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Kronologi Superjet Rusia Terhempas di Indonesia (32 photos)
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The chronology of the disaster Superjet sergeydolya

While nothing is forgotten, I want to write, as it was ...
Sukhoi Superjet 100 made promotional tour in Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Indonesia, Laos, and Vietnam. Schedule was as follows: first day - a flight to a new country, the second day - presentation and demonstration flights to potential customers on board, the third day of the flight to another country and so the circle.
I accompanied the aircraft as a blogger and had to cover this demotur in his blog. I myself decided to fly me in demonstration flights in each country or not. Since the photos inside the plane, I had a lot, in Indonesia, I decided not to fly, and stay on the ground and shoot the plane on takeoff and landing. So I was not supposed to fly on that flight, as they say many of the media, and could fly on it ...
In Indonesia, we arrived on schedule. Here, Sukhoi has already been contracting airline Sky Aviation, which buys 12 aircraft. Those wishing to fly the new plane was a lot of dry and decided to make not one but two demopoleta.
The first flight took place in the normal mode and lasted 30 minutes. After that flight equipment checked the aircraft. Absolutely all the sensors were green. So the plane was fully functional and ready for flight.
Pilots Yablontsev Alexander Kochetkov and Alexander were in a good mood. Photographed with Indonesian stewardess:

Flight engineers Dennis Rakhimov and Alexei Kirkin, too, were in a good mood. I showed them this picture on the little screen camera and they said that when they return, they'll hang it in my office ...

People climbed on board the plane and flew away. Among them were many Indonesian stewardesses that I photographed before the flight. I saw them through the glass, when they climbed aboard. I wanted to run to photograph them in the cabin, but did not. The door was closed.
From our delegation on the ground were 23 people. The aircraft climbed our six + 2 persons from the office of Sukhoi in Moscow, who came to Indonesia specifically for this mission with our customers.
The first half hour they sat in the airport and going about their business. Some time later came the representative of the airport and said that they had lost contact with the plane and it disappeared from radar. We went out on the field and began to stare at the sky and meet each aircraft.
They estimated that the fuel had been about 3.8 tons and it was this enough for a 2:00 flight. Airport staff said that both the emergency beacon, which must be included in the case of strike aircraft on the ground silent. It gave us hope that the plane okay. We have even begun to think that he could steal away and plant. No one believed that the plane crash may occur because, once again, it was fully functional, and sat at the helm of one of the most experienced pilots of the country, chief pilot of Sukhoi Yablontsev Alexander.
After half an hour at the airport announced Pre-alarm condition, but did not send a helicopter search, citing the fact that the board still has fuel.
After 2 hours, after the fuel had to be over, and he outfitted the helicopter flew off to the side of Mount Salak, near which lost contact with the aircraft. Bad weather did not allow him to fly up close to the mountain, and he returned.
At night, the search operation continued on the ground. It was attended by 600 people - military, police and local.
At the airport launched a search operation headquarters. People were standing all night at the card and tried to figure out where the aircraft can be:

We sat right there and watched the news on TV:

A couple of hours on a map drawn anticipated flight path Superjet allegedly copied from the radar. Who drew it, I have not seen:

They were all sitting in the headquarters and waited for news all evening and night. Somewhere in the final 3:00 brought coordinate Superjet transferred to the radar:
6 ° 43'4 .68 "S
106 ° 44'41 .20 "E
The height of 6100 feet
We drove it in Google Earth. It was exactly at the center of Mount Salak.

We spent the night at the airport. Slept a few hours before dawn. Dawn at 5:52 am. The night did not bring the fruits of the operation. Helicopters had to fly out at 6:30 in the morning, but due to bad weather conditions, departure was postponed until 8 am:

The headquarters moved from our room to the room under the tower:

Marked on the map coordinate, where the lost contact with the aircraft. Gore was divided into four squares:

Helicopter pilots were discussing where it can be, and brought the plane coordinates in the GPS:

Finally took off at 8 am:

Communication was kept from the headquarters on the radio. 15 minutes later we were informed that the helicopter found the crash site:

Handed him over to the approximate coordinates:

Returned to the helicopter and took the first photograph of the crash site. I did not publish it before:
Local television showed the mist over the mountain Salak. This is a difficult environment for the helicopter:

An hour later the weather improved and the helicopter took off again. It became clear that the plane crashed into a mountain. Hope to find a living has decreased dramatically.
To the accident site were sent 30 rescue teams totaling 350 people. Access to this site was very complicated terrain. Rescuers climbed nearly vertical wall with a slope of 80-85 degrees. They tried to build a ladder to reach the place:

At the airport came to the President of Indonesia, was introduced to the latest data searches and gave a press conference:

Before the staff were always some people. Access to the headquarters was fully opened for us and I went there every half hour uznvat latest news:

In the evening arrived, Mikhail Pogosyan. It was a meeting at which decide how to continue to conduct rescue operations: |
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On this day, the rescuers did not manage to get to the plane again, and they spent the night in the woods.
The next morning, local television showed the wreckage of the tail with the logo superzhzheta. It became clear that this is indeed the wreckage of our plane, and not some other. The fact is that over the past 10 years on this mountain was broken seven aircraft:

At the headquarters of the Indonesian ministers regularly visited. For them, conducted detailed briefings. During this particular briefing, ran into the room and said something to the military chief of staff. After that, he turned away from the minister and said: "We found 10 bodies". This was at 13:11 local time:

Here, in this briefing, they showed the trajectory of the plane and direction of the search groups:

Local television footage showing the beginning of the evacuation container with the remains of victims:

In the media center held a press conference at which announced that 12 bodies have been found:

In the evening here his press conference held Mikhail Pogosyan Aslanovich:

By nightfall the search had been suspended. Military mapped the coordinates of the three helicopter pads and location of search teams. These squads packed the remains in the containers at the crash site, and then carried them on his hands to the helipads. Journey took 2 hours:


The next day on the field allowed the press. This duty is a lot of ambulances:

Containers were brought by helicopter. Soldiers in gauze bandages and gloves were expecting close to ambulances:


Containers were very heavy and carried them to a few people:

After that I flew. There were Marina Lystseva and Alex Kovalev . All the latest news and objective in their Twitter @ lystseva and @ lookmytwit.
May God rest in peace to all who were on this flight ... |
x dpt nk dibayangkan..mesti hancur mayat diaorg..
tgk bangkai kapal terbang tu pun dh ngeri
gunung salak ni..mmg perkuburan kapal terbang |
Reply 4# intuitable
kawan2mu pilot kapal terbangkah.... |
8. Juruterbang, Alexander Yablontzev baru berusia 57 tahun-merupakan juruterbang yang berpengalaman luas. Adakah mungkin keyakinan yang berlebihan dan suasana dalam pesawat yang mempunyai unsur-unsur ketoksidan (mabuk) menyumbang kepada kelalaian yang akhirnya memandu pesawat ke arah kecelakaan? Rakan-rakan mendiang juruterbang menyifatkan Alexander sebagai seorang yang agak tenang, sentiasa rasional. Beliau telah mencatatkan 10,000 jam penerbangan
dalam 80 pesawat yang berlainan.
Pesawat ini terhempas kerana kebodohan juruterbang Russia yang selalu kuat minum arak.
Kita tengok semasa pertunjukkan LIMA di Langkawi, Malaysia, mereka akan mabuk dahulu sebelum dan selepas menerbangkan pesawat canggih seperti Mig 29, Su 27 dan Su30 (himpunan pertunjukkan pesawat Russia sejak dari tahun 90an dahulu).
They drink before and after flight…I can smell it from 3 meters away. Tiga SU 27 Russian Knights terhempas di Cam Ranh Bay di Vietnam dalam cuaca buruk sewaktu “refuelling stop” selepas pulang dari LIMA, Langkawi pada 12 Dis 1995. Empat juruterbang terkorban.
Juruterbang Sukhoi Superjet 100 ini bersalah kerana “membunuh diri” dan 45 orang penumpang lain. Air Traffic Controller (ATC) di lapangan terbang Jakarta-Halim Perdana Kusuma juga patut disalahkan kerana tidak memberi nasihat berkenaan rancangan penerbangan dan memastikan juruterbang serta kru Superjet tersebut faham dengan situasi cuaca di kawasan pergunungan Gunung Salak.
Memang benar pesawat ini terhempas kerana faktor manusia atau human error tetapi siapakah yang bertanggung memberi kebenaran kepada juruterbang untuk turun dari 10,000 kaki ke 6,000 kaki? Bukan robot…sedangkan Gunung Salak mempunyai ketinggian lebih dari 7,000 kaki dan pesawat malang itu berada pada ketinggian 5,800 kaki.
Air Traffic Controller (ATC) Indonesia memang dikenali sangat cuai dan mengambil mudah dalam pekerjaan mereka, tidak profesional , sebuah pesawat jenis Airbus dari penerbangan GA (PK-GAI) terhempas di Medan pada 26 September 1997 disebabkan kesalahan arahan yang disampaikan oleh ATC kepada pesawat terbabit. Pesawat itu kemudian melanggar gunung, kesemua 234 orang terbunuh.
Berikut merupakan peraturan Federal Aviation Regulation (CFR) 91.17 mengenai larangan mabuk sebelum terbang.
(a) No person may act or attempt to act as a crewmember of a civil aircraft—
(1) Within 8 hours after the consumption of any alcoholic beverage;
(2) While under the influence of alcohol;
(3) While using any drug that affects the person’s faculties in any way contrary to safety; or
(4) While having an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater in a blood or breath specimen. Alcohol concentration means grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath.
(b) Except in an emergency, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated or who demonstrates by manner or physical indications that the individual is under the influence of drugs (except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that aircraft.
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HURM, sedih baca.. takziah utk famly yang terlibat....
semoga hubby iols ingat pesanan iols setiap kali berlepas... |
sedihnya...mereka yang terlibat terutamanya pilot tu pun tak mahu pengakhiran hidup begini...salah menyalahkan antara satu pihak dengan satu pihak yang lain tak berguna... |
Inilah 45 Korban Sukhoi yang Berhasil Diidentifikasi
Fabian Januarius Kuwado | Eko Hendrawan Sofyan | Minggu, 20 Mei 2012 | 20:32 WIB
KOMPAS/PRIYOMBODODirektur Eksekutif Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Indonesia, Kombes Pol Anton Castilani (kanan), Kepala RS. Polri Sukanto, Brigjen Pol Agus Prayitno dan Kombes Pol Syafrizal menggelar jumpa Pers terkait proses identifikasi jenazah korban kecelakaan pesawat Sukhoi Super Jet 100 di RS Polri Sukanto, Kramatjati, Jakarta Timur, Sabtu (12/5/2012). Pengembalian jenazah kepada keluarga korban akan dilakukan secara bersamaan setelah proses identifikasi keseluruhan selesai.
JAKARTA, -- Kerja keras tim forensik gabungan dari Diseaster Victim Identification (DVI) dan Identification Indonesia Automatic Finger Prints Identication System (Inafis) Mabes Polri membuahkan hasil positif.
Hanya butu* waktu delapan hari dari Sabtu (12/5/2012) hingga Minggu (20/5/2012), proses panjang identifikasi korban jatuhnya pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100 di Gunung Salak, Bogor, Jawa Barat selesai dilakukan.
Direktur Eksekutif DVI, Kombes Pol Anton Castilani, merilis 45 orang penumpang pesawat berbendera Rusia yang berhasil teridentifikasi dalam jumpa pers di RS Polri Bhayangkara, Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur.
Berikut daftar nama-nama korban SSJ 100:
1. Donardi Rahman, Laki-laki, Aviastar.
2. Nur Ilmawati, Perempuan, Sky.
3. Edward Maraden Panggabean, Laki-laki, Indonesia.
4. Femi, Perempuan, Bloomberg News.
5. Ganis Arman Zuvianto, Laki-laki, Indonesia Air Sport.
6. Darwin Pelawi, Laki-laki, Pelita Air.
7. Kornel M Sihombing, Laik-laki, PT DI.
8. Anton Daryanto, Laki-laki, Indonesia Air Sport.
9. Herman Sulaji, Laki-laki, Air Maleo.
10. Stephen Kamachi, Laki-laki, Indo Asia.
11. Aditya Recodianty, Perempuan, Sky.
12. Ade Arisanti, Perempuan, Sky.
13. Dody Aviantara, Laki-laki, Angkasa Magazine.
14. Didik Nur Yusuf, Laki-laki, Angkasa.
15. Yusuf Ari Wibowo, Laki-laki, Sky.
16. Edie Satrio, Laki-laki, Pelita Air.
17. Heyder Bachsin, Laki-laki, PT Catur Daya Prima.
18. Salim Kamaruzaman, Laki-laki, Sky.
19. Henny Stefani, Perempuan, Sky
20. Charles Peter Adler, Laki-laki, Sriwijaya.
21. Insan Kamil Djatnika, Laki-laki, Indoasia.
22. Gatot Purwoko, Laki-laki, Airfast.
23. Raymon sukanto, Laki-laki. Sky
24. Fazal Ahmad, Laki-laki, Indonesia.
25. Rully Darmawan, Laki-laki, Indonesia.
26. Susana Vamella Rompas, Perempuan, Sky.
27. Aditya Sukardi, Laki-laki, Trans TV
28. Maysyarah, Perempuan, Sky.
29. Arief Wahyudi, Laki-laki, Trimarga Rekatama.
30. Santi, Perempuan, Sky
31. Ismiyati, perempuan, Trans TV.
32. Maria Marcella, Perempuan, Sky.
33. Capt Aan Husdiana, Laki-laki. Kartika.
34. Rosy Witham, Perempuan, Sky
35. Dewi Mutiara Intan, Perempuan, Sky
36. Anggraini Fitria, Perempuan, Sky.
37. Thonam Tran, Laki-laki, Snacma/Perancis.
38. Eugeny Alexandrovich Grebenshchikov, Laki-laki, Sukhoi.
39. Kristina Nikolavna Kurzhupoza, Perempuan, Sukhoi.
40. Nikolay Dmitrievich Nartyshchenko, Laki-laki, Sukhoi.
41. Alexey Nikolaevich Kirkin, Laki-laki, Sukhoi.
42. Alexander Nikolarvich Yablonstev, Laki-laki, Sukhoi.
43. Alexander Pavlovich Kochetkov, Laki-laki, Sukhoi.
44. Denis Valerievich Rakhimov, Laki-laki, Sukhoi.
45. Oleh Vasilevich Shvetsov, Laki-laki, Skhoi.
Diberitakan sebelumnya, penerbangan yang dilakukan pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100 merupakan bagian dari demo flight yang diselenggarakan oleh PT Trimargarekatama. Perusahaan tersebut merupakan agen yang memperkenalkan pesawat Sukhoi asal Rusia kepada perusahan penerbangan-penerbangan di Indonesia.
Diketahui, pesawat tersebut melakukan joy flight sebanyak dua kali. Penerbangan pertama dari Halim Perdanakusuma menuju Pelabuhan Ratu pada Rabu (9/5/2012), pukul 12.00 WIB dengan penumpang pebisnis di bidang penerbangan. Setelah terbang sekitar 35 hingga 45 menit, pesawat pun kembali ke Halim Perdanakusuma dalam kondisi selamat.
Penerbangan kedua dilakukan pukul 14.12 WIB dengan mengangkut 45 orang, 8 di antaranya merupakan awak pesawat warga negara Rusia, 1 warga negara Amerika Serikat, 1 warga negara Perancis dan sisanya warga negara Indonesia.
Pukul 14.33 WIB, pesawat tersebut pun hilang kontak dan belakangan diketahui jatuh di lereng tebing Gunung Salak, Bogor, Jawa Barat. |
ramainya yg terkorban.. |
Gambar mangsa tak dak ka? Adakah badan mereka berkecai? |
Post Last Edit by skuter_buruk146 at 23-5-2012 13:46
mase sibuk pasal sukhoi ni aku kat bandung.mmg tv diorang asyik keluar pasal sukhoi je.
kat berita sane ade tunjuk diorang sempat lagi wat party atas flight tu sebelum terhempas.siap ade gambar lelaki yang x berbaju ala-ala hawai tu dok menari.tapi tak tau le kot2 itu gamba mase demo flight diorang yang pertama.
pastu mase kat sana plak baru le aku terbace yang memang banyak flight terhempas kat indon.salah satu punca sebab communication antara pilot & air traffic controller banyak gangguan. memang tawakal je aku nak balik malaysia.takut sangat bile bace artikel tu.bibik kawan aku pernah cerita yang bapak die & ramai lagi orang indon taknak naik flight. Diorang rela redah jalan darat & laut walaupun amik masa berminggu nak pegi dari palembang ke surabaya
lepas ni kalau boleh memang aku tak nak gi Indon lagi. Tapi klo airasia buat promo, gatal je tangan aku nak beli tiket tu. |
naik garuda pun sgt menakutkan |
RIP to all the victims...
May you all rest in peace |
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