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Post time 15-10-2008 05:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2051 haziq_97's post

Penuh beg le macam tu nanti. Sebab itu la balik dari sana semua beg pakat beranak belaka.

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Post time 15-10-2008 05:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bayangan_rindu at 15-10-2008 05:02 PM
terima kasih........  kepada semua yg mengucapkan tahniah kepada saya. Saya memang tak akan lupa kat kawan kawan di sini. Surat "confirm" dari TH memang saya tak dapat. Tapi bila telefon TH saya  ...

Assalamulaikum bay,

Apa yang dapat kakak katakan apabila membaca catatan bay, ' ALHAMDULILLAH '

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Post time 15-10-2008 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HarizAzhari at 15-10-2008 05:21 PM
Penuh beg le macam tu nanti. Sebab itu la balik dari sana semua beg pakat beranak belaka.

x leh nak cakap.... beg sandang macam santa clause wat camna org bg amek jugalah.. huhuhuhu

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Post time 15-10-2008 05:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bayangan_rindu at 15-10-2008 05:02 PM
terima kasih........  kepada semua yg mengucapkan tahniah kepada saya. Saya memang tak akan lupa kat kawan kawan di sini. Surat "confirm" dari TH memang saya tak dapat. Tapi bila telefon TH saya  ...

Salam, Bay kursus perdana Haji kat mana????Latih2 lah diri tu ...sbb Bay masuk Mekah mmg jemaah tengah padat tu Bykkan berdoa agar permudahkan perjalanan ibadah Haji ye Nak wat umrah tu pun mmg sendat... tapi yg sebenar ada ruang untuk kita nak tawaf ... tawakal dan bykkan berzikir.. insya ALLAH

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Post time 15-10-2008 05:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2055 haziq_97's post

Bak kata si Kitul, sementelah dah dapat penerbangan agak akhir, apa kata andai dibuat Haji Ifrad? Tidaklah bersesak sangat semasa Umrah nanti.

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Post time 15-10-2008 06:04 PM | Show all posts
macam-macam cerita...sampai kepada cerita bilik berkat pulak.

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Post time 15-10-2008 09:24 PM | Show all posts
Copy paste from Islamweb Hajj (nak karang sendiri tak pandai buat ayat )

Helpful advice for Pilgrims

Allah, The Most Exalted, Says (what means): “Hajj is [during] well-known months, so whoever has made Hajj obligatory upon himself therein [by entering the state of Ihraam], there is [to be for him] no sexual relations and no disobedience and no disputing during Hajj.”  [Quran 2:197]

1- Consciousness of Allah

The best way to please Allah is to watch for Him constantly and be conscious and fearful of Him in all your actions and speech.

2- Correct ‘Aqeedah (Belief)

Every Muslim should understand that if his/her belief is not sound, the Hajj or any other act of worship is not accepted. So always try to correct your belief by asking scholars who will provide you with proofs from the Quran and Sunnah.

3- Pure intention

Almighty Allah does not accept what is not directed to Him alone. Therefore, you should always be sincere and have pure intention for Hajj.

4- Correctness of rituals

No ritual is accepted unless it is made correctly, exactly as Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam performed it. The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever adds something new to our religion that is not part of it, it is rejected.”[Al-Bukhaari]

5- Patience

The difficulty of rituals requires every pilgrim to be patient and forgiving of others.

6- Repentance

Do your best to make Hajj a chance of repentance for all your sins.  This repentance requires that you strive not to commit these sins again.

7- Mercy

Do your best to help Muslims, avoid pushing or hurting them in all of the Hajj rituals, especially in Tawaaf, Sa`y, and pebble throwing, which are extremely crowded.

8- Cleanliness

Cleanliness is a true sign of faith.  Therefore, you should always keep your heart, body, food, drink, and everything clean.  Also ask others to keep ritual and worship places as clean as possible.

Practical tips

1- Money:

Do not worry about exchanging money.  You can do that very easily anywhere in Saudi Arabia.  

2- Small groups:

Close observation shows that people who move in large groups are prone to having either one or someone get lost, and/or missing some rituals or to perform them late which  may require a compensation either by slaughtering an animal, fasting or something else.  

3- Good company:

Be sure to choose good company during your entire journey, because they can help you avoid arguments and help you perform your Hajj correctly.  

4- To avoid getting lost:

It is recommended to arrange with your group in advance exactly where and when to meet and what to do in cases of being late, and what to do if someone gets lost. Following these procedures may help:

- Arrange to meet in plain sight where there is a clear, colored sign or landmark.

- Specify a range of time to meet for those who may be late for some reason, provided that this time does not affect the ritual to follow.

- Be sure that everyone in your group is properly instructed and notified.

5- Food:

Do not carry food from your homeland; almost everything is available there. Also, remember that your food may be taken from you at the airport.

To develop good eating habits, observe the following

1.  Avoid eating big meals, (a) because this is not healthy, and (b) not helpful for performing rituals.  

2.   The best foods to eat are fruits, and the best drinks are water and juice.  They are everywhere and inexpensive.

3.  Put the remains of food in a plastic bag, and in a trash container.

6- Medication:

Carry only medication that is essential for your health.  Other common medicines can be obtained from any drugstore.  You can get free first aid care in all ritual areas.

7- Protection:

Beware of the high temperatures in all ritual areas.  Avoid being exposed to the sun for long periods of time.  Carry an umbrella and drink lots of liquid.

8- Services for the handicapped:

For the weak, the sick, the handicapped and elderly people, there are special services provided.  Wheel chairs and on-shoulder-litters can be rented for those who need them.  Ask the authorities for these services inside Al-Masjid Al-Haraam.  Sometimes you may find them free, but usually they are not very expensive.  Take advantage of these services if you need them.

[ Last edited by  aily at 15-10-2008 09:28 PM ]

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Post time 15-10-2008 09:30 PM | Show all posts
Health tips for Hajj

We all want to go...just once. But, unfortunately, many of us are plagued with those nagging questions: the what-if and how-to of our concern. Although there are many wonderful books available on the subject that we may have studied, it always helps to have some useful tips before embarking on the trip of a lifetime.

We all know that, during Hajj, pilgrims experience numerous events, meeting and mixing with a huge number of people and are constantly on the move from one place to another. Because of this constant journey, pilgrims are advised to pay extra attention to the condition of their health and not ignore what may, at first, appear to be insignificant symptoms. There are certain health and preventative steps that may help them to perform the Hajj rituals with minimum health. Some of these steps are now necessary conditions to get the official Hajj permit; while others are simply suggested health preparations. The prerequisites in combination with the subsequent useful may aid in making your Hajj journey a safe and an enjoyable experience!

Ask your doctor

It is highly recommended, before traveling to the Hajj, that every pilgrim consult his physician to know about new preventative procedures and necessary vaccines. Should the pilgrim be suffering from a certain disease, he has to ask the doctor for advice concerning his health condition and ability to endure the Hajj journey. It is also a good idea to bring a current medical report.

First aid kits to the rescue!

Every pilgrim is advised to have a medical, first aid kit to deal with any emergency that may arise during the Hajj rituals. Pilgrims now often perform their Hajj through organized groups that take care of these things. Each group of pilgrims may even have their own doctor, which is very useful. If you have to bring medicine, which you need, keep it in a safe place. Use special containers available at pharmacies for this purpose.

Got a medical card?

Pilgrims suffering from certain diseases must carry on their personal medical card (preferably a bracelet) that explains their medical condition in detail. This is important for receiving prompt treatment in case of emergency. The pilgrim must write the names and doses of the medicines he is currently taking so that they can be dispensed to him if they are lost.

You can never have enough toiletries-to-go

It is highly recommended that the pilgrims take with them all the equipment and material they may need for personal cleanliness such as: soap, towels, a toothbrush, a shaving kit, etc. If pilgrims observed the Islamic rules of cleanliness and properly disposed of their litter in the baskets and containers provided for this purpose, disgusting sights of trash piles and filthy streets would disappear from the Hajj season. Without the pilgrims help, efforts by municipalities will not be sufficient to eliminate all harms which may result because of lack of cleanness. Using common sense and keeping in mind simple rules can make Hajj healthier and safer for everyone, such as:

- Do not spit on the ground. This is a disgusting sight and more importantly, a dangerous way of spreading disease and infection.

- Do not litter the street; use trash bins and cans.

- In order to avoid infectious disease, use the toilets for urination and defecation; use them properly and keep them clean for others.

Wear the right stuff

Although it is mostly mild in Makkah and other places that are part of the Hajj rites, the weather this year can be cold and it is advisable that pilgrims coming from countries with different climates take this into consideration and bring with them suit-able clothes. Of course, these clothes are to be worn when not in the state of Ihraam.

Be cautious with the cuisine

Some pilgrims do not observe hygiene rules while preparing food. The main reason for the high incidence of infectious diseases such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and enteritis (inflammation of the intestines) during Hajj is contaminated food.

There are some easy-to-follow and preventive procedures that must be observed. Choosing to ignore these procedures, however, may result in serious health problems and gastrointestinal (inflammation of the membrane of the stomach and the intestines) disorders.

The following rules are particularly important:

- Observe strict cleanliness; wash your hands with water and soap before and after meals and every time you use the bathroom.

- Clean cooking utensils and wash the fruit and vegetables thoroughly before eating them.

- Do not leave food exposed to open air, dust and germs.

- Drink only bottled water and use it for cooking. If bottled water is unavailable, use filtered and purified water; otherwise water must be boiled before it is used.

- Never buy salads and prepared food from street peddlers.

Chug a lug of liquid

Throughout the Hajj trip, the pilgrim loses substantial amounts of liquids through perspiration and that is why the pilgrim is advised to drink enough liquids to compensate for what he or she loses each day.

Safety and security first!

Hajj is an eventful season where approximately 2.5 million pilgrims get together for a period not exceeding one week. They live in overcrowded tents and move together almost at the same times. Furthermore, they come from various countries, speak different languages and have different levels of education. Because of all this, many accidents may and actually did happen during Hajj. This is why Hajj is an event when a pilgrim must restrain himselfherself and show a high degree of patience and tolerance, as Allah and His Messenger, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, commanded.

Source: Al Jumuah

[ Last edited by  aily at 15-10-2008 09:32 PM ]

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Post time 15-10-2008 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Credit to Salah Times

Prepare yourself to perform Hajj

This article deals mainly with some of the practical aspects of performing Hajj. Intending Hajis are advised to consult other authentic books/literature for 'duaa,' etc, in Arabic language and other details. Also, the intending pilgrims were requested to keep a close coordination with their group leader and sought guidance from him right from the beginning.Those people would be better off, who were proceeding with those tour operators, who undertook to provide food, along with boarding and lodging, and transport, throughout the visit. Being totally free from these responsibilities, the pilgrims could devote all their time to worship.

It is also advisable for the intending pilgrims to get themselves free from their normal daily schedule of life at least 10 days prior to their departure. These 10 days or more, if possible, should be spent in gaining maximum knowledge, regarding the 35 days or so, which they were going to spend in Saudi Arabia. Those proceeding for Hajj should be in the spirit of seeking complete forgiveness from Allah Almighty and able to enjoy and cherish every moment of their visit.

Setting the priorities:

It is advisable to set up your priorities, which should be more or less on the following lines:

1. To thank Allah Almighty that you had applied for Hajj, that your application was duly accepted, that you were about to embark on a journey, to pray to Him that He may accept the Hajj, which you were about to perform, and to make it easy for you to accomplish it.

2. To take extra care not to fall ill, or to sustain injuries, etc.

3. To start building up your stamina by brisk walking, etc.(physical and mental stamina juga kena seiring)

4. To arrange meticulously all the items of your luggage
(ada baik bawa extra name tag ie. nama No. KT untuk extra luggage kemudian).

5. After reaching Saudi Arabia, not to overexert yourself in your worship (memang ada jemaah yang terlalu teruja)

6. To strike a balance between the diet and the physical exertion done by you  during your stay there.

7. To save your energy for the crucial five days of Hajj (ustaz pun ada nasihatkan jangan terlalu kerap sangat buat Umrah nanti time Haji dah tak larat kena jimatkan banyak tenaga untuk Haji).

8. To come back home safe and sound.

[ Last edited by  aily at 15-10-2008 10:19 PM ]

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Post time 15-10-2008 10:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sweetmama at 15-10-2008 01:49 PM
sis aziefa, thanx so much for the selawat tuh
i dah emel to my freinds yang nak berangkat ke tanah suci utk haji tahun ni....

thanx for sharing....hope u will get d saham as well...

Sama sama sweetmama....
Moga dimanafaatkan bersama...


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Post time 16-10-2008 09:27 AM | Show all posts
X puas2 nak tengok siaran Seruan Haji RTM 1..teringat masa yg dilalui.. Try to recall whatever yg terlupa... sadisnya...

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Post time 16-10-2008 10:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2062 haziq_97's post

Kenangan terindah yer?

Makan la kismis banyak - banyak, ingat le tu nanti.

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Post time 16-10-2008 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HarizAzhari at 16-10-2008 10:08 AM
Kenangan terindah yer?

Makan la kismis banyak - banyak, ingat le tu nanti.

dah satu kontena kismis mekah dmakan...hee hee Rasa2 mmg boleh ingat tapi nak refresh memory balik woowooo

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Post time 16-10-2008 11:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2064 haziq_97's post

Tekang butang 'F5' tu banyak kali. Sure boleh refresh punya.

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Post time 16-10-2008 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HarizAzhari at 14-10-2008 05:10 PM
Kalau boleh tukar, kena inform Tabung Haji ke tak?

Tak perlu... once kita kat sana, kita lebih bertanggungjawab keatas ibadah  kita.

Lebih baik juga kalu dapat inform mereka supaya mereka dapat menasihat dan memantau dan menasihati aktiviti haji kita.

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Post time 16-10-2008 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Haji Ifrad ni seronok sesangat...otak cuma kena pikir nak buat haji aje...
Bila selesai kerja haji... kita ada banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak masa untuk kerja-kerja lain terutama untuk umrah dan shopping

tambahan pada waktu tu jemaah haji makin berkurangan. mekah akan mula menjadi semakin sepi selepas raya haji.

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Post time 16-10-2008 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Satu peringatan kepada Jemaah haji tahun ini, berhati-hati dengan akaun Tabung Haji semasa di sana. Simpan salinan Slip Pengeluaran Wang di Tabung Haji Mekah/Madinah. Oleh kerana pengeluaran tidak menggunakan buku simpanan, Slip tersebut akan menjadi bahan bukti pengeluaran wang anda semasa di sana.

Terdapat kes berlaku pengeluaran oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak diketahui...tetapi berjaya mendapati bayaran balik setelah bukti pengeluaran dapat ditunjukkan setelah pulang ke tanah air.

Semak akaun Tabung haji setelah pulang ke tanah air.

Tabung Haji jangan disangka tiada BUAYA.

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Post time 16-10-2008 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kitul at 16-10-2008 12:08 PM
Haji Ifrad ni seronok sesangat...otak cuma kena pikir nak buat haji aje...
Bila selesai kerja haji... kita ada banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak masa untuk kerja-kerja lain terutama untuk umrah dan shoppin ...

Tapikan sesiapa yg x tahan dgn pantang-larang dalan Ihram tu..eloklah wat haji tamatuk' pantangnya x lama Anyway terpulanglah pd niat  masing2.. kita merancang ALLAH menentukan segala2nya...berdoa dan bertawakal aje pada yg esa.

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Post time 16-10-2008 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aziefa at 15-10-2008 12:07 PM

Rupanya kita ni samalah Jemaah Batuta Travel ye..
Suka sangat dgn Ustaz Ghani...
Setiap kali pi Umrah saya mesti cari Ustaz Ghan ...

Hotel2 batuta last year were Dar Abdullah, Darkum, Attar etc. dengar2 diaorang dok tahun ni kat misfalah.. kawasan belakang firdaus hotel / hilton.   Rasa2 Batutta masih maintain among the cheapest rate i.e 2 sebilik masih below 20K.

Kepada yang nak pergi haji tu....  buat lah taubat nasuha yg sesungguhnya.  cleanse your inner soul.  perfect yourselves  and humble towards Allah.  It's a PERSONAL journey as a guest if Him and quest for your true faith and inner soul.

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Post time 17-10-2008 08:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2062 haziq_97's post

Rancangan Seruan Haji RTM 1 ni bersiaran bila dan pukul berapa?...minat nak tengok.

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