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God apologized to a Man?
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"'Father, Father, why, my God, my God, why have you forsaken me and thrown me to the dogs?'" he was recorded as saying, after relating the experience of Jesus Christ on the cross at his crucifixion and sharing that he identified with that kind of suffering.
"For the first time in eight months, God, I heard Him cry. And he said 'My son, Kong, thank you. Thank you for going through this. I need you to go through this alone, so that you and City Harvest Church can be the man and the ministry I call it to be. I'm so sorry, but you need to go through this by yourself, to bring a change to your generation,” Kong said.
ONLY in Christian religion that God - all-knowing and all-powerful being - have to apologize to a swindler like Kong. 
before u judge my faith, u mind telling us:
why hindus worshipped many idols when your book says One God and worshipping demi gods is corrupt element??
please tell us
Truth.8 posted on 30-7-2013 03:00 PM 
before u judge my faith, u mind telling us:
why hindus worshipped many idols when your boo ...
Your question is irrelevant to the topic at hand. The topic is a swindler like Kong who uses the Church money to further his wife's singing career and then potrary himself as Jesus Christ and that God have to apologize to this swindler for making him suffer for the past eight months. I will not answer your stupid questions because it is IRRELEVANT and OFFTOPIC.
I don't understand the stupidity of Christians, especially in Singapore where they are well-educated and intellligent. Why the hell are you (Christians) so damn stupid as to believe in this snake called Kong? Tak ada otak kah? 
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