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Author: Acong

Akhirnya skandal Scorpene?

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 Author| Post time 7-4-2011 01:51 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Acong at 7-4-2011 01:52

Malaysian Submarines: The trail of retrocommissions is becoming clearer
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 Super Admin

The Deputy Minister of Defence lied to the Malaysian Parliament when he said the commission was paid by the French

According to sources cited by the plaintiffs, it was not the company Armaris that paid 114 million euros to Perimekar, but rather the Malaysian government, "with the sole purpose of circumventing the OECD Convention."


Translated from: Sous-marins malaisiens : la piste des rétrocommissions se précise ... page=1#commentaires

In the string of "suspicions over corruption relating to arms deals" a new case is about to join those that followed the sale of frigates to Taiwan and submarines to Pakistan: French submarines sold to Malaysia.

Further legal action is due to be initiated in the next few days, with Suaram, a Malaysian NGO dedicated to the fight against corruption and member of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), applying to join proceedings as a civil party, which already applied for a judicial review in November 2009.

Suaram would thereby have access to the details of the investigation, which is also a way to force the prosecution service to contact an examining magistrate, the last step before a trial that could last for years.

As was the case for contracts won by the DCN for submarines to Pakistan and frigates to Taiwan, there are increasing suspicions of retrocommissions to French political parties (See following graph). This case concerns the sale of two Scorpène submarines and an Agosta submarine to the Malaysian government. A contract worth approximately one billion euros, that was signed in 2002 with the Malaysian DCNS (former DCN, Department of Naval Construction) and Thalès.

A model’s body blown up with explosives

Sex, murder, bribery, and suspicions rocommissions: the cocktail is explosive. It all started with the 2006 murder of Altantuya Shaaribu, a young model, interpreter and also an intermediary in this contract. Her body was found in the Malaysian jungle after being blown apart with explosives.

The young woman appears to have been assassinated for having loudly demanded her share of the commission in an arms deal, in which the other parties involved were her lover, Abdul Razak Baginda, a friend and adviser of the other person involved, Rajib Nazak, then Malaysia’s Minister of Defence and now the country’s prime minister.

However, this shady affair hides another, which the French courts took note of. In December 2009, Suaram filed an initial suit against X at the Paris court for “active and passive corruption, trading of favours and abuse of corporate assets".

The state prosecutor Jean-Claude Marin then opened a preliminary investigation.

At the time, it was suspected that a bribe of 114 million euros had been paid by the company Armaris (a subsidiary of DCNI and Thalès) to the Prime Minister Najib Razak and his entourage, through the company Perimekar.

This company, which was officially established to "coordinate" the sale of the three submarines, had Abdul Razak Baginda's wife as its majority shareholder.

France in violation because of the OECD Convention

However, in the suit filed in December 2009, the plaintiffs argued, that in light of the way the company operated:

"There is no doubt that this legal entity [Perimekar] was created with a single goal: to organise the payment of commission and distribute the amount amongst the different beneficiaries – Malaysian officials and/or Malaysian or foreign intermediaries."

However, this contract was signed after the OECD Convention came into force in France in 2000, which punishes corruption of foreign public officials with ten years' imprisonment and a 150,000 euro fine. Following this complaint, a preliminary investigation was conducted by prosecution: the hearings were made and searches were made at the premises of DCNS and Thalès.

Revealed in September 2008, the note books of Gérard-Philippe Menayas, former chief financial officer of the DCN, who was indicted in the Karachi Case, also confirm the suspicions of hidden commissions. In his memorandum (PDF), Menayas mentioned the Malaysian submarine contract as follows:

"Since the entry into force of the OECD Convention regarding the fight against corruption in September 2000, only two contracts have been signed; the first with India, and the second with Malaysia in 2002. These two contracts are the result of commercial actions undertaken prior to the OECD Convention. Furthermore, they are both suspected of non-compliance with this Convention. I have evidence to support this”.

At the time of the contract’s signature Alain Richard was the Minister of Defence, in Lionel Jospin’s government (socialist party).

Three commissions instead of one for the sale of submarines

With the forthcoming indictment, and the revival of this case, new items have been contributed to the case by the plaintiffs.

First, according to sources cited by the plaintiffs, it was not the company Armaris that paid 114 million euros to Perimekar, but rather the Malaysian government, "with the sole purpose of circumventing the OECD Convention."

This is a true revelation, while the Malaysian Minister of Defence ended up "confessing" to the payments made by foreign companies to Perimekar ...

Where did this money go? Were there retrocommissions to French politicians?

Secondly, there does not appear to have been a single commission, but rather three. In addition to that of 114 million euros, there are two further instalments:

• one paid by the DCNI to the commercial networks of Thalès, for over 30 million euros, corresponding to "commercial fees relating to the negotiation and execution of the contract";

• the other for 2.5 million euros.

However, according to Gerard Philippe Menayas:

"Until the OECD Convention against corruption came into force in France, no contract for the sale of defence equipment to an emerging country could take place without the payment of commissions to policy makers (euphemistically called "commercial fees for exports" or "FCE")."

The second commission was paid by Thalès to a recipient, who remains unknown, in order to convince the Malaysian government of the need to conduct additional work.

Finally, according to the complaint filed by the firm Bourdon, Suaram’s lawyer, the company Gifen, which was established by Jean-Marie Boivin in Malta, intervened in the negotiations "so as to facilitate the money transfers in this case", and particularly finance the trips of Baginda and Altantuya.

The "catch" is that Jean-Marie Boivin is also cited in the Karachi case... for his role in the system for supplying slush funds to political parties.


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 Author| Post time 7-4-2011 01:53 AM | Show all posts
USD$100 milion commission for RM4.1 billion submarines contract was paid by Malaysia and not France
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 Super Admin

This was what was reported in December 2006: Deputy Defence Minister Datuk Zainal Abidin Zin denied in Parliament yesterday that the government had paid USD$100 million commission for the RM4.1 billion deal to buy three submaries from a collaboration of French and Spanish warship builders – DCN International and Thales respectively. Today, that has been proven to be a lie. The Malaysian government DID pay the commission.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

First read this: ... is-becoming-clearer

Then read what was reported in December 2006:

Deputy Defence Minister Datuk Zainal Abidin Zin denied in Parliament yesterday that the government had paid USD$100 million commission for the RM4.1 billion deal to buy three submaries from a collaboration of French and Spanish warship builders – DCN International and Thales respectively.

The deal concluded in 2002 involved the construction of two Scorpene SSK-class submarines (to be delivered in 2009) and an overhauled French Agosta 70 submarine for training purposes.

The contract was signed by the Ministry of Defence with Amaris – a joint-venture company between DCN and Thales.

The issue however was not whether the USD$100 million was paid by the Malaysian government but whether there was such a commission by the French contractor as the commission would eventually be added to the final bill of the contract to be paid by the Malaysian taxpayers, and who are the real beneficiaries of the USD$100 million submarine commission.

The issue of the USD$100 million submarine commission when the submarine contract was concluded in 2002 and the central role played by Abdul Razak Baginda (central figure in the Mongolian model murder case) had been raised in the previous Parliament, but no satisfactory explanation had been given.

Far Eastern Economic Review of August 15, 2002, in an article “Wanna Buy a Sub?” traced the makings of the submarine deal, which had not been denied. According to the FEER article, the company Perimekar “will receive, over the next six years, 8% of the total contract value: about 288 million ringgit, and possibly more, as the euro, on which the contract is based, has appreciated 13% against the ringgit since the signing”.

The 2002 FEER report said that Perimekar was 100% owned by Ombak Laut, “a private company owned by associates of Abdul Razak. Ombak then sold 40% to LTAT and a sister company.”

Can Malaysians expect an answer as to who are the real beneficiaries of the USD100 million commission for the RM4.1 billion submarines deal?  


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 Author| Post time 7-4-2011 01:54 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2011 02:44 AM | Show all posts
bila nak saman?

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Post time 8-4-2011 06:53 PM | Show all posts
willing buyer willing seller concept tak salah. As long as long as S & P stated the agreed price maka sah lah trade tu. Untung boleh di kongsi oleh sapa2 dan tak salah dari segi UU. Jgn crita moral dlam each trade sbb moral tak leh di quantify.

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 Author| Post time 9-4-2011 12:56 AM | Show all posts
Reply 225# xalili02

betul tu............ lagi pun duit tu mak pak depa punya............

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Post time 9-4-2011 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Memang duit mak pak demo punya pun....hang nak cakap apa?

Apa hang ada alternative lain ka? Hang dok copy paste crita ni apa tujuan?tak puas hati ka? Apa untung yg kau dapat? Hang ingat org akan tukar gomen ka kalau kau tunjuk berita/cerita ni? Dah2 lah tu......

Selagi ada willing buyer willing seller tak kan dpt tangkap demo2 tu semua...

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2011 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 227# xalili02

nak komisen...............

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Post time 11-4-2011 12:29 PM | Show all posts
kalau bab tipu dan duit,
bangsa yang berjiwa komunis ni memang jaguh

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2011 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply 229# d'zeck

nak minta sodoqah dgn bangsa yang berjiwa komunis ni...........

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Post time 12-4-2011 09:22 AM | Show all posts
Reply 230# Acong

habah kau sodokah..
mana pegi gaji dan elaun polis peranchis
yg anwar bayar kat kau lahabau

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Post time 12-4-2011 11:41 PM | Show all posts
bankang sana..bangkang sini..

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2011 03:00 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Acong

habah kau sodokah..
mana pegi gaji dan elaun polis peranchis
yg anwar bayar kat k ...
d'zeck Post at 12-4-2011 09:22
nape ko sentap? ko kekurangan kasih sayang dari habah ko kaa?

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2011 03:02 AM | Show all posts
Isnin, 11 April 2011

KENYATAAN MEDIA Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
11 April 2011


1. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) dan badan-badan bukan kerajaan Malaysia ingin mempertanyakan perihal perbelanjaan ketenteraan Kerajaan Malaysia di bawah tadbir Kementerian Pertahanan.

2. Dalam keadaan sosio-ekonomi hari ini, di kala kemelaratan dan kemiskinan menjadi norma, pihak kerajaan tidak sekali pun teragak-agak untuk mengawal perbelanjaan ketenteraan, dan menyalurkan dana yang boleh dijimatkan itu untuk membasmi kemiskinan atau dibelanjakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah sosio-ekonomi yang begitu menular hari ini.

3. Malah, perbelanjaan ketenteraan itu juga kelihatan seolah semakin galak, dan dilakukan tanpa transaksi yang telus dan punya akauntabiliti; termasuk mengaitkan komisyen berjumlah besar yang melibatkan penggunaan dana awam.

4. Media Perancis pula melaporkan tentang skandal kapal selam yang masih berada dalam siasatan, namun jelas melibatkan dana awam dan penipuan pihak-pihak tidak bertanggungjawab. Sumber: ... page=1#commentaires diterjemah di: ... sia-and-not-france-

5. Oleh yang demikian, SUARAM dan sekumpulan badan bukan kerajaan yang prihatin dengan perkara ini akan menyerahkan memorandum kepada pihak Kementerian Pertahanan pada 12 April 2011 jam 11 pagi.

6. SUARAM dan NGO Malaysia lainnya berharap agar pihak kerajaan akan menerima memorandum ini dengan lapang dada tanpa sebarang pertelagahan.


Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)

Dicatat oleh Tukar Tiub pada 12:34:00 PM


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Post time 13-4-2011 08:23 AM | Show all posts
pelik dengan sorang tionghua yg anti melayu
yang sibuk pula bawak fitnah di board yg salah

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2011 12:53 PM | Show all posts
pelik dengan sorang tionghua yg anti melayu
yang sibuk pula bawak fitnah di board yg salah
d'zeck Post at 13-4-2011 08:23
ada sampel posting tionghua yg anti melayu tu?

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Post time 15-4-2011 04:04 PM | Show all posts
amat mudah menilai sikap dan kecenderungan seseorang
walau sekali dia terlepas pandang pada posting berbau racistnya

seorang tionghua yg anti parti politik melayu utama,
kepelikan yg amat meragukan.. ironik.

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2011 02:12 AM | Show all posts
Reply 237# d'zeck

yg lagik pelik adalah data imigresen kemasukan altantuya boleh hilang......

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2011 03:08 AM | Show all posts
Perimekar: Chronicle of a death foretold?
June 1, 2011

New documents show that the company which acted as the go-between for the French submarines deal was specifically set up to push through the purchase.

By Céline Boileau

PETALING JAYA: Businessman Lodin Wok Kamaruddin has recently been cited by WikiLeaks as one of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s close friends.

What WikiLeaks didn’t reveal is that Lodin Wok was also one of the directors of Perimekar Sdn Bhd until last year.
Last year too, the company registered huge losses.

Perimekar had acted as the go-between for the procurement of two French-made submarines by the Malaysian Defence Ministry. In the process, the company made RM534.8 million in commission.

A simple line, buried in a mass of documents, is sometimes enough to cause an avalanche of surprises.

The US diplomatic cable from the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur revealed by WikiLeaks on May 19 contains a list of friends of Najib.
One of them is “Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, Chief of the Armed Forces Fund Board”, an institution also known as Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT).

Due to the various companies in which Lodin Wok has held positions of responsibility, the businessman may find himself involved in the case of “Scorpene scandal”, currently under probe in France.

Thus, in addition to his position in LTAT, Lodin Wok is deputy chairman of Boustead Holdings Bhd. These two companies hold 20% each of Perimekar shares, through the holding KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd. The remaining 60% is held by KS Ombak Laut.

What is less known is that according to Perimekar financial statements, Lodin Wok is one of the five directors of Perimekar, alongside Mazlinda Makhzan, Rozana Abdullah Meili, Abdul Rani Mohd Hussin Abdullah and Mohd Hussin Tamby.

He also sits on the boards of Affin Bank Bhd,one of Perimekar’s bankers.

These string of “coincidences” could place the 61-year-old businessman in an difficult position regarding the submarines deals.

When contacted for comment, Lodin Wok said he had resigned from Perimekar board on July 1, 2010 after the company completed its contract with the government upon the delivery of the two Scorpene submarines. He added that he was a director in the company as a representative of LTAT.

Ups and downs of Perimekar

Besides, it appears that Perimekar has been declining since last year. Suspected of being created for the sole purpose of distributing a RM500 million commission between Malaysian and foreign beneficiaries after the sale of the submarines, the company, registered in 1999, defines its activity as “marketing, maintenance and other activities related to submarines and surface vessels…”.

The financial statements report that Perimekar has a single customer: the Malaysian government.

They also show that the company has a wide range of financial performance from year to year. For example, while the company has reported a net loss of RM8.2 million in 2003, it declared a net profit of RM24.7 million the following year.

In 2008, Perimekar also became a group with two small subsidiaries (Prima Laksana and Gagah Nirwana).

Now, has the golden age of Perimekar gone? Between 2009 and 2010, while the submarines were being delivered, Perimekar’s activity has (almost) tumbled down: the company has seen its net income decrease from a profit of RM19 million to a loss amounting to RM3.3 million.

The turnover has plunged from about RM85 million to RM23 million – an amount still comfortable enough for its shareholders.

They have been granted dividends of RM56.2 million in 2009 (66% of the turnover) and RM18.7 million in 2010 (81% of the turnover).

Between 2003 and 2010, the company received more than RM200 million from its contract with the government.

However, the financial report of 2010 stated: “The company’s project with the governement of Malaysia was completed on Dec 25, 2009, after which a downsizing exercise was done in a fair manner and the company was focusing on prospecting for other viable business opportunities.”

The second company

According to Dr Kua Kia Soong, director of Suaram and author of the book “Questioning arms spending in Malaysia”, the rise and fall of Perimekar sounds like a convenient story to hide from the investigation into the Scorpene deal.

“We would like a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate how Perimekar disbursed 114 million euros (RM500 million) for apparently ‘coordination and support services” in those six years,” he said.

“Looking at the financial accounts of the company, Perimekar did not have the means to undertake such a contract,” he added. From 2003 to 2004, the company declared a revenue from 0 to RM67 million.

But Perimekar is not the only Malaysian company being involved in the Scorpene deal.

Boustead DCNS Naval Corp, a 60:40 joint venture between BHIC Defence Technologies and the French-based DCNS, started in 2009, was awarded by the defence minister a RM532 million contract related to the Scorpene submarines.

The company thus undertakes service support of Scorpene submarines from 2010 to 2015. BHIC Defence is owned by BHIC (Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation), whose chairman is Lodin Wok.

Céline Boileau is a freelance writer based in Paris.

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Post time 3-6-2011 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Untuk berlaku 'neutral'... maka kapalselam ini di pilih .....  salah satu hujjah kepada bidder-bidder lain yang masuk.... nak bagi paham kenapa depa semua  tak dapat tender nie.....

Sedangkan ada  kapal selam yang lagi canggih dan murah... setengah harga kapal selam Peranchis Kala Jengking.... ( siapa yang dah biasa dengan produk negara nie dia tau )....

'hujjah' tu rupanya nak menghalalkan ' komisen '  yang beso..... Oooo..sorry my friend... kek nie orang lain punya..... hang dah kenyang dengan tender yang tu ,tu dan tu...

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