Drama: Unmasked (English title) / Trigger
Revised romanization: Trigger
Hangul: 트리거
Director: Yoo Sun-Dong
Writer: Kim Ki-Ryang
Network: Disney+
Release Date: January 15, 2025
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Comedy
A comedy drama that tells the story of an investigative reporting crew centered on the team leader Trigger, who is full of a sense of justice, and the PD, a fierce individualist, who uncovers the truth behind mysterious events and save a program that is on the verge of being abolished.
(Source: HanCinema)
▪Kim Hye-Soo - Oh So-Ryong
▪Jung Sung-Il - Han Do
▪Joo Jong-Hyuk - Kang Ki-Ho
Source: Asianwiki, Mydramalist
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Author|Post time 17-1-2025 10:15 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Iols dah tengok citer ni... not bad... suka watak Jung Sung Il... 1st time tengok dia berlakon comot & kelakar macam ni... atas sebab2 tertentu dia kena tukar department... dia nak join team Animal Paradise... tapi boss masukkan nama dia dalam department Current Affairs... so dia terpaksa join team Trigger...
Trigger ni sama macam salah satu program kat Korea title Unanswered Question... show tu memang ada evidence2 yang polis guna untuk kes2 tersebut... if not mistaken, ada kdrama yang sama macam ni... tapi bukan exactly the same storyline... tak boleh recall citer apa...
Author|Post time 17-1-2025 10:20 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Skang ni kdrama mesti nak selit scene xxx tu kan... tau la storyline pasal affair etc tapi tak boleh ke kalau tak tunjuk... tak payah la ikut western sangat...
iols sampai epi 2 tapi belum abis lagi...
epi 2 is hard to watch utk pencinta haiwan mcm Han Do (Jung Sung Il) ni...
Han Do ni pun kita belum tau backstory dia sampai dia kena jumpa psychiatrist...
Rahah replied at 17-1-2025 10:20 AM
Skang ni kdrama mesti nak selit scene xxx tu kan... tau la storyline pasal affair etc tapi tak boleh ...
drama2 Disney & Netflix original mostly memang camtu...
kalau tak xxx, unsur lgbt mesti ada...
try hard sgt nak jadi western...
padahal kalau takde scene2 tu pun kalau storyline bagus org tgk jugak...
those yg dlm kdrama industry ni tau tak, the reason org beralih dari western drama ke kdrama sebab kdrama supposedly takde unsur2 camtu...
Author|Post time 17-1-2025 10:45 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 17-1-2025 10:28 AM
drama2 Disney & Netflix original mostly memang camtu...
kalau tak xxx, unsur lgbt mesti ada...
try ...
Tak perlu pun scene tu...
Yang agak terkejut Disney+ ni... sebelum ni pun iols ada tengok Disney+ series memang ada selit xxx jugak... entah... macam desperate sangat...
Tapi so far rasanya lgbt dalam kdrama takde scene melampau2 macam western... asalkan jangan melebih2 pasal lgbt cukup... plus Korea ada BL drama... pi la curah idea kat drama tu...
tgk epi 2 ni teringat pulak kes kucing mati kat UM tu...
budak Moon Woo Jin ni jadi psycho pulak...
dah besar budak ni, dah blh explore lagi byk watak...