kann..aku geram bila dia hentam si upiak acah2 tk paham apa org tu cakap.
mcm bagus betul perangai si lopak ni..tk yah la berangan nk speaking kalau bunyi pn ke laut.
ko bukan lahir2 kt oversea pun....hurmmm
Post time 2-3-2018 09:26 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kakiporet replied at 1-3-2018 08:53 PM
hahha..btol jgk tu..sbb prasan tiap kali follower dia naik mesti dia sibok nk up vid ckp tq to my ...
Bisnes pon nabila mastermind, blakon pon harap ke gesel je lebih, mengacara pun mengilai je yg dgr, butir bicara tergagap2, cue card ade pon ttp mcm org xpernah ade effort nk mengacara. So sgale bnde beliau loser, fans pun beli tapi org xtau, so boleh la die banggakan fans yg entan berape ketul je yg betul. Ahaaahaha
Post time 2-3-2018 09:31 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ini ke produk 10A SPM tuh? Apa tu, technologing, jawapan ke laut dalam... What a disgrace! Hello jahzouk you are so full of yourself, apa ingat dlm dunia ni semua pasal ko je ke..dasarrr paki berangan
Post time 2-3-2018 09:46 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Yg pnting end of the dialog org pun lost track apa yg mod tu tya..ie: me
Yg setelah dia meraban org travel for social media tu kan soklan last tu mod tu tya how do u do tht (means cara nk tukar followers punya perception utk tak travel just for social media) dia punyala gagap nk jwp sbb mmg nmpak takde idea brnas..just ckp smthg like i create message yadaa yadaa yadaa to the followers..padahal org nk tau cemana ko nk ubah perception tu..yg sebenarnya ko pun xde idea sbb ko pun bila travel dok sibuk berig doplohpatjam
gitulah maksud i. macam malaysians ni tak membangun, semua duk hadap kat neelofa je to bring technologing and modernization to our country. in short dia mmg degrading our country, padahal ramaiii lagi youngsters yang lagi berjaya dari dia yang bagi bigger impact to our country in global platform.
Author|Post time 2-3-2018 10:12 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by feline at 2-3-2018 10:20 AM
GegarVaganja replied at 2-3-2018 05:53 AM
Sama macam show Bella kat NTV7.
Sah2 la show Bella tu memang dalam Bahasa Inggeris.
Tapi bila El ...
Senang cakap, si Lofa tu confident berbual dalam bahasa Inggeris kalau dengan orang yang less fluent daripada dia. Kalau berdepan yang berbual bahasa inggeris, dia feel inferior lah tu. I think many of the forumners English in this thread boleh berbahas dengan dia dlm Bahasa Inggeris. And most importantly, can detect her BS. Dalam video ni is do obvious her lack of prep/experience/intelligence/eq. Setakat Google quotes to explain your POV? Makes you think abt the intelligence / eq of her close friends.
wow, hajah ada bawak notes rupanya tapi still tak menjawab soalan. kalau nak compared to other speakers, owh! hajah, what have you done? you shouldn't have been there in the first place. and siapalah yg buatkan all the answers for her tu, at least gunalah duit yg berkepok tu to hire someone yg knowledgable to prepare the text for you. my goodness, bridging the gap between generations meaning gen x vs gen y, and solution jah, pergilah join marathon, bla, bla, bla. aiyoh! https://ru-clip.com/video/_x1X87iq7tM/misk-undp-cultural-diversity-and-the-power-of-creativity.html