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Author: limau


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Post time 11-11-2010 03:31 PM | Show all posts
paper aku ari sabtu neh..pepagi buta plak tuh..
skymania Post at 11-11-2010 15:29

okay.... GOOD LUCK SKY

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Post time 11-11-2010 03:35 PM | Show all posts
okay.... GOOD LUCK SKY
muun Post at 11-11-2010 15:31

    ntah la muun..makin aku hapal case2 ngan section..makin lupa..berterabur section2 nyer...wuuaahh!! riso gler..

dah la 3 jam seme paper tuh..jgn aku kuar pas sejam berjalan sudah...

*tp dok ngular kat porem lgk neh..mmg tak penah insap..:@

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Post time 11-11-2010 03:42 PM | Show all posts
paper aku ari sabtu neh..pepagi buta plak tuh..
skymania Post at 11-11-2010 03:29 PM

ko ada test sabtu ni?? all the best ye, sky...

lupa pulak nk tnya. ko x hbs upload gmbr time wedding kakak jean ke?? aku tgk mcm ada gmbr yg ramai2 tu xde pun!

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Post time 11-11-2010 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2023# rukiaichigo

   a'ah...ingt nak upload lgk ari tuh..pi komen gambo ngko ngan mulan..lupa abis aku...ahahahah..  ti aku buat

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Post time 11-11-2010 03:56 PM | Show all posts
ahahahah..lawak gler la..tgk drama sitcom gain ngan jokwon...jdk adik badik la plak...ahahahah...:lo ...
skymania Post at 11-11-2010 15:28

best x???nak tengokkkk...
mesti lucu jukown..

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Post time 11-11-2010 03:57 PM | Show all posts
motip muker sama?? sah2 lain gler..choii oja..pi tambah power..
skymania Post at 11-11-2010 15:28

aku mmg bermasalah skt nk ingt muka org neh..
ss2 kt korea kan ada 12 org..yg 2 org tu aku x hengat sape..

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:00 PM | Show all posts
best x???nak tengokkkk...
mesti lucu jukown..
seroja23 Post at 11-11-2010 15:56

    aku tgk pagi td..aki link kat gak..choii nyer gain n jokwon..

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:02 PM | Show all posts
ntah la muun..makin aku hapal case2 ngan section..makin lupa..berterabur section2 nyer...w ...
skymania Post at 11-11-2010 15:35

ak dgr pn cm takot jer sub law tuu ak ni ntah next sem ler jdik cm ngko...

nk kena amek law

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:03 PM | Show all posts
ak kan .... kan.... terdelete satu folder lahhh

pastu dlm recycle bin pn dh empty

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:06 PM | Show all posts
aku mmg bermasalah skt nk ingt muka org neh..
ss2 kt korea kan ada 12 org..yg 2 org tu aku x  ...
seroja23 Post at 11-11-2010 03:57 PM

motip ko lupa yg maner satu ko xtau nama?? laki aku ko kenal kan??
cepat2 la study lg nama2 dorg ye...

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:07 PM | Show all posts
kay lah korang.... one tree hill tyme

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2028# muun

    section 26 (a) contract act 1950 agreement with natural love n affection near relation...cases..tan soh lim ..(huraian isu case..x ingt lgk..) nages aku..  

berlambak lgk mende cenggini nak ingt..aku tak tau la macam maner orng amik law sepenuhnyer..mati kejung ingt sec..huraian..casses...ilustration bagai...aiiyyo...

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply  rukiaichigo

a'ah...ingt nak upload lgk ari tuh..pi komen gambo ngko ngan mulan..lupa ...
skymania Post at 11-11-2010 03:48 PM

kan betul tekaan aku ada gmbr yg missing... nnt cepat2 upload & tagged ye... time kaceh!!

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Reply  muun

    section 26 (a) contract act 1950 agreement with natural love n affection n ...
skymania Post at 11-11-2010 16:07

omg...aku bljr act contract neh hazab..

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:11 PM | Show all posts
kan betul tekaan aku ada gmbr yg missing... nnt cepat2 upload & tagged ye... time kaceh!!
rukiaichigo Post at 11-11-2010 16:09

    ti aku dah upload...aku tagged..

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:11 PM | Show all posts
omg...aku bljr act contract neh hazab..
seroja23 Post at 11-11-2010 16:10

    aku neh..mmg more to contract jeh..lgk jauh menyelam smpi naik lemas..

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:11 PM | Show all posts
motip ko lupa yg maner satu ko xtau nama?? laki aku ko kenal kan??
cepat2 la study lg na ...
rukiaichigo Post at 11-11-2010 16:06

haah...kyu aku knl..yg len2 aku kenal..
cuma dong hae ngn sungmin jeh...
smlm lyn ss2...tgh dok tenong2 'donghae' nyanyi, pastu 'donghae' lak nyanyi..
rupe2nye sungmin,...

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:12 PM | Show all posts
ari nih bawak bekal kimbap pi opis... ketagih gulung kimbap..

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:17 PM | Show all posts
okay la, den nak turun g surau dulu...

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Post time 11-11-2010 04:18 PM | Show all posts
aku neh..mmg more to contract jeh..lgk jauh menyelam smpi naik lemas..
skymania Post at 11-11-2010 16:11

ok la kl law contrak jeh..xbnyk mana..
ape lg ko dh bljr??fraud??paksaan??pengaruhx berpatutan??
ahahaha...aku blajo bahse melayu dulu..kekeke

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