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Pensil ~ cepatnye tayangan ditarik balik!!
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amik daripada website Cinema Online..
M Subash all set for "Pensil"
By Ezekiel Lee Zhiang Yang
[table=150] M Subash talking about "Pensil" | | 10 Mar |
Reply #1 laislabonita's post
boleh laa nnti aku tgk.. tq laislabonita |
Maimun Talib tuh Mak Jah kan?
patut korang gigih promote akak Makh soh tengok pilem ni. |
Reply #3 chazey's post
Maimun Talib bukan Mak Jah la... |
hehe.. tajuk dia kelakar la... |
tajuk pelik..... but interesting........... |
Reply #7 szerone9's post
mak jah tu org gaji dlm filem sebulu yusup selam keluaran serkop producsyen. |
Mak Mah pun ada ekk??wahhh.....sure best kan? |
tentative release date for this Pendidikan Seni subject's tool is 12 june 2008.. |
| Badrul (M. Subash) is a handicapped guy with a good heart and respect towards the elderly. Despite being tortured and loathed by his stepmother (Maimon Mutalib), his love and obedience towards his mother is unquestionable. Life is full of challenges as he faces incidents and non-stop tests that only make him a stronger person. Along his journey to achieve his dream, he meets Junid (Jalil Hamid), a psycho who lives in loneliness because of his dark past. Friendship was built on the similarities that are shared between them - being isolated and loathed by the villagers. Badrul teaches Junid to discover the beauty of Islam. Together they lead a meaningful life as well as pursuing his dream of becoming an artist.
(Source: Sinema Malaysia)
| | Release Date | 12 June 2008 | Language | Malay | Classification | U | Running Time | 1 hour 50 minutes | Director | M Subash | Cast | M Subash, Maimon Mutalib, Khatijah Tan, Ruminah Sidek, Jalil Hamid. |
sumber amik daripada website GSC.. |
xde sape2 ke nak discuss pasal movie ni.. dah nak tayang kan? |
tp knp dia sendiri yg blakon jd x masyuk jer..huhu |
Reply #13 green_coffee's post
biarla...dia nak test kita kot
'dah ready xuntuk protagonist bkn melayu?'
soalan muhibah tu...
aku nak tengok, pandai subash nak ambil hati penonton
herm, ak harap lepas ni masyarakat boleh terima filem malaysia yg ada bnyk kaum dan bahasa...
go subash go!
wanna watch pensil...sapa nak itut? |
Reply #16 ahmad_dhani91's post
tak bek ko bertanggapan serong seblom tayang! |
apsal die eja pensil dlm tulisan jawi camtu.. |
dia menghargai khazanah org melayu dedulu kot... tukar jadi rumi tulisan kite..xsemena-mena cam omputih lak kite
[ Last edited by dewiratna at 5-6-2008 12:11 PM ] |
ps: adakah aku akan kena saman ckap cenggini? aku edit ak edit... |
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