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Kubur Terbesar Dinosaur Dijumpai Di China -
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Huge dinosaur discovery in China: state media
BEIJING (AFP) - - Paleontologists in east China have dug up what they believe is one of the world's largest group of dinosaur fossils including the remains of an enormous "platypus", state press said Tuesday.

Paleontologists have discovered 15 areas near Zhucheng city in Shandong province that contain thousands of dinosaur bones, the Beijing News reported.
"This group of fossilised dinosaurs is currently the largest ever discovered in the world... in terms of area," the paper cited paleontologist Zhao Xijin of the China Academy of Sciences as saying.
In one area measuring 300 metres (990 feet) by 10 metres, more than 3,000 bones were found, the report said. Since digging began in March scientists have discovered more than 7,600 bones.
Included in the find was the largest "platypus" -- or "duck-billed dinosaur" in Chinese -- ever discovered measuring nine metres high with a wingspan wider than 16 metres, the report said.
Zhao said the discovery of so many dinosaurs in such a dense area could provide clues on how the animals became extinct towards the end of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, the Beijing News said.
Scientists have also identified the remains of ankylosaurus, tyrannosaurus and coelurus, according to China's official Xinhua news agency.
Xinhua said paleontologists are expecting to find many more remains in the area, which lies in a region that has produced more than 50 tonnes of dinosaur fossils since the 1960s.
Plans are being made to set up a fossil park in the area, but local mine operations that were suspended for the dig are eager to resume mining, it said.
tak tahu pula regarding badlands in china.. -
tak pernah dengar yang there's huge fossils in the area -
however - then it will be a great discovery by palaeontologist -
[ Last edited by amazed at 4-1-2009 08:59 AM ] |
Sebelum ni banyak jumpa kat Gobi... |
Reply #1 dexa's post
badland nih yg katner yek?
sama ker ngan tempat deme jumpa guanlong wucaii tuh dulu? yg tok nenek t-rex tuh?  |
Kubur terbesar dinosaur ditemui

SEHINGGA kini, saintis masih gagal mencari punca sebenar
kematian mendadak dinosaur zaman purba. - Gambar hiasan.
BEIJING - Saintis China percaya mereka berjaya menemui sekumpulan besar fosil dinosaur di timur negara itu yang dianggap sebagai koleksi haiwan purba terbesar di dunia.
Penyelidik dari Akademi Sains China mendakwa, sejumlah 7,600 tulang dinosaur zaman Cretaceous, iaitu bermulanya era kepupusan haiwan primitif itu, sudah dijumpai sejak Mac tahun lalu di wilayah Shandong.
Penemuan bakal menjelaskan punca binatang purba pupus secara mengejut kerana tapak itu juga dikenali sebagai 'kota dinosaur' ekoran begitu banyak fosil dijumpai bermula dekad 1960-an lagi.
"Kami jumpa lebih 3,000 rangka pelbagai jenis dinosaur berbeza dalam satu kawasan sahaja seumpama liang kubur besar haiwan ini yang mati mendadak," kata Prof. Zhao Xijin.
- Agensi
mmg betul gak ek alpha.. banyak jumpa kat gobi dulu..... tapi cripesssssss banyak fossils nih.... interesting gak kalu dapat tengok dgn mata kepala sendrik... |
smpai skang aku kagum ngan ciptaan tuhan ni
dino nih wujud seblom adam turun ke bumi kan? |
Balas #6 iza_yuss\ catat
rasa2nya la, 65 juta tahun dulu |
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