Muzikal“KITA”menampilkan semangat dan visi sebenar konsep 1 Malaysia, dimana semuabangsa di Malaysia hidup dalam suasana aman dan harmoni,bersatupaduserta bermatlamat untuk mencapai kemajuan dan kemakmurandi tanah airyang tercinta ini. “KITA” menjanjikansatupersembahan yang berprestij dengan kisah yang menyentuh perasaan,iramayang merdu, reka bentuk pentas yang menakjubkan danlebih-lebih lagipersembahan ini disertai oleh 50 orang artis yangterdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa dilakonkan oleh hafiz suip, nas adilla dan ramai lagi.
“KITA”bukan sahajamenampilkan konsep 1 Malaysia, tetapi juga memberipeluangkepada seniman pelbagai bangsa yang berbakat berganding bahuuntukmementaskan muzikal yang dimiliki oleh kita, rakyat Malaysia. Performance schedule:
Jadual Persembahan | : | TARIKH | MASA | 17/06/2010 (Khamis) | 8:30 PM | 18/06/2010 (Jumaat) | 8:30 PM | 19/06/2010 (Sabtu) | 8:30 PM | 20/06/2010 (Ahad) | 3:00 PM | 21/06/2010 (Isnin) | REHAT | 22/06/2010 (Selasa) | 8:30 PM | 23/06/2010 (Rabu) | 8:30 PM | 24/06/2010 (Khamis) | 8:30 PM | 25/06/2010 (Jumaat) | 8:30 PM | 26/06/2010 (Sabtu) | 8:30 PM | 27/06/2010 (Ahad) | 8:30 PM |
VISA 20%
- 20% early bird rebate is applicable only for all Visa Infinite and Visa Platinum cards issued in Malaysia.
- Limited to first 50 tickets.
- Allcardholdersare required to present and make payment with their VisaInfinite andVisa Platinum to be entitled to the 20% Rebate.
- Rebate is limited to only 4 tickets per cardholder
- Not applicable with other discounts or promotions.
- Purchases MUST be made through Axcess-Visa dedicated HOTLINE 03-7954 5922or VISA Privilege Outlets.
- For full details, please visit
EARLY BIRD 10% - Discount valid from 17 May 2010 until 23 May 2010.
- Available at all Axcess Outlets, Hotline & Internet
STUDENT - Discount valid from 17 May 2010 until 27 June 2010.
- Purchaser to present NRIC/Student ID upon purchase.
- Limit to One ticket per Student ID.
- Applicable to age 21 and below only.
- Purchaser to present NRIC / Student ID for verification upon entering the theatre.
- Non presentation of NRIC / Student ID will be refused entry to the theatre.
- Available at all Axcess outlets and Istana Budaya Box Office.
- Not available for Hotline & Internet
Axcess outlets
> Axcess Office
> 1-Utama Shopping Complex
> Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil
> Rock Corner Mid Valley
> Tower Records Lot 10
> Parkson Sunway Pyramid
> Rock Corner The Curve
> Rock Corner KLCC
> Alamanda Putrajaya Shopping Centre
> UC Travel, University Malaya |