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Fatwa Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi mengenai makanan yang dicampur dengan Red Wine.

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Post time 2-7-2010 09:11 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
satu fatwa yg aku baru tau.  contoh lain: arak bila menjadi cuka boleh diguna krn berubah sifatnya? asal arak itu haram, tapi bila dah jadi cuka, berubah sifatnya & tdk lagi memabukkan takda masalah?

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Post time 2-7-2010 10:25 AM | Show all posts
satu fatwa yg aku baru tau.  contoh lain: arak bila menjadi cuka boleh diguna krn berubah sifatnya?  ...
tobby Post at 2-7-2010 09:11

    Ghaser teman udah terbalik tu. Dari cuka ia akan menjadi arak or wine. Kalau tak silap laaaa...

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Post time 2-7-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
arak yg telah berubah menjadi cuka, halal. ini biasa berlaku kpd arak yg diperam dlm masa yg lama. bukan maksud menggunakan red wine menggantikan cuka. red wine masih lg bersifat arak. jd klu dicampur dlm masakan, tetap sifatnya adalah arak.

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Post time 2-7-2010 10:41 AM | Show all posts
tapi kalau supplier dia Cina, maka tetap haram.

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Post time 2-7-2010 10:46 AM | Show all posts
here's something useful to consider.

Q: When cooking with wine or liquor, does all the alcohol burn off?

A: The answer is no. It’s true that alcohol boils at a much lower temperature than water (173 degrees Fahrenheit compared with 212 degrees Fahrenheit), so in a sauce, for example, the alcohol will begin to evaporate before the water does. But simply heating the alcohol (or any other cooking liquid, for that matter) will not make it all evaporate.

Wine and liquor are often called for in marinades or to deglaze a pan for a sauce. Jim Lapsley, adjunct associate professor in the Department of Viticulture & Enology at the University of California–Davis, says the amount of alcohol left after cooking will depend on three factors: concentration, heat, and time. A recipe using a higher percentage of alcohol heated briefly will retain more alcohol than a recipe using a lower percentage of alcohol heated for a long time. For example, crêpes suzette flambéed with Grand Marnier will retain more alcohol than boeuf bourguignon made with red wine that has been cooked for several hours.

A 2003 study by the USDA’s Nutrient Data Laboratory shows that the amount of alcohol retained in food can range from 5 to 85 percent, depending on the preparation method. For baked or simmered dishes with alcohol mixed in, after 2 1/2 hours of cooking time, 5 percent of the original amount of alcohol is left. But when the alcohol is added to a boiling liquid and then removed from the heat, 85 percent of the alcohol remains.

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Post time 2-7-2010 11:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 4# kucingblue

    apa kaitannya? klu dah arak, tak kira sapa yg supply..melayu ke, cina ke, india ke...tetap jugak haram.

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Post time 2-7-2010 11:53 AM | Show all posts
Reply  kucingblue

    apa kaitannya? klu dah arak, tak kira sapa yg supply..melayu ke, cina ke ...
kelat Post at 1-7-2010 19:36

of course. but fatwa ni kate kalo masak betul-betul sampai tak jadi alcohol lagi, maka halal. but aku tambah, kalo sampai camtu pon, if pembekal dia Cina jadi haram. I was actually trying to be sarcastic.

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Post time 2-7-2010 11:54 AM | Show all posts
saya pernah tanya few scholars pasal mende nih...

.. rata-rata cakap tak boleh makan masakan yang bercampur dengan arak, walaupun telah di panaskan. Fakta "arak akan bertukar kepada mende lain kerana telah di panaskan" tidak boleh digunakana, kerana Nabi s.a.w. telah bersabda yang maksudnya lebih kurang "khamar itu haram walaupun setitik" ...

.... setitik pun haram, macam mana kita nak pastikan bahawa KESEMUA arak yang telah di panaskan itu telah bertukar menjadi mende lain?

itu jawapan daripada mereka lah...

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2010 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Ghaser teman udah terbalik tu. Dari cuka ia akan menjadi arak or wine. Kalau tak silap laa ...
niceghost2005 Post at 2-7-2010 10:25
Question: As-Salamu `alaykum! My question involves the use of vinegar in cooking. To my understanding, vinegar is made from alcohol. Certain types of vinegar have a residual alcohol content. In other kinds of vinegar, you do not know whether any alcohol is left in it or not. Which kinds of vinegar acceptable in Islam?

Answer: Concerning your question, we’d like to cite for you the opinion of the prominent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, on this issue:

"Muslim scholars unanimously agree that if wine turns into vinegar by itself, it is lawful. However, if it turns into vinegar with the aid of a chemical substance or by adding something, such as salt, bread or onion, to it, scholars hold different views regarding it. Although some scholars say that it is pure and lawful because it has been changed from its original state, others say that it is still impure and, thus, it is must be avoided.

In his book, Al-Majmu`, Imam An-Nawawi states: 'If wine changes into vinegar by itself, it becomes pure according to the majority of scholars. However, if the change is a result of putting something in it, I say that it is still impure. Ahmad and most scholars also hold this view. Abu Hanifah, Al-Awza`i and Al-Layth consider it pure.'

Malik has reported three hadiths on this, the most authentic one is that treating wine is prohibited. But once it is carried out, wine becomes pure. In the books of the Maliki jurists, it is stated that it is permissible to treat wine so that it becomes vinegar.

What I see is that if wine changes into vinegar, it becomes pure and lawful as it has changed from its original state and this requires a new ruling as is the case with all other converted impurities regardless of whether this occurs naturally or by human interference. Wine itself is a pure substance as it was made from grapes. After becoming an intoxicant, it becomes prohibited. Once it changes and lacks the intoxicating characteristic, it regains its original ruling.

The view of the Hanafi scholars and those who follow them in this respect seems to be strong. They say that treating wine is similar to its natural change into vinegar as both involve the removal of the reason of prohibition, which is intoxication, as well as the attainment of its benefit of nourishment and medicinal purposes.

In addition, the reason for declaring it impure (i.e., intoxication) no longer stands. It is well known that a ruling is attached to its reason in terms of existence or otherwise.

In his book, Sharh Mushkil Al-Aathar, Imam At-Tahawi states: 'Since treatment is a process of reformation, it is permitted as is the case for tanning impure leather. It is stated in an authentic hadith: 'When animal leather is tanned, it becomes pure.' This applies to the case in hand, i.e., vinegar, and it includes all its types."

By and large, dear questioner, it’s clear from the above-mentioned statements and quotations that so long as vinegar originates from wine directly, without the aid of any additives, it is lawful according to the unanimous view of scholars. As for the vinegar that originates from wine through human interference, it’s somehow controversial among scholars, as you can see.

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Post time 2-7-2010 12:37 PM | Show all posts
pemahaman aku...etanol yg diperap lama akan bertukar jadi cuka.,,yg tu yg halal

tp pertukaran dr wine yakni arak kpd cuka adalah ttp haram kerana ia dihasilkan melalui pemerosesan arak....

noted that etanol semata bukan arak. tQ

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2010 08:27 PM | Show all posts
x silap aku, tapai pun sebahagian drp alcohol peringkat prtama
tetapi tidak memabukkan

aku belaj ...
zulyusoff Post at 2-7-2010 18:11

so tapai ada beza sikit,  mula2 halal lepas tu haram, lepas tu halal balik.

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2010 08:29 PM | Show all posts
barley peram mula2 haram, lepas tu klu dah jadi cuka jadi halal semula.

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2010 08:31 PM | Show all posts
off topic:
tapi di Msia ada judi haram & judi halal.  byk sgt fatwa politik berkenaan dgnnya. ada yg kata hasil cukai judi/arak haram selama2nya. ada yg kata boleh diambil utk buat jamban & balairaya.

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Post time 2-7-2010 09:27 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 2-7-2010 21:33
off topic:
tapi di Msia ada judi haram & judi halal.  byk sgt fatwa politik berkenaan dgnnya. ada  ...
tobby Post at 2-7-2010 20:31

Hadis-hadis sahih bukhari bawah ni dah terang lagi bersuluh mengharamkan business arak dan babi secara menyeluruh , maknanya orang Islam dan orang bukan Islam tidak dibenarkan berniaganya .

So ulama2 politik yang memandai cipta fatwa sendiri akan berdepan dengan laknat Allah di akhirat nanti kerana mereka berani membenarkan arak dan babi dijual oleh orang bukan Islam tanpa mempedulikan arahan jelas Quran dan Sunnah mengenai pengharaman arak dan babi terhadap semua manusia  .

Volume 3, Book 34, Number 438:
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: I heard Allah's Apostle, in the year of the Conquest of Mecca, saying, "Allah and His Apostle made illegal the trade of alcohol, dead animals, pigs and idols." The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What about the fat of dead animals, for it was used for greasing the boats and the hides; and people use it for lights?" He said, "No, it is illegal." Allah's Apostle further said, "May Allah curse the Jews, for Allah made the fat (of animals) illegal for them, yet they melted the fat and sold it and ate its price."

Volume 3, Book 34, Number 426:
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
Once 'Umar was informed that a certain man sold alcohol. 'Umar said, "May Allah curse him! Doesn't he know that Allah's Apostle said, 'May Allah curse the Jews, for Allah had forbidden them to eat the fat of animals but they melted it and sold it."

Volume 1, Book 8, Number 449:
Narrated 'Aisha:
When the verses of Surat "Al-Baqara"' about the usury Riba were revealed, the Prophet went to the mosque and recited them in front of the people and then banned the trade of alcohol.

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Post time 2-7-2010 09:30 PM | Show all posts
saya harap sahabat clear ttg hukum haram arak,,,
1) akohol tulen(99.9%) ekstrak dr petroleum-hukum halal dan suci
2) tapai, budu, kicap dan fermented foods(mengadungi <5% alcohol)-hukum halal
3) sebarang MINUMAN memabukkan(x kira la apa jenis yg peting memabukkan)+khamar= haram
kajian kes-
dr 3 hukum dia ats diharap sahabat jelas antara alkohol dgn arak
arak mengandungi alkohol - haram
tetapi alkohol(bukan minuman) bukan arak- halal
Allah maksudkan Khamar dlm al-quran ialah minuman memabukkan termasuk arak, beer, wain...
jadi kita kena faham konteks disini= MINUMAN ARAK hukum dia haram
tetapi makanan yg mengandungi alkohol secara alami contoh fermented foods hukumnya halal...
INGATlah hukum bagi semua didunia ini adalah harus pada asalnya melainkan dinyatakan jelas dalam sumber Alquran dan hadis ...
jauhi la syubhah kerana ia menghampiri haram

Wallah 'alam

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Post time 2-7-2010 09:34 PM | Show all posts
untuk makluman saudara semua...roti yang kita makan juga mengandungi alkohol secara alami hasil fermentasi yis semasa diproses sebelum dibakar. tetapi slps dibakar alkohol terperuap dan roti kembang...dan ia halal...

igt apa sahaja makanan yg melalui proses peraman mengandungi alkohol secara semula jadi <5%
dan ia halal kerana ia makanan dan bukan KHAMAR(minuman memambukkaN)

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Post time 2-7-2010 09:37 PM | Show all posts
tapai, budu, kicap dan fermented foods(mengadungi <5% alcohol)-hukum halal
tontolounu Post at 2-7-2010 21:30

Bila pula barang makanan ni ada alkohol ?

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Post time 2-7-2010 09:51 PM | Show all posts
blast off: semua makanan yg diperam atau melalui proses penapaian akan mengandungi alkohol
itu prinsip asas dlm sains makanan
cth: anggur diperam=arak
       bilis diperam=budu
       soya diperam=kicap
       pulut diperam=tapai

ini kerana semasa peraman, yis akan menggunakan gula dr bahan makanan tersebut utk hidup dan menghasilkan bahan sampingan iaitu:
1)gas CO2
3) haba

tp dalam makan alkohol terlalu rendah = <5%(0.05w/w)
dan ia tidak memabukkan dan ia BUKAN ARAK

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Post time 2-7-2010 09:52 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 3-7-2010 00:27
untuk makluman saudara semua...roti yang kita makan juga mengandungi alkohol secara alami hasil ferm ...
tontolounu Post at 2-7-2010 21:34

Just sebab sesuatu benda tu melalui proses perapan, tak boleh la ia di gelar sebagai beralkohol atau ber arak selagi ia tak sampai peringkat memabukkan . Apabila dah sampai peringkat memabukkan , maka sedikit pun tak boleh, haram .

1. Kitab Sunan Ibnu Majah jilid 3,kitab memabukkan, Bab 30, Hadis no. 3371
" Arak adalah ibu segala maksiat dan ianya adalah maksiat paling mengaibkan."

2. Kitab Sunan Ibnu Majah Jilid 3, Kitab memabukkan , Bab 30, hadis No. 3392
"Apa yang memabukkan dalam jumlah yang banyak, adalah diharamkan walau dalam jumlah yang sedikit."

3. Bukan sahaja orang yang meminum arak dilaknat tetapi mereka yang berurusan secara langsung atau tidak langsung dilaknat Allah S.W.T.
Menurut Kitab Ibnu Majah Jilid 3, Kitab memabukkan, bab 30 hadis no.3380. Diriwayatkan oleh Anas r.a., Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. bersabda:
" Sepuluh orang yang dikutuk Allah mengenai khamar: Pembuatnya, pengedarnya, peminumnya, pembawanya, pengirimnya, penuangnya, penjualnya, pemakan wang hasilnya, pembayarnya dan juga pemesannya."


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Post time 2-7-2010 10:03 PM | Show all posts
saya faham maksud anda blastoff, saya x sebut arak dalam makanan...saya kata ALKOHOL
sbb tu post saya yg pertama saya dah bagi definisi jelas beza ntara ARAK dan ALKOHOL

1) ARAK=MINUMAN BERALKOHOL(alcholic baverages) dan ia memambukkan-haram
2) alkohol sahaja(tulen)-bukan minuman-sejenis bahan kimia beracun jika kepekatan yg tinggi
org x minum alkohol sbb ia racun kalau tulen


jd jgn samakan alkohol dgn arak(khamar) sbb yang memabukkan ialah hanya ARAK(KHAMAR)

ALKOHOL bukan minuman-ia adalah sebatian kimia hasil tindak balas mikroorganisma/penyulingan petroleum dan ia BUKAN NAJIS

memang kalo zat itu adalah minuman memabukkan(khamar) hukumnya ADLAH HARAM WALAU SETITIK...

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