Nak masak tapi patah kaki - simple recipes wanted
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Reply #39 AnitaSabrina's post
dah makan tu satu hal.. yg paling penting.. REHAT.. give urself chance to heal first without guilt feeling dulu.. pastu slowly, dah rasa comfortable buat kerja sket2.. |
Reply #40 AnitaSabrina's post
Jgn buat kerja berat dulu. Masak ni pun memenatkan esp lepas operation. You masak simple je & the most impt thing amalkan gamat & ikan haruan sp. wound cepat sembuh. |
kaka anita da sehat kew? |
Dianaris, Baiduri & Seroja - thanks for your encouragement.
Masih sakit especially malam - berdenyut. Kalau tak makan painkiller tak boleh tidur. Esok buat x-ray 4 weeks. I'm so hoping tulang tu dah bersambung balik or at least janganlah ada komplikasi lain.
Luka operation - I give up pegi clinic sebab sakit sangat everyday kena toreh. Trauma! So hari Isnin lepas I pegi SJMC jumpa my surgeon. Dia bagi special dressing untuk cepat sembuhkan luka yang terbuka tu. According to him by one week will heal.
Frustlah tak boleh function normally - especially memasak. My hubby tak kisah about food - for him tak makan pun tak apa. Dia belasah je oats, cereal etc everyday. Pelik sikit dia ni. But I kesiankan my sons. Tak kan everyday nak makan cereal. Oats dia orang tak makan. It would be nice to have some variety.
I have to think positive - insyAllah by next week I can start masak balik simple-simple. This week compile resipi and bahan-bahan. Pastu nak suruh hubby belikan all the things I need. |
my resepi ayam panggang ( guna quarter ciken)
mixed herbs, lemon, butter & salt
sapu & urut rata sblom marinate atleast sejam
pastu bakar lam aluminium ffoil selama 45 mins, bukak foil and bakar lagi 10 mins
gravy beli yang ready-made brand mccormick tuh
sedap cam rasa ayam kenny rogers
boleh steam carrot, broccoli & potato utk mkn sama ayam |
Reply #47 ashna's post
ngko neh ashna, bagi aku meleleh lak pagi2 neh
hahaha...bulis2 ajer, last time aku masak pong yang minyak2 air tuh aku curah balik atas ayam masa nak hidang
and gravy mccormick tuh amik yg ader cop halal yek. sebab tak silap aku ada 3 variants...2 ada cop halal, satu tadak rasanya. so berhati2 |
hello kaka anita. wassup? kaki da ok kew? |
Reply #51 seroja's post
Hari ni appointment 6 weeks with the surgeon. Happy sangat lepas jumpa surgeon - not just because he's such an eye candy but also because he gave me some good news!
Dah boleh jalan tapi kena guna walking stick. At least rasa macam normal and senang sikit nak bergerak.
Thanks Seroja for asking.
Btw, semalam I masak bread and butter pudding siap dengan sos kastard. Best seller & everyone loved it! Resipi Hanieliza. Not too bad masak pudding tu. It takes about 20 minutes - just enough time for me to stand on partial weight. After 20 minutes memang rasa kaki kiri (good leg) turn to jelly! Nasib baik sempat masukkan dish tu dlm oven. |
Reply #49 katak_kiut's post
Tadi makan lunch kat sjmc sebijik rupa macam your recipe. Roast chicken with wedges (fried not roasted like yours - so not healthy!). I was wondering apasal tak ada vege. Would be more balanced with vege. |
Reply #52 AnitaSabrina's post
sedapnye bread pudding. leh letak sini tak resepi tuh... malas nak korek..
neway... swonok la dengar kaka anita da dpt jalan sket2. |
My resipi for bread & butter pudding ni lain sikit from the ones at Cari archive. Here goes :
What you'll need
6 slices bread
750 ml milk
1/4 tsp lemon zest
110 g sugar
4 eggs
125 g dried mixed fruits (sultanas, raisins, dried apricots, mixed peel......) - rendam dalam air so that the fruits tak jatuh ke bawah dlm pudding
1. Grease a large ovenproof dish. Heat the oven. Butter the bread and cut into small shapes. I use a cookie cutter to make stars - bagi cantik sikit.
2. Heat the milk in a saucepan and add the lemon zest. Bring to the boil, then cover and remove from the heat, leaving the milk to infuse for 10 mins.
3. Beat the sugar and eggs together, then strain the milk over the eggs and mix well.
4. Sieve the dried fruits - to get rid of all the excess water. Scatter half the dried fruits over the bottom of the dish. Arrange half the bread buttered sides down. Pour in half the custard; repeat with remaining fruit, bread and custard. Top with star shapes.
5. Put into the oven.
Custard Sauce : Resipi Hanieliza
1 tin IDEAL milk
1 sudu besar tepung kastard
2 sudu besar gula
- masukkan semua bahan dlm pot and panaskan (small fire) sampai sos pekat.
Makan dengan pudding roti. Best! |
Originally posted by AnitaSabrina at 30-10-2008 10:47 PM
Hari ni appointment 6 weeks with the surgeon. Happy sangat lepas jumpa surgeon - not just because he's such an eye candy but also because he gave me some good news!
Btw, semalam I masak bread and butter pudding siap dengan sos kastard. Best seller & everyoneloved it! Resipi Hanieliza. Not too bad masak pudding tu.
kakliza doakan agar Anita cepat sembuh saperti sediakala..
kakliza juga pernah menjaga anak sulong yg patah kaki selama 6 bulan..
alhamdulillah sekarang dah sembuh dan boleh berlari dah pun..
apapun sabar dalam segalanya..
kkliza juga ucapkan terimakasih atas kesudian mencuba resepi kakliza...
jika masih sakit lagi..banyakkan bereha..
kakliza juga syurkan buat masakan yg gunakan oven[bakar] atau stim[gunakan kukusan]
jika bakar just perapkan ayam atau ikan atau daging beberapa jam..pastu bake dalam oven..
[ Last edited by hanieliza at 1-11-2008 07:58 AM ] |
Reply #57 hanieliza's post
hi kak liza. perstaim jumpa ni. |
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