Persons homophobia around the world
According to Wikipedia, homophobia - the collective definition of the various forms of negative reactions to the manifestations of homosexuality, as well as related social phenomena. Homophobia is seen in official international documents, the European Parliament, as well as some sociological institutions on a par with racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and sexism.
A. Members of religious groups opposed to homosexuality in Kampala, Uganda, 2007 The poster reads: "The anus to defecate. The spoon is a spoon, a spade is a spade. " Source: Reuters
Two. Belgrade, 2010 The poster reads: "Zhopolazane forbidden» (Reuters / MARKO DJURICA)
Three. Israeli right-wing activists with placards against the gay parade in Jerusalem in 2010, the poster says: "Gays place in hell, and not in Ieruaalime» (AP / Bernat Armangue)
4. Protesters shout obscenities in the direction of the defenders of gay men who first carried out a procession in Lithuania, May 8, 2010 (Getty Images / PETRAS MALUKAS)
Five. Protests during the Baltic prayda in March 2010 (Reuters / INTS KALNINS)
6. Latvia, 2010 The poster reads: "More gay men - less than the Latvians." (Getty Images / ILMARS ZNOTINS)
7. Mike Gaspers of Iowa, USA, and his daughter Lara holding banner "Protect the family" during a rally against same-sex marriages in 2009 (AP / Charlie Neibergall)
Eight. Rally in defense of traditional marriage October 24, 2008 in Los Angeles, California. Source:
9. Anti-gay demonstration during the parade «Gay Pride» in Latvia in 2008 Source:
10. Latvian activists hung a doll with a poster "be ashamed to allow these people to go through the parade Nov. 11." Source:
11. Latvia, 2009 The poster reads: "Gays - carriers of HIV." (Getty Images / ILMARS ZNOTINS)
12. A nun takes part in the campaign against same-sex marriage, and the woman on the poster reads: "The family - a man and a woman", Madrid, June 18, 2005 Source:
13. Serbian boy holding a banner "I do not want my father and my father," during a protest against the gay parade, scheduled for October 10, October 9, 2010 in Belgrade. (Getty Images / ANDREJ ISAKOVIC) 14. Members of religious organizations are going to rally against gay marriage in front of the old houses of Congress in Asuncion, Paraguay, 2010 The poster reads "We want mom and dad." (Reuters / JORGE ADORNO)
15. Indonesian Muslims shouting abusive slogans at a protest against the film festival «Q! Film Festival », which focuses on the problems of homosexuals, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2010. The protests have had some success, and few shows have been canceled. (AP / Irwin Fedriansyah)
16. Indonesia, in 2010 the poster frame from the film and the words "Disgusting scenes of homosexuality." (Reuters / DADANG TRI)
17. Protesters against the gay pride parade in Warsaw, Poland, July 17, 2010 (Getty Images / JANEK SKARZYNSKI)
18. Bryan Brown - President of the National Organization for Marriage, speaks at a rally of opponents of same-sex marriages in Augusta, Maine. (AP / Robert F. Bukaty)
19. The woman at the protest near the building of the Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Getty Images / JUAN MABROMATA)
20. A member of the radical right groups "Noua Dreapta" (New Right) shouting anti-geyskie slogans during a march against the gay parade in Bucharest, Romania. (Reuters / RADU SIGHETI) |