHAMAN Agama kpd sesiapa yg DIA sayangi.

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Post time 26-8-2007 03:44 AM | Show all posts
alhamdulillah.....moga kita semua dilindungiNYA selalu

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Post time 26-8-2007 11:31 AM | Show all posts
ramai non-muslim masuk islam selepas membaca kebenaran Al-Quran, bukannya krn terpesona dgn akhlak umat sekarang. sebab kalau ikutkan memang ada muslim yg larang non-muslim sentuh Al-Quran atas sebab yg mrk sendiri saja yg tahu.

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Post time 26-8-2007 10:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 tobby's post

mungkin jugak ...  atas sebab yang mereka sendiri tak tahu....

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Post time 1-9-2007 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Kenapa aku tengok ada member muslim begitu anti dan benci dgn org non-muslim? Ni terutamanya yang latarbelakang keluarganya semua muslim. Sedih gak pasal keluarga n sedara-mara aku ramai non-muslim, but they all still respect orang muslim.

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Post time 1-9-2007 02:14 AM | Show all posts

Reply #13 enzo's post

Teringat dulu kawan aku yg org Pahang nie bagitau kat kawan aku yg Sarawak nie (non Muslim) supaya tak datang rumah dia waktu cuti... sbbnya, family dia taknak ada org non-Muslim tinggal kat rumah diorang. Pelik betul.

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Post time 1-9-2007 06:39 AM | Show all posts
Ramai tokoh ilmu hari ini mengagumi kenyataan al-Quran berhubung dengan alam dan sains dan sebahagiannya sudah pun memeluk Islam. Sebagai contoh, Dr. Keith L. Moore adalah profesor dalam bidang anatomi dan Universiti Toronto. Beliau pernah dianugerahkan J.C.B. Grant Award pada tahun 1984 dan sudah menulis lebih kurang 150 artikel dalam bidang anatomi dan embriologi. Dalam pendahuluan bukunya yang bertajuk The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology (Third Edition), beliau berkata: 揝elama tiga tahun saya bekerjasama dengan Jawatankuasa Embriologi di Universiti Abdul Aziz, Jeddah, untuk membantu mereka menginterpretasikan ayat-ayat Quran dan Hadis yang berkaitan dengan kejadian manusia dan embrio di dalam rahim. Saya amat kagum dengan ketepatan ayat-ayat (Quran) yang diturunkan pada abad ketujuh Masihi ini jika dibandingkan dengan penemuan-penemuan semasa, kerana ketika itu bidang sains embriologi masih belum wujud... Selama ini saya tidak pernah tahu isi-isi yang terdapat di dalam Quran dan Sunnah.

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Post time 1-9-2007 08:15 PM | Show all posts
Al quran dan sains....memang takjub

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Post time 6-9-2007 02:16 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 Muntz's post

mesti ada sebabnya. cuba ko tanya dengan kawan ko akan sebabnya.

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Post time 7-9-2007 12:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by enzo at 1-9-2007 12:02 AM
Kenapa aku tengok ada member muslim begitu anti dan benci dgn org non-muslim? Ni terutamanya yang latarbelakang keluarganya semua muslim. Sedih gak pasal keluarga n sedara-mara aku ramai non-musl ...

ko sabor jer la dgn perangai umat islam kat Msia nih.......byk2 doa. islam memang ajar penganutnya menghormati semua orang termasuk non-muslim. bgmn pun ada segelintir yg salah faham bhw islam mengajar supaya mencaci non-muslim.

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Post time 7-9-2007 01:09 AM | Show all posts
Saya rasa masalahnya datang dari attitude kita apabila membaca Quran. Sebagai contoh, most of us kalau terjumpa ayat ayat yang berunsur theori, kita akan percaya bulat bulat kerana kita sudah mempunyai mindset untuk mempercayai Quran di atas kapasiti kita sebagai orang Islam. Jarang kita cuba menganalisa ayat ayat sebegini, yang selalu kita analisa pun, ayat ayat tentang perundangan.

Tapi berbeza dengan orang bukan Islam apabila mereka membaca Quran. Apabila mereka membaca, mereka hendakkan dalil yang membuktikan benda benda sebegini memang logic pada pandangan akal. Ini kerana mereka tidak mempunyai obligasi untuk mempercayai Quran. Saya percaya, kalau kita cuba untuk meminta dalil secara logic dari majoriti ilmuan Islam tentang kebenaran ayat ayat Quran yang berunsurkan meta physic, sudah pasti kita akan dianggap sebagai terkeluar dari Islam atau paling cikai sekalipun, iman kita lemah.

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Post time 7-9-2007 02:20 AM | Show all posts
Syukur Alhamdulillah...Allah dah bukak hati dia...

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