apa treatment utk baby 6 months?
perlu x diberi ubat anti histamin?
adakah dengan breastfeeding yg kerap boleh mengatasi masalah ini
instead of diberi anti histamin?
Originally posted by leena at 17-1-2007 10:15 AM
apa treatment utk baby 6 months?
perlu x diberi ubat anti histamin?
adakah dengan breastfeeding yg kerap boleh mengatasi masalah ini
instead of diberi anti histamin?
bab ubat tuh bior dr n nurse jwb..but kalo breasfeed..mother tuh kene check apa yg ibu mkn anaknyer alah..so kene put away la food tuh..selain tuh external trigger pun kene check like adakah anak anda sensitif to habuk, bulu kucing or even cuaca terlalu panas atau sejuk..
Ubat antihistamin promethazine (phenergan) is not recomended for kids below 2 yrs.
Chlorpheniramine (piriton) pula is not recommended for kids below 6 month...
So..i think better not use oral medication in your baby yet..
just apply calamine lotion for soothing effect.
continue bf
kalau dia dah start makan...pls check if you ever give protein (ikan/telur/ayam )..it's advisable to only start this protein based food when she/he is 1yr ++..
External causes are also possible..habuk etc..