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Author: parking

RM6 bilion untuk kapal peronda baru TLDM - sebijik kapal 1 Billion...?

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Post time 8-2-2011 01:31 PM | Show all posts
wat mahal2 x leh sustain operasi...duit rakyat gak jahanam...

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Post time 8-2-2011 01:32 PM | Show all posts
kes komisyen kapalselam n Sukhoi 30 tu dah abis yek...betul la tiada sapa yg bersalah..atau patut dipersalahkan..hehehe

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Post time 8-2-2011 01:51 PM | Show all posts
bebenornya kan masing kena muhasabah diri....  umno ni org doh cop perompak... harus la segal ...
dino Post at 8-2-2011 01:13 PM

pasal tu org tua2 pesan buat jahat jgn SEKALI.

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Post time 8-2-2011 02:01 PM | Show all posts
pada aku pembelian persenjataan ni mmg penting, setiap negara perlu kuatkan tentera dia atau sekurang2nya sama taraf dgn jiran. kalau kata betul la nak beli design sekali mcm dikatakan bagus la. bayar mahal pun x pe la. kalau nak bangunkan vendor2 tempatan yg katanya 600 lebih sykt pun bagus la. forumer yg bangkitkan pasal cth zaman Proton tu cakap dia mmg ada benarnya. masa mula2 Proton ditubuhkan mmg MATLAMAT asal nak bangunkan vendor2 terutama dr kalangan Melayu. benda ni bukan rahsia pun. asalkan ada vendor yg boleh bekalkan barang pada harga MURAH SIKIT dr import punya barang pun terus ambik. akhirnya vendor2 ni rasa sedap makan margin untung yg banyak. tambah plak Proton ada perlindungan dr kerajaan. harga kereta Proton pun x murah mana jadinya. dpt MURAH SIKIT saja dr yg import.

balik kepada isu ni, nak bangunkan industri, nak bangunkan vendor2, silakan kalau betul caranya. tapi jgn ambil mudah bila org bangkitkan isu ni sebab sejarah projek2 besar mcm ni ada BANYAKKKKKK sgt yg kantoi. sapa boleh nafikan fakta ni?

btw, nak tanya sikit pasaipa Amin Shah x ditangkap sampai la ni? kalau pasai RPK bukan main sampai nak kerjasama dgn Interpol?  ada apa2 ka?

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Post time 8-2-2011 02:12 PM | Show all posts
jawapan kelakar.karipap tak sama dengan kapal perang.jawab dulu soalan tu.baru boleh makan karip ...
rabun_it Post at 8-2-2011 13:07

itu perbandingan yg cukup simple supaya ko boleh faham...kalau bende simple macam tu ko tak faham, macam mana nak bincang jauh lebih besar..

Buat dulu la kapal perang tu secanggih mungkin..baru boleh buat pi cerita kat orang yg kita ada barang..barangnya plak tidak ditunjukkan.....ko ingat depa terus booking ka?..

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Post time 8-2-2011 02:13 PM | Show all posts
patut hal2 mengenai pertahanan tentera cmni, tkperlu la diheboh2 kt public,
kalu nk heboh pun, pikirla dulu kesannya,
yelah.. mesti ramai tertanya jumlah tu, yg mcm melampau mahal..
ye betul, org biasa mgkin tk patut tau apa yg tentera belanjakan psl rahsia negara.
igt citer gosip artis ke nk cite dlm paper?

tapi org2 atas, pembangkang pun adalah sebahagian dari struktur kerajaan, mesti dorg nk tau, nape kos tu tinggi?, kalu tknk pembangkang bising, lupuskn jela pembangkang kt malaysia ni. dorg cuma tanya, salah ke tu?, bukannye dorg merogol Menteri pertahan ke ape?

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Post time 8-2-2011 02:30 PM | Show all posts
gua jumper kat tenet, i think ni blog one of our forummer jugak..

An Open Letter To Mr Tony Pua

It seems that you have gone to town alleging that the Government announced RM6 billion budget to purchase six units of Second Generation Patrol Vessel aka Litoral Combatant Ship (LCS) is 870 percent over so-called similar purchases as touted in this Malaysiakini article.

To support your claims, you have tried to pull the wool over the Rakyat by giving the comparative purchase prices for these vessels as below, as I beg to differ :

a. Irish Roisin Classand New Zealand Protector Class Offshore Patrol Vessels.

Roisin Class OPV

Protector Class OPV

Firstly please pay close attention to the nomenclature of your referred ships. Both these ship classes originates from the Mauritian Vigilant Class OPV launched in 1995, with the Roisin class launched in 1999 and the Protector in 2006 but only accepted in 2010 by the New Zealand Navy as they did not meet their specifications.

On a base level, these ships are 80 meters and 86 meters gunboats respectively with no modular capabilities and can and will only be armed with one 76 mm main guns and supporting machine guns while the Kiwi ships only 25mm main gun, thus their function purely as patrol gunboats. Please keep this in mind. The cost of the Roisin is 20 million pounds in 2000 while the cost of the New Zealand Dollars 90 million per ship is not finalized as per the NZ Ministry of Defence own web posting. Thus the price may actually be more than stated.

b. Greek Super Vita Roussen Class

These vessels are classed as
Fast Attack Craft as they are indeed only 62 meters long and fully laden 580 tons and the equivalent in the RMN fleet would be the Laksamana class. Nonetheless as they are well armed, they are also termed as small corvettes and in military terms should not be compared to a gunboat. Nonetheless as I will clarify later, this vessel can be a good comparison to the proposed SGPV project. Reuters reported in 2008 that the cost for additional two vessels cost the Hellenic Navy Euro 299 million while Janes reportedthe initial price for the first three units was Sterling Pound 200 million 2000.

c. K130 Braunschweig ClassCorvette, Germany

The K130 class is a 90 metre corvette that was delivered in 2010 for the last unit. It has a displacement of 1900 tons and is a well armed ship that would be comparable to our Kedah class once these are upgraded to its full modular FFNW capabilities, as they share the same MEKO geneology. Mind you that Jane’s announced the contract price in 2000 for the five K130 was DM1.9 or US$925 million equivalent at that time, and this contradicts the price of US$108 million each given by Mr Tony Pua In addition the development cost of this project was supposedly distributed amongst other shipbuilding projects like the F124 frigates being built by the same consortium at the same time.

d. Israeli SAAR VCorvettes and US Navy’s LCS.

SAAR V Corvette

Freedom Class LCS

These are 86 meter 1300 tons vessels with the last unit delivered in 1994 with the sticker price of USD260 million each. However what Mr Tony Pua neglected to highlight that a 2009 proposal by Northrop Grumman to supply an expanded version of Saar 5 corvettes was rejected as the cost would have been USD450 million each. The Israeli procurement also serves as a good guide for the export price of the USN LCS which Mr Tony Pua claims as being built at a cost of less than US300 million in 2004 but would have cost US darling Israel a whopping USD600 million after integration with Israeli systems while the ship itself would have cost USD480 million per vessel when the Israelis could onlyafford USD300 million each.

All the above facts I have reference to reputable defence sites like Jane’s and Naval Technology and well documented These ships are being offered as procurement price comparisons to the announced 102 meter long and 2300 tons SGPV/LCS. The problem I have with such simple comparisons are as follows :

a. These ships are smaller corvettes or gunboats as compared to the proposed fully armed and equipped SGPV/LCS. Even the comparable LCS from the United States cost more than the SGPV/LCS. Only on this factor alone can I beg to differ on Mr Tony Pua’s assessment.

b. The price given as comparison are either inaccurate as per the K130 figures or the vintage is at least a decade old without giving due consideration for inflation as demonstrated by the latest price proposal for the upgraded SAAR V.

c. In addition, it was not highlighted the vintage of the designs compared which are also based on a decade old design base. Even though the final design for the SGPV has not been announced yet, we can surely expect that this will be based on the latest technologies.

I am sure Mr Tony Pua and those hard core supporters will not accept the reasons given above to invalidate Mr Tony Pua’s claims, when even now they still believe we bought second hand submarines that cannot dive when all evidence points to the contrary. Nonetheless I hope those who read this can at least make your own judgement rationally and at the very least, make more investigation into the claims rather than accepting it at face value.


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Post time 8-2-2011 02:32 PM | Show all posts
tony pua kencing jer tuh.......... ramai plak yg menyokong tanpa selidik kungfuta dia.............

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Post time 8-2-2011 02:36 PM | Show all posts
patut hal2 mengenai pertahanan tentera cmni, tkperlu la diheboh2 kt public,
kalu nk heboh pun, piki ...
batmana Post at 8-2-2011 14:13

tak cakap kang...salah gak..US sendiri pun umumkan jumlah perbelanjaan ketenteraannya..kang tak pasal2 pakar ketenteraan macam  Mahpus bising2 plak...

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Post time 8-2-2011 02:36 PM | Show all posts
ada kemungkinan inilah sebab kenapa abang2 askar tak nak vote PR.... diaorg nampak PR kedukut dlm mempertahankan negara.... mgkn taktiknya supaya negara senang di tawan/serang pihak musuh dgn peralatan lama...

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Post time 8-2-2011 02:39 PM | Show all posts
ape ape yg melibatkan pertahanan atau peperangan semua mahal.. tu pasal amerika suka perang.. senang buat duit...

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Post time 8-2-2011 02:49 PM | Show all posts
kapal2 laut ni sng kena target dgn kapal selam pihak lawan la..kebaboom skali shoot je

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Post time 8-2-2011 02:51 PM | Show all posts
ada org ingat tiap kali org kritik atau persoal sesuatu apa yg gomen buat maknanya kita nak perkara itu gagal dan hancus
padahal tujuannya ataranya ialah supaya gomen bertindak above board dan sedia bertanggungjawab dgn apa yg mereka buat..
ia melibatkan dana awam dan kesannya terkena direct pada rakyat dan negara
lainlah kalau duit tu duit umno... peduliklah...

patutnya zaman yg anggap apa gomen buat semua betul sudah lama berlalu
semakin maju masyarakat semakin kritikal mereka terhadap gomen
ini tidak... masih gak nak bermentaliti zaman batu...

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Post time 8-2-2011 03:08 PM | Show all posts
tak salah kritikal. nama pon duit rakyat.

tp spt posting dcrook pasal open letter to tony pua, so how? boleh tony pua jawab validity of his comparisons?
will he eat his shoes if proven wrong?

2. isu ntah bila tokey el-nino dpt kontrek kapal masih belom berjawab.

3. dan isu boustead heavy industries itu corrupt, tak reti nak buat kapal, apa keS? itu masa psci, masa amin shah. tony pua tak penah dgr pasal substance over form? who was amin shah? sapa itu boustead? sapa senior management of this "corrupt" company? this "corrupt" company masih same board of directors? dah abes modal pasal kapal, citer pasal kompeni plak?

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Post time 8-2-2011 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply 133# petola

    ni website dia:  http://securemalaysia.blogspot.c ... to-mr-tony-pua.html

maknanya tony pua chua ni setakat bangkang aje sebab dia pembangkang. fakta pun salah.

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Post time 8-2-2011 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply 135# sapient

    silap. tony pua la. tony pua chua pulak.

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Post time 8-2-2011 03:16 PM | Show all posts
nnt bila cerita singapore yg kecil ada kapal canggih.... kita?? bagilah abang2 askar main toy yg baru pulak.... asyik meleleh air liur je....

harap gak si abe tony jawap.... tahu bangkang je... bila org bg jawapan mane dia dpt info.. dia konar cite lain pulak....

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Post time 8-2-2011 03:18 PM | Show all posts
asyik nak perang dgn singapore je..pasal pe tah

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Post time 8-2-2011 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 138# cak!

    bukan nak berperang bro... sebagai langkah berhati2... mana tahu akan dtg... dolu2 pun selalu je ada isu2.... diaorg makin canggih... takkan kita rela kena ratah...

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Post time 8-2-2011 03:34 PM | Show all posts
3. dan isu boustead heavy industries itu corrupt, tak reti nak buat kapal, apa keS? itu masa psci, masa amin shah. tony pua tak penah dgr pasal substance over form? who was amin shah? sapa itu boustead? sapa senior management of this "corrupt" company? this "corrupt" company masih same board of directors? dah abes modal pasal kapal, citer pasal kompeni plak?
kasibiman Post at 8-2-2011 15:08

tak salah anya......boustead yang bail out the first generation petrol vessels...... sepatutnyalah derang dapat buat untuk second generation nih ....

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