Edited by zonan4 at 12-4-2016 08:31 PM
http://legacy.kvue.com/story/new ... lion-bees/72659150/
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AUSTIN -- A bee expert estimated he removed a hive containing one million bees from a southeast Austin church on Tuesday. For 25 years, bees have lived inside the walls of Salem Lutheran Church. They were peaceful for many years, but church members and a groundskeeper noticed them becoming more aggressive recently. The church contacted Walter Schumacher, who is also known as the "Bee Czar." "This whole thing is probably one massive bee hive," said Schumacher about the hive inside the church's walls.
Estimated 1 million bees removed from Austin church
Schumacher said the hive likely started up high behind the church altar. The bees expanded out and down over the next two and a half decades until they covered the inside of most of the walls. He and his crew are saving parts of the hive and plan to relocate them and the bees. "So we'll take those babies to our little ranch in southeast Travis County and we'll feed them basically a bee tea," Schumacher said. "It'll include herbs and flowers."