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Author: CARI-MRO

Lelaki Umur Bawah 30 Tahun Berderet Ajak Norish Karman Kahwin

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Post time 12-9-2020 11:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bluebutter replied at 12-9-2020 08:27 AM
Untung dia, ank anak dia ala ala rupa keluarga zizie izettee, putih putih merah.

Oh comey2 eh.. Untung la. Sehat comel...
Soh la kawan2 u jaga pregnancy die tu. No need abort la

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Post time 12-9-2020 11:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisitu25 at 12-9-2020 12:02 PM
mamastoney replied at 12-9-2020 09:37 AM
Cik kak siti, apa kata u nasihatkan bff u tu utk stop keluarkn sttement bash org...dah u ckp u sel ...

dia ckp selama ni dia ckp interpret lain then salah faham..psl kes lama cerai yada2 tu dia ckp lepas ex laki dia keluarkan statement kat press dulu dia call said thank mmg niat ex dia kan nk hancurkan career dia as congrats dia ckp..i said a good father or a good man xkan burukkan ibu anak2 dia..lg2 la anak2 stay dgn dia..x fikir ke apa dia ckp tu akan affected mental anak2 dia apa ex ckp tu da jd sejarah yg xleh ungkit smpi bila2 and anak2 pon boleh baca..happy ke life ex dia skrg??...ada org cerai cara baik ada yg kne bogel teruk cam dia ni..yg most fortunate x kne bogel one of them vanidah and erra la kan..x boleh ke ex dia mcm tu..hal sbnr nape derang cerai xperlu la kot nk ungkit..i xnak tau dan xperlu tau..but last time i presume ex laki dendam je dgn norish not because she is curang sb norish ni pokok bunga yg di heret ke mana2 meeting utk peluang close deal..i said to her..u know what? i think ur husband marrying u sb nk jdkan u throphy wife..mostly businessman mcm tu byk org bisnes nk kawen dia kawen tu nama dia tgh top..peluang close deal tggi tu..then she said mmg dulu ex suka bwk dia pi meeting then mostly kalau bwk dia akan close deal..thats why once she knew apa fungsi cerai dia mintak sekian2 amaun..bkn sb dia mata duitan dia tau mcm mana close deal bisnes2 laki dia  tu..hasil mengheret dia kan..
i ckp dia tingtong sb dia kne went through life from T20 to B40 life style..not everyone can adapt..skrg ni recession teruk..byk la org mcm dia ni kat luar sana..cuma yg lain xpe la bkn retis..sapa nk heran..and bkn semua org pnh lalui pon at the highest point of your life and the lowest point of your life...u will struggle till u drop..i pnh susah i punya susah tu B40 to B40 je pon..tu pon merempan gila meroyan jugak dulu..i cant imagine how she cope sb jatuh lg im here with her not to judge her..i want to help her..i said i xtau dia buat taik dgn sapa long as jgn buat taik dgn i..and i dont care apa jd kat dia dulu i just conclude dia jd cantu sb dia stress lepas cerai tu je..just bad luck sb dia byk mata memerhati..kwn2 i ade je mcm ni..cuma lucky bukan artis lah..nobody cares..i ckp i pom xsemua org i layan elok..ada kwn akan ckp i ni baik sgt..memahami sgt..ada jugak kwn yg ckp i kwn dr its depends i nk react mcm mana dgn org she said she is like that..yg tukang reveal dlm ini thread dia ckp dia kenal and she knows her claws too..and NK pnh tlg jugak pompuan ni time dia and mak dia susah dulu..bkn xde jasa lansung NK pd dia..cuma sb skrg da ini peluang that girl burukkan dia la kan bila naik thread dlm cari ni..i said i tau mesti ada somthing between they both and that failure dgn konpiden nyer londehkan u..mesti skrg rs hahh padan muka ko NK..i xleh nk kutuk norish sb she 's being nice to me..i said to her i ni not like your kwn2 yg lepas2 ok..dia tau i sapa org mcm mana keje apa edu tahap mana tegas i mcm mana..i bkn emosi punya org keje nk menjoyah je.. i said to her too..kita ni in life ada kwn parasite jugak tau..fefeeling bff smpi syurga tp is i ada kwn2 yg baik da kenal puluh2 suka tgk i susah..dia mcm x boleh tgk i naik taraf hidup..i tau la i pnh cerai pnh merempat hidup susah nk mati now life i improved dah..dr B40 naik T20..and kwn2 ada yg bkn tumpang happy..few ada yg i tau dengki..ada yg dtg bercerita mcm saja nk sakitkan hati i je..apa i beli dia akan cerita dia up up lg..i ckp i nk bercuti ke krabi jap lg eh i nk pi istanbul kalau tak..sentiasa nk up2 jela..tu kwn yg kenal sgt sejak zmn i tadika ok..pon hanat parasite je perangai..
NK ckp dia pon sama..ada kwn yg suka tgk dia duk di bawah je..skrg dia da byk peluang belakon org fikir dia akan senang blk..or akan senang la dr org tukang reveal tu at least xleh jd ni..kne downkan blk NK bg org gelakkan ini conversation dia dgn i so deep ok..i ckp once im friend im friend walaupon da xjd kwn..i xkan burukkan kwn i tu publicly walaupn i x i tau punca periuk nasi dia apa..bad record will affected periuk nasi i wont do that as a good human..

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Post time 12-9-2020 12:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dia ni macam apa jer status dia zaman dulu sampai sekarang tetap nak up up? Syndrome orang SG ker? Kiasu. Lepas tu tak habis merentan tak redha menjanda, sikit2 up kan bagus nye dia.

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Post time 12-9-2020 01:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Gitu kisahnya... kesian...
Tapi apapun kena back to ownself jugaklah.. seblm nak merempan salahkn org, tengok dulu diri tu why org or ex husband ex bfs or kawan2 buat gitu. Dah artis kena bersedialah org korek luar dlm.
Best of luck lah utk kembali kaya seperti kehidupn dulu2.

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Post time 12-9-2020 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Piramida replied at 12-9-2020 01:51 PM
Gitu kisahnya... kesian...
Tapi apapun kena back to ownself jugaklah.. seblm nak merempan salahkn  ...

byk nk type but i just rest my case je..let it be let people say what they want to say..i hope i can help her as a least not a bitter NK like all we looked before..

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Post time 12-9-2020 02:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dia nak ckp dia masih laku lagi

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Post time 12-9-2020 02:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Gosh. Rempit never dies

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Post time 12-9-2020 02:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 10-9-2020 09:46 PM
Ponah personally jumpe Norish.  Ofkos she won't remember la..

Pernah jumpa masa umor dia 22 ke 23. Katik je kecik orgnya. Berlakon power dia ni masa tu

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Post time 12-9-2020 02:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
umbut replied at 11-9-2020 08:51 AM
Dah tu anak2 dok umah je ke... dah cam sohai

Jodoh sohai ni kikiki

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Post time 12-9-2020 02:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LH76 replied at 11-9-2020 09:39 AM
Kulit dia hitam manis kan?

Masa aku jumpa zaman dulu dulu yer, gelap la jugak. Muka mmg manis

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Post time 12-9-2020 02:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Conclusion, if as BFF, you takblh tahan org kutuk your BFF, jgn msk baca. Sama juga retis yg msk forum ni, klu tak kuat mental jgn baca.
Mcm org luar juga, klu tak kuat/malas hadap, takyah fikir apa org nk ckp/komen psl kita.

And klu betul dia stop sek ank dia, kira dia ni retis yg selevel dgn suhaimi ina naimlh kn.
Aduhaiiiii org miskin pun ada yg sanggup tak mkn nk sekolah kn ank.
Klu dh rasa diri tu tahap B40, takyah feeling T20, and rasanya sebelum dia kawin pun, kt Singapore sana, dia pun tahap B40 je.

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Post time 12-9-2020 03:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amyza82 replied at 12-9-2020 02:38 PM
Conclusion, if as BFF, you takblh tahan org kutuk your BFF, jgn msk baca. Sama juga retis yg msk for ...

apa i cerita b40 t20 yada2 tu dia br2 cerai..yela time tu struggling with emosi etc..berthn2 dgn i xde plk dia nk feeling t20..humble je..sblm2 ni pon dia da buat mcm2 kerja..i pon x sesanggup dia..dia ckp apa je keje dia xbuat..semua da buat..dia siap tnya pendapat i apa idea ke jv dia boleh buat to get income..she cant sit still and otak pk kerja je...i tgk dia stress i offer dia pergi bercuti ke escape ke i will bear cost dont worry tp dia xnak.dia ckp xnak keluar seronok2 while kids at home mcmmana ..from there i know despite org berckp2 psl dia..she still a good mom..and dia xnak i pk kitaorg berkwn sb i tlg lah apa yg mampu..but not monetary nk bg bulan2 ..xde la gitu..dgn i pon kalau dia dtg nk fefeeling t20 xdpt la yer..i pon naik saga je..dia mmg nk sek kan anak2 dia..dia kata tgh usaha..bkn xde niat lnsg..kat umah mmg speaking if at least they can speak well ..buku2 pun dia beli bg baca and study..mcm2 dia pk for the kids until i pause her to calm and take baby org yg xfaham akan ckp dia sombong xmau ckp kenal dia through ig je kan..i bkn dgn dia je ber deep conversed..all my friends pon i tlg je..especialy ramai time skrg kwn2 i yg lain tgh jobless or struggle dgn bisnes msg2 jugak due to recession..sama layanan i bg mcm dia..if that the least i could help..walaupon cuma jd shoulder to cry on as long as u x bitter x terjun bgnan sudah..i kalau org post bitter2 je or looked like something wrong with her/him i will directly ask them instead of judging..xde org dlm dunia ni jahat namatey..mesti ada something happened..thats why  i said i prefer to listen both parties..biar i conclude sdiri apa i nk conclude which side i want to be..

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Post time 12-9-2020 03:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisitu25 replied at 12-9-2020 11:56 AM
dia ckp selama ni dia ckp interpret lain then salah faham..psl kes lama cerai yada2  ...

After reading your long explanation, i rest my comment here. Cuma, NK kena tahu, kdg2 apa yg jd kat dia skrg adalah balasan Allah ats dosa2 dia selama ni. So kurangkn lah salahkan orang. Dia kema muhasabah diri dia.

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Post time 12-9-2020 03:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mamastoney replied at 12-9-2020 03:16 PM
After reading your long explanation, i rest my comment here. Cuma, NK kena tahu, kdg2 apa yg jd ka ...

bkn dia jela retis i get in touch..fauziah nawi ke kak limah ke semua i privately give moral support..if the least i could do..

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Post time 12-9-2020 03:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mamastoney replied at 12-9-2020 03:16 PM
After reading your long explanation, i rest my comment here. Cuma, NK kena tahu, kdg2 apa yg jd ka ...

i ada tegur je dia..dia pon ngaku je dia ada khilaf as manusia..but dia xleh nk puaskan hati semua dia kata lbh baik dia xnk tau apa2 dah org ckp just focus camne nk generate income je..dgn i dia explain je why this why that even i x dr situ i tau dia sbnrnya org mcm mana..i pon xnk kwn dgn org fefeeling t20..kalau dia jenis sombong ke mmg xde la kitaorg ni meleret2 sembang..i will put a full stop since day 1 lg..

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Post time 12-9-2020 04:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisitu25 replied at 12-9-2020 11:56 AM
dia ckp selama ni dia ckp interpret lain then salah faham..psl kes lama cerai yada2  ...

The point is dia penah curang
dan betray kawan sendiri
dgn goda laki kawan yg tlg dia
u expect org nak puji2 dia ke?
u expect kwn2 dia yg bersuami
tak cuak ke dgn perangai dia tu?
nak buat baik pun kena berpada2 tau
zaman skrg ni

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Post time 12-9-2020 04:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Acikgomen replied at 11-9-2020 06:29 PM
Minah ni tak serik2 ke kena kecam mcm zaman poremer csi dia bezina dgn abang retis dlm rumah sampa ...

Perghhhh.. Acik dah masuk mode CSI.

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Post time 12-9-2020 07:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Oloh i da 42 pon ade budak 18 ngorat. Ingat diorg leh pakai ke. Buat tambaH masalah dunia jah. Dah la x matang. Kita yang da matang kena berfikir waras puan NK.

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Post time 12-9-2020 08:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kiah_mai_pulak replied at 11-9-2020 08:08 PM
so as bff (katanyaaa...) boleh tak chuollss confirmkn anak bongsu sheolss tu anak haram?? chuolss  ...

Kalo baca benang lama.. abg retis x nak sebab katanya x confirm dia punya.. bkn dgn dia je ehem.. x taulah dah cek dna ke belum after

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Post time 12-9-2020 08:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisitu25 replied at 12-9-2020 11:56 AM
dia ckp selama ni dia ckp interpret lain then salah faham..psl kes lama cerai yada2  ...

Alahai... dah laki bini.. apa salahnya kalo ko retis senang close deal.. sama2 dpt untung.. ada ke laki soh attend sampai ke bilik.. sama2 bisness kan.. tu pun nak berkira ajak meeting... ajak meeting ada peneman leh sama2 cari duit..

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