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Sultan Johor Haram Vape, Arah Tutup Premis Mulai 1 Januari 2016
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Dalam temubual khas bersama The Star, Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar bertitah bahawa baginda telah mengarahkan penggunaan vape di seluruh negeri nya diharamkan dan memberi tempoh sebulan kepada pengusaha premis peranti berkenaan untuk menamatkan operasi iaitu pada 1 Januari 2016.
Sultan Johor: "Ia ada kaitan dengan isu kesihatan dan kesannya kepada golongan muda, bukan melibatkan perniagaan atau perkauman."
"Saya benar-benar kecewa apabila ada pihak menimbulkan isu ancaman perkauman dan politik melibatkan vape,"
Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskkandar bertitah, negeri mempunyai hak untuk menguatkuasa undang-undang mengikut peruntukan kerajaan tempatan bagi menutup perniagaan pengusaha vape.
Titah baginda lagi, ahli politik juga seharusnya berhenti memenuhi kehendak ahli perniagaan yang terlibat dalam industri vape ini.
"Kenapa ada ahli politik yang mengalah terhadap ancaman ini? Saya mahu tahu jika ahli perniagaan ini membenarkan anak-anak mereka untuk menggunakan vape jika ia benar-benar selamat dan tidak mengganggu kesihatan seperti yang didakwa."
"Apakah kamu mahu melihat anak-anak terus menggunakannya."
"Ia perniagaan baharu tetapi apa pula bentuk perniagaan yang mereka lakukan sebelum ini? Berpatah balik kepada pekerjaan anda sebelum ini," katanya.
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Rokok, arak x mo haram sekali...haram ikut keperluan sendiri kah? Kalau arak haram xde la sampai bergaduh berebut betina khen |
Starting 1st jan..
Terkenang mmbr aku..
Bukk kdai vape..
Even aku pun x berkenan sgt dgn budak2 yg menghasap mcm kalimantan terbakar
Tp..cmne la nasib org yg hanya mnjual vape 4 life..huhu.. bertabah laaaa |
sehingga kini KKM gagal bawa bukti betapa bahayanya vape....... badigol haramjadah...... dok sebar maklumat palsu
#VapeSIHAT Ini bukti kajian saintifik bahawa vapour adalah 1500 kali lebih selamat berbanding asap rokok
Analysis of the smoke from conventional cigarettes showed that the mainstream cigarette smoke delivered approximately 1500 times more harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) tested when compared to e-cigarette aerosol or to puffing room air. ... i/S0273230014002505 |
Apa akan jadi pada pasaran tembakau jika 5 juta penagih nikotin beralih ke VAPE? Ahli farmasi nak jual ubat NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) kpd siapa jika penagih nikotin beralih hisap vape yg 1500 kali ganda lebih selamat drpd rokok tembakau?
Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2015, 22.8% ( 5 Juta) rakyat Malaysia berumur 15 tahun ke atas adalah perokok. Dari segi jantina, 43% lelaki dan 1.4% wanita di Malaysia merokok.
sorry off topic aii tengok soltan ni aii yang naik semput. Tak reti jaga kesihatan ka? |
all vapers, mohon copy paste & share status ini di FB
- #WeAreVapers Apa akan jadi pada pasaran tembakau jika 5 juta penagih nikotin beralih ke VAPE? Ahli farmasi nak jual ubat NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) kpd siapa jika penagih nikotin beralih hisap vape yg 1500 kali ganda lebih selamat drpd rokok tembakau???
- "Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2015, 22.8% ( 5 Juta) rakyat Malaysia berumur 15 tahun ke atas adalah perokok. Dari segi jantina, 43% lelaki dan 1.4% wanita di Malaysia merokok."
- #VapeSIHAT Ini bukti kajian saintifik bahawa vapour adalah 1500 kali lebih selamat berbanding asap rokok -- Analysis of the smoke from conventional cigarettes showed that the mainstream cigarette smoke delivered approximately 1500 times more harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) tested when compared to e-cigarette aerosol or to puffing room air.
- #VapeON Ini bukti kajian saintifik bahawa vape adalah sgt berkesan utk menghentikan kebergantungan pd rokok tembakau -- In a series of controlled lab sessions with e-cig-naïve tobacco smokers, second-generation e-cigs were shown to be IMMEDIATELY and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE in reducing abstinence-induced cigarette craving and withdrawal symptoms, while not resulting in increases in eCO.
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acong cukup aktif pasal vaping ni...dia penghisap Vape kot |
Dodol senyum sinis jah dgan vapers dah mula melolong menggelupor xtau arah tuju idop. Selayaknyalah tuhan bayar cash! Dulu berlagak sgat dok sembur asap kanan kiri depan budak sekarang rasakan! Mohon vapers merepot dalam tongkang.Kahkahkah... |
perokok, lu mau hisap tembakau atau vape?
Facts About Vaping That Shut Down The Haters
by Mr. Cloud | Nov 4, 2014 | Vaping | 162 comments
Facts About Vaping That Shut Down The Haters
Vaping may not provide us with vitamins and nourishing minerals to sustain life, but it would suffice to say most of the noise surrounding this topic is just that – brouhaha. Well, we wanted to save you the trouble of looking it all up, trying to discern truth from fiction!
We have compiled a list of vaping facts supported by various studies conducted over the years. Here’s what you should know.
Second-hand Vapor has Nicotine, but it Lacks Combustible ToxinsPublished by the Oxford Journal in December 2013, it involved an examination of the toxins that might be present in second-hand vapor. Scientists established that there are no combustion-related toxins present in vapor which also contains small quantities of nicotine.
However, it was agreed that more work needs to be done to determine whether there is any risk associated with second-hand nicotine exposure, a topic that still attracts divided opinion. ... .ntt203.short?rss=1
E-cigs do not stiffen the Arteries
This one was courtesy of Greek researchers from the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center who compared the impact of e-cigs versus burners (traditional cigarettes) on heart function. Guess what they found out?
Two tobacco cigarettes will stiffen the aorta. E-cigarettes, on the other hand, made no difference to the aorta, and were not found to stiffen the arteries.
facts about vaping
E-cigs have no Effect on the Oxygenation of the Heart
This one was courtesy of Dr. Konstantino Farsalinos who wanted to establish if vaping does indeed impact on oxygenation of the heart. The results were in the negative: e-ciggies do not affect oxygen supply and coronary circulation in general.
The findings would later make their way to the European Society of Cardiology Annual Congress that was held in Amsterdam in 2013.
E-liquid has no Adverse Effects on Heart Health
Scientists from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health studied the impact of e-liquids on heart cells.
They would go on to test 20 different e-liquids and the general consensus was that vapor had no negative effect on cardiac cells.
E-cigarettes are Effective in stopping Smoking and Inhibiting Relapse
One of the commonly misconstrued facts about vaping is whether electronic cigarettes can really help one quit smoking.
A team from the University of Geneva joined forces with University of Auckland researchers to study the impact of e-cigs on ex-smokers. The conclusion was that e-cigarettes could prevent former smokers from relapsing into the habit again, and they could effectively provide succor to current smokers to kick the habit. ... i/S0306460313003304
Smoking is Deadly, and so is E-cig Regulation
Dr. Gilbert Ross is a medical and executive director of the American Council on Science and health.
He tabled a comprehensive report on e-cigs, and his conclusion was that you can use common sense to determine that e-cigarettes are much healthier than combustibles. He also noted that regulation of e-cigarettes could be a fatal decision for public health. ... igarette-regulation
E-cigs are not a Gateway for Tobacco Abuse amongst Teens
Dr. Ted Wagener studied the impact of e-cig use on 1,300 college students.
The researcher from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center found that only a single person who first used nicotine disguised as e-cigarettes later took to tobacco cigarettes, concluding that e-cigarettes should not be used as a scapegoat for tobacco use.
http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot. ... ne-e-cigarette.html
Flavored E-liquids can help Smokers Quit
Another study by Dr. Konstantino Farsalinos looked into the effect of flavored e-liquids on the success rate of smokers looking to quit.
Part of his findings was that e-liquid flavoring is an ‘important contributor’ in cutting down cigarette use, or eliminating it entirely.
Smokers Improve Health after Switching to Vaping
A team of independent university researchers wanted to know if switching to e-cigs had any impact on one’s health.
They established that 91% of smokers that switched allegiance to e-cigarettes tended to have improved health. They also found that 97% of those reduced or entirely saw off chronic coughs.
E-liquids pose no Public Health Concerns
Prof. Igor Burstyn of the Drexel university School of Public Health wanted to determine if the chemicals present in e-liquids could be dangerous.
He ended up refuting all those prevalent health concerns regarding e-liquids that most mistake to be facts about vaping. ... lichealth/ms08.ashx
Electronic Cigarettes Reduce the Risk of Tobacco-related Deaths
Scientists from the Boston University of Public Health examined the impact of electronic cigarettes on mortality risks compared to tobacco.
They concluded that the former are a far safer alternative. ... pdf/jphp201041a.pdf
Second-hand Exposure to Vapor has no Health Risks
A group of French scientists established that vapor dissipated within 11 seconds on average. Conversely, cigarette smoke lingered for about 20 minutes on average.
The consensus was that second-hand exposure to e-cig vapor poses no public risk. ... i/S0761842513000855
Taken at The ECC Expo 2014 in Ontario, CA. Chillum Vapor
E-cigarettes have no major Respiratory Impact
Juxtaposing first and second-hand impacts of exposure to e-cig vapor, some researchers wanted to learn how it would impact on respiratory function.
It was established that second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke had a damaging effect on lung function as compared to first-hand exposure to e-cig vapor. It was also agreed that electronic cigarettes do not cause any acute respiratory harm.
The Last Word on Vaping Facts
These facts about vaping are just a handful of the dozens of studies that are being conducted. Vaping is a controversial subject, so you can definitely expect more to follow.
apasal semput? semput pasal leher dah nak hilang?
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Mohon semua copy paste & viralkan di FB
#WeAreVapers Apa akan jadi pada pasaran tembakau jika 5 juta penagih nikotin beralih ke VAPE? Ahli farmasi nak jual ubat NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) kpd siapa jika penagih nikotin beralih hisap vape yg 1500 kali ganda lebih selamat drpd rokok tembakau???
"Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2015, 22.8% ( 5 Juta) rakyat Malaysia berumur 15 tahun ke atas adalah perokok. Dari segi jantina, 43% lelaki dan 1.4% wanita di Malaysia merokok."
#VapeSIHAT Ini bukti kajian saintifik bahawa vapour adalah 1500 kali lebih selamat berbanding asap rokok -- Analysis of the smoke from conventional cigarettes showed that the mainstream cigarette smoke delivered approximately 1500 times more harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) tested when compared to e-cigarette aerosol or to puffing room air. ... i/S0273230014002505
#VapeON Ini bukti kajian saintifik bahawa vape adalah sgt berkesan utk menghentikan kebergantungan pd rokok tembakau -- In a series of controlled lab sessions with e-cig-naïve tobacco smokers, second-generation e-cigs were shown to be IMMEDIATELY and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE in reducing abstinence-induced cigarette craving and withdrawal symptoms, while not resulting in increases in eCO. |
seeok2nya...tak payah merokok atau vape........ |
Edited by Acong at 30-11-2015 09:23 AM
The vaporizers are disrupting too many industries. The drug industry would prefer to sell cessation meds, patches, gums, lozenges, inhalers that do not work well to foster repeat business. If they fail, well, you'll just end up paying them even more once you fall ill.
5% Success rate of nicotine-laced chicklets that cost about $2.00 to produce, sold for $40. FDA-approved method of quitting. In fact, in many cities, the city will buy it for you through a quitline. That must be a nice contract.
The pharmacies are the direct purveyors of these products, and everyone from the grocery stores, gas stations, convenience stores to liquor stores are in the tobacco business.
Despite the theatrics presented 'against' tobacco, it remains legal and widely available for a reason. Before vaporizers came along, people wooed by the allure of smoking did not have much of an option but to buy into the scheme. Old money is not to keen on this vaping craze.
It's a question of defending the deep-pocketed and immoral status quo, or supporting small business and actually doing something about the tobacco plague.
It's fortunate that, despite the best efforts of the established titans of government & industry, the ingenuity of human nature is prevailing again, and there's little argument against the wisdom in vaping as an answer to (or advancement from) smoking.
The academic research and evidence suggesting e-cigarettes are at least 95 percent and as much as 99 percent healthier than combustible cigarettes continues to mount.
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