We, from SOLE Fitness Malaysia, will be participating in the Health & Fitness Sports Expo of 2013. Catch us live there and get experience with our products.
We will be displaying our famous products among our customers.
1. SOLE F85 treadmill
2. SOLE E95 elliptical
3. Office Desk Treadmill - the first ever in Malaysia (Don't miss this opportunity)
The details are as below:
Hall 05, Booth No. B031,
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
26th to 28th April 2013
That's coming Friday to Sunday.
10.30 am to 9.00 pm.
The Office Desk Treadmill will be showcased for the first time!!!
Don't miss this oppurtunity!!!
The SOLE F85 treadmill will be on promo for RM7000.00 for these 3 days.
Come and get experience.
And also displayed together is the best budget elliptical the SOLE E95.
Women loves this.
Get free gift with every purchase
Catch us there in Health & Fitness Sports Expo 2013, at KLCC, on 26th to 28th Aprill 2013, from 10.30 am to 9.00 pm. Thanks.
SOLE Fitness.
p.s. I would like to apology if this post is not posted on the correct thread. Sorry for all inconvenience caused. Cheers. Last edited by SOLEFitness on 24-4-2013 12:49 PM