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Jalan Sutra dan Peninggalannya yang Indah
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[size=100%] Jalan Sutra adalah jalur jalan terpanjang yang membentang diantara dua benua, menghubungkan Tiongkok dan dunia barat, yang zaman dulu dipakai sebagai rute perdagangan melalui darat. Sejak lama, Tiongkok dikenal sebagai penghasil kain sutra yang hasilnya diekspor ke barat, terutama melalui jalan ini, makanya disebut “jalan sutra” (the silk road), sepanjang jalan yang melalui banyak negara ini, terbentanglah peninggalan budaya dan sejarah yang sangat bernilai untuk dinikmati, sambil membayangkan businessman jaman dulu mengangkut sutra dan komoditi barang dagangan lainnya melewati 7.000 mil jalan di jalur sutera ini menuju Eropa.
[size=100%]Jalan Sutra adalah yang jalur paling terkenal sebagai rute perdagangan dari peradaban Tiongkok kuno. Perdagangan sutra tumbuh di bawah Dinasti Han (202 SM - AD 220) pada abad pertama dan kedua Masehi. Awalnya, sutra dihasilkan Tiongkok kuno untuk memenuhi kebutu*an dalam negeri, di dalam kekaisaran. Setelah produksi menjadi banyak, mereka mulai menjualnya ke arah Barat, mengangkutnya menggunakan kereta kuda dan unta saat melewati gurun. Dalam perjalanan, mereka sering diserang oleh suku-suku kecil di Asia Tengah yang ingin merampas komoditi berharga yang dibawa pedagang. Akibatnya, Dinasti Han memperluas pertahanan militernya lebih jauh ke Asia Tengah 135-90 SM dalam rangka untuk melindungi para pedagang. Pemerintah Han mengirim Jenderal Zhangqian (Chan Ch'ien) sebagai seorang utusan untuk membangun hubungan yang baik dengan suku-suku ini, kemudian muncul ide untuk memperluas perdagangan sutra, memasukkan suku-suku kecil ini sebagai bagian didalamnya, membentuk aliansi dengan mereka. Karena ide ini, Jalan Sutra lahir. Rute tumbuh dengan munculnya Kekaisaran Romawi karena pada awalnya memberikan sutra Tiongkok pada pemerintahan Asia-Romawi sebagai hadiah.

[size=100%]Melewati Dua Benua
[size=100%] Rute 7.000 mil yang membentang Tiongkok, Asia Tengah, India Utara, dan Kekaisaran Parthia dan Romawi. Ia menghubungkan Lembah Sungai Kuning dengan Laut Tengah dan melewati tempat-tempat di Tiongkok seperti kota Gansu dan Sinkiang dan saat ini negara Iran, Irak dan Suriah.

Penduduk India barat laut yang tinggal di dekat Sungai Gangga memainkan peran penting sebagai perantara dalam perdagangan sutra Tiongkok-Mediterania karena pada awal abad ketiga Masehi, mereka mengerti bahwa sutra adalah produk yang menguntungkan dari KekaisaranTiongkok. Hubungan perdagangan antara Tiongkok dan India tumbuh lebih kuat dengan peningkatan ekspansi Han ke Asia Tengah. Tiongkok juga melakukan perdagangan sutra mereka dengan orang-orang India seperti batu mulia dan logam seperti batu giok, emas, dan perak, dan India juga menjual sutra kepada kekaisaran Roma. Sutra adalah barang impor yang sangat bernilai dan mahal harganya untuk Kekaisaran Romawi sejak perdagangan di India dan Asia Tengah yang sangat dikendalikan oleh Kekaisaran Parthia.

[size=100%]Peninggalan Sepanjang Jalan Sutera di Tiongkok :
[size=100%]Prajurit Terakota di Xi’an
[size=100%] Prajurit terakota ditemukan di daerah Tong, 30 km dari Xi’an pada bulan Maret 1947, terletak di dekat makam Kaisar Qin Shihuang (210-209 BC). Prajurit patung ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk membantu Kaisar Qin di masa kehidupan selanjutnya (oleh karenanya disebut “Prajurit Qin”). Material patung terakota ini berasal dari Gunung Lishan. Menurut sejarah, konstruksi ini mulai dibangun pada 246 BC dan melibatkan 700.000 pematung. Kaisar Qin secara khusus memerintahkan agar wajah patung-patung ini tidak boleh ada yang sama.
[size=100%]Menara lonceng di Xi’an
Menara ini adalah lambang kota Xi’an. Ada legenda yang menyelimuti menara lonceng ini. Pada dinasti Ming, ribuan orang tewas karena gempa bumi di Shaanxi. Orang-orang mengatakan ada naga raksasa yang muncul di tengah kota itu dan menimbulkan gempa tersebut. Saat mendengar mengenai hal ini, raja menyuruh pandai besi membuat rantai sepanjang 300 meter untuk mengikat naga tersebut di tengah kota. Dia juga memerintahkan 5.000 tukang yang terampil untuk membangun menara disekeliling tempat naga itu terikat, untuk memenjarakan naga itu ke dalam tanah sehingga tidak menimbulkan gempa lagi selamanya.
[size=100%]Kuil Kuda Putih di Luoyang
Kuil Kuda Putih terletak 12 km dari kota Luoyang, merupakan salah satu kuil tertua di Tiongkok yang cantik dan megah. Menurut legenda, pada tahun 68 AD, saat agama Buddha semakin surut di India, dua Bhikku India datang ke Luoyang menunggang kuda putih, membawa kitab suci Buddha dari india datang ke tempat ini. Para penganut Buddhis di tempat ini mendirikan kuil ini untuk mereka dan memperdalam ajaran Buddha bersama kedua Bhikku tersebut. Dalam sejarah juga tercatat bahwa tempat ini digunakan oleh Kaisar kedua Han, Lui Zhuang, untuk menuntut ilmu. Dahulu lebih dari 1000 bhikku tinggal di tempat ini. Kuil ini juga merupakan makam dari dua Bhikku India membawa kitab suci tersebut.
[size=100%]Mogao Grotto di Dunhuang
Mogao Grotto disebut juga Gua Seribu Buddha, di masa jalan sutera dikenal sebagai “mutiara yang berkilau di jalur sutera”, merupakan tempat persinggahan yang sangat terkenal. Gua ini dipahat dari karang batu pasir Gunung Mingsha, yang terbentang sepanjang 1600m dari selatan ke utara. Dibangun pada abad ke-14, lukisan mural sepanjang 4500 meter persegi dan lebih dari 2000 patung berwarna adalah merupakan salah satu warisan sejarah kebudayaan Buddhis yang masih tersisa di dunia. Gua pertama kali dipahat pada tahun 366 AD. Idenya berasal dari Bhikku Yue Zun yang bermimpi keberadaan 1000 Buddha emas saat ia pulang ke rumah melewati wilayah ini, dan dia memutuskan untuk mewujudkan mimpinya menjadi nyata. Lebih dair 1000 tahun kemudian, 16 dinasti jatuh dan berdiri, namun pekerjaan maha akbar ini terus dilanjutkan, melibatkan seniman lintas generasi. Yang menakjubkan, konstuksi yang selesai dibangun pada zaman Dinasti yuan sampai sekarang masih tegak berdiri, tahan terhadap erosi alam dan perang. Masih ada 492 gua yang masih berdiri dan lebih dari 2000 patung dan 45.000 mural masih ada disana.
[size=100%]peta jalur sutera
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tak silap aku dulu malaysia pernah buat ekspedisi merentas laluan sutera nie tajaan petronas yg mana kesemuanya menaiki 4x4.... |
kenapa panggil jalan sutera..? :cf: |
Post Last Edit by abgsedapmalam at 25-6-2010 23:09
Saper yg minat nak tenguk dokumentari jln sutera silakan menonton filem ni dah hampir 30thn tapi penuh info penggambaran dari nhk jepun dgn kerjasama cctv china..dulu pernah beberapa kali di siarkan di tv msia rtm...saya hanya dapat tonton 12 episod..ada episod lebih terbaru dari episod 13 ke 30 tapi belum dapat lagi.
LINK tayangan lengkap disini.
1. Begin your journey through China at the Great Wall and from there witness such sights as the incredible Clay Army, the amazing World's Largest Tomb and the fantastic Underground Murals of the Most Beautiful Princess Who Ever Lived.
The Silk Road 01 Glories Of Ancient Chang An
2. Leave Xi-an and cross the Yellow River on a goat-skin raft. Visit the giant Buddha at Bing-li-si, traverse the forbidding He-xi Corridor, stroll the streets of the citadel town of Zhang-ye, and visit the Nie-pan Buddha, already 200 years old when Marco Polo lived there in the fourteenth century
The Silk Road 02 A Thousand Kilometers Beyond The Yellow River
3. The Art Gallery in the Desert. Focuses on the famous Mogao caves at Dunhuang, which are indeed an art gallery of Buddhist art spanning centuries. Excellent closeups and sufficient analysis in a clear fashion to give some appreciation for the imagery and the changes in artistic style, reflecting the cultural exchange that took place on the Silk Road. It would have been valuable to have had more information on the treasure trove of manuscripts that the famous explorer Aurel Stein acquired at Dunhuang early in this century and took off to the British Library, although in several places the series shows photographs of what he discovered and items from other museum collections.
The Silk Road 03 The Art Gallery in the Desert
4. The Dark Castle. Includes a good sequence illustrating facets of travel via camel caravan along the Silk Road. Focus is on the ruins of the fortress-city of Karakhoto (one of the centers of the Xixia or Tangut state that flourished in the region just prior to the Mongol invasion of the thirteenth century), where the modern archaeological/film crew finds various artifacts including pieces of silk and written texts. This film would be quite appealing for younger students because it includes some dramatization of the semi-legendary events surrounding the conquest and destruction of Karakhoto by the armies of Chingis Khan.
The Silk Road 04 The Dark Castle.
5. In Search of the Kingdom of Lou-Lan. Introduces the region just east of the Taklamakan Desert--with striking shots of the terrain. Has an interesting segment on the way in which Lake Lop Nor has "moved" historically and the explanations why. Various archaeological objects--coins, Roman beads, written texts--showing the international connections of the kingdom that flourished here nearly 2000 years ago. One of most interesting segments shows the excavation of some tombs, with the uncovering of mummified bodies.
The Silk Road 05 In Search of the Kingdom of Lou-Lan.
6. Across the Taklamakan Desert. Again a good sense of the varied geography, both physical and human, including a tour of a provincial oasis town and its market. Information on the main population of the area, the Uighurs, with interesting filming of such things as the making of the characteristic flat bread that is a staple of their diet. Then follows along the route of the famous explorer Stein to visit the ruins of Miran and Niya, now well out in desert, but at one time located on rivers and centers of sophisticated administration, economic and religious life. One sees, among other things, the wooden beams of a large "palace." Some of pictures taken from the artifacts removed to museums by Stein and others, including the mummified bodies of a couple, the silk robe that one of them was wrapped in, and the various objects of daily life that had been buried with them. [On these mummies, see the March 1996 National Geographic.] Clear evidence of the international ties of the Silk Road cities, with both western and Chinese artistic influences.
The Silk Road 06 Across The Taklamakan Desert.
7. Khotan: Oasis of Silk and Jade. A camel caravan brings big chunks of jade down from the Kun-Lun Mountains south of the Taklamakan Desert. Comments on religious significance of jade in China; picture of spectacular suit of jade armor from a tomb. People searching for jade in a river; then the jade market in town. The silk industry--weaving and spinning. The famous tale of the "Silk Princess" who smuggled silkworms out of China and is depicted in one of paintings discovered by the archaeologist Aurel Stein. Expedition searches for that site in the desert (Dandan Oilik) but fails to locate it. Scenes of typical Uighur market day in Khotan, but Japanese film crew play the foolish tourists. A silk dance, with the female dancers carrying plates of cocoons. Visit to the local ice house in the heat of mid-summer. Some rather silly dialogue (When did you get the ice? In January? Oh, you mean in winter!) and a remarkable assertion that Uighurs have little furniture in their houses today because once (hundreds of years ago!) they were nomads. Other somewhat demeaning comments on Uighurs. Mosque scene with some 5000 worshippers on Friday--China as a bastion of freedom of religion today. A little about history of Khotan as a Buddhist center before the arrival of Islam in tenth century. Visits there by Xuanzang, the 7th century pilgrim, and by Marco Polo in the thirteenth century. |
The Silk Road 07 Khotan-Oasis of Silk and Jade
8.A Heat Wave Called Turfan. Mud lake below sea level, excessive heat in summer with people sleeping in open air on roofs. Spectacular ruins of city of Gaochang (Kocho) with a fair amount on history and culture and some pictures of important artifacts including Manichaean and Nestorian paintings. Emphasis on cosmopolitan nature of the town. Impressive T'ang era fortress of Jiaohe (Yarkhoto) on a large plateau, but minimal comment on its history. Importance of grape harvest and raisins to the local economy; shows process of drying the raisins. The important Bezeklik Buddhist caves in nearby mountains, but talks as much about destruction by locals and foreign archaeologists as it does about content of paintings. One painting shows supposedly foreign ambassadors from more than a millenium ago. Interesting footage of the karez underground irrigation system including a walk through the channels. Overall, a lot of useful material in this film.
The Silk Road 08 A Heat Wave Called Turfan
9.Through the Tian Shan Mountains by Rail. The 470 km. trip from Turfan to Korla, starting in the Gobi region, crossing the eastern Tien Shan and down into the northern Tarim Basin oases. Travel was at time railroad just completed (ca. 1980); much of footage and narrative is a paean to the benefits the railroad would bring to the indigenous peoples. Apart from lots of photos of the steam locomotive passing through sometimes stark landscape, also some good camel shots, since several taken along for the expedition to test how difficult camel travel over the mountain passes would have been for historic Silk Road travelers. Some interesting shots of T'ang era fortifications, especially at Iargo (?). Construction technique not packed earth layering but layering of rounded boulders with reed mats. Brief section on some 2500-year-old burials of nomads, with some elegant gold animal-style artifacts. Notes that even in 400 B.C. area had active E-W exchange. Brief music/dance performance in front of yurt of local Torft (? Oirot?) nomads. Tragedy of their Kalmuck ancestors in 18th century alluded to but not properly explained. At Yanqi (Karashahr) oasis on Kaigdu River, notes population is Hui Muslims, but when Xuanzang passed through in 7th century it had been Buddhist. Brief glimpse of Shi Koshing Buddhist cave complex in ruins; a few of sculpted artifacts.
The Silk Road 09 Through the Tian Shan Mountains by Rail.
10. Journey Into Music: South Through the Tian Shan Mountains. From marshy 800 sq. mile lake through what film calls the most formidable pass in the southern Tien-Shan and on to Kucha, some 300 km. west of the pass. Some discussion of how important and cosmopolitan it had been in earlier centuries. Donkey cart "busses." Flourishing market today ("abundance of consumer goods in recent years" with nylon blouses the rage, not silk). Emphasizes fame of Kucha for its fruit and its music. Music theme throughout this film is one of its strengths: Harvest and threshing scenes and their songs, a cradle song, harvest festival with mashrab music and various traditional instruments such as dop, dotar, asatar. A tray dance, a performance of a traditional love song by an elderly woman accompanying herself on the long-necked lute, a wedding scene and its music. Interspersed is effort of Expedition to determine whether any of the instruments today are similar to ones that had come to Japan in earlier centuries via Silk Road and Kucha. Historic artifacts and paintings brought to bear--a painted box showing an "orchestra" which had been excavated in Buddhist ruins of Subashi Castle in 1903; paintings in Qumtura and Kizyl caves. In former find a 4-stringed instrument depicted which is like the Japanese lute (biwa), Tocharian inscriptions and images with Western features. In Kizyl Caves, largest such complex after Mogao in Dunhuang, the "Music Cave" (no. 38) with many images of angels (apsaras) playing instruments. One has a 5-string lute, the unique example of which in Japan being one in the 8th-century collection of the Sho-so-in. It seems to have traveled from India, via the Tarim Basin, and then East. Xuanzang quoted about the superiority of the instrumental music of Kucha. This film has a great deal of interest.
The Silk Road 10 Journey Into Music:South Through the Tian Shan Mountains
11. Where Horses Fly Like the Wind. On the Kazakhs of the Northern Tien Shan (the narration notwithstanding, not to be confused with the Cossacks). Views of horses and sheep in mountain pastures. The oasis city of Hami, famous from early times for its melons. Interesting scene of salt production. At Hami, the "Silk Road" branches, one route going south of the Tien Shan to Turfan, Korla and Kucha; the other north to Lake Barkol. Han armies pursued Huns as far as Barkol. Interesting views of hospitality in a yurt, including ceremony of serving a sheep's head. Shows milking a mare, and discusses the importance of mare's milk in diet, but does not explain adequately processing of milk products. Interspersed with views of current nomadic life are historical references and quotations regarding the nomads from the early Chinese histories. Even in this region Han-era signal towers, which were manned by thousands of soldiers. Stress on fact that it was here the Han emperor sought the "heavenly horses" for his armies. Script errs in saying Chingis Khan led "Golden Horde" through here (Golden Horde is the common designation for the western part of the Mongol empire which came into being only after his death). Legend of Prince Mu meeting the Queen Mother of the West (Xi Wang Mu) in Tienshi Lake. Interesting footage of Kazakh wedding; several scenes with music. September market at L. Tsaidam when nomads begin to descend from their summer pastures. Stress on new prosperity, availability of manufactured goods, and ethnic diversity ("races"). Ends with problematic assertion that sedentary agriculturalists change, but way of life of nomads never does (=part of the "romance" of the Silk Road). The expedition unable to cross border into USSR near where Ili River enters Kazakhstan.
The Silk Road 11 Where Horses Fly Like the Wind.
12. Two Roads to the Pamirs. 3700 km. from Chang-an to Kashgar--in old days a full year's journey. Kashgar's main mosque and celebration of end of Ramadan with thousands in square; music and dancing (for men only)."Tomb of the Fragrant Concubine" (Abakh Khoja Mausoleum), burial place of 17th and 18th century Naqshbandi Sufi rulers; legend of the Kashgari woman Xiangfei, who met tragic fate as emperor's concubine. School for non-Chinese--cute kids identify their ethnic groups in rogues' gallery lineup. Bazaar and craftsmen--lathe run by hand bow; beaten copper pots, making jewelry, musical instruments--continuation of tradition of Kashgar as commercial center. Marco Polo quoted on city. Modern truck caravan trade over Karakorum Highway to Gilgit in Pakistan--barter exchange with silk, ceramics, tea, tools, thermoses from China in exchange for dried fruit, nuts, nylon scarves, medicines. Dancing entertainment. 1300-yr.-old Buddhist caves on outskirts of city, the oldest in Xinjiang (narrator mis-speaks--200-300 BCE), but all despoiled now. Drive toward Pakistan with scenic views, nomadic herders; scene of yak caravan crossing glacier to illustrate difficulty of mountain travel. Old fort at Tashkurgan; Ptolemy cited for report from Greek merchants about "Stone Tower" (the film does not mention it likely was not the one here...). Xuanzang passed through here. Tajiks of region; an interesting Tajik village wedding with dancing. Ends on Khunjerab Pass, 4943 m.
The Silk Road 12 Two Roads to the Pamirs.
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