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[Dunia] Trump menang pilihan raya Presiden AS

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Post time 5-11-2024 12:22 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Abahmung at 7-11-2024 01:16 PM
Diterbitkan:  Nov 6, 2024 4:55 PM

Dikemaskini: 12:00AM Nov,7

Calon Republikan, Donald Trump menang pilihan raya Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS) apabila berjaya melepasi majoriti 270 undi elektoral yang diperlukan untuk memenangi jawatan itu.

Menurut AP, bekas presiden itu memenangi 295 undi elektoral berbanding 226 yang diperolehi oleh pesaingnya dari Demokrat, Kamala Harris.

Trump memenangi 72,560,841 undi atau kira-kira 51 peratus berbanding Kamala yang mendapat 67,878,826 undi atau 47.6 peratus.

CNN juga melaporkan Trump akan kembali ke Rumah Putih dengan unjurannya calon Republikan itu telah mendapat 276 undi elektoral berbanding Kamala yang memenangi 219 undi elektoral.

Sebelum ini, Agensi Anadolu yang memetik Fox News, yang lazimnya memihak kepada Trump dan Republikan, bekas presiden itu telah menewaskan Harris dan sekali gus bakal dipilih sebagai presiden AS ke-47.

Antara negeri-negeri penting yang dimenangi oleh Trump, termasuk Carolina Utara, Georgia, Pennsylvania, dan Wisconsin, serta negeri-negeri lain seperti Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia Barat, Florida, Tennessee, Carolina Selatan, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Dakota Utara, Dakota Selatan, Wyoming, Nebraska, Louisiana, Ohio, Texas, Missouri, Utah, Montana, Kansas, Iowa dan Idaho.

AS mempunyai 538 kerusi elektoral dan untuk memenangi jawatan presiden, seseorang calon itu mesti memperoleh sekurang-kurangnya 270.

Antara negeri-negeri penting yang dimenangi oleh Trump, termasuk Carolina Utara, Georgia, Pennsylvania, dan Wisconsin, serta negeri-negeri lain seperti Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia Barat, Florida, Tennessee, Carolina Selatan, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Dakota Utara, Dakota Selatan, Wyoming, Nebraska, Louisiana, Ohio, Texas, Missouri, Utah, Montana, Kansas, Iowa dan Idaho.

"Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada rakyat Amerika atas penghormatan luar biasa dipilih sebagai presiden ke-47 dan presiden ke-45 anda.

"Ini adalah kemenangan hebat untuk rakyat Amerika yang akan membolehkan kita menjadikan Amerika hebat semula," kata Trump yang dipetik CNN ketika berucap kepada penyokongnya di Florida.

Trump pertama kali dipilih sebagai presiden pada 2016, mengalahkan bekas setiausaha negara Hillary Clinton.

Pada pilihan raya presiden AS 2020, dia beliau dikalahkan oleh calon Demokrat Joe Biden, yang ketika itu adalah naib presiden semasa pentadbiran Presiden Barack Obama.

Kemenangan hari ini bakal menjadikan Trump satu-satunya presiden AS yang berkhidmat secara tidak berturut-turut, selepas Grover Cleveland, yang berkhidmat dua penggal pada akhir 1800-an.

Sehingga Julai, Trump bersaing dengan Biden, yang ketika itu mahu meneruskan untuk penggal kedua.

Selepas prestasi yang kurang memuaskan dalam debat pada Jun menentang Trump, Biden menghadapi tekanan untuk menarik diri daripada pertandingan, yang akhirnya beliau lakukan beberapa minggu kemudian dengan memberi sokongan kepada Kamala Harris, naib presidennya.

Sementara itu, Al Jazeera melaporkan beberapa pemimpin dunia mula mengucapkan tahniah kepada Trump atas kemenangannya.

Presiden Perancis Emmanuel Macron berkata dia sedia bekerja dengan rasa 'hormat' seperti ketika Trump menjadi presiden AS sebelum ini.

Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu juga mengucapkan tahniah kepada Trump "atas kehadiran semula terbesar dalam sejarah".

Canselor Austria Karl Nehammer berkata dia berharap untuk "memperluas dan mengukuhkan lagi hubungan trans-Atlantik kami untuk berjaya menangani cabaran global bersama-sama".

Jurucakap Kementerian Luar China, Mao Ning dalam sidang media berkata, China berharap akan wujudnya "kebersamaan yang aman" dengan AS.

"Kami akan terus mendekati dan menangani hubungan China-AS berdasarkan prinsip saling menghormati, kebersamaan yang aman dan kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan.

"Kami menghormati pilihan rakyat AS," katanya.

Ketua Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara (NATO), Mark Rutter berkata, kemenangan Trump akan menguatkan lagi organisasi itu.

"Kempemimpinan Trump akan menjadi kunci utama kekuatan pertubuhan ini dan saya berharap dapat bekerjasama dengannya sekali lagi untuk meningkatkan keamanan bersama NATO," katanya.

Perdana Menteri India, Narendra Modi turut mengucapkan tahniah kepada kemenangan Trump.

"Setinggi-tinggi tahniah sahabatku @realDonaldTrump atas kemenangan bersejarah dalam pilihan raya.

"Semasa anda membina kejayaan dari penggal sebelumnya, saya berharap untuk memperbaharui kerjasama kita," kata Modi di platform media sosial X.

Trump semakin menghampiri kemenangan
Diterbitkan:  Nov 6, 2024 12:50 PM

Calon Presiden Republikan, Donald Trump semakin menghampiri kemenangan apabila mendahului saingannya daripada Demokrat, Kamala Harris.

Menurut unjuran AP, dia sudah membolot 267 undi elektoral untuk menguasai Rumah Putih berbanding Harrris yang menang di 214 kerusi elektoral.

Jumlah undi yang diperolehi oleh bekas presiden AS itu adalah 68,075,828 atau kira-kira 51.2 peratus berbanding Harris yang mendapat 62,987,829 undi.

Menurut media di AS, Trump juga berjaya menguasai tiga daripada tujuh negeri 'medan tempur' yang dijangka menjadi penentu keputusan pilihan raya kali ini, iaitu Carolina Utara, Georgia dan Pennsylvania.

Majoriti diperlukan untuk memenangi jawatan Presiden AS ialah 270 undi elektoral.

Harris pula mencatat kejayaan di negeri Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island dan Vermont serta ibu negara AS, Washington DC.

Empat lagi negeri 'atas pagar' yang sedang dalam proses pengiraan undi ialah Michigan yang mempunyai 15 undi elektoral, M Arizona (11), Wisconsin (10) dan Nevada (enam).

Sementara itu, AFP melaporkan parti Republikan turut menguasai Senat, termasuk merampas dua kerusi, sekali gus menidakkan majoriti tipis Demokrat sebelum ini.

Jurucakap Trump, Jason Miller, berkata 'mood' kem parti itu adalah positif, manakala pasukan kempen Harris pula memaklumkan bahawa naib presiden AS itu dijangka tidak tampil untuk berucap di hadapan penyokongnya pada majlis yang dijadualkan lebih awal di Washington DC.

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2024 11:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Abahmung at 6-11-2024 12:10 PM



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Post time 6-11-2024 03:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 5-11-2024 02:07 PM | Show all posts
kamala will be the 1st female president of USA ka

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Post time 5-11-2024 02:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 5-11-2024 02:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
62 juta jah? Ramai lagi ummah manuskrip kuno

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Post time 5-11-2024 02:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Masalahnya kenapa manifesto  2-2 dorg ni citer psl israel , klu aku rakyat amerika aku jd pelik. Ko kena fikir pasal amerika shj, jgn pedulikan negara lain. Ibarat klu aku mengundi kt Msia, tetiba manifesto kita akan fikirkan kedaulatan filipina.

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Post time 5-11-2024 03:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sambaldurian replied at 5-11-2024 02:39 PM
Masalahnya kenapa manifesto  2-2 dorg ni citer psl israel , klu aku rakyat amerika aku jd pelik. Ko  ...

Sbb kepala bana usa dipegang isrohell, x blh buat apa dah

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Post time 5-11-2024 04:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku sokom Trump tapi takut rm jatuh jln selamat vote Kak Mala jer lah

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Post time 5-11-2024 05:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dua2 jahanam tak boleh pakai...harap mampos kena tembak bila menang

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Post time 5-11-2024 06:08 PM | Show all posts
Selamat mengundi.

Ini waktu polling station open dan tutup.

Kalau di New York buka pukul 6 AM local time (7 PM waktu Malaysia)
California buka pukul 7 AM local time (11 PM waktu Malaysia)

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Post time 5-11-2024 06:17 PM | Show all posts

Voters line up to vote as a early voting location opened in Carmel, Ind., Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)
orang ramai ada mengundi juga rupanya


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Post time 5-11-2024 06:18 PM | Show all posts

People stand in line during the last day of early voting, Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)[ASSOCIATED PRESS/Mike Stewart]

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Post time 5-11-2024 06:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jangan lupa AFUNDI

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Post time 5-11-2024 06:23 PM | Show all posts
Election 2024: up to 8 million people are not properly registered to vote
Published: May 30, 2024 8.14am BST

The general election is to take place on July 4 – but up to 8 million people may not be correctly registered to vote.

The deadline for registering to vote is 11.59pm on Tuesday, June 18 – less than a month after the election was called by Rishi Sunak. Every citizen is required to make an individual application if they want to participate – rather than relying on a household member to do it for them, as used to be the case.

And for the first time in a general election, everyone will be required to show photo ID when they vote. Citizens who do not have a valid ID have until 5pm on Wednesday, June 26, to apply for free identification.

Research shows that many citizens often turn up to polling stations on the day of the election asking to vote, only to be told they can’t because they haven’t properly registered. This is generally because they have misunderstood voter registration or identification requirements. Gaps in the register are what leads the Electoral Commission to believe that as many as 8 million people could fall into this category.

Levels of voter registration vary enormously by demographic characteristics across the UK. One of the largest differences is by age group. Nearly all over-65s are registered, but only 60% of 18- and 19-year-olds. Those who were 16 or 17 when the latest research was carried out, but who may now be 18, are a particular cause for concern.

Registration is also lower among eligible Commonwealth citizens, black citizens, private renters and lower socioeconomic groups.

Although government research finds that young people are more likely to hold passports and driving licences than older groups, campaigners have raised concerns that there are fewer photographic identification options for young people.

Poll workers have also expressed concern that young people are discriminated against in the requirements. ID forms such as a freedom pass – a travel card for over-60s – are valid for voting, but not a young person’s travel ID.

The challenge of ensuring that young people’s voices are heard at the ballot box is compounded by the timing of the election. Universities often play an important role in registering their students. However, the July 4 election date falls outside of term time for most institutions. This means that students, already one of the least-registered populations, may get caught out. They will need to vigilant to get onto the rolls, given that many of them will be moving at the time of the registration deadline.

Under electoral law, students can register at both their home and term-time addresses. They can only vote in one place, like everyone else, but they can choose to place that vote either in their home constituency or their university constituency.
A rush to register

All these issues and more amount to a huge logistical effort ahead. The volume of registration and identification applications will pose a considerable challenge for electoral administrators.

The low underlying level of registration means that every electoral period sees thousands of last-minute applications – there were nearly half a million before the 2015 general election deadline. Research has shown that electoral services have been under increased pressure, and concerns have been raised about capacity.

This election also sees more overseas electors eligible to register, as rules were changed in January to give British citizens living overseas a lifelong right to vote, rather than no longer being eligible if they’ve lived overseas for more than 15 years.


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Post time 5-11-2024 06:34 PM | Show all posts
Allan Lichtman vs. Nate Silver: Who will accurately predict the 2024 election?

WASHINGTON – As voters look to polls and political analysts for insight into who might win the presidency on Tuesday, a feud between two of the nation’s leading election prognosticators, Allan Lichtman and Nate Silver, will soon be put to the test.

Lichtman, an American University professor who has correctly predicted 9 out of 10 of the last presidential elections, has forecasted a win for Vice President Kamala Harris.  

Silver, the statistician and pollster who founded FiveThirtyEight, wrote recently in the New York Times that the race is a virtual tie, but his “gut” tells him former President Donald Trump will likely prevail.

Lichtman, an American University professor who has correctly predicted 9 out of 10 of the last presidential elections has forecasted a win for Vice President Kamala Harris.  

Silver, the statistician and pollster who founded FiveThirtyEight tells former President Donald Trump will likely prevail.

Lichtman and Silver clash over methods

The pair have squabbled on social media about the validity of their respective methods.

In September, Silver questioned whether Lichtman was correctly assessing the “13 keys” he uses to project election results, arguing that the professor’s system actually favored Trump. Lichtman shot back that Silver, whose background is in economics, was “not a historian or a political scientist,” and had been wrong in the past.

"At least 7 of the keys, maybe 8, clearly favor Trump. Sorry brother, but that's what the keys say. Unless you're admitting they're totally arbitrary?" Silver posted on social media.

So, whose prediction is more accurate? And how do they reach those conclusions in the first place?

Forecasting approaches

Lichtman devised the metrics he uses for his election forecast more than three decades ago with the help of an earthquake specialist and mathematician from Moscow named Vladimir Keilis-Borok.  

The system, dubbed the "13 Keys to the White House" uses – you guessed it – thirteen true-or-false statements rooted in historical analysis about the state of the country, the parties and the candidates to determine who will win.  

It includes questions about whether there is a third-party challenger, whether “the White House party is avoiding a primary contest” and whether either candidate is charismatic.  

The method doesn’t account for how campaign messaging or major events like debates influence voter sentiment. Lichtman often makes his assessment several months before the election and does not change it unless major foreign policy events occur.


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Post time 5-11-2024 06:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maga maga

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Post time 5-11-2024 06:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sape pun yg menang dua2 orang aipac..

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Post time 5-11-2024 10:10 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 5-11-2024 10:37 PM | Show all posts
sambaldurian replied at 5-11-2024 02:39 PM
Masalahnya kenapa manifesto  2-2 dorg ni citer psl israel , klu aku rakyat amerika aku jd pelik. Ko  ...

dah tu ummah tanah air ni pun suka cerita pasal israel apa kaitan? tunggu masa ja isu palestine jadi election manifesto sayang tak mampu mengubah apa2 ja


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Post time 5-11-2024 10:38 PM | Show all posts
plywood replied at 5-11-2024 06:23 PM
Election 2024: up to 8 million people are not properly registered to vote
Published: May 30, 2024 8. ...
The deadline for registering to vote is 11.59pm on Tuesday, June 18 – less than a month after the election was called by Rishi Sunak.
motif Rishi Sunak yang sibuk dek?


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Post time 5-11-2024 10:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bila result??
hrpnya jgn la ketidakstabilan ekonomi tu smpai berkocak teruk sgt....sikit2 sudah la.
jgn la plak negara lain dpt presiden baru, msia yg melebih2 hapus segala subsidi utk semua kasta

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