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Post time 1-1-2021 10:14 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by AeriSha at 13-1-2021 06:57 PM


Assalamualaikum, kerana janji iols kpd kaka @takayama iols buat thread baru untuk Jdorama, sambungan drp thread sebelum ini, YOUR TOP J-DORAMA OF ALL TIME..
Di pagi Jumaat penuh barokah ini iols mohon maaf kat kaka sbb lambat sangat post thread ni..
Dah upgrade ye dr Top10 ke Top30.. Iols punya list dah berubah, ada yg dulu kat atas, sekarang dah menjunam ke bawah sbb dah campur aspek rewatch value, agitchew.. Ini list top Jdoramas iols..


1) Iryu : Team Medical Dragon (2006 – 2014) (4 seasons)

Ryutaro Asada, a renegade but brilliant surgeon, was being framed for a misdiagnosis and let go by the North Japanese Hospital. He went into exile and lived in a seaside shack when he was visited by Akira Kato, assistant professor of the Faculty of Cardiac Surgery at Meishin University Medical Hospital. Despite being a female doctor, Akira managed to become an assistant professor. She was ambitious and set her goal to be promoted to full professor by succeeding in a surgery using the Batista technique - an extremely difficult type of heart surgery - and to write a paper on it. A year ago, Akira witnessed Ryutaro's skills when he was an NGO doctor and was impressed enough to seek his assistance in the Batista technique. This drama exposed the difficulties encountered in the rigid Japanese medical professions in treating patients whereby decisions made were based more on protecting the hospitals than the patients..
The best medical drama I've ever seen.. Setiap musim, 4 semuanya, mempunyai tema & misi yang kukuh & jelas. 1)Misi Batista surgery, 2)Maksud sebenar a great team, 3)Profit vs medical integrity, 4)Sejarah/menyelami Asada Ryutaro.. Ramai peminat drama medical even yg terlibat dlm medical field mengiktiraf drama ni sebagai drama medical yg mempunyai scene surgery paling realistik, sampaikan boleh betul2 belajar surgical procedure plak dalam ni, well selain "god hand" tu je lah. Brilliant badass show dgn great storyline, impressive attention to details, diverse range of characters by great casts. So intense. Banyak menang awards utama juga. Dalam banyak2 drama, iols rasa drama ni OSTnya paling gempak, terbaik. Biasalah, Hiroyuki Sawano..

Selain Dr.Asada Ryutaro yg tall,dark&handsome,sedap yg awesome (AbgRyu, ameklah scalpel belahlah dadaku heeee), iols especially sangat tertarik dgn watak Dr.Shoko Kito yg tersangat menarik. Oh, iols nak bagi warning, permulaan episod 1 ada sikit scene ala2 soft porn untuk menggambarkan kehidupan Dr.Asada yg meaningless sebelum bertemu Dr.Akira, sikit je, dalam beberapa saat..

2) Jin (2009 – 2011) (2 seasons)

The story follows a brain surgeon named Jin Minakata who has spent the last two years in anguish, as his fiancee, Miki, herself a doctor, lies in a vegetative state after an operation he performed. One day, he is knocked unconscious by a panicking patient at the hospital and awakens to find himself transported back in time to the Edo period. He is soon attacked by a samurai, but he escapes with the help of a man named Kyōtarō Tachibana. Kyōtarō suffers a serious injury to the head while trying to protect him, but Jin manages to save his life despite a lack of proper medical equipment. Because of that, Kyōtarō's sister Saki begins taking an interest in Jin and becomes his assistant. Meanwhile, Jin is determined to find a way back to the present.

Sci-fi + medical + drama + romance + fantasy = awesome masterpiece. Tv series yg menyapu bersih semua award utama pada musim tahun siarannya, drp yg utama sampai belakang tabir. Jalan cerita yg hebat, captivating, lakonan dr pelakon2 hebat with great chemistry, cinematography cantik, semualah memang top notch. Muzik ahh such beautiful strings pieces. Lagu ending oleh Misia yg memang sentiasa awesome, tapi dlm lagu ni especially sgt gojes & emotive yet very powerful.. Banyak scene yg sedih, banyak kali nangis ok tengok drama ni. Paling suka dgn konflik dalaman Dr.Jin Minakata yg banyak kali bimbang kalau2 tindakannya menyelamatkan certain historical figures melalui surgery/rawatan akan mengubah sejarah. Tapi sbg doktor, beliau tetap meilih untuk menyelamatkan nyawa lebih drp segalanya, walaupun most of the time memang takdir adalah segalanya. Hmmm.. Best time travel drama?

3) Unnatural (2018)

Mikoto Misumi (Satomi Ishihara) is a pathologist at UDI (Unnatural Death Investigation) Lab. She can't stand neglecting unnatural deaths and believes there must be a truth behind the deaths. Team members that work with her are autopsy doctor Kai Nakado (Arata Iura), recorder Rokuro Kube (Masataka Kubota), clinical test technologist Yuko Shoji (Mikako Ichikawa) and UDI director Yasuo Kamikura (Yutaka Matsushige).
They work on unnatural death cases and try to reveal the truth behind the deaths

Ok masih berkaitan medical. Jdoramas memang the best. Kali ni forensic. The best dorama of Satomi Ishihara yet. Mikoto definitely watak yg hebat dgn interesting backstory. Sheols menang best actress & drama ni pun menang the best drama tahun tu. Jdorama sentiasa ada aspek detailing yg bagus walaupun episod tak sebanyak drama negara2 lain & ini yg membuatkan iols obses dgn jdoramas & even anime pun camtu. Great storyline, lakonan masing2 hebat, pelakon2 ada great chemistry. Character development awesome. Lakonan pelakon2 tambahan pun mantap kau. I love Naho Toda (Miss Sugita dlm Shomuni dlm Jin pun sheols best) & episod sheols adalah my most favorite episode, dahlah anak2nya comel, hehe. Muzik drama ni memang mantap, opening theme tu memang badass. Lagu Lemon iaitu ending song cite ni  sebenarnya dah lama trending terutama kat Jepun, no.1 dlm charts sejak released lg..

4) Quartet (2017)

Maki, Suzume, Iemori, and Beppu accidentally met in a karaoke one day while bringing instruments. They then decided to form a musical quartet and live together. At this point no one knows that each of them actually plotted the accidental meeting with their own reasons.

Salah 1 drama yg mempunyai skrip paling bijak, simbolik & deep, Yuji Sakamoto is a genius screen/scriptwriter (beliau juga menulis Jdrama Mother). Heols punya brilliant script membuatkan those witty banters antara watak2 utama tersangat2 menarik & menghiburkan. Great storyline. Juga, sbg peminat tegar strings music, iols tersangatlah suka dgn muzik dlm cite ni, amazing beautiful music overall. Boleh dengar yg pelakon2 ni sendiri yg play the real instruments, even on the spot most of the time lah. Pelakon2 yg hebat menghidupkan watak2 masing2 ni jugalah antara aspek yg paling menyerlah dlm cite ni. Cuma iols nak bgtau awal2 kpd peminat romance,anda akan kecewa kalau tengok cite ni semata2 kerana itu. Cite ni lebih kpd friendship yg utuh, masing2 akan dapat support bila diperlukan, gittew.Tapi yg iols boleh jamin ialah kejutan yg agak banyak jugak,sbb setiap watak ada menyembunyikan rahsia besar masing2. I loike lagu ending yg dinyanyikan pelakon2 ni sendiri, siap dgn klip video yg best plak tu..

5) Liar Game (2007 – 2012)(2 seasons)

Nao  Kanzaki (Toda Erika), is a college student who is known for her honesty and naivete.  One day, she receives a black postcard indicating that she has been selected  to participate in the "Liar Game Tournament". Along with the  postcard is a box with 100 million yen (about $1,000,000). The goal of the  first round of the game is to trick the other player out of their hundred  million yen. At the end, the winner would get to keep the hundred million  earned, and the loser owes the LGT (Liar Game Tournament office) 100 million  yen, which "will be collected by any means and at all costs".  Initially, she was frightened by this disturbing game, but was soon relieved  when she discovered that her opponent was her second year junior high school  teacher, Mr. Fujisawa. Because of her honest personality, Nao was easily  tricked into giving Mr. Fujisawa her 100 million yen. She was devastated and  reached out to police for help. The police could not help her and suggested  that she ask help from Shinichi Akiyama (Matsuda Shota), a genius swindler who was recently released from jail for  single-handedly bankrupting one of the biggest scamming companies in Japan.  After learning the story from Nao, Akiyama decided to help her to win this  Liar Game.

Penuh kejutan, drama ni bagus betul dia punya twist and turn, iols mmg takleh agak lgsg apa yg akan berlaku seterusnya..Brilliant games dan penyelesaian.. Apa yg plg best pasal cite ni sbb gamenya lebih kpd psychological dan sgt2 intense.. Fokus pd muka2 (yg sgt burukgayanya dlm cite Indon, tp cantik dlm cite ni) pemain sgt perlu sebenarnya, utk bina intense dgn suspense lah, jugak utk tunjuk keadaan pemain2 lain.. Lakonan watak2 utama sgt bagus.. Opening sequence dan muzik tema semuanya sgt bagus, sgt berjaya beri feel yg sesuai utk semua scene..

6) Shomuni (1998-2003)(3 seasons)

Shomuni (ショムニ) is a comedic TV drama serial based on the Japanese  manga of the same name by Gumi Yasuda (安田弘之 Yasuda Gumi).
  The stories revolve around the Office  Ladies of General Affairs department 2 (Shomu ni, or GA-2) in a large  multinational company called Manpan Corporation.
  GA-2 is called "the graveyard for  female office ladies", simply because it is the place where female  employees are dumped should they mess up big time elsewhere. Jobs include  replacing used toilet rolls, changing light-bulbs, organizing company outings  among other menial stuff. As an added incentive, their department is located  in the nether regions of the company - in the basement, and is in fact a  disused store room.

Ada org kata cite ni repetitive, terutama last episode setiap musim.. Ada betulnya, tp tak kisah sgt pasal tu.. Sama mcm cliché, yg kalau olahannya bagus, tetap citenya akan jd bagus.. Tp camnepun, rasanya cite ni takdek pun cliche2 yg annoying.. Iols plg suka dgn komedi dia yg lebih kpd manga/anime style, sgt2 extreme lucunya, plg lucu pernah iols tengok,berpuluh kali tengok pun tak boring lg.. Yg plg penting jugak, satu lg yg buat cite ni bagus, kesemua 6 watak utama sgt unik dan ada keistimewaan masing2 yg jd penggerak cerita dlm setiap episod buat ia jd menarik, lgpun iols mmg sgt suka dgn Sugita yg gedik dan ketua bahagian dorg, Inoue yg slow dan penakut, sgt lawak okeh.. hmmm ada ke watak yg annoying? Takdek, suka dorg semua.. Juga inter office politic yg realistic dlm parody,lgpun iols selalu jumpa cite2 (setakat ni tak jumpa lg dlm J-dorama) yg kononnya watak2 gi keje, tp bila kat tempat keje, buat apa? Bincang pasal masalah cintalah, gosiplah, lagi teruk kalau kawan2 kat sana asyik dok sibuk pasal kisah cinta  hero dgn heroin je, dorg mcm takdek life gitew, kejenya ntah ke mana.. Dah namanya keje kat office besar plak tuh, mestilah setiap hari kena deal dgn problem yg berkaitan dgn pejabat, nak2 masa tgh dok kat office, ye dok? Cinta kenalah ada sikit,dorg pun manusia gak, tu pun dlm Shomuni ni, dlm satu musim adala 1 ke 2 ep yg focus pasal cinta watak utama, tu pun masih yg berkait dgn office..

7) Million Yen Women (2017)

Shin Michima is an unpopular novelist. He has lived with 5 mysterious women in the same house for half a year. Minami Shirakawa loves coffee. Hitomi Tsukamoto loves black tea, yoga and reading good books. Yuki Kobayashi is a polite woman and loves roasted green tea. Midori Suzumura is a high school student and loves acerola juice. Nanaka Seki loves drinking milk.
These 5 women pay Shin a million yen every month for rent and living expenses, about 30x higher than normal. They have rules in the house and questions about the women are banned.

One of the best psychological thriller. Interesting, captivating, shocking, emotional, unpredictable. Hooked immediately, membuatkan iols terus nak tengok episod2 seterusnya, susah nak berhenti, dlm kesibukan pun iols boleh habiskan dlm 1hari lebih. Banyak moment yg membuatkan iols tertanya2 “why?” gittew. Dark, tetiba kiut. Beautiful, tetiba gore. Iols masih takboleh lupa scene paling cantik masa scene kemuncak utk mangsa kedua tu. The best. Anyway, iols nak bagi warning. Ada soft porn dlm 1 episod (ep 2), & nudity dlm banyak episod, sbb ada watak yg sentiasa naked dlm rumah masa makan terutamanya, tapi jangan bimbang, body parts yg sepatutnya tutup memang sentiasa censored/tertutup. Yg penting cite ni bukan untuk kanak2lah. My favorite character tentunya Minami (pelakonnnya yg berlakon dlm banyak Hollywood movie spt The Wolverine) & kucing kiut yg diberi nama Neko (lulz). Storyline hebat, lakonan hebat2, muzik hebat, lagu ending kena betul dgn tema cerita. Plot twists pun awesome.. Kenal tak sape yg pegang watak Shin Michima tu? Haha vokalis Radwimps lah tu, band yg famous baru ni dgn lagu utama OST movie anime “Your Name”..

8) Orange Days (2004)
Yuuki Kai (Tsumabuki) is a senior at a university studying social welfare psychology and trying to find a job. One day, he encounters a girl, Hagio Sae (Shibasaki), playing the violin, and becomes intrigued. He eventually discovers that she has lost her hearing, and can now only communicate using Japanese Sign Language. Before they reveal what they think about each other, Sae and Kai must overcome a lot of barriers. They both become stronger along the way, finding their goals

Takhta the best romance drama dlm hati iols dah beralih kpd drama ini. Mula2 perkara yg terfikir dlm kepala masa tengok cite ini ialah nostalgia. Tema & jalan ceritanya sangat universal. Cerita tentang kehidupan kolej, persahabatan, mencari career yg sesuai & diidamkan, chasing dreams. Relatable, dekat di hati sesapa saja. Wonderful stroryline. Great chemistry between great casts. Muzik pun soothing, beautiful. Detailing memang bagus, Japanese sign language yg dilakukan semua watak utama nampak believable & bila Sae playing instrument muzik pun memang betul2 main. Boleh rasa dedication dlm lakonan pelakon2 terutamanya Shibasaki Ko lah. Iols rasa dekat sgt dgn watak Sae & banyak kali menangis kerana sheols. Banyak touching & moving moments. Awesome beautiful romance & slice of life drama..

9) Alice In Borderland (2020)(2nd season coming in 2021)

Alice in Borderland (Japanese: 今際の国のアリス) is a Japanese science fiction suspense-thriller drama streaming television series based on the manga of the same name by Haro Aso. The series stars Kento Yamazaki as Arisu, a young man who finds himself lost in an abandoned Tokyo known as "Borderland" alongside his best friends, Chōta (Yki Morinaga) and Karube (Keita Machida). As they begin their search for civilization, the trio quickly finds out that they are trapped in a city in which they are forced to participate in risky, violent, and dangerous games, pushing their own "emotional and physical limits" in the process, to survive.

Psychological thriller survival game yg mengingatkan iols kpd anime BTOOM! & movie Battle Royale. Warning awal2, cite ni banyak scene gore, kematian demi kematian,juga ada sikit scene soft porn bbrp saat dlm ep.2.Penuh dgn game psychotic survival yg mengakibatkan trauma kpd pemain2 secara psychology. Lakonan pelakon watak2 utama hebat, muzik sentiasa berjaya membangkitkan anxiety kpd penonton &  suasana suspense yg intense almost all the time. Storyline bagus, chilling, unpredictable, shocking. Tak senang duduk dibuatnya menonton pemain2 ni cuba menyelesaikan setiap game.Drama ni menjadi fenomena di kalangan pencinta drama tahun lepas..

10) Hanzawa Naoki (2013-2020)(2 seasons)

An idealistic banker takes on corruption and wrongdoing at his large corporate bank. While forging ties with some unlikely allies, he must use his financial expertise, his instincts about human nature and his skills of improvisation to try to stay one step ahead of his powerful enemies..

Battle of intellect between protagonists & antagonists. Impressive, intense suspenseful drama  dgn full of twists. The best ialah pacing yg perfect, building momentum dr scene ke episod sampai kemuncak finale. Masalah iols dgn drama ni sebenarnya ialah bagaimana watak2 wanita di”portrayed”, imo agak filler walaupun ada scene2 yg menunjukkan Hana banyak membantu Naoki jugak dlm plannya. Iols agak feminist (“agak” sbb tak extreme) & iols macam takleh sikit bab ni heee.. Lakonan semua watak utama especially  phenomenal. Kebanyakan pelakon utama termasuk Masato Sakai sebenarnya berasal dr kabuki theatre & mereka memang diminta berlakon dgn gaya kabuki ini, hence kenapa facial expression & lontaran dialog mostly sangat dramatik. Sangat sesuai jugak kan dgn mood & theme cite ni.  Memang masing2 menang pun pelakon terbaik dlm role masing2, drama ni pun menang drama terbaik tahun siarannya.. Ohye, drama ni pecah rekod di Jepun kan, rating paling tinggi dlm sejarah..

11) Mother (2010)

Nao Suzuhara is an elementary school teacher. When she realizes that one of the female students is receiving abuse from her mother, Nao's maternal instincts kick in and she impulsively decides to bring the girl into her own care. Serving as a substitute mother, Nao takes the child on a trip from Hokkaido to Tokyo, and the two experience various events together along the way

Drama ni membahaskan ttg IBU, pelbagai jenis ibu dan dr sudut yg berbeza2.. Tak perlu buat byk cite berlainan utk cite pasal setiap jenis ibu ni, cukup dgn menjalin byk jenis ibu dlm sebuah cite, hasilnya sgt menarik.. Ibu angkat boleh je jd lebih baik dr ibu kandung sendiri, begitu juga sebaliknya.. Ibu yg terpisah dgn anaknya berpuluh tahun krn tragedi, ibu angkat yg sanggup berkorban apa saja demi menyelamatkan anak kecil dr ibu kandung yg terdesak dgn pelbagai masalah, sampai sggp mendera anak sendiri.. Mereka kelihatan sgt lemah, tetapi rupanya sgt kuat di dlm..
Kekuatan cite ni tentunya dtg dr skrip, serta olahannya yg bagus.. Penulis dan pengarah mengolah topik yg sensitif, kritikal mcm penderaan, pengabaian kanak2 juga pengambilan anak angkat dgn sgt realistik, dan tak pernah cuba mengambil jalan penyelesaian mudah.. Banyak scene yg indah2, dialog yg berkesan.. Dan cite ni sgt terkenal dgn lakonan pelakon2nya yg sgt impressive, terutamanya yg pegang watak Nao, Rena/Tsugumi, Hana, Toko dan Hitomi.. Tak sangka Ashida Mana baru berumur 5 thn masa pengambaran ni, watak dia kan 7 thn?

12) Sutekina Sen Taxi (2014-2016)

Edawakare is the driver of Sentaxi, a marvellous vehicle which is able to take a passenger back to his or her “life’s turning point”. His cool appearance is at odds with his talkative, meddlesome, sweet-toothed character. He gives advice to passengers who are flustered after failing in their life’s choice

Watak Edawakare (Yutaka Takenouchi) punya dry humor memang awesome. Iols “rofl”ing literally setiap kali scene banyak fokus kpd beliau lulz. OMG time travel's sound effect yg heols pasang sangat tak menjadi.. Skrip bijak. Time travel fun yet so deep. Setiap episod ada moral of the story yg memberitahu setiap keputusan yg kita ambil akan sentiasa ada akibatnya..

13) Legal High (2012-2013)(2 seasons)
Attorney Kensuke Komikado (Masato Sakai) loves money, prestige & women, but also has a 100% winning rate when it comes to his legal cases. Machiko Mayuzumi (Yui Aragaki) is a rookie attorney who holds a strong sense of justice & passionate about protecting the weak. She is also awkward and rigid in her work.
One day, due to unforeseen circumstances, Machiko Mayuzumi begins to work at Kensuke Komikado's law office. The two attorneys constantly clash, but in the courtroom they cooperate to fight as one.  

Astaghfirullah al-azeem setiap kali tengok scene2 lawak Masato Sakai, terutama intro kemunculan heols kat ep1 2nd season, lawak melampau sungguh, keluar air mata rofl. Love this method actor so damn much, he's a genius. Paired plak dgn Yui Aragaki yg manjang tensen dgn Kamikado sensei neh haha klako. Machiko sentiasa counter Kamikado yg whacky, synical & crazy dgn her rationality, membuatkan dynamic duo ni sangat memorable imo. Yg paling hebatnya cite ni walaupun penuh dgn lawak yg comical & over the top, tapi masih berjaya maintain great attention to legal details & satires throughout. Lakonan pelakon2 semua terbaik, skrip yg bijak, muzik dgn jazz tune pun menarik..Highly entertaining!!

14) Doctor X (2012-2019)(6 seasons)
The show follows Daimon Michiko, a freelance surgeon who works at university hospitals in Japan. Also known as Doctor-X, Daimon is introduced at new hospitals by walking into surgery staff planning review sessions, where the conditions of her work are established. She is depicted as challenging a medical system in crisis, which follows the laws of the jungle.
Her trademark line is "I never fail", and she is willing to do high risk surgeries that other surgeons are not, sending those patients elsewhere when they are deemed non-operable. Her success in treating high risk patients is a result of always putting the patien first, prioritizing their health above performing medical firsts or innovative techniques. This practice often puts her into conflict with other doctors. Beyond being a surgeon, she also served as a vet, combat surgeon and resort doctor. Daimon is supported by her manager Akira Kanbara and anesthesiologist Hiromi Jōnouchi

Yonekura Ryoko is perfect for iconic Dr. Daimon Michiko character yg gojes,classy,badass, carefree tp a brilliant charismatic surgeon. Love her remark "わたし、失敗しないので" / "watashi, shippai shinai no de", penuh keyakinan. Cuma masalah iols dgn drama ni ialah macam satu kewajipan untuk pihak atasan menentang sheols drp melakukan certain surgery, tapi last2 sheols tetap berjaya menjadi hero penyelamat dgn bantuan sidekicknya Hiromi si anaesthetist. Watak lain yg mencuri perhatian iols ialah Dr.Kaji Hideki yg klako & dapat jadi watak utama dlm spin-off Doctor X iaitu Doctor Y, haha. Walaupun menyampah dgn hospital politic dlm cite ni, gawd, politik dlm cite ni paling kotor pernah iols tengok, tapi pada iols cite ni pun masih mengekalkan mutu drama2 medical Japan yg sentiasa ada detailing medical aspects yg bagus. Jalan cerita hebat, lakonan pelakon2 hebat yg ada great chemistry jugak, muzik pun awesome sgt. Main theme sama badass dgn watak Dr.X. Bolehlah dikatakan keseluruhan cite ni mcm kombinasi Black Jack (anime/manga) dgn House MD camtoh..

15) Hokuto (2017)

20-year-old Hokuto is being detained as a murderer and tells his court-appointed lawyer Takai Soichi to get him the death penalty. Hokuto was actually severely abused by his parents in his childhood and starved of love. He met Kondo Ayako who became his foster mother through child welfare services and learnt of love for the first time. Released from the darkness of his mind, he started to feel like a new person but he is made sport by bizarre fate and becomes a murderer.

Dark, twisted, disturbing, thought provoking. Very intense psychological drama. Walaupun ada episod yg agak bright di tengah2, tetapi ia kembali ke mood dark kemudiannya. Great storyline, plot, acting, music. Hebat cara cite ni guna jazz track utk menggambarkan pergolakan jiwa watak utama. Interesting ending, nampak realistik betul part tu, macam tak berlakon pun yg dlm seluruh dewan mahkamah tu.. Drama ni pun iols nak warning ada 1 scene naked masa examination dlm penjara, ramai2 plak tu. Lupa episod berapa (sbb cite ni sgt disturbing sampai iols takleh save dlm laptop). Tapi hanya utk bbrp saat & dari belakang (pinggul) jah..

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 Author| Post time 1-1-2021 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Edited by AeriSha at 13-1-2021 06:29 PM

16) 1 Litre of Tears (2005)
15-year-old Ikeuchi Aya was an ordinary girl, the daughter  of a family who works at a tofu shop, and a soon-to-be high schooler.  However, odd things have been happening to Aya lately. She has been falling  down often and walks strange. Her mother, Shioka, takes Aya to see the  doctor, and he informs Shioka that Aya has spinocerebellar degeneration - a  terrible disease where the cerebellum of the brain gradually deteriorates to  the point where the victim cannot walk, speak, write, or eat. A cruel  disease, as it does not affect the mind in the least. How will Aya react when  told about her disease? And how will Aya live from now on?
Inilah drama yg rasanya plg byk muncul dlm mana2 senarai J-drama terbaik..  Kalau Shomuni drama yg plg kelakar, yg ni plak drama yg plg sedih.. Lepas je tau penyakit  Aya, terus setiap tindakan dia yg struggle nak hidup tu, buat kita rasa sebak, boleh dikatakan setiap masa.. Muzik best, Erika Sawajiri sgt amazing dlm cite ni, Nishikido Ryo pun plg suka dia dlm cite ni.. Watak2 lain pun sgt bagus lakonan dorg.. Kisah benar mcmni sgt bagus bila ditunjuk rupa sebenar Aya di akhir siri..

17) Great Teacher Onizuka (1998)
The drama series is based on the manga  and anime  of the same name, both created by Fujisawa Tohru. The story is a sequel of  lesser known series Shounan Jun'ai-gumi (Shounan Love  Gang) where Onizuka Eikichi's rogue high school days are depicted.Sorimachi  Takashi plays Onizuka Eikichi, a graduate of a third-rate University and  the leader of a motorcycle gang, whose lifelong dream is to become a teacher.  After being hired by a seemingly eccentric director, Onizuka begins his  unconventional way of teaching a hopeless group of troublemakers. Although he  meets much opposition from the students and teachers themselves, his passion  for teaching, and more importantly, his students, eventually convinces  everyone that Onizuka truly has the makings of a great teacher.
Cite ni jadi fenomena kan, susah nak jumpa org yg tengok J-drama, tp taktahu pasal cite ni.. Cite ni buat iols suka kat Takashi Sorimachi,antara hero Jdorama paling cool. GTO anime tetap lebih bagus,tp masih suka sgt dgn drama ni walaupun ada bbrp perubahan yg ketara, mcm watak Cikgu Fuyutsuki, kalau anime manganya Onizuka lgsg takdek girlfriend,haha. Sorimachi berjaya hidupkan watak Onizuka sampai watak ni lekat dgn dia bertahun2 tak hilang.. Pelakon2 utama bagus lakonan dorg.. Tapi yg plg best cara dia tangani masalah sgt unik & unconventional, susah nak agak jugak apa yg dia akan buat.. Takleh lupa watak pengetua, kelakarl!! Drama ni jd mcm ikutan plak kan lepastu ada byk gak drama2 genre school yg agak tiru skt2 especially pasal cikgu yg unconventional berjaya tawan kelas yg terlampau nakal, ubah jd kelas yg baik.. Bukan je kat Jepun, tp gak negara2 lain..

18) Kekkon Dekinai Otoko (2006)
Shinsuke Kuwano, a successful architect  at 40, enjoys living by himself. He doesn't like people but somehow is able  to design wonderful houses for them.He has a routine of making himself a  delicious dinner and then relaxing to classical music in his easy chair while  pretending he is the conductor. One night, he plays the music loud enough to  make his next door neighbor, Michiru Tamara knock on his door to complain.  When Kuwano answers the door, he suffers a terrible stomach pain and  collapses to the floor. Lucky for him, Michiru is nice enough to accompany  him to the hospital, where he is treated by Dr. Natsumi Hayasake. He is  really rude to Natsumi, but she is still determined to treat him.
  Afterwards, Michiru and Natsumi become  part of Kuwano's life. They make friends with Kuwano's colleagues Eiji and  Maya Sawazaki. They all enjoy talking about how strange and eccentric Kuwano  is. Is it possible that someone would ever want to marry him?
IMO tentunya salah satu romantic comedy terbaik dlm medium apa sekalipun.. Jalan cerita yg bagus, komedi bijak, dialog selalunya bermakna& kdgkala simbolik, semua watak ada fungsi (even that cute dog, Ken), muzik sgtlah cantik (walaupun yg bukan ost drama ni), lakonan superb.. Hiroshi Abe mmgberi nyawa sggh kt watak Shinsuke, mmg takleh diprtikaikan lg lakonan dia yg cemerlang tu, tp dlm cite ni iols lebih terpikat dgn watak Dr Hayasake krn lakonan yg hidup & amazing, kdg2 mengatasi Hiroshi Abe (bila2 masa dia berinteraksi dgn Shinsuke, masa dia jd annoying, then Hayasake marah, dia akan  cakap perli2, sambil senyum, hahaha, kelakar betul!).. Love story yg matang.. Oh ye, iols nak bagi warning, ada scene nampak pinggul beberapa saat masa examination kat hospital dlm ep.1..

19) Ikebukuro West Gate Park (2000-2003)
This  story follows a young man named Makoto who lives in Ikebukuro West Gate Park,  an area known for youth delinquency and gangs. In fact, one of Makoto's best  friends from high school, Takeshi, is the "king" or leader, of one  such gang, called the G-Boys. Makoto is known for being tough and smart, and  while trying to solve the mystery of a friend's death, he finds himself a  somewhat unwilling helper in many mysteries and problems of IWGP inhabitants.  All the while, gang tension is mounting between his best friend's gang (which  Makoto refuses to join) and a new gang, the "Black Angels."
Drama ni tackle isu2 semasa yg agak provocative.. Tp sape sangka budak2 gangster boleh jd detective? Dan mcm2 perkara menarik berlaku yg rasanya takkan wujud dlm filem2 genre gangster kat Malaysia.. Malaysia kena belajar dgn drama ni dlm pembikinan movie gangster2nih.. Ke”gangster”annya tak dipaksa2 dan nampak real.. Komedi pun bijak, lebih kpd dark humor, lakonan almost semua watak sgt bagus, dgn “show stealer”nya si Takashi lakonan Kubozuka Yosuke.. Nagase Tomoya pun best, tp iols prefer lakonan dia dlm musim ke-2 (special movie-kat sinilah aku rasa dia start buat trademark muka pelik2 yg klakar).. Dan, menarik boleh tgk Ken Watanabe masa muda, legend tuh… Jalan cerita sgtla bagus, dgn menggunakan main plot satu kes pembunuhan,jd factor penyebab tindakan seterusnya watak2 dlm ni, berkembang jd sebuah cite dgn plot2  yg sgt menarik.. Mmg satu masterpiece lah!

20) Mr. Nietzsche in the Convenience Store (2016)
This live-action manga of comedic nature explores the lives and idiosyncrasies of a small crew at a Japanese convenience store where an enlightened, ultra-serious and handsome new hire mystifies his co-workers and shoppers.
Yg ni pun astaghfirullah al-azeem, iols rofl literally, berair mata tengok, boleh dikatakan setiap scene mesti klako yg melampau2. Tapi pada yg boleh terima comedy jenis ala2 manga gini lah, yg tak suka mungkin takkan rasa klako kot. Masa tengok drama ni mula2 iols langsung tak penah kenal pelakon2nya kecuali Jiro Sato (manager) yg iols dah tengok dlm Iryu TMD 2. Tapi bila tengok cite ni, boleh suka sangat kat watak2 utama terutama Matsukoma punya facial expression & kegile-an Kaede. Yg manager tu mmg sentiasa steal the show, bila heols berucap, boleh nampak semua watak2 lain dok tahan gelak, walaupun tersenyum2. tapi katanya tu pun dah brp kali “take” ahahahah adoi..Overall, komedi yg unik & awesome, apatah lagi bila penulis cite ni dapat inject juga elemen philosophy Buddha dlm watak Niche sensei..

21) Ryuusei no Kizuna (2008)

"When  we grow up… We'll kill him together". Koichi, Taisuke, and Shizuna are  three siblings whose parents had been brutally murdered when they were just  in elementary school, and they vowed to avenge their death. Fourteen years  later, their vengeful plan unravels countless new facts. A shocking  revelation leads to an overwhelmingly emotional ending. What will become of  the siblings who have lived their lives solely in reliance of their bond  alone?
Scene pertama, shoot muka Kazunari Ninomiya dgn penuh perasaan cakap "When we grow up… We'll kill him together".. Takke membayangkan yg cite ni sgt dark? Sekali tengok, rupa2nya.. hmmm haha… Iols tak sangka boleh gelak guling2 masa tengok,best betul kombinasi scene lawak extreme dgn scene sedih yg sgt emotional cite ni.. Apepun, lakonan bagus2, especially si abg long nilah, masa mula2 tengok budak (satu2nya bdk yg bagus lakonannya dlm ni) yg jd Abg Long masa kecik tu sgtlah tak sesuai jd dia masa kecil (dgn bentuk muka dan sbgnya), tapi bila tengok lama2, pikir2, oh mungkin dia nak match kan dgn lakonan Ninomiya tu kot.. Hayashi rice adalah key item cite ni, fungsinya sgt besar rupanya, kdg2 boleh terbitkan emosi gembira,kdg2 sedih, penuh harapan & sbgnya.. Iols memang sgt2 suka simbolik ttg sesuatu yg penting mcmni.. Last ep mmg shocking.. Muzik/lagu2dan opening sequence pun sgt best, aku plg suka music ni:
Dan setiap kali dengar lagu Orion nyanyian Mika Nakashima dlm cite ni, iols akan serta-merta jd sebak, berkesan sggh..

22) Galileo (2007-2013)(2 seasons)
In "Galileo," Fukuyama  Masaharu plays a genius physicist and university associate professor, Yukawa  Manabu, who solves difficult mysteries. Affectionately known as Tantei  Galileo ("Detective Galileo"), Yukawa is brilliant, an all-round  sportsman, tall and handsome but eccentric. Yukawa's partner is a rookie cop,  Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Kou), a hot-blooded woman with a strong sense of  justice.
Science physic + detective tema yg menarik dan mantap, tp iols cuma rasa  kalau semua ep sama mcm ep 1 (+ psychological mystery) mesti akan jd perfect.. Lakonan bagus2, iols plg suka dgn watak koroner, Sakurako, selamba jek.. Plg best rasanya mgkin sbb misteri dan penyelesainnya yg rumit & susah nak dijangka.. Muzik tema opening best,ending sequence best, pendek kata muzik dlm ni bestla.. Tapi iols benci si Yuge,Kaoru nye partner tu, asyik perlekeh Kaoru je, sgt annoying okeh..

23) BOSS (2009-2011)(2 seasons)
This series revolves around a group of peculiar detectives in a new division created to fight against an increase in atrocious crimes. Osawa Eriko is a beautiful career woman who has just returned from training in the U.S. and is appointed as the "boss" of this division. But despite her intelligence and capabilities, she can never understand a man's heart, so she remains unable to find a husband. In fact, her assignment in the U.S. was really a demotion after she ruined her career track over a man. So why was she chosen as the boss of the new division? Even though the detectives are talented, they all have some kind of issue or flaw, and they are considered to be the "problem children" of the police force. In the end, the division's true purpose is just to isolate these problematic detectives
Yuki Amami sgt perfect sbg the BOSS yg cantik,bijak,classy,determined & overall badass. Salah 1 best detective dramas. Awesome plot, great acting by great casts. Banyak scene klako jugak. Muzik bagus, sesuai dgn mood scene. A must see utk sesapa yg minat mystery, detective yg boleh jadi klako kadangkala. & semestinya utk yg kulu kilir “girl power!!” macam iols lulz..

24) Byakuyako (2006)
When Ryoji finds out that the object of his father's perversion is his first love, Yukiho, he kills him. To his horror, Yukiho's mother forced her to do so to relieve their dire economic straits. Yukiho also retaliates in similar manner by staging a suicide for her mother as well as herself. It's been 14 years since then and the boy that gave up everything and the girl that waged her life on the boy are struggling to continue to love each other. They grow up attempting to keep it secret and ride out the statute of limitations. In order to protect Yukiho, and improve her life, Ryoji enters the world of vice and dabbles in crimes to support her.
Bagaimana sebuah cerita pasal cinta antara lelaki & perempuan boleh menjadi sebegini dark & twisted? Iols sentiasa ada mixed feeling masa tengok cite ni. Pasangan yg terpaksa commit lebih banyak crime utk tutup crime sebelumnya untuk menggapai impian mereka yg sebenarnya cukup tulus iaitu “want to walk together under the sun”..Watak Ayase Haruka lebih kompleks dlm ni berbanding Jin, ofkos sheols menang lagi, begitu juga dgn watak2 utama lain yg menang juga. Great casts, great story. Muzik pun best..

25) Jimi ni Sugoi! Koetsu Garu Kono Etsuko (2016)
Etsuko Kono (Satomi Ishihara) is a 28-year-old woman who loves fashion. Aspiring to become a fashion editor, she joins a publishing company, but she is sent to work in copy editing section. There, her job is to correct errors and inadequate parts of documents and copies.
Haha tak sangka macamtu rupanya Etsuko ended up kat department proofreading lulz. Anyway mcm biasa drama Jepun memang hebat dlm detailing job description. Etsuko & cite ni membuatkan kerjaya proofreader jadi menarik plak, Satomi tersangatlah comel dlm cite ni, perfect sbg Etsuko yg berpersonaliti ceria, positive, girlish, determined, sassy sgt sesuai dgn sheols. Lawak2 pun kiut comel sangat. TBH iols tak brp suka dgn aspek romance dlm cite ni. Watak bf tu pun macam takdek pun takpe kot haha.. Great heartwarming story with great casts..

26) Densha Otoko (2005)
A geek (known as “Train Man”) who is a so-called Akiba-kei frequenting Tokyo’s Akihabara area develops tender feelings for a girl living in a completely different world and experiences the excitement of being in love, something he had long forgotten. And then there is the kindness, almost like friendship, of the nameless and faceless denizens of the Internet who support him in that love. They also suffer ups and downs about Train Man’s love, while gaining encouragement from his story.Saori is a beautiful office girl who evokes sighs of admiration from everyone who sees her. One day, on the way home on the train, she is accosted by an obnoxious drunkard. A young man stands up and comes to her rescue. The young man happens to be a typical Akiba-kei otaku who is crazy about anime and manga. Normally two such people would never have gotten to know each other, but his saving her from the advances of the drunkard is the opportunity to press on to love, which requires considerable challenges and difficulties.
Drama ni sangat bagus memaparkan realiti budaya otaku & Akihabara. Cerita cinta yg kiut. Lakonan bagus2, kelakar jugak..

27) Ie Uru Onna (2016-2019)(2 seasons)
With four years left before Tokyo hosts the 2020 Summer Olympics, housing sales are fiercely competitive. At this time, an excellent real estate agent appears. Her name is Machi Sangenya (Keiko Kitagawa). She is single and 30-years-old with an attractive appearance. With any of her clients. Machi Sangenya must get a purchase. Machi has her own unique way to get her customers to buy the homes. Her unique method include getting involved in the problems of her clients and their families. She then solves their problems. With her ingenious ways, all of Machi Sangenya's customers purchase homes from her.

28) Shiroi Kyoto (2003)
The story contrasts the life of two  doctors, former classmates and now both assistant professors at Naniwa  University Hospital in Osaka. The brilliant and ambitious surgeon Goro Zaizen stops  at nothing to rise to a position of eminence and authority, while the  friendly Shuji Satomi busies himself with his patients and research.
Brilliant, deep, thought provoking.. Semua elemen secukup rasa dan tak dilebih2kan.. Menunjukkan alternative view disebalik profesion medical,bagaimana kadangkala politik dlm profesion ni boleh jd sgt tajam menikam, jug aethic/moral dilemma dlm lawsuit, dan sbgnya.. Zaizen antara watak plg menarik pernah wujud dlm drama, mcmana kita boleh benci dan simpati pd waktu yg sama dgn satu watak ni.. Kedua2 pelakon utama Karasawa Takiachi (yg menghidupkan ep 1 dlm Galileo) & Eguchi Yosuke berjaya hidupkan watak msg2.. Drama ni pun banyak menang awards utama kan..

29) Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi (2012-2014)(2 seasons)

Described as an adult love story, Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi narrates the tale of Chiaki Yoshino (Kyōko Koizumi), a 45-year-old TV drama producer. As she is becoming older, Chiaki becomes increasingly more concerned about her health and retirement, instead of building romantic relationship with someone: The hope she once had of sharing her life with someone seems distant. Chiaki is subsequently troubled about deciding on taking a break from her ruling life, and such questions lead her to Kamakura, where she decides to settle. In this ancient city she meets Wahei Nagakura (Kiichi Nakai), a 50-year-old widower and father of one child who works for the city office.
Chiaki and Wahei start getting closer as they learn more about each other's lives. However, Wahei's family start obstructing the development of their relationship. Wahei's brother, Shinpei, starts courting Chiaki, creating a conflicting triangle relationship. On the other hand, Wahei's sister, Noriko, constantly harasses Chiaki. Facing these problematic family members, Chiaki and Wahei try to build and sustain their budding romance

30) Gokusen (2002-2009)(3 seasons)
Newly graduate Yamaguchi Kumiko an idealistic teacher who entered Shirokin High to be a math teacher. Having high hopes for her students, her world turned up side down when she finds out that she'll be teaching the class 3-D the hardest class to take care of. Class 3-D is a bunch of students who looks more like delinquents and trouble makers. The students show no respect to teachers nor a little kindness. Each and every student doesn't like teacher for almost everyone has no good memories of them. The leader of the class is Sawada Shin. He is well respected for there are rumors that he beat a teacher to death. The students try there hardest to bully and make fun of her so she'll quit but all there efforts went to waste because Yamaguchi ain't an ordinary Teacher. Yamaguchi Kumiko is actually the 4th generation heir to Oedo group, a yakuza clan. Even though everyone in there clan wants her to the next leader, she made up her mind and so everyone accepted it. Eventually in the story, the students found out that she is different from other teacher and earned their respects. They called her Yankumi...

Bagaimana dgn uols semua? Jom senaraikan uols punya top Jdoramas kat sini, tak kisah berapa banyak top pun 10,20,50 haha, boleh jadi rujukan peminat2 Jdoramas macam iols ni untuk masa akan datang pulak..

Calling2 forumer2 yg sudi mengepos sokmo di benang lama sampai cecah 100 pages..
@one_aiman  @caramel_cloud9

@ChildrenOfBodom tengok Japanese drama tak?

Iols tak sempat nak siapkan betul2 post2 ni,nantilah iols datang edit balik..



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Post time 1-1-2021 11:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mana SATORARE?lakonan odagiri suka kodoku no gurume..hihihi

Byk laaa jdorama y ai minat.. Skrg ni tgh layan tantei yuri..hihihi..nk tggu heaven ngn megumi ngn sherlock pny pasal..nodame cantabile sis jgn lpe,drama lejen gk tu..BOSS,kindaichi hajime n its series,sekali ngn kengo akechi..galileo series best jgk..jikou keisatsu pn layanzzz..

Any drama y xde matsujun,ai akn tgk..bhahahahaha~

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Post time 1-1-2021 11:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Skydiva at 1-1-2021 12:00 PM

My favourite, not in order:

1. Aishiteru: kaiyo

Sinopsis: Kisah pasal seorang budak lelaki umur 11 tahun yg bunuh seorang budak umur 8 tahun masa tgh main sama2. Punca die, provokasi. Cerita ni lebih kepada macam mana family diorang menangani isu ni. Sedih n very heartwarming at the same time.

2. My dangerous wife

Sinopsis: Husband n mistress plot utk bunuh wife. Tapi sebelum berjaya buat plan tu, wife missing. Polis suspect husband punya keje. Mase dalam investigation, macam-macam cerita timbul. Tp just nak cakap, wife tu seorang yg genius n master planning jugak. Bes cerita ni.

3. The hours of my life

Sinopsis: Kisah pasal pemuda yg ade bright future tiba-tiba kena sakit ALS.

4. Ashita, mama ga inai (Tomorrow, mom won't be here)

Kisah pasal kanak-kanak yang ditinggalkan kat orphanage.

5. Engine

Antara cerita jepun terawal i pernah tengok. Cerita pasal seorang pemandu F1 yg kena buang keje, pastu balik, duduk kat rumah bapak die yg now dah jadik rumah anak yatim. Comel tgk kisah die interact dgn budak-budak kecik tu semua.


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 Author| Post time 1-1-2021 06:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Skydiva replied at 1-1-2021 11:59 AM
My favourite, not in order:

1. Aishiteru: kaiyo

Wow best2nya drama2 ni,boleh tengok ni lepas drama2 yg dah banyak iols download tp kurang masa nak tengok..
Thanks uols,ada lagi tambahlah lagi list..

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 1-1-2021 07:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 1-1-2021 11:02 AM
Mana SATORARE?lakonan odagiri suka kodoku no gurume..hihihi

Byk laaa jdorama y ai mi ...

Hehehe banyak lagi yg iols belum tengok ..Tapi nak tanya Nodame Cantabile tu sama ke dgn anime nya?Ke banyak perubahan?
Anyway list uols mana?

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Post time 1-1-2021 07:05 PM | Show all posts
Wah..banyaknya yg tak tengok lagi... good thread...

Use magic Report

Post time 1-1-2021 07:52 PM | Show all posts
hahhaa tu dia otai derama jepun.. tgh layan alice in bordeland ja la ni, hat lain2 tak pernah tengok

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Post time 1-1-2021 08:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yeayy ada benang baru..nanti ada masa iols listkan top30 jdorama yg iols minat yg tak penah orang list kat dlm benang ni..nampak tak iols baaanyaakkkkk list drama

so utk currently watching, iols nak suggest uols try tengok cite2 ni :-
1) Kiken na Venus (tsumabuki satoshi & yoshitaka yuriko)
2) Cold case season 3 (yoshida yo & nakajima kento)
3) Remolove (haru & matsushita kouhei)

kat netflix ada Alice in borderland (yamazaki kento), & Emergency Interrogation Room (amami yuki)

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Post time 1-1-2021 09:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 1-1-2021 07:01 PM
Hehehe banyak lagi yg iols belum tengok ..Tapi nak tanya Nodame Cantabile tu sama ke dgn anime n ...

Anime ai xtgk. Tgk dorama dia best laa..hahaahah

Alaaaaaa..kena list keeeee..nk kena crack kepala ni nk igt balik satu2 dorama y best2 pd ai..hahahahaaj..nti ai list kan..kekeke~

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Post time 1-1-2021 09:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ChildrenOfBodom replied at 1-1-2021 07:52 PM
hahhaa tu dia otai derama jepun.. tgh layan alice in bordeland ja la ni, hat lain2 tak pernah tengok ...

Best tak alice tu?ada tgk poster dia tp xde hati nak click lg..kekeke~

Use magic Report

Post time 1-1-2021 10:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 1-1-2021 09:23 PM
Best tak alice tu?ada tgk poster dia tp xde hati nak click lg..kekeke~

Best jugak. Tgk tak habis lagi. Cerita depa ni kena main game utk survive, silap langkah mati. ada arahan suruh buat itu ini. ala2 mcm filem SAW

Use magic Report

Post time 1-1-2021 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ChildrenOfBodom replied at 1-1-2021 10:19 PM
Best jugak. Tgk tak habis lagi. Cerita depa ni kena main game utk survive, silap langkah mati. a ...

Ooo...mcm trick game dlm hajime kindaichi ngn Q-tantei laa..salah teka,mati terus..padahal mmg niat pembunuh tu nak bunuh mangsa..hehehe..nanti ai nak tgk jgk laa..

Tggu sambungn dorama sherlock xde apa2 update lg..tgh cri new dorama nak tgk..tantei yuri pn xde episode baru..anime jujutsu kaisen pn baru abes tgk latest episode...maceh2..nti nak jenguk alice tu plak..hehehe~

Use magic Report

Post time 1-1-2021 11:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
List dorama aiolzs y tt xde list out lg kt atas tu:
2)kindaichi hajime series
3)BOSS series
4) kinkyu torishirabe shitsu series
5)nodame cantabile series
8) trace(ryo nishikido kakoiiii kawaiiiiiiiii)
9)samurai x series
10)jikou keisatsu
11)joker yurusarezaru apa ntah..xigt y blakang tu..hihi
13)orthros no inu
14) hanakimi remake
15)kodoku no gurume
16)grand maison tokyo
19)kuitan tantei
20)chef:mitsuboshi ape ntah..(pasal michelin star restaurant,amami yuki dlm tu)
23)top knife
24)gofushokudo (betul kot eja ni..kekeke~)
25)tantei yuri rintaro(ongoing)
26)meitantei no okite
27)housewife detective (sengyou shufu tantei)
28)koori no sekai
29)galileo series
30)teppan shojou akane

Ada y ai tgok y lawak mcm a bit ecchi tu,yama onna kabe onna..komedi ringan laa..hahaahahahahah..byk lg..kena tgk harddisk. Kekeke~

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2021 06:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 1-1-2021 07:05 PM
Wah..banyaknya yg tak tengok lagi... good thread...

Dah ada Jdrama yg uols minat?

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2021 06:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ChildrenOfBodom replied at 1-1-2021 07:52 PM
hahhaa tu dia otai derama jepun.. tgh layan alice in bordeland ja la ni, hat lain2 tak pernah tengok ...

Adakah benang ni berjaya buat uols layan Jdrama?heeee..
Kalau nak try lg yg lebih kurang try lah tengok Liar Game plak,tp takdek kematian brutal lah..Kalau nak yg lebih kurang sama brutal baik try movie Battle Royale..

Haha cer uols try tengok pastu bg review..

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2021 07:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
one_aiman replied at 1-1-2021 08:19 PM
yeayy ada benang baru..nanti ada masa iols listkan top30 jdorama yg iols minat yg tak penah orang li ...

Aaahh uols barulah betul2 otai Jdrama hehe...Mohon listkan banyak2,sampai beratus2 pun boleh..

Uols ada tengok tak drama yg dah bertahun2 ongoing cite detective Takashi Sorimachi berlakon? Best tak cite tu?

Iols tengah mencari drama2 yg ada watak utama (tak hero pun takpe),asalkan lelaki yg manly mcm Dr.Asada dlm Iryu TMD?Jumpa beliau kat drama2 lain tp tak setanding mcm watak Dr.Asada pulakkk..Kalau Takashi tu mesti menepati kriteria yg iols cari ni kan?
Nak buat modal memalam tengok sebelum tido ahahah gurau jah..

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 2-1-2021 07:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 1-1-2021 09:23 PM
Anime ai xtgk. Tgk dorama dia best laa..hahaahah

Alaaaaaa..kena list keeeee..nk kena cra ...

Sorry uols,iols gurau jah..Tapi uols betul2 buat list tu thanks.. hehe..
Takpe tak buat list pun takpe,kalau ada yg terlintas nak bgtau kat sini pun boleh,nak buat recommendation pun boleh..Review Jdrama yg uols tgh tengok pun boleh.. Borak2 pasal Jdrama lah kekdahnya kat sini..

Cuma iols perhati thread ni tak serancak thread yg 1st dulu..Yg tu buka2 je berdesup reply masuk..

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2021 07:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 2-1-2021 06:57 PM
Perincian 2,295 kes positif COVID-19 baharu yang dilaporkan di Malaysia pada 2 Januari 2021 adalah s ...

Eh terkejut iols tengok reply pasal Covid19..Silap benang ke uols?

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Post time 2-1-2021 07:12 PM | Show all posts
Edited by seribulan at 2-1-2021 06:13 PM
AeriSha replied at 2-1-2021 05:50 PM
Dah ada Jdrama yg uols minat?

GTOIce World
Itazura Na Kiss
Majo no Jouken

Anything Takuya Kimura

Nanti free tambah lagi...


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