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Gutter, adakah ianya boleh tahan lebih 10 tahun?
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Nak tanya pandangan korang kalau pasang gutter kat bumbung rumah adakah ianya sesuai di Malaysia. Apa kesannya setelah 3, 5,10 tahun menggunanya?
Kepada yang lain, dimaksudkan gutter adalah seperti di bawah.
Rain gutter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Rain gutter and downpipe
A rain gutter (also known as eaves trough, guttering or just gutter) is a narrow channel, or trough, forming the component of a roofsystem which collects and diverts rainwater shed by the roof. In manybuildings, the purpose of this diversion is to prevent water fromfalling off the roof edges. This uncontrolled water can causestructural damage to the outside walls and/or the foundation of abuilding over time. Another purpose of rain gutter is to harvestrainwater for household or garden use.
Rain gutter can be constructed from a variety of materials, including galvanised steel, painted steel, copper, painted aluminium (also known as Seamless Aluminium), PVC (and other plastics), concrete, stone and wood.
Water collected by a rain gutter is fed, usually via a downpipe,into a collection system. A collection system can be either a rainwatertank, a storm water main, or a sewer main (depending upon local codes).In some locations where collection to a main is not feasible, the wateris dispersed into a storm water pit or cistern.
Different styles of gutter are available to suit the design of theroof and house. Exterior rain gutter is available in a variety ofprofiles to suit the appearance of the building. Exterior rain gutteris fixed to the fascia board, which in turn is fixed to the ends of the rafters. A fascia gutter incorporates a rain gutter with a fascia. Box gutteris a deep gutter which is concealed within the structure of the roof. Abox gutter is usually applied when the rainwater is to be collectedfrom points within the boundary walls of the building. Water collectedby a box gutter is fed to the downpipe via a rainhead.
One of the most popular forms of rain gutter is "Seamless". This isa method by which long lengths of gutter can be made on site andtherefore avoiding seaming of sectional gutters. Seamless gutters areavailable in a variety of metals, shapes, sizes, and finishes.
Rain gutters can be equipped with gutter screens, louvres or solidhoods that allows water from the roof to flow through, but blocksleaves and other debris from entering and building up in the gutter.
Rain gutters can have their drains directed to rain collectionsystems that allows the saving of the rain water for use later, or intoan underground pipe system the leads to the street or other collectionareas.
A possible origin of the word "gutter" can be traced to the latin word gutta, which means drop or droplet.
Benefits- Directs water away from basements, walks and patios.
- Keeps the outside of your home clean by preventing mud and sand from splashing up onto siding and windows.
- Protects the color of brick and concrete. No drip lines or discoloring.
- Protects concrete slabs from sinking and cracking.
- Inhibits moisture from entering directly inside open front entries and backsliders.
- Preserves stained wood decks, doors and garage doors from splash-ups.
- Stops landscape erosion. Plant without the concern for flooding.
- Water is directed to the sewage system where damage from run-off is not a concern.
The rain gutter on houses that have overhanging trees can becomeblocked with leaves over time and can cause a fire hazard, particularlyin bushfireareas. Various styles of mesh and other perforated materials have beenapplied as leaf guard to help prevent this problem from occurring. Insome areas with high bushfire danger, some type of leaf guard ismandated by the building code.
- Weeds in roof gutter.
Clogged gutters can cause water leakage into the house as the waterbacks up. Clogged gutters can also lead to stagnant water build upwhich allows mosquitoes to breed and also allow grasses and weeds togrow in the gutter.
Gutters in colder climates also suffer the effects of freezing.However this can be mitigated through the use of heating cables placedin the trays that become activated in freezing weather.
[ Last edited by sako_72 at 25-12-2007 05:46 PM ] |
maybe ok kot gutter nie..tengok la mcmana..
u nak pasang gutter kat rumah eiks? |
rumah saya tak pakai . Only certain area sahaja. |
Reply #2 eva's post
Eva, apa komen u pasal gutter ni. Sekarang ni tengah plan nak buat rumah banglo. Kontraktor kata gutter ni tak tahan... Tapi terfikir kotor pulak kalau tak pasang gutter... Apa pandangan u CivicSI? |
Rumah sy pakai (Developer yg buat). ID kata tak cantik tp dia kata kalu renovate gutter boleh disembunyikan dlm tiang porch. So nampak cantik lah. |
Reply #5 dafiza's post
Dafiza, kalau tak keberatan uploadlah gambar, nak tengok apa yang Dafiza maksudkan tu... TQ |
Klu pasang keliling rumah mmg nampak buruk.....rumah teman akan pasang certain area je utk kurangkan tempias air hujan...lagipun kosnya agak mahal ckit.... |
Originally posted by sako_72 at 7-1-2008 10:20 AM
Eva, apa komen u pasal gutter ni. Sekarang ni tengah plan nak buat rumah banglo. Kontraktor kata gutter ni tak tahan... Tapi terfikir kotor pulak kalau tak pasang gutter... Apa pandangan u CivicSI?
i tak tahu sgt about gutter nie sako... sbb my house atap dia atap genting.
tp mungkin ada rasionalnya napa gutter nie tak berapa okie ngan cuaca malaysia.
mostly yg pakai gutter nie negeri omputih kan?
cuba buat homework sikit kat internet pros n cons dia k. |
gutter ni memang dipakai kat sini...
kalau time hujan tu bergunalah..
tak perlu risau jadi tempat nyamuk sbb summer aje biasa
ada nyamuk.. time lain nyamuk tak hidup..
kalau winter tak bestlah.. lelebih kalau ais duk bertakung sampai bawah cam
dalam gua.. lepas tu kalau jatuh, berdiri bawah tu memang saja ajelah tu... |
Reply #6 sako_72's post
Sorry rumah belum siap renovate lagi. Nanti dah siap baru amik gambar. Maybe 2-3 bulan lagi baru siap. Tp yg gambar sebelum tu mcm gambar yg sako paste la. |
aku lebih suka bumbung yang ada gutter..Time ujan takde la air ujan tu jatuh merata2... sumanya disalurkan ke downpipe terus ke longkanggggggggg
Dulu2 kalu kat kampung2, derang guna ni utk tadah air ujan.. (dulu xde tap water maaa). Dari segi tempoh hayat, kena tengok jenis material gutter tu gakk.. |
kat malaysia org pakai gutter dari material upvc, galvanised iron atau paling mahal stainless steel. pro nya ia mengelakkan tempias. con nya kdg2 nampak tak cantik dan once in a while kena bersihkan.
kalau kat oversea, racoon suka berkampung dlm gutter.
my opinion is - better you install. |
Reply #12 smeetasmitten's post
kalu kat mesia... sampah sarap/ daun2 kering byk berkumpul kat sini.. pastu ada burung dtg bawak bijik benih.. tumbuh pokok ara kat situ (ni bukan gurauan - aku sendirik penah nampak pokok tu dah berakar umbi kat gutter, dah sebesor betis dah pokok tu) |
Reply #6 sako_72's post
gutter ni make sure jgn ada tersumbat jerr..(daun sampah ertc)
material dia besi.. kalau berkarat memang ler tak tahan lamaa..
nak tahan lama. pakai ler material besh (paint internal) utk melambatkan process pengaratann.... |
Reply #14 takumi86's post
pasang longkang 'U' konkrit je kat tepi2 bumbung tuu |
Originally posted by sako_72 at 7-1-2008 10:20 AM
Eva, apa komen u pasal gutter ni. Sekarang ni tengah plan nak buat rumah banglo. Kontraktor kata gutter ni tak tahan... Tapi terfikir kotor pulak kalau tak pasang gutter... Apa pandangan u CivicSI?
My opinion... pasang gutter diporch. Kalau nak pasang ditempat lain pun boleh tapi make sure tempat yang you senang nak maintain sama ada pakai tangga atau panjat bumbung.
Rumah saya pasang diporch sebab tempias hujan tu tak le seteruk kalau tak pakai gutter.
Dari segi bersih dan percikan tanah tu terkena dinding boleh dielakan dengan menanam rumput atau simen atau tiles.
Kalau pakai gutter concrete lagi bagus and tahan lama..tapi kalau tak dimaintain pun lelama lumut pun boleh tumbuh jugak. |
Reply #16 CivicSI's post
Terima kasih banyak-banyak atas pandangan korang yang bernas tu, insyaallah Allah balas jasa baik korang tu. Insyaallah aku akan laksankan apa yang korang cadangkan tu....
Tapi kalau buat longkang concrete atas bumbung... ada tak masalah bocor? nanti nak kena panggil water proofing pulak. |
That is good to read the worthy comments of all of you. Especially, what are your comments about this gutter of the attic and shingled roof? Now we have plans to make a bungalow. When I hired a Gutter cleaner near me. The contractor says that the gutter is not durable ... But I think it is dirty if the gutter is not installed in place of the roof drainage system ... How do you see? |
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