A man wanted to get into his work building, but he had forgotten his code.However, he did remember five clues. These are what those clues were:
The fifth number plus the third number equals fourteen.
The fourth number is one more than the second number.
The first number is one less than twice the second number.
The second number plus the third number equals ten.
The sum of all five numbers is 30.
What were the five numbers and in what order?
what ur answer? |
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Reply #1 casio's post
The fifth number plus the third number equals fourteen.
The fourth number is one more than the second number.
The first number is one less than twice the second number.
The second number plus the third number equals ten.
The sum of all five numbers is 30.
What were the five numbers and in what order?
7 4 6 5 8 |
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Reply #2 amazed's post
waaaa....amazed bijak.....anak sapa la nih...xsia2 jd religious bln nih....tp btol ke jwpn si amazed nih.. |
Let's call the numbers in this order A, B, C, D, E.
1. E + C = 14
2. D = B + 1
3. A = 2 * B - 1
4. B + C = 10
5. A + B + C + D + E = 30
Substract (1.) from (5.):
A + B + D = 16
Replace there D from (2.):
A + 2 * B + 1 = 16 => A = 15 - 2 * B
Replace there A from (3.):
2 * B - 1 = 15 - 2 * B => 4 * B = 16 =>
B = 4
Replace B in (2.):
D = B + 1 = 5
Replace B in (3.):
A = 2 * B - 1 = 2 * 4 - 1 = 7
Replace B in modified (4.):
C = 10 - B = 10 - 4 = 6
Replace C in modified (1.):
E = 14 - C = 14 - 6 = 8
1. 8 + 6 = 14
2. 5 = 4 + 1
3. 7 = 2* 4 - 1
4. 4 + 6 = 10
5. 7 + 4 + 6 + 5 + 8 = 30
(p/s: aku google tetibe terjumpe plak jwbn dia. Aku ingat nk scan je jwbn aku tp takut korng xleh baca plak tulisan aku yg "cantek" tuh.. ) |
Reply #8 BeskotCekelat's post
wahhh ko buat camtu ke beskot... aku main congak aje sungguh tak tengok pun... main kira2 manual.. aku rasa aku siapkan dalam masa 15 min kot... tu kira terok gak sbb kalu ujian PTD tu mmg kira hancusss tuh padan ler ko bes student tadika dulu (walau pun grads umur 8 taon..) ...
cayorkk ler beskot bab yg ni aku saspek kat ko... 
[ Last edited by amazed at 21-4-2008 07:25 PM ] |
Reply #2 amazed's post
ok geng..jawapan kau mmg tepat... so jap lagi aku bagi adiah.... |
queation num 2:
Tukang apa jika dipanggil dia mendongak ke atas ? |
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Reply #13 BeskotCekelat's post
okeh ur rite....
wait for next q |
Pintu apa yang ditolak ngan 10 orang pun tak tertolak..?[/si ze] |
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Reply #17 casio's post
pintu yg ader tanda ' tarik'........ |
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Reply #18 micha's post
kau dah tau xpela.....
jap lagi sure kau tak dapat jawap |
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