Hi everyone..
I'm one of the Apple iPhone user (setahun 1/2 dah)...
so far no problem at all. x mungkin let go..No Way!!!
It's always a brand new phone for me...
Antara Pros & Cons:
Cons : 2MP
Pros : big screen!easy zooming!direct e-mail,SuPeRb print-out quality!(hardly believe it's only 2MP)
Pic Library
Cons : NIL
Pros : Woah!!!Marvellous!!!
Cons : finger typing...(1st time mmg x suke..leceh sgt2)
Pros : dah pakai dlm 2 hari baru tau...pas 2, xnak sms pakai phone lain dah...haha...
Bubble-Talk! (macam chatting), SMS forwarding,Multiple SMS...(sume2 nie kena pandai install)
Cons : MMS x support kat M'sia...
Pros : Bole actually!Ye la...dah bli kat overseas cam ne nak support kat Malaysia....
so,kena la buat setting sendiri...
Quality...haa...meletop!!! hp lain xleh challenge dah bile MMS pakai iphone...
Cons: No Video Cam(?)
Pros : Hehe...ade la...(i baru je download kan...haha) yes..it's not just a video but..
yes!!! it's seriously a V-Cam!!!
Cons : Ade tp xleh sync ngan hp org lain...
Pros : Lagi best....x payah nak share ngan org lain...sesekali be selfish xpe...( :@ )
Internet :victory:
Cons : NIL
Pros : Best!!! Same je cam pakai PC..(Safari)
E-Mail :handshake:
Cons : NIL
Pros : easy access,auto log-in, pic e-mail, unlimited e-mail accounts....
Cons : sound system is nothing to be proud of..
Pros : easy selection of songs,artist, playlist..n very unique!
Extra Functions that made iphonedifferent than other phones...:
-Alarm Clock
-World Clock
-Weather Reports
-Stocks Reports
-and the settings is NOT PERMANENTLY FIXED! the choice is UNLIMITED!!!
u can even choose / change the style of your daily needs..i.e. organizer,calendar,calculator,etc...
(according to yor needs/ choice).
All I can say about this intelligent phone is:
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: " I LUV IPHONE ! ! ! ":kiss: :kiss: :kiss: |
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