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Transgender Manangis Lepas Pertama Kali Tampil Baca Berita

12-3-2021 03:08 PM| Diterbitkan: CARI-MAL| Dilihat: 5777| Komen: 23

Sebuah syarikat TV satelit berpangkalan di Bangladesh mencipta sejarah di negara itu apabila mengambil seorang transgender sebagai salah seorang pembaca beritanya.

Agensi AP dalam laporannya berkata, Boishakhi TV yang terletak di Dhaka, menzahirkan harapan agar pelantikan itu dapat mengubah persepsi masyarakat terhadap golongan berkenaan.

Pembaca berita berkenaan, Tashnuva Anan Shishir, yang sebelum ini berkhidmat sebagai aktivis kanan dan pelakon, membuat penampilan pertama pada 8 Mac lepas, bersempena dengan Hari Wanita Sedunia.

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Beliau memulakan penampilannya dengan membaca berita selama tiga minit, dan sejurus mengakhiri buletin, beliau menangis apabila menerima tepukan dan sorakan rakan sekerja.

“Saya sangat gementar, penuh rasa emosi. Tetapi dalam fikiran saya, saya tahu saya perlu mengatasi semua perkara ini.

"Apa yang saya lihat sebagai ujian terakhir,” kata Shishir, 29, ketika ditemu bual pada Selasa.

Lahir sebagai Kamal Hossain Shishir, beliau mejelaskan perasaan kewanitaan itu sudah mula timbul sejak belasan tahun lagi, apabila berasakan dirinya terperangkap dalam tubuh seorang lelaki.

Pada peringkat awal, Shishir berkata dirinya sering menjadi bahan cemuhan dan mangsa gangguan seksual bukan sahaja daripada rakan sekeliling, mahlah ahli keluarga sendiri.

Pernah satu ketika, Shishir berasakan dirinya sudah tidak mampu lagi mengharungi kehidupan sedemikian, sehingga terfikir untuk mengambil nyawa sendiri.

Perkara paling buruk pernah terjadi, jelas Shishir lagi, apabila ayahnya sendiri berhenti bercakap dengannya, dan menganggap beliau adalah punca keluarganya hilang maruah.

Shishir akhirnya mengambil keputusan untuk meninggalkan keluarganya, dan mula mengambil terapi hormon.

Pada masa yang sama beliau bekerja dengan badan-badan kebajikan dan menyertai kumpulan teater tempatan.

Bermula Januari tahun ini, Shishir memulakan pengajian dalam bidang kesihatan awam di Dhaka University, di samping kariernya dalam stesen TV berkenaan.

Terdapat kira-kira 10,000 golongan transgender di Bangladesh, tetapi para aktivis menganggarkan bilangannya jauh lebih banyak dalam negara yang mempunyai sekitar 160 juta penduduk itu.

Sejak 2013, kerajaan pimpinan Perdana Menteri Sheikh Hasina membenarkan golongan berkenaan menggunakan jantina berlainan, dan mereka diberi hak mengundi pada 2018.

Boishakhi TV dalam kenyataannya berkata, mereka mahu menjadi sebahagian daripada perubahan itu, dan merancang untuk melantik seorang lagi transgender dalam bahagian drama.

“Perdana Menteri kami telah mengambil langkah-langkah perubahan.

"Terdorong dengan tindakan itu, kami juga mahu mengubah persepsi masyarakat dengan memberi peluang pekerjaan kepada golongan tersebut,” kata penolong pengarah urusannya Tipu Alam Milon.

Sumber: AWANI







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Quote kelapaparut 12-3-2021 03:12 PM
nak tgk sajat bace berite..
Quote jalfa 12-3-2021 03:20 PM
Hahaa...biarlah depa pon nak carik makan...jgn dok influnce org lain ikut depa sudah...kalo malaysia bagi mendonia lah geng nyah
Quote rajamoney 12-3-2021 03:30 PM
inspirasi kepada gay2 pondan2 pedo forum

Quote xy_daen 12-3-2021 03:40 PM
Semoga Hadi Awang buat bantahan secara rasmi di peringkat antara bangsa... Jangan lah makan gaji buta..
Quote tripleid 12-3-2021 03:42 PM
Woww..bangladesh dah  lbh advanced drpd Msia..

Kat Msia jab agama  membuang masa,tenaga kerah 200pegawai cari sorang maknyah dlm buruan

Quote MinyakAngin 12-3-2021 03:46 PM
Aku superstraight
Quote Punat_button 12-3-2021 03:49 PM
asal transgender ja mesti pompuan

Quote tikusmontok 12-3-2021 04:24 PM
jalfa replied at 12-3-2021 03:20 PM
Hahaa...biarlah depa pon nak carik makan...jgn dok influnce org lain ikut depa sudah...kalo malaysia ...

harus bamjat jadi anchortrans tibitigasuku
Quote cmf_almondpecan 12-3-2021 04:30 PM
Tahniah Bangladesh
Quote Punat_button 12-3-2021 04:55 PM
Tales of two transgender women: From rejection to inclusion

Tashnuva Anan Shishir and Nusrat Jahan Mou will be creating history today by appearing on television as the first ever Bangladeshi transgender newscaster and actor

Tashnuva Anan Shishir was born as a boy in a remote village of Bagerhat district. While growing up in a backward area of Mongla upazila, the boy started realising that his biological existence stood in conflict with his soul.

Tashnuva Anan Shishir before transitioning

As a student of class 3 in a village school, he would like to hang out with girls. Classmates, teachers and neighbours would tease him, calling him a "Hijra".  

"With time, my childhood circle of friends and acquaintances shrank. I was becoming more and more reclusive," Shishir said, in a recent interview after taking up the job of a news presenter at Boishakhi TV.

The achievement is a remarkable milestone both in her life and in the history of Bangladesh, as she is the first transgender woman to have gotten the role.

Another transgender woman, Nusrat Jahan Mou has also made history, having played a key role in a television drama titled "Chapabaj". The drama will be broadcast on Boishakhi TV on March 8, International Women's Day. The same day Shishir is set to read out news on TV for the first time.  

As a child, Shishir heard her mother say how the family's social status diminished because of her.

Disowned by the family, shamed by society and bullied by friends, she shed tears in solitude but continued to study.

A group of Hijras used to visit Kumarkhali village of Mongla, where Shishir grew up, to play music.

"My family members and locals used to tell me 'If you don't study, we will marry you off to one of them."

Tashnuva Anan Shishir before transitioning

Shishir gradually discovered her passion and solace in dance and theatre. But the joy of rhythm and performing on stage did not last long. While studying in class 8, her parents forbade her to take any more dance lessons.

She remembers that her younger brother refused to travel with her because his friends used to hurl insults at him.

After completing Secondary School Certificate exams, she was sent to her paternal uncle's home in Narayanganj to pursue further education.

But the uncle's continuous nagging about her to her family made it impossible to live in his house a year later. Her father's business was going down at the time, forcing her to look for means of income to fend for herself.

Overcoming the challenges this time boosted her confidence and she finished academic milestones one after another, completing post-graduation on social work.

Mou was even less fortunate, born and reared as a girl at a village in Tongi, Gazipur.

"Soon people around me as well as I realised I was neither a boy nor a girl. People told me 'you are a Hijra'". On the way to school, Mou was harassed physically and mentally. While in class 3, she gave in to the terror of abuse and stigma and stopped studying.

Around that time, Mou's father remarried, leaving behind his wife, two daughters, including Mou, and a son. Her mother started raising the children with income as a garment worker.   

Caught up in the financial hardship, everyone became more hostile towards Mou for standing out in the crowd.

Top 3 pictures are of Tashnuva Anan Shishir and Nusrat Jahan Mou is in below 3 pictures. Photo: Collected.

When Mou's sister got married, her in-laws tormented her. "Their belief was she would not conceive because of me. She has children now," Mou said.

One day she met a Hizra who introduced her to a group of Hijras. Mou immediately forged a connection with them, left home and moved to Uttara to live a life free from the sense of disgrace.

"I am no longer alone. I belong to a community. No one dares to insult me, not in front of us," Mou said.   

Meanwhile, Shishir started looking for her true identity. In 2016, she consulted a doctor who prescribed treatment for a psychological disorder.

Her health condition deteriorated; she would feel aggrieved and become angry frequently.

Shishir then sought advice from another doctor and since then she has been undergoing a process of biological transformation.  

Draped in a saree, she said, "I introduce myself as a transgender woman."

On completion of her post-graduation, she took a full-time job at a non-government organisation. There, she felt, her gender identity was a barrier to her progress in career.

She eventually quit and engaged in "diverse works" for a living.

Like Mou, Shishir also had to sever ties to her family for they could not accept her as she was.

Her father had a stroke the same year her treatment began and he lost his mobility.  

"My family blames me for his condition," Shishir said. She has not had any chance to meet her father after the incident. She only talks to her mother over the phone and sends her money when the family needs help.

One of her darkest memories, Shishir recalled, is her cousin telling her that she was a transgender because of her parents' sins.

In two different parts of the country, the lives of Shishir and Mou seemed to be a mirror image of each other, revolving around rejection and resentment.

In their adulthood, both of them in their 20s began looking for a place where they would belong.

Mou's national identity card says she is a Hijra.  

"When I go to a hospital for treatment, the staff behave well until they see my ID card. I notice how their gestures towards me change. Some even ask if Hijras get sick and if they need treatment at all."

And it is not hospitals only, Mou comes across similar unwelcome signs in all public places, which is why she has stopped revealing her identity.

She has had a fascination with acting and met people who offered her roles to play in YouTube productions. But there have been insinuations of physical exploitation and so she has turned down the offers.

Tashnuva Anan Shishir before transitioning

A few months back, Hasan Jahangir, director of the drama serial 'Chapabaj' offered Mou the role of a third gender and she grabbed it.

Beaming with excitement, she narrated what the drama is about; a guy falls in love with a girl he has met on social media but she is not a girl, she is a third gender.

Boishakhi TV's Deputy Managing Director and Chief Editor Tipu Alam Milon said the move to bring the transgender women into the mainstream media was part of social responsibility.

"Skill and quality are important to us, not gender identity. We will continue searching for more talent in the transgender community," he said.

While shooting, Mou said she felt she was very much part of the drama team, reassuring her of her self-worth.

Shishir has also found what she was yearning to get; a position of social acceptance.

"As a Boishakhi TV's new presenter, I must be an inspiration for other transgenders to live a dignified life," she said.

Quote CiliPadiSedap 12-3-2021 05:01 PM
Habislah bangla kerja kilang lepas ni ada dwijantina

Jantina vokuru atau jantina fariska
Quote akuMNdia 12-3-2021 05:22 PM
saya sarankan bamjat berhijrah ke bangladesh.
Quote rajamoney 12-3-2021 05:38 PM
kemain lagi pejuang2 gay pondan pedo medo memedo dlm thread ni

yg sekor tu siap bwk isu politik tempatan ke negara bangladesh tu nape?

ko tu mahathir da tk de esok tk tau mana ko nk cri mkn nnti

ceremin diri tu dulu sblum nk menggebang

Quote Osas 12-3-2021 11:13 PM
Ok.. sajat dah boleh pindah bangladesh pasni.. selamat berpindah
Quote MarryPottet 13-3-2021 12:46 AM
Lepas ni kita boleh sign moa ala sistem barter dgn gomen bangla
Untuk setiap sorang tenaga kerja bangla yg masuk msia, perlu ditukarkan dgn transG msia pi migrate duk bangladesh sana
Quote supernaturalee 13-3-2021 02:44 AM
kelapaparut replied at 12-3-2021 03:12 PM
nak tgk sajat bace berite..

Nk dgr ala2 Suara angsa blh lh

Quote dudaberhias 13-3-2021 03:22 AM
ok lah... ikut ko lah dik... mujur dressup herlok... kalau hauk macam drag queen mesti di cerca jua
Quote Rainsack 13-3-2021 04:24 AM
Di negara mana ni?????{:nose{:nose{:nose{:question{:question{:question{:question{:question{:question
Quote Orix 14-3-2021 12:08 AM
Dah negara mundur pulak lg berakal dari negara 3rd world....

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