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HEROES Volume 3 : Villains
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Season three will open with a two-hour episode, set to air Monday, September 22, 2008.[27] The premiere of the third volume, "Villains", will be preceded by a one-hour clip show of the past two seasons.[12] "Villains" was originally designed to be included within the second season; however, due to the writers' strike,the volume was carried over into season three. The lead-in to"Villains" featured a scene with Sylar, which was shown as the finalscene of the "Generations" finale. Throughout Volume Two, Sylar'spowers were suppressed by the Shanti virus.[28]After using a cure, procured from Mohinder Suresh, he regained hisabilities, delivering the first lines of Volume Three, "Villains": "I'mback." Tim Kring has claimed that the new volume will bring a cadre ofvillains to the show, hence the title.[29] On December 5, 2007 at the Jules Verne Film Festival Adventure, Tim Kring showed a video-preview of volume three.[30] According to an interview with Allan Arkush, filming for season three began on May 1, 2008.[31] On May 9, 2008a season three promo clip was released with hints at possible "innervillains" within the heroes. The promo stated, "In every hero therecould be a villain," before plastering the words "hero" and "villain"over the face of every major character. The characters Nathan and Niki,whose fates were unclear at the end of the second season, were featuredin the promo.[32]In July NBC began airing a teaser for season three featuring NoahBennet talking to Claire stating, "This was before you were even born,I was finding these people and locking them away so that they couldn'thurt anybody. Now a dozen of them have escaped, and they willkill...and they will terrorize...and they will cause...unimaginabledestruction to the world...they're villains, Claire," while a montageof clips play showing the results of what of each of the events Noah isspeaking of.[33] Zachary Quinto, who plays Sylar, has stated that the Villians story arc will last for thirteen episodes |
Heroes memang besh & mantap mcm Prison Break
lambat lagi ni.. tak sabar nak mendonlod.. |
biler nak air ni?  |
heroes season 2 tak best giler... harap2 dapat kembali kepada momentum yg dedulu... |
Reply #6 buiscasey's post
aah.. x best lgsg sizen 2
br nk stat best, ade lak WTA strike ka apa nama yg mogok tuh.. last2 abih gitu je |
lambatnyer september..huhuhu..kena sbr dlm 2bln lbh lg baru leh tgk...i'm back!!! |
Originally posted by buiscasey at 22-7-2008 10:16 PM 
heroes season 2 tak best giler... harap2 dapat kembali kepada momentum yg dedulu...
aaa ha... s.2 tak best mana.... cam tengok iklan jer.... |
The first 15 minutes video from Heroes Season 3 has leaked. I'm not watching it. I'll wait. But just want to give y'all the info. |
Season three will open with a two-hour episode, set to air Monday, September 22, 2008.[27] The premiere of the third volume, "Villains", will be preceded by a one-hour clip show of the past two seasons.[12] "Villains" was originally designed to be included within the second season; however, due to the writers' strike,thevolume was carried over into season three. The lead-in to"Villains"featured a scene with Sylar, which was shown as the finalscene of the"Generations" finale. Throughout Volume Two, Sylar'spowers weresuppressed by the Shanti virus.[28]Afterusing a cure, procured from Mohinder Suresh, he regained hisabilities,delivering the first lines of Volume Three, "Villains": "I'mback." TimKring has claimed that the new volume will bring a cadre ofvillains tothe show, hence the title.[29] On December 5, 2007 at the Jules Verne Film Festival Adventure, Tim Kring showed a video-preview of volume three.[30] According to an interview with Allan Arkush, filming for season three began on May 1, 2008.[31] On May 9, 2008aseason three promo clip was released with hints at possible"innervillains" within the heroes. The promo stated, "In every herotherecould be a villain," before plastering the words "hero" and"villain"over the face of every major character. The characters Nathanand Niki,whose fates were unclear at the end of the second season, werefeaturedin the promo.[32]InJuly NBC began airing a teaser for season three featuring NoahBennettalking to Claire stating, "This was before you were even born,I wasfinding these people and locking them away so that they couldn'thurtanybody. Now a dozen of them have escaped, and they willkill...and theywill terrorize...and they will cause...unimaginabledestruction to theworld...they're villains, Claire," while a montageof clips play showingthe results of what of each of the events Noah isspeaking of.[33] Zachary Quinto, who plays Sylar, has stated that the Villians story arc will last for thirteen episodes
1 jam ulang kaji season2 lepas??wtf:geram::@
dah dekat ni, mggu depan kan?so kaedahnye hari selasa mggu depan dah ada 2 tv series yg aku kene download, prison break & heroes |
Balas #11 flying_cow\ catat
yeah...kena clear skit la hdisk aku...
Huh..byk tol... |
Reply #13 gorgonz's post
22 sept baru start, so hari selasa la baru boleh start sedut...hehe |
season 2 anti climax.. 11 episode tak puas tgk.. kena ada 23 ke 24 ke baru la best |
Season 2 kena stop tetiba.
Tuh yang kelam kabut jalan citer.
Abih sumer sekor² mampos.
[ Last edited by GAMEOVER at 18-9-2008 04:13 PM ] |
betul, season 2 paling teruk sbb writers' strike hari tuh...sume tv series pon terjejas...hopefully it'll be better this time around. |
Reply #19 emeraldxoxo's post
Sumbang mahram nih  |
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