V26 MH370 Usaha Mencari Kotak Hitam Diteruskan
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tintabiru73 posted on 9-4-2014 12:14 PM
Cam tak kenal keunikan & kepelbagaian karenah forumner Cari ni
Kalau tak tahan kena la ...
Aku faham kerenah semua org. Semua ada pendapat masing2. Respect aje lah.
If tak suka apa aku tulis.. jgn reply balik komen aku. EASY kan?
Lahar?? emh.. aku tak keluar aje skill MELAHAR aku. Aku try to be nice kat semua... kang aku all out skill melahar ada yg cirit birit kat dlm forum ni...
scarflicious posted on 9-4-2014 12:10 PM
Kalau ko rasa malu...bla..bla...bla.. jgn baca dan jgn komen balik apa aku tulis. EASY!
Ni tak ...
Memasing tegakkan pendapat sendiri tanpa perlu membimbo dan mem'pprt' orang lain. |
scarflicious posted on 9-4-2014 12:25 PM
Aku faham kerenah semua org. Semua ada pendapat masing2. Respect aje lah.
If tak suka apa aku t ...
Bak kata peribahasa Melayu kita:
Mulut tempayan boleh ditutup,
Mulut manusia camno nak nutupnyer |
archilless posted on 9-4-2014 12:47 PM
sejak sekian lama joint forum cari ni.. mmg tak penah berubah pun konsep lahar melahar kat CI ni.. ...
kerana pelahar disyakki orang yg sama...
multinick aka codename je berbeza..
syadail posted on 9-4-2014 11:43 AM
ni gambar Kapt Nik HUzlan masa muda ke?
sweet kan...
amoi jugak yg untung...
scarflicious posted on 9-4-2014 12:10 PM
Kalau ko rasa malu...bla..bla...bla.. jgn baca dan jgn komen balik apa aku tulis. EASY!
Ni tak ...
semua org bebas bercakap dan saya pula bebas utk komen...yg kamu terasa apahal???..saya cuma komen pendapat kamu tak masuk akal...tak boleh diterima...salah kah?? apa hak/kuasa kamu suruh org shut up....hehehehehe
monreyes posted on 9-4-2014 04:52 AM
kerana pelahar disyakki orang yg sama...
multinick aka codename je berbeza..
i pon saspek sedemikian.
code word dia sama je
scarflicious posted on 9-4-2014 04:25 AM
Aku faham kerenah semua org. Semua ada pendapat masing2. Respect aje lah.
If tak suka apa aku t ...
lahar je lah bang..
tp mcm jgn mencarut nnt point kna tolak..
cooldown je. ada certain org mmg suka pick fight, x leh bahas harmoni.
ada yg kata sr,tp kerap bena mengomen..
mcm2 peel tu yg sbbkan jd menarik tu
#pray4mh370 |
Credit To:
A special prayer for the safety of Sofuan and those on board of the plane were held in Alor Star. Pix by NSTP/Sharul Hafiz Zam
ALOR STAR: A month had passed since Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 vanished but the family of Mohamad Sofuan Ibrahim, 33, is not giving up hope and praying for a miracle.‎
Despite the odds, his father Ibrahim Abdul Razak, 76, is harbouring on to hope that ‎Sofuan and the other 238 people on board of the aircraft would be found in safe and sound.
"I just hope that if he is still alive, he will be able to come back home soon.
"We are missing him badly...all of us do," he said when met at his house at Jalan Kota Tanah here after a special prayer for the safety of Sofuan and those on board of the plane this evening.
Some 100 guests comprising family members and neighbours took part in the special prayer to seek divine assistance in the missing airraft's search and rescue mission.
Ibrahim also extended his gratitude to MAS management for providing constant update on the SAR progress.
Sofuan had boarded in the flight on Mar 8 to report for duty at the Malaysian International Trade ‎and Industry (Miti) office in Beijing.
Credit To:
Sofuan (standing,7th from left), with rest of his officemates.
"He is a kind person, always jovial and serious worker. I just hope to see him again," said Shahril Izham B idris, the best friend of Sofuan Ibrahim who is one of the passenger in the missing MH370 aircraft.
Shahril said he finds it difficult to accept that his friend is one of the passengers whose fate together with 238 others are still unknown after the aircraft went missing from the radar on Saturday.
"His mother always spoke of getting him married. But he was always busy travelling and working, I don't think he was even seeing anyone," Shahril told Astro AWANI in telephone interview.
Sofuan, 33, is an officer attached to the International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI)
"He may be tough-looking but he is actually a very friendly and soft hearted person,” he added.
Shahril said Sofuan was not a fussy person and would even let his friends order food for him whenever they go out for dinner.
“He would leave it to us to order the meal and just eats with no fuss. And sometimes, if I don't eat, he will also not eat," he recalled in a shaky voice.
Shahril said when he first heard the news of the missing aircraft, he was not aware that Sofuan was in the plane as he had left to Beijing in a hurry and only came to know about it later.
He said Sofuan was suppose to leave the country on Feb 7 but was postponed due to some clearance reasons.
last press conference on 7 march
ada 1 gentleman yg berdiri sebelah isham
who's that fella?
kalau tak silap i.. dia jadi pengiring masa pm spore dtg
ada gmbr kat airport... dia berjln sebelah pm spore kat kapet merah |
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 9-4-2014 01:01 PM
Credit To:
http://w1.nst.com.my/latest/font-color-red-mh370-tragedy-font-sofuan-s-family-is-not-giv ...
sedihnya..dahla satu satunya anak lelaki..
pumpkingirl posted on 9-4-2014 01:10 PM
sedihnya..dahla satu satunya anak lelaki..
tu la kan..
kiter nengok ja gamba tu tadi..
pikir camne la kalo jadi kat kiter..
camne rasa mak kiter
honeybee1802 posted on 9-4-2014 08:55 AM
Not only in MAS dem ghaso...rata2 glc kotnya....
gomen pun sama gak..yg bendoi2 ikut telunjuk kaki kipas senang je naik..
Credit To :
JACC: Isyarat yang dikesan konsisten dengan rakaman data penerbangan
PERTH 9 April - Dua isyarat awal yang dikesan oleh kapal Australia dipercayai konsisten dengan rakaman data penerbangan, kata Ketua Pusat Penyelarasan Agensi Bersama (JACC), Angus Houston hari ini,
"Pasukan pakar yang terlibat dalam proses analisis itu percaya isyarat yang dikesan pada Sabtu dan Ahad lalu menyamai rakaman data penerbangan," katanya tanpa menjelaskan butiran lebih lanjut tentang petunjuk baharu berkenaan. - AFP
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 9-4-2014 01:11 PM
yang ni ka sis?
ye..dia ada beri penerangan
dlm mh370 PC
sape dia ni? menterikah?
Takde perkembangan terbaru
Dah gaduh pulak dlm ni
guesswho09 posted on 9-4-2014 01:42 PM
ye..dia ada beri penerangan
dlm mh370 PC
sape dia ni? menterikah?
owh dah dpt jwpan dah
he's a deputy foreign minister
biggirlduncry posted on 9-4-2014 10:02 AM
keh keh keh... lawak hang ni tau... sanggup nak berdiri dlm flight
Kalau tak salah... Ryan Air kat Europe tu mmg ada flight yg berdiri... Kalau salah, maafkan I yer
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