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Old pictures of Mecca and medina

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Post time 20-7-2006 01:36 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
i want to share 100 year old pictures from Mecca and Medina that where taken by the order of Sultan II Abd黮hamit the Ottoman sultan at that time.

enjoy it...



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 Author| Post time 20-7-2006 01:37 PM | Show all posts
For viewers from Saudi Arabia who can't see the pictures, use these links:
image #2


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 Author| Post time 20-7-2006 01:38 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-7-2006 01:39 PM | Show all posts
There is only a Ottoman trainstation left (wich go's under restoration from what i heard this year) and 114 (the som of the ayets of Qur'an?) little domes that Mimar Sinan the great Ottoman architect contructed wich you can see in this pic:



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 Author| Post time 20-7-2006 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Arab revolt was in 1916 and Saudi Arabia had formal independance in 1926. Legally these areas were not considered as an independant state but lands of conflict with the United Kingdom representing them through mandates( a cheap way of colonising these areas). Im sure Abdul Aziz ibn Saud felt that he captured the Kingdom of Hejaz from Husayn Ali by 1926 but the fact still remains that until 1918 the "kingdom of" Hejaz area was legally Ottoman Empire territory, from 1918-1926 these were conflict lands with ultimate representation given by Britain and after formal indepndance Saudi Arabia controlled it.

As far as Im aware Husayn Ali(hasemite family) was the sole arab representative to the British for the Hejaz and Najd. Most historians will agree with this matter. All the infrastructure you speak of practically and logically did not exist in a tangible manner.

again Im not doubting that there existed a autonomous region called the Kingdom of Hejaz, i am saying that legally and politically it was never an independant nation, nor did other nations respect their territorial legitimacy.

sources: Gelvin, James The Modern Middle East
Halliday, Fred The Nationalism Debate and the Modern Middle East
Quataert, DOnald The Ottoman Empire 1700-1922



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Post time 20-7-2006 01:48 PM | Show all posts
kagum betul...dalam sekelip mata menjadi megah seperti hari ini..teringin sangat nak ke sana tapi tak tahulah bila...insya allah satu hari nanti..

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Post time 21-7-2006 01:58 PM | Show all posts
Sejarah Masjidil-Haram

Asal Masjidil-Haram tidaklah sebesar apa yang kelihatan dewasa ini. Ia telah melalui pembaikan dan pembesaran dari semasa ke semasa. Pembesaran ini membuktikan bahawa bilangan umat Islam yang beriman kian bertambah dan berkeupayaan menunaikan rukun Islam yang kelima.

Imam Abul Hassan Mawardi dan lain-lain ada meriwayatkan bahawa semasa Rasulullah sehinggalah ketika Saidina Abu Bakar diangkat menjadi Khalifah, Masjidil-Haram ini tidak mempunyai dinding dan datarannya tidaklah seluas hari ini.

Perluasan Masjidil-Haram bermula pada tahun 638 Masihi oleh Saidina Umar ibn Khattab.

Beliau telah membeli rumah-rumah di sekeliling Ka'abah dan diruntuhkan kesemuanya bagi tujuan perluasan.

Perluasan Masjid diteruskan lagi oleh Saidina Usman pada kira-kira tahun 647 Masihi.

Pada tahun 696 Masihi, Abdullah ibn Zubair iaitu cucu Saidina Abu Bakar juga telah memperluaskan kawasan masjid ini dengan membeli gedung-gedung yang terdapat di sebelah timur dan selatan Masjid.

Sementara di bahagian utara dan barat pula telah diperluaskan oleh Zaid bin Abdullah al-Harisi dibawah perintah Abu Ja'afar al-Mansur, Khalifah Bani Abas kedua.

Masjidil-Haram telah dibangunkan dengan ketinggian seninya.

Orang-orang seperti Abdul Malik ibn Marwan,Umar, Al-Walid, Ziad bin Abdullah, Musaal-Mahdi, adalah antara mereka yang awal menghiasi masjid ini.

Kalimah-kalimah al-Qur'n telah disulami dengan corak-corak Islam, batu-batu mamarnya telah diukir dengan indah dan tiang-tiangnya disalutkan emas.

Pada tahun 986 Masihi, Harun Ar-Rashid telah memasukkan gedung Dar An-Nadwah di sebelah utara ke dalam masjid dan membina pintu Bab Ibrahim di sebelah barat.

Pintu besar Bab As-Salam telah diperbaiki pada tahun 1243 Masihi oleh Ali bin Umar dari Yaman.

Amir ZainalAbidin al-Usmani (1379 Masihi) telah mengutuskan Sudun Pasca memperelokkan pintu masjid dengan hiasan yang indah, memperbaiki atap dan pancuran air di Ka'abah.

Pada tahun 1399 Masihi, suatu kebakaran besar telah berlaku pada Masjidil-Haram. Banyak bahagian telah musnah begitu juga dengan hasil kesenian yang indah-indah yang sukar dicari ganti.

Kebakaran bermula dari bahagian Rubat Naziral-Khas yang terletak berdekatan dengan pintu masuk Bab'Azurah di sebelah barat Masjidil-Haram.

Amir Besak Az-Zahiri telah memperbaikinya pada tahun berikutnya dan selesai pada tahun 1401 Masihi.

Sultan Salim II (1572-1577 Masihi) telah memperbaharui dan memperkemaskan lagi Masjidil-Haram ini dengan memasukkan kubah dan relung-relung yang indah di dalamnya.

Atas arahan Sinan Pasha dari Mesir, kerja-kerja pembinaan telah di usahakan oleh Ahmad Bey dan seorang jurutera bernama Muallim Muhammadal-Misri.

Bila Sultan Salim meninggal dunia, anaknya Sultan Murad telah meneruskan pekerjaan bapanya sehingga selesai.

Masjidil-Haram mempunyai menara-menara yang indah. Antaranya adalah seperti Bab Al-Umrah yang didirikan oleh Khalifah al-Mansur dari Bani Abbas pada tahun 706 Masihi.

Menara ini kemudiannya diperbaiki oleh seorang menteri dari Mosul pada tahun 1172 Masihi dan sekali lagi pada tahun 1464 Masihi oleh Sultan Jukmuk sebelum ia musnah pada tahun 1552 Masihi.

Sultan Sulaiman kemudiannya menggantikan dengan yang baru di atas tapak yang sama dengan mengekalkan nama asalnya.

Seterusnya pada tahun 789 Masihi, Khalifah Mahdi dari keturunan Abbasiyah, membangunkan menara Bab As-Salam dan kemudiannya beberapa menara lagi seperti menara Bab Ali dan menara Bab Al-Hazurah atau Bab Wida'.

Pada tahun 1392 Masihi Bab Al-Hazurah telah runtuh dan diperbaiki oleh Al-Asraf Sha'ban dariMesir.

Pada tahun 905 Masihi, KhalifahAl-Mu'tadhid dari Bani Abbas membangunkan menara Bab Az-Ziadah dan di perbaiki oleh Asraf Baresbai pada tahun 1447 M.

Kait Bait pula membangunkan menara Kait Bait kira-kira tahun 1501 Masihi. Kemudiannya Menara As-Sulaimaniah juga telah dibangunkan.

Kini Masjidil-Haram telah mempunyai sebanyak sembilan menara, berdiri tegak dengan indahnya, dengan alunan kemerduan suara azan yang setiap masuk waktu memanggil umatnya untuk menunaikan perintah Allah dengan penuh kesabaran dan keinsafan.



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Post time 21-7-2006 02:07 PM | Show all posts
Jauh beza dengan apa yang ade sekarang.....sekarang bumbung siap boleh buka n tutup. Canggih!



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Post time 21-7-2006 02:16 PM | Show all posts


History of Ka'aba - Baytullah the House of Allah  

The other names of the Kaaba, are Bait ul Ateeq-which means, according to one meaning, the earliest and ancient. According to the second meaning, it means independent and liberating. Both meanings could be taken. Bait ul Haram-the honorable house. Scholars and historians say that the Kaaba has been reconstructed between five to 12 times.  
Baytullah the House Of Allah

In the province of Hijaz in the western part of Saudi Arabia, not far from the Red Sea, there lies the town of Makkah. In the center of this town there is a small square building made of stones. The small, cubed building may not rival skyscrapers in height or mansions in width, but its impact on history and human beings is unmatched. Since time immemorial world travelers have known this town and this stone built house. This is Baytullah, the House of Allah. Its sanctity and antiquity is older than history itself.



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Post time 21-7-2006 02:17 PM | Show all posts
The Baytullah\Kaaba is the building towards which Muslims face five times a day, everyday, in prayer. This has been the case since the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him & his family) over 1400 years ago. Literally, Kaaba in Arabic means a high place with respect and prestige. The word Kaaba may also be derivative of a word meaning a cube.

The other names of the Kaaba, are Bait ul Ateeq-which means, according to one meaning, the earliest and ancient. According to the second meaning, it means independent and liberating. Both meanings could be taken. Bait ul Haram-the honorable house. Scholars and historians say that the Kaaba has been reconstructed between five to 12 times.

Tradition goes that the Kaaba was ordained by Allah to be built in the shape of the House in Heaven called Baitul Ma'amoor. Allah in his infinite Mercy ordained a similar place on earth and Prophet Adam (p.b.u.h.) was the first to build this place. The Bible, in the chapter of Genesis describes its building when God ordained
Abraham (p.b.u.h.) to erect a Shrine for worship when Abraham (p.b.u.h.) was ordered to go to the southern desert with his wife Hager (p.b.u.h.) and infant son Ishmael (p.b.u.h.). The Old Testament describes this building as the Shrine of God at several places, but the one built at Ma'amoor is very much similar to the one at Makkah. There is no doubt that it was referring to the stone built house at Makkah.

Holy Qur'an brought this story into the full light of history. Say: "Allah spoken the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the sane in faith; he was not of the Pagans." The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings. (Holy Qur'an 3:95-96)

From the above verses Holy Qur'an firmly establishes the fact that Abraham (p.b.u.h.) was the real founder of the Holy Shrine.

When Prophet Abraham (p.b.u.h.) built the Holy Shrine in Makka, his prayers were that this place should remain a center of worship for all good and pious people; that Allah should keep his family the custodians of the Holy place. Ever since, Ishmael (p.b.u.h.) the son of Abraham (p.b.u.h.) who helped his father to build this place and his descendants remained the custodians of the Holy Shrine. History tells us that centuries passed and the guardianship of the Kaaba remained in the family of Ishmael (p.b.u.h.) until the name of Abde Manaf came into the limelight. He inherited this service and made it much more prominent. His son Hashim took this leadership and extended it to many other towns of Hijaz so much so that many pilgrims flocked annually to this place and enjoyed Hashim's hospitality. A feast was given in honor of the pilgrims, the family of Hashim served food and water to all guests. This prominence created jealousies and his brother Abdusham's adopted son Omayya tried to create trouble. There was a dispute in which Omayya failed and left Makka to settle down in the Northern provinces of Syria (Sham). After Hashim his brother Muttalib and after him Hashim's son Shyba who became known as Abdul Muttalib assumed the leadership of the family. He organized feasts and supplies of water to the pilgrims during the annual festival of pilgrimage to the Holy Shrine.



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Post time 21-7-2006 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Prophet Abraham (p.b.u.h.) built this House for devout worship to the only God. But within his lifetime people disobeyed his orders and began to put idols inside the Kaaba. Abraham (p.b.u.h.) had to clean the House of these idols and of idle worshippers. He told the people that this was a symbolic house of God. God does not live there; He is everywhere. People did not understand this logic and after the death of Abraham (p.b.u.h.), the people, out of reverence, filled the place with idols again. They thronged to this place annually and worshipped their personal gods, It was over Four Thousand years later that the last of the line of prophets.  

Muhammad Ibne Abdullah (p.b.u.h.) entered Makka triumphantly, went inside the Kaaba and, with the help of his cousin and son-in-law Ali Ibne Abi Talib (p.b.u.h.) destroyed all the idols of Kaaba with their own hands. At one stage of this destruction of idols, the tallest of the idol Hubbol was brought down after Ali had to stand on the shoulders of the Prophet to carry out God's orders. The Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h.) was reciting the verse from the Holy Qur'an "Truth hath come and falsehood hath vanished". This was done in the 8th year of Hijra, January 630 AD after the bloodles victory at Makka by the Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h.)

Historically when Abraham (p.b.u.h.) was ordered by Allah to build the Shrine for worship, he uncovered the original foundations of the Kaaba built by Adam (p.b.u.h.). Abraham (p.b.u.h.) with the help of his son Ishmael (p.b.u.h.) erected the new shrine on the same foundations. Originally it contained only four walls without a roof. Centuries later during the time of Khusayi who was the leader of the Tribe of Quraish in Makka a taller building was completed with a roof and a quadrangle wall around it to give it the shape of a sanctuary and doors all around the sanctuary walls. People entered through these doors to come to the Kaaba for worship



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Post time 21-7-2006 02:19 PM | Show all posts

It is now about 60 feet high, 60 feet wide from east to west and 60 feet from north to south.A door is fixed about 7 feet above ground level facing Northeast. A Black stone (Hajar al-Aswad) was fixed into its eastern corner. In front of the building was Maqam-e-Ibrahim, the arch shape gate known as that of Banu Shayba and the Zamzam Well. Just outside are the Hills called Safa and Merwa and the distance between the hills is about 500 yards. These days both of the hills are enclosed into the sanctuary walls with a roof over it.
The whole building is built of the layers of gray blue stone from the hills surrounding Makka. The four corners roughly face the four points of the compass. At the East is the Rukn-e-Aswad (The Black stone), at the North is the Rukn-e-Iraqi, at the west Rukn-e-Shami and at the south Rukn-e-Yamani. The four walls are covered with a curtain (Kiswa). The kiswa is usually of black brocade with the Shahada outlined in the weave of the fabric. About 2/3rd of the way up runs a gold embroidered band covered with Qur'anic text.
In the Eastern corner about 5 feet above ground the Hajar al-Aswad (The Black stone) is fixed into the wall. Its real nature is difficult to determine, its visible shape is worn smooth by hand touching and kissing. Its diameter is around 12 inches. Opposite the Northwest wall but not connected with it, is a semi circular wall of white marble. It is 3 feet high and about 5 feet thick. This semi circular space enjoys an especial consideration and pilgrims wait in queue to find a place to pray there.   
The graves of Ishmael (p.b.u.h.) and his mother Hager (p.b.u.h.) are within this semi circular wall (Hateem). Between the archway and the facade (N.E.) is a little building with a small dome, the Maqam-e-Ibrahim. Inside it is kept a stone bearing the prints of two human feet. Prophet Abraham (p.b.u.h.) is said to have stood on this stone when building the Kaaba and marks of his feet are miraculously preserved. On the outskirts of the building to the Northeast is the 'Zamzam Well' (this is now put under ground).


[ Last edited by  peret at 21-7-2006 02:20 PM ]



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Post time 23-7-2006 06:30 AM | Show all posts
beautiful pictures..
im very interested at looking old pictures of a place and then compare it to present time to identify the differences...
its like using a time portal to travel back then..

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Post time 29-10-2006 10:12 PM | Show all posts
sesi takde keja carik keja

dan bersempena raya aji nak dekat :bgrin::bgrin:

banjir 60an



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Post time 29-10-2006 10:14 PM | Show all posts
thread2 lama yang tak didigest kadang2 kena naikkan balik, kalo tak admin basuh, abis gone with the wind :siok:

layan gambo lagik

banjir 60an, luar mesjidil haram



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Post time 29-10-2006 10:16 PM | Show all posts
lagik banjir 60an



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Post time 29-10-2006 10:19 PM | Show all posts
ni pun banjir 60an kot? ni gambo aku takde info dia la


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Post time 30-10-2006 01:58 AM | Show all posts
mcm mane leh banjir ek?

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Post time 30-10-2006 02:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 30-10-2006 01:58 AM
mcm mane leh banjir ek?

kalo hujan lebat, lagipun banyak gunung2 pe, jadi air semua menderu turun bawah.... tahun berapa ntah, baru2 jugak , masih air bah sampai ada meninggal.
kejap carik any news artikel

Flash floods leave 12 dead in Makka

Wednesday 12 November 2003, 2:09 Makka Time, 23:09 GMT

The Muslim holy city of Makka has been hit by flash floods

Torrential rain in the holy city of Makka has left 12 people dead, and 50 injured, according to Saudi medical sources.

Severe weather has been pounding the city since Monday, when water levels in some parts of the city reached six meters.

The flash floods left students and employees  trapped in the city, unable to make their way home.  According to newspaper reports traffic came to a standstill in the Al-Zaher neighborhood beacuse of the water leves.

One person is believed to had died in a village near Makka after he became trapped as flood waters continued to rise in the area.

Saudi Arabia is one of the most driest countries in the world, but rainstorms are common in the mountainous region along the west coast.

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Post time 30-10-2006 02:24 AM | Show all posts
ni 1941 nye banjir kot? hehehe tak paham la tulisan tu ekekeke


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