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Singkap Hikmah dalam syariat - Kesan alcohol kepada otak dan akal

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Post time 31-12-2015 10:33 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by mbhcsf at 1-1-2016 02:19 AM

Why alcohol makes your brain feel good…and very bad
                    by Kate Wighton                                            18 December 2015

Christmas festivities are now in full swing, with bleary heads aplenty. But what is the effect on our brains?                    
Scientists are only now beginning to unravel exactly why alcohol can prove so toxic to our brain cells.
“There has always been an assumption that alcohol rots your brain, but we need to know exactly how it does this,” explains Professor Anne Lingford-Hughes, chair in addiction biology from Imperial College London, who is at the forefront of research into alcohol’s effects on the brain.

“Not only are we increasingly realising that alcohol effectively shuts the whole brain down – and can even trigger inflammation within the brain - but we’re also seeing how long these effects last. This knowledge is crucial to understanding alcohol dependency, and giving people effective treatments.”

Here Professor Lingford-Hughes explains what happens to our brain when we have a drink.
Why that first sip tastes so good
That first swig of wine or beer rapidly causes changes in two types of brain chemicals. These orchestrate much of alcohol’s effects on our thoughts, feelings and coordination.

"One of these chemicals, called GABA, acts like a sedative to calm the brain down, while the other, called glutamate, excites the brain and makes it more active," says Professor Lingford-Hughes.
Alcohol quickly increases GABA function, which is why a drink relaxes us.

Terjemahan ( lebih kurang ye bukan word by word )
Tegukan alcohol  yang didapati dalam wine atau beer  mengaruhkan perubahan kepada komposisi kimia ( neurochemical ) pada otak dengan cepat   dan kesannya ketara pada keupayaan berfikir, perasaan dan koordinasi. Neurokimia atau bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam otak  yang dimaksudkan itu ialah GABA dan glutamate ( NOTA : otak kita ni Alah bagi jadi sangat kompleks dan terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis  bhn kimia lain tapi dalam konteks ini hanya dua yang diterangkan - dan apa yang menarik ialah bahan kimia otak ini mempunyai kesan pada struktur otak tertentu dan ada hikmahnya dalam ini - hikmahnya amat amat mendalam dan Allah itu amat Bijak...u akan tunduk acually without question when you know this honestly dan nak bongkak pada syariat Dia pun u tak akan berani ) . Neurokimia otak seperti GABA - fungsinya untuk 'calms the brain down ' - memberikan  kesan yang menenangkan/ 'penenang' otak manakala glutamate pula memberika kesan sebaliknya dan menjadikan otak lebih 'active'. So, alcohol ni meningkatkan kesan GABA dengan cepat dan ini memberikan kesan penenang pada mulanya tegukan alcohol itu.

The reason karaoke is easier with a drink

One of the brain areas first affected by this imbalance in GABA and glutamate is the frontal lobe, explains Professor Lingford-Hughes, which is found just behind the forehead, and governs traits such as attention, planning and impulsivity.
"The frontal lobe is exquisitely sensitive to alcohol - this is why people quickly become disinhibited. As they drink more, their ability to think straight and integrate all of their thoughts become lost."

Terjemahan :

Salah satu struktur pada otak  yang terkesan dengan alcohol adalah bahagian otak yang terlibat dalam proses maklumat , pemikiran , penilaian dan proses proses intelek / berfikir ; bahagian ini dinamakan frontal lobe (? malay term?) dan struktur ini terlibat dalam proses kognitif / pemikiran seperti tumpuan ( attention), planning  dan impulsivity ( seerti dengan  kecepatan  tindakan ). Tambahan pula, struktur ini juga amat sensitive pada alcohol dan oleh hal yang demikian , kita mendapati bahawa mereka yang meneguk alcohol ni perangai depa menjadi lain  sebab tiadanya kekangan untuk mengawal perlakuan mereka ( diistilahkan sebagai  : disinhibition).
And then texting becomes trickier

One of the next areas of the brain to be affected is the cerebellum, which sits at the base of your brain at the back of the head, and is crucial to controlling movement.

"If you paralyse this through alcohol, your movements become uncoordinated, and your speech slurred. The muscles across your whole body become affected - even in your eyes. This is why your vision becomes blurred – although your eyes are still seeing fine in terms of vision, your eye muscles aren’t working properly so each eye isn’t looking in the same direction.”

Terjemahan :
Selain frontal lobe, bahagian otak yang lain yang turut terkesan akibat pengaruh alcohol ialah cerebellum yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengawal pergerakan , kesimbangan dan koordinasi pergerakan otot / motor movement. Kesannya, apabila bahagian otak ini terjejas fungsinya akibat alcohol, maka segala perlakuan kita yang logiknya menggunakan otot dan koordinasinya akan 'terkesan sama' - antaranya pertuturan menjadi kurang jelas/ slurred speech , dan pergerakan akan jadi tidak sekata/terkoordinasi dengan baik. Selain itu, otot yang mengawal pergerakan mata juga menerima tempias kesan aruhan alcohol dan atas sebab inilah juga penglihatan seseorang yang mengalami kesan toksik alcohol menjadi kabur atau terjejas kerana  otot yang mengawal pergerakan 'arah gerakan / allignment' bebola mata tidak dapat dikawal selia / coordinate dengan baik.

Foggy memory and black outs

Those fuzzy memories from the night before are due to an imbalance in the part of the brain caused the hippocampus, which is vital for memory. “This area of the brain is sensitive to changes in glutamate, and so when levels start to swing out of control, it struggles to lay down new memories.”


Alcohol juga menyebabkan kekaburan memori atau daya ingatan dan ini adalah disebabkan oleh terjejasnya  fungsi bahagian otak yang berkaitan memori iaitu - hippocampus.  Hippocampus ini sensitif kepada glutamate dan apabila bahagian ini terjejas , kekaburan daya ingatan berlaku pada memori jangka pendek.

In recovery

When we stop drinking, our brain struggles to re-adjust to the situation.
“Once alcohol is out of the blood stream, GABA function falls, but glutamate – which excites the brain - is still very high. This can lead to anxiety, shakiness and poor sleep. If you have been drinking very heavily, this sudden change can even lead to fits. Levels of another neurotransmitter in the brain – dopamine – are also affected which can lead to low mood.”

And high glutamate levels are bad news for our brain cells.
“Large amounts can prove toxic, as it seems to destroy all the delicate connections between brain cells  - rather like pruning back a shrub until just a bare stump is left.”

Terjemahan :
Apabila seseorang itu berhenti daripada meneguk alcohol, otak kita akan mula melaras kembali/ adjust   fungsinya ( struggles : bekerja keras ) kepada keadaan asal. Apabila alcohol telah dimetabolise dan darah menjadi bebas-alcohol, fungsi neurokimia otak iaitu GABA kembali kepada asal tetapi  , glutamate yg memberi kesan 'active' pada otak, masih tinggi. Oleh hal yang demikian, kegelisahan/ resah? anxiety, shakiness ( i dunno the malay term for this)  dan gangguan tidur mudah berlaku/ poor sleep. Jikalau seseorang ini meneguk alcohol dengan banyaknya, perubahan mendadak ini berisiko untuk menyebabkan serangan sawan/ fits. Selain  itu, paras dopamine - ini satu lagi bhn kimia otak yg turut terkena tempias dek alcohol dan menyebabkan kemurungan/ low mood.

Paras glutamate yang tinggi - adalah toksik pada sel sel otak di mana  fungsi synaps / bahagian bahagian sel otak berhubung antara satu sama lain akan dimusnahkan oleh alcohol. Ini diumpamakan seperti mencantas pucuk belukar hingga bersisakan  tunggul ( bare stump is left) .

hmmmmm...itu analoginya - tapi teruk ye kita yang memilih UNTUK MENZALIMI diri sendiri atas pilihan yang sendiri kita BUAT? ini bijak ke tidak?

As a result, explains Professor Lingford-Hughes, the after-effects from the festivities can last long into January.
“If someone has had a heavy Christmas they’ll feel pretty rough as the alcohol is going out of their system and their brains begin to readjust. We’re still unsure how long this takes but it could be a number of days, if not weeks. It will certainly take longer the older you are, as the brain takes longer to recover.”
Although Professor Lingford-Hughes is not suggesting everyone abstains from alcohol over the festive period – for the sake of your brain cells she urges sticking to sensible amounts.

Terjemahan kasar dan ringkas, -
Kesan ini mungkin berlanjutan hingga January ujar pakar di atas.  Proses pemulihan badan untuk bebas  - alcohol sepenuhnya  mengambil masa berhari hingga ke berminggu dan lebih tua umur anda lebih masa proses pemulihan ini akan berlangsung.
Pakar di atas menyarankan agar peneguk alcohol itu bertimbang rasa tapi pada saya MENCEGAH LEBIH BAIK DARIPADA MENGUBATI - and that is the hikmah embedded within the syariat ...? nampak , kan?

So adakah Allah itu nauzubillah tidak bijak? DIAlah yang  menjadikan manusia itu sebaik baik kejadian...dan alam fikirkanlah.

source / rujukan : [31-12-2015]


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 Author| Post time 31-12-2015 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 5-1-2016 04:35 AM

harapnya  rencana di atas berkisarkan kesan alkohol ke atas kesihatan otak dan mental menginsafkan kita bahawa :

ada hikmah di sebalik syariah
ada hikmahnya diharamkan sesuatu itu dalam keadaan yang bukan darurat
dan apakah kita masih bongkak dan tidak menginsafi betapa Allah itu Maha Bijaksana , Maha Penyayang?

so kat mana Islam itu mengekang? repressive atau menzalimi

tidak kan?

Hanya Allah yang tahu apa yg terbaik untuk makhluk ciptaan-Nya even at their molecular evel lagi.

So, 'tidak tahu'   - adalah  nauzubillah adalah sifat mustahil bagi ALLAH SWT.

jadi mengapa mahu menzalimi atau melawan syariat ?

tidakkah minda kita boleh menerima sesuatu yg baik ?

atau kita sengaja tenggelam dalam ujian nikmat-Nya lalu meletakkan Allah as no. 10?


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Post time 2-1-2016 07:30 AM | Show all posts
Terima kasih atas perkongsian yang ilmiah ini. Orang barat sendiri yg membuat kajian tentang bahaya arak. Tapi adakah mereka sedar dan berhenti minum arak? Tidak sebab mereka sudah biasa dan ketagih. Kalau lihat artikel ini ditulis di UK. saya pernah berada di UK dan budaya minum arak memang kebiasaan. pelajar2 uni selamba je minum arak. Bahkan dekat bangunan persatuan pelajar pun ada pub. mereka bukan tak tahu bahaya arak, tapi mereka tak mahu berhenti.

Saya kongsi pula artikel yg lebih kurang sama; arak lebih bahaya dari dadah heroin: ... gerous-than-heroin/

Selamat membaca. Semoga peminum2 arak insaf dan cari jalan untuk berhenti. Sebarkan kepada yg tersayang.

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2016 04:30 AM | Show all posts
Family Deepavali dinner marred by murder after drunk fight

Monday October 31, 2016
08:32 AM GMT+8


IPOH, Oct 31 — An air of festivity among family members was marred by intoxication and argument which led to a lorry attendant being killed, his younger brother taken into police custody at a family home in Padang Rengas, Kuala Kangsar, on Deepavali night.

What was to be a new day for these Deepavali celebrants yesterday turned into tragedy as family members turned up at the mortuary, while others gathered at the police station hoping to meet the suspect held behind bars.

Kuala Kangsar police chief Assistant Commissioner Termizi Abdul Haq confirmed the arrest of a younger sibling in connection with the death of K. Gopal.

The brothers were at the family home and at the height of festivities, police believe both were under the influence of alcohol when an argument broke out during dinner.

Besides the brothers, six other family members, including their mother, were also at their Jalan Permai Dua home when the tragic turn of events took place at about 9.30pm.

Investigations found that Gopal slapped his younger brother during the argument, and in the process shattered a plate on the table.

The suspect picked up a shard of the broken plate, hurled it towards the older sibling striking him on the face and throat.

Termizi said an emergency call was made by one of the family members, and when police arrived Gopal was found in a pool of blood.

He was pronounced dead, and the body removed to the district hospital mortuary.

Expressing condolences to the family, Termizi said this was not the way he believed the family wanted their festive celebrations to end.

“There are lessons to be learnt from this incident about consumption of too much of alcohol and volatile behaviour,” he said.

Gopal a father of one was a widower, while the suspect is a bachelor.

The suspect will be in remand until Saturday to facilitate investigations.

sumber : ... r-after-drunk-fight

ibrahnya :

ada hikmah yg tersingakp ....sejak 1 400 Hijrah lagi
saya sebenarnya kagum dengam iman Abu Bakar - kami dengar dan kami taat ...

dan mukjizat makhnawinya Al quran itu , merentas zaman


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 Author| Post time 1-11-2016 04:35 AM | Show all posts
Alcohol 'more damaging than heroin' says Prof David Nutt
25 April 2014

Alcohol 'more damaging than heroin' says Prof David Nutt
25 April 2014

Professor David Nutt

Professor David Nutt was sacked as UK chief drugs adviser in October 2009
The government's former drugs adviser, Prof David Nutt, believes alcohol is damaging society more than heroin.
In one report he ranked 20 drugs based on their effects on users and society and said tobacco and cocaine were equally harmful, while ecstasy and LSD, were among the least damaging.

In 2009 he was sacked after disagreeing with the government's decision to re-classify cannabis.
Prof Nutt will be speaking at the Manx Museum Theatre on 28 April.

He added: "In Britain today, alcohol is a leading cause of death in men between the ages of sixteen and fifty, so it is therefore the most harmful drug there is in terms of life expectancy, family disruption and road traffic accidents.

"It all boils down to the question of what are we trying to do when we make drugs illegal - we should be trying to reduce harm for people but in order to decide on whether to make something illegal we need to have a good appreciation of what relative harms are."
His aim, he said, was "to understand what the right approach should be, based on the science and evidence".

Prof Nutt is the Edmund J Safra Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology and Head of the Department of Neuropsychopharmacology and Molecular Imaging at Imperial College London.


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 Author| Post time 1-11-2016 04:37 AM | Show all posts
berikut saya paparkan

link ke scholarly thesis untuk mereka yg ingin mendapatkan kejelasan dan konteks seenar tentang arak  . so konsep tabayyun atau menyiasat sumber  yg jelas penting .

on  arak dan hukum dan kena mohon izin penulis terbabit. so, apapun khilaf  saya percaya mencegah lebih baik. sistem nilai yg baik ia mencegah. ... ut-Kaedah-Usul-Fiqh

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Post time 1-11-2016 05:33 AM | Show all posts
kemungkinan kesan2 lain.
1. berak berdarah
2. mudah mendpt penyakit usus/perut
3. spontaneous combustion

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Post time 1-11-2016 03:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1920 an dulu USA pernah haramkan arak.

Bukan atas alasan agama tetapi sebab kos merawat penyakit yang berkaitan alkohol lebih tinggi drp pendapatan cukai yg di kenakan ke atas minuman keras itu. Jadi kerajaan amerika haramkan arak.

Malangnya tidak berjaya.

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2018 06:23 PM | Show all posts
There is no safe level of alcohol consumption, new global study confirms
by Joanna Wilson
24 August 2018
Imperial researchers are among a team of international scientists to suggest there is no safe level of alcohol – the health risks outweigh benefits.
The findings were published in The Lancet medical journal.
Previous research has suggested low levels of consumption can have a protective effect against heart disease and diabetes. These findings however show that alcohol only had a protective effect against heart disease, and that the adverse effects of developing other health problems, particularly cancers, increased with the number of alcoholic drinks consumed each day.
No safe level
Any protective effect of 1-2 units of alcohol per day on ischaemic heart disease was offset by the risks, and overall the health risks associated with alcohol rose in line with the amount consumed each day. Therefore, the authors concluded that there is no safe level of alcohol.
Professor Sonia Saxena from Imperial’s School of Public Health is one of the authors on the paper. Speaking to the BBC, she said: “One drink a day does represent a small increased health risk, but adjust that to the UK population as a whole and it represents a far bigger number, and most people are not drinking just one drink a day.”

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Post time 31-8-2018 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Alcohol is banned(prohibited) in Islam, and Muslims not allowed to drink alcohol.

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2018 02:01 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 4-7-2022 12:02 AM | Show all posts
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Post time 5-2-2023 01:13 AM | Show all posts
Surah Kahf Look no further, because you can read it right here! This blog post provides a link to the Surah Al Kahf PDF, as well as a summary of its contents.

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Post time 5-5-2023 07:43 PM | Show all posts
Manzil Dua is a collection of verses from the Quran that are believed to provide protection and bring success to the person reciting them.

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Post time 30-5-2023 02:42 PM | Show all posts
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Post time 21-6-2023 05:37 AM | Show all posts
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Post time 6-10-2023 12:48 AM | Show all posts
Hey, I am molana aktar ali. I feel great to solve people's problem related to lave back problem, marriage problem solution, getting rid of black magic, getting pregnant & all type of personal problem with help of Quran.

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