Sorry wat topik baru pasal hedgehog nih walaupon pernah ade sebelum ni..
tapi aku tgk mcm tak informative..
so aku wat la yg baru nih..
Mod, kalau tak sesuai sila delete! tq..
ape pon, masih dalam pembikinan.. bagi sehari dua pasti gempak ok!
nantikan kemunculan..
tolong jangan reply apa2 sampai dah siap nanti ok..
time kasih byk2 tau..
[ Last edited by bonai at 11-4-2008 03:18 PM ] |

[ Last edited by bonai at 21-8-2008 01:20 AM ] |
Originally posted by bonai at 11-4-2008 14:50 
Sorry wat topik baru pasal hedgehog nih walaupon pernah ade sebelum ni..
tapi aku tgk mcm tak informative..
so aku wat la yg baru nih..
Mod, kalau tak sesuai sila delete! tq..
ape pon, ...
aper bender turr..??? |
Hi, im new here. Tried searching for Hedgehog punya topic tapi dah closed so decided to open a new one..
here's some info on domesticated hedgies:
A hedgehog is any of the small spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae and the order Erinaceomorpha. There are 16 species of hedgehog in five genera, found through parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand. There are no hedgehogs native to Australia, and no living species native to North America; those in New Zealand are introduced. Hedgehogs have changed little over the last 15 million years. Like many of the first mammals they have adapted to a nocturnal, insectivorous way of life. The name 'hedgehog' came into use around the year 1450, derived from the Middle English 'heyghoge', from 'heyg', 'hegge' = hedge, because it frequents hedgerows, and 'hoge', 'hogge' = hog, from its piglike snout
anyways, ni la hedgie i, nama dia Mr. hehe. comel kan?

ada sesiapa kat sini yang bela hedgie jugak?  |
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Reply #1 tinkerbell_3528's post
eh............... boleh ke nak peluk2 dia?
xpernah tecucuk ngan bulu dia?
errr.... dia ni mcm landak eh?
p/s: ooooooooo form 2 yek  |
macam landak tp spines dia tak tanggal. mula2 sakit la lama2 dah biasa 
bukan form 2, i dah masuk college dah. tadi kacau my brother tgh buat kerje skolah.
yang jari gemuk2 tu my brother lah. hehe. i jadi photographer  |
Reply #3 tinkerbell_3528's post
hohooo..... tak acknowledge pon jari tu gemok ke kurus.... takut yee
abes tu, mmg dia boleh gulung pusing2 mcm kartun sonic tu eh??
ni sure maintance rendah, makan murah, nak 'buang' pon tak la kotor sgt kan? |
okay-lah. mcm rabbit, hamster jugak.
tapi dia makan friskies for kitten takpun farret food. air, wood shavings mcm biasalah..
bila tidur takun bermalas dia gulung2 jadi bulat mcm sea urchin. later i upload gbr dia  |
Reply #5 tinkerbell_3528's post
owh.......... di cuma menggulung bila nak tidur ja ek....?
mcm comel jek.... mai gambo nnt ek |
aper kelebihan dia dari pets lain?
tak merayap ker mr. hehe ni,bukan per,kalau kiter pi travel,senang tak nak bawak |
yeap. most of the time dia gulung kalau nak tidur(tanak org kacau lah tu) and kalau dia rasa takut. for me dia ni manja sgt and cute kalau tgk dia lari2, kaki kecik, badan besar. senang kot nak bawak pi travel.. tapi dia ni kalau siang kuat tidur. mlm active sikit. kena pandai2 adjust time tidur dia. hehe |
Reply #13 tinkerbell_3528's post
mcm hamster jugak ye. bila tido pun depa suka gulung2 gak  |
first time nih saya mengenali hedgehog nih
tp betul lah kan mcm landak..mcm mana nak kiss2 dia eh..leh ker?? |
boleh.. sebab hedgehog ni manja sgt.. dah la kuat makan. paling comel masa tidur suka roll badan then muka cuteeeeee sgt rasa cam nak cubit2 tapi taleh sbb kecik sgt hehe |
Baby porcupine

is baby porcupine cute?? |
tu hoglets kan? kalau tak silap lah.. orang tak bela porcupine ni sbb spine dia blh tanggal. habis berlubang2 owner nanti  |
cumil nya...........wa nak bela la porcupine ni |
erkk..mcm takut jer |
| |