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ada japanese drama tajuk 'mother', budak yg jadi main lead tu cute dan pandai berlakon. lps tgk dia berlakon, mia sara pn aku pn xheran dah
tp tu la, ni drama, bkn movie
cite korea pun best. wonderful life..
gambar budak cute yg belakun kat pic profile aku
matilda ngan denise the menace tuh best...
nota kaki... baguih nye hang ni bagi bini tngok ape yg die nk... aku pon minat gak cite budak2.. tp bile bukak je laki aku msti tanye ''xde cite lain ke..''
lagi satu...three man & a baby
Reply 9# alifsue2020
byk la pulak songehnyeee.... :re:
The Game Plan.. budak ni cute lah..
problem child & denise the menace
1 lg yg cite lame tue, ramai budak berlakon, ade yg rambut kejung ke atas tue
Reply 21# dark_chocolate
ha'ah comel la budak tu. Aku ni dah la minat drma Jepun. Aku mesti cari!
Reply 30# dark_chocolate
still tak best sbb tengok kat laptop...or maybe ade yg ckp leh install kat dvd yg ade aku jenis mls nak download. Huhu
citer the boys are sgt2 citer nih..
Post Last Edit by ahtentuya at 3-10-2010 06:12
THE FALL....mesti tgk filem ni! best sangat.
tgk kt disney original muvi kt disney channel...berlambak cete bebudak...syiok pown syiok...hihihi
rob - b - hood.. filem Jackie Chan belakon tu.... alahai...kiutnya baby Matthew Medvedev tu....
klau x silap citer ni tgh tayang kt cinema..comey giler citernyeeee