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BENGKEL SULAMAN MANIK @ Q'reazant (Seksyen 9 Bandar Baru Bangi)
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Venue: Q'reazant Book Rental Store,
Sect.9 Bandar Baru Bangi
Time: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Age: Adults, teenagers aged 15 and above are welcome
Fees: RM250 (food and beading kit will be provided)
Call us at 017-391 3784 or email [email protected] to register |
teknik apa yg akan di ajar kat kelas ni nnti ek? crumble ada x? |
nak beli manik dengan harga borong boleh pm i.. atau ke facebook i .. [email protected], i adalah pemborong manik dan kristal di plaza GM dan GM klang |
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