I came across this as i was reading and seems intriguing....
Muhammad seems to have predicted the split of the Ummah into 73 sects of which 72 will go to hell and 1 to heaven.
Have not finished the article but will comment once i do. |
Menda plak nie..sorang lagi mamat jawa muncul
![](static/image/smiley/default/what.gif) |
"Verily the people before you from the People of the Book split into seventy two religions, and this religion will split into seventy three; seventy two are in Hell and one is in Heaven and it’s the group"
So the people of the book will be split into 72 sects.
The muslims into 73 sects - 72 sects will go to HELL and only one will be in Heaven.
So i will look up to see how many sects there are in Islam. |
Not easy to look for a list of sects under Islam....... patience
akhir zaman akn terlihat islam berpecah hingga 73 cbg..
igt tgk lagu m nasir 73 pintu 73 jalan..yg sampai hanya satu jalan....
satu jalan tu ialah bila islam(semua 73) x berpecah belah yakni bersatu...tp yg sedihnya islam skang ni byk cabang...dh plg sedih x ikut kitabullah dan sunnah rasul-Nya |
nicuya posted on 26-6-2013 03:06 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
akhir zaman akn terlihat islam berpecah hingga 73 cbg..
igt tgk lagu m nasir 73 pintu 73 jalan..yg ...
muslims selalu kutuk yg kristian ini byk cabang....tapi skrg muslims sendiri 73 cabang
kristan tidak ada 73 cabang pun...cuma sikit aja...
RC, Protestant, Anglican,Jehova Witsness dan saya Twoness faith - 6 aja
...muslims ...banyak nya.....
Truth.8 posted on 27-6-2013 10:45 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
muslims selalu kutuk yg kristian ini byk cabang....tapi skrg muslims sendiri 73 cabang
kristan ti ...
er...sy x penah plak dgr muslim kutuk kristian byk cabang...maybe ade kot, xtau la sy....tp sy mengakui hakikat islam sekarang mmg menyedihkan..cabang tu lah yg jd faktor kenapa islam hari ni xbleh maju dan bangkit...sbb umat tu sendiri...bkn salah agama..cabang yg dirasakan betul diangkat, yg dirasakan salah tu dihentam...org tu ckp yg die btol, org ni ckp salah....pastu gaduh..padahal terang terangan ckp dh berpegang pd alQuran dan sunnah rasul-Nya....apalah salahnya cabang itu dsatukan...entah bila la masanya tu....
nicuya posted on 27-6-2013 11:00 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
er...sy x penah plak dgr muslim kutuk kristian byk cabang...maybe ade kot, xtau la sy....tp sy men ... er...sy x penah plak dgr muslim kutuk kristian byk cabang...maybe ade kot, xtau la sy....tp sy mengakui hakikat islam sekarang mmg menyedihkan..cabang tu lah yg jd faktor kenapa islam hari ni xbleh maju dan bangkit...sbb umat tu sendiri...bkn salah agama..cabang yg dirasakan betul diangkat, yg dirasakan salah tu dihentam...org tu ckp yg die btol, org ni ckp salah....pastu gaduh..padahal terang terangan ckp dh berpegang pd alQuran dan sunnah rasul-Nya....apalah salahnya cabang itu dsatukan...entah bila la masanya tu.....
aku dkt sini sejak 2001 hingga skg....aku dah banyak kali dah baca dan hentam muslims yg kutuk kristian ini byk cabang....
sebab itu lah muslims skrg terima circle of karma....di mana 73 sects...
dlm dunia ini...ada positive dan negative....kalau mulut dan niat kita baik tanpa kutuk orang lain...maka positive juga lah...
cuba baca satu contoh dari ahmad deedat combat kit di mana di kutuk Bible ....itu nama nya negative....maka dia sudah terima balasan di mana dia jadi cacat sehingga tidak dpt ckp....terlantar di katil ...
maka...buat positive....kalau ada pengikut membuat salah...tegur berlandaskan kitab nya...
contohnya...saya tegur seorang hindu di agama hindu ' yg orang2 hindu sudah korup .....kerana tidak mengamalkan kitab hindu yg banyak ajar pasal isu2 moral dan lain...
ini bukan kutuk tapi sekadar teguran...
Truth.8 posted on 27-6-2013 10:45 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
muslims selalu kutuk yg kristian ini byk cabang....tapi skrg muslims sendiri 73 cabang
kristan ti ...
Nk tanya sket...
Jika Jesus a.s. kembali kpd umatnya nnt
yg merupakan seorang Yahudi berketurunan Israel
mana satu umatnya yg akan dia a.s. akui? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif)
Dzulqarnain posted on 29-6-2013 04:26 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Nk tanya sket...
Jika Jesus a.s. kembali kpd umatnya nnt
u see how ur brain working? this is main reason why muslims and also christians divided into many sects with their differences....hence, this leads to falling path...
did Jesus ever says that his teachings for Jews??? did Jesus ever says that Sabbath was for Jews???
"And He said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath'" (Mark 2:27-28
Man means every nations.
from the above verses it clearly show Jesus teachings was meant for all......
It was peoples have wrong concept of understanding the verses and leads them with sects...
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Truth.8 posted on 29-6-2013 12:25 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
u see how ur brain working? this is main reason why muslims and also christians divided into m ...
My question is , which one is his true followers?
i.e. RC, Protestant, Anglican,Jehova Witsness, Twoness, etc.
(can u see now?)
Man means every nations.
from the above verses it clearly show Jesus teachings was meant for all......
It was peoples have wrong concept of understanding the verses and leads them with sects... But what about the Deuteronomy 23:19-20
Where to put 'Man' in it??? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif)
Dzulqarnain posted on 30-6-2013 09:33 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
My question is , which one is his true followers?
i.e. RC, Protestant, Anglican,Jehova Witsness, ...
even we have few sects compare to muslims which 73 sects...we all believed Jesus son of God and his resurrection...
Truth.8 posted on 30-6-2013 09:55 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
even we have few sects compare to muslims which 73 sects...we all believed Jesus son of God and hi ...
Did all believe in his return? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif)
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