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Author: yays

ALL ABOUT: miscarriage, abortion, DnC

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Post time 19-7-2007 04:00 PM | Show all posts

Balas #340 zapid\ catat

zapid... x semestinya kalo pregnant kena ada alahan... pasal nak buat d&c tu, mumy rasa  kalo baby tu x menjadi, biarlah dia kuar sendiri... x yahlah buat d&c.. coz ader kes yg x nampak jantung after 10 weeks, tapi lepas tu baby tu tetap lahir... coz tu semuakan kuasa tuhan... kita x tahu bila dia senyawa sebenarnnya...

pengalaman mumylah.... kalo tuhan tu nak kurniakan rezeki pada kita, baby tu akan lahir... kalo dia x jadi baby, dia akan automatik keluar sendiri... don't worrylah... mumy pun pernah 2 kali keguguran, x pernah buat d&c..... n then x pernah alahan... skang ni dah 27 weeks ... insya-allah kalo rezeki mumy murah kali ni, raya ni dapatlah kami jumpa org baru dlm family

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Post time 19-7-2007 04:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #341 mumydady's post 1rst baby ker?
dah lama mana menanti?

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Post time 19-7-2007 05:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zapid at 19-7-2007 03:52 PM

nak tanya skit, sakit sgt ker dnc ni eik. takutnya saya bila fikirkannya.

td pegi check kat panel utk sahkan ngandung ker tak. doktor tu terus scan. kantung ada, tapi janin tak der. ...

saya penah alami ....nanti dia akan gugur sendiri....

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Post time 20-7-2007 10:58 AM | Show all posts
tq mumydady sbb bg pandangan. moga mumydady n baby selamat bersalin nanti.

lega hati saya. bukannya apa, saya tak sangka n tak tahu ada kes yg mcm ni. rasa takut sgt pun ada. tapi kita kena redha kan. mayb ini ujian buat saya. tapi doktor kata ada kemungkinan dia ada n akan nampak, tunggu 2 minggu lagi la.

gubra_80, sakit tak bila dia gugur sendiri nanti. n bila dia akan gugur eik?

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Post time 20-7-2007 02:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zapid at 20-7-2007 10:58 AM
tq mumydady sbb bg pandangan. moga mumydady n baby selamat bersalin nanti.

lega hati saya. bukannya apa, saya tak sangka n tak tahu ada kes yg mcm ni. rasa takut sgt pun ada. tapi kita kena r ...

ACTUALLY SAYA DAH 2 KALI GUGUR...1st bb stop growth at 9 wks...but d&c
2nd sac kosong masa 8wks...then a few days saya turun darah...tapi x sakit PPUM tapi derang cam delay xnak buat d&c...doc tu soh balik dan ckp id akan kuar sendiri!!!!!!!!!1mlm tu start contraction...sakit dia..mcm nak bersalin...setiap 10 minits...saya bertahan jer...around 5 a.m tu kuar mcm seketul daging la..baru lega...lps tu baru tido...esoknyer baru saya gi PPUM..than scan...mmg dah kuar doc decide x payah buat d&c....
skang alhamdulillah saya pun peknen balik ...dah 4 bln..harap2 kali ni ader rezeki..
my advise...slps ni kalu awak peknen lagi...cpt2 la jumpa derang bole bagi treatment atau awak buat blood test dulu tau!!!mana tau awak ader kes cam saya....darah doc akan bagi treatment...

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Post time 20-7-2007 03:11 PM | Show all posts
mumy kawen dah 3 tahun... ni kandungan ke-3... alhamdulillah dah 27 weeks... tapi still ada perasaan takut tu... harap kali ni selamatlah bersalin....

pasal pengalaman gugur lak... mumy x leh nak citer panjang lebar coz pengalaman mumy, memang mumy x rasa sakit.... aper yg mumy rasa just berdesing jer telinga tu... pas tu rasa cam kat awangan jer... lah cam kita feel ubat selsema... cam nak tido jer...  after darah bleeding tu abis mumy terus ambik folic... alhamdulillah 5 bulan selepas gugur, mumy dah ngandung 2 1/5 bulan... tu nak kira cam ner ek...???kira 1 1/2 bulan kosong kot . aper2 pun... hati kita jangan terlampau pikirkan baby...  mumy pun kengkadang buat2 bodoh jer... kengkadang tu terpikir, persal perut rasa yg ader something bergerak2.... ... luper lak ader org dalam dah pandai duk kick.....

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Post time 23-7-2007 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AnitaSabrina at 4-7-2007 07:14 AM
Since I've had 3 consecutive miscarriages, UH will run a whole range of tests to find out reasons for my miscarriages.  Its standard hospital practice to wait for 3 consecutive miscarriages befor ...

I am kind of curious. Is this syndrome is because darah u n ur husband rhesus je berlawanan? My friend ada cakap, yg her 2nd baby nanti, dr akan bagi ubat bcoz of darah dia +ve, and darah hubby dia -ve (ke the other way around). If not her antibody will attack her baby..betul ke?

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Post time 23-7-2007 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GubRa_80 at 12-7-2007 11:36 AM
rasanya cam atk jer...tggu reply derang dulu...
sbb klink k;jaan bkn ke suruh kita dtg masa start 3 bulan dulu ker??

tp bukan ke ada sapa mentioned earlier, kalau pergi klinik kerajaan, dia akan terus refer ke pakar if ada problem?
sebab klinik kesihatan hanya blh handle case yg takde complication kan?

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Post time 23-7-2007 08:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #347 Ariys21's post

Miscarriages happen for a lot of reasons.  Some of which are :
- abnormal uterus
- chromosome abnormalities
- genetic defects
- anti phospholipid syndrome
- abdominal trauma (like a blow to the stomach, serious fall etc)
- unknown causes

Your friends case is a `rhesus' problem.  The Rhesus status describes the presence of absence of a particular protein on the surface of your red blood cells. If you don't have this protein (the "Rhesus factor") you are considered Rhesus negative, and if you do have it, you are Rhesus positive.  Problems will arise if the mother is rhesus -ve and the father is rhesus +ve cos the foetus might be rhesus +ve.  In this case if the foetal cells leak into the mother's blood system, the mother's immune system may react to the Rhesus protein on the foetal cells and regard it as a "foreign" and produce antibodies against the Rhesus factor. These then cross the placenta and will attack the baby's Rhesus-positive blood cells causing them to break down and produce health problems in the foetus, ranging from severe newborn jaundice to the need for blood transfusions to prevent miscarriages and stillbirths.

When the baby is born, a sample of cord blood will be taken to determine his/her blood group. If the baby is Rhesus positive, you will be given an injection of anti-D immunoglobulin. This must be given within 72 hours of delivery so that your immune response is not triggered. If you don't get anti-D, you are likely to develop the antibodies and this would cause problems for any future Rhesus-positive babies you might have. If your baby is Rhesus negative, you will not require anti-D after delivery.

Clear as mud?  



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Post time 25-7-2007 08:52 AM | Show all posts
thank you sis..yg anti phospolipid tu apa beza ngan rhesus ni?

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Post time 25-7-2007 10:19 AM | Show all posts

Balas #348 Ariys21\ catat

macam kes mumy, mumy baru lepas gugur masa tu.... memang klinik kesihatan terus refer pada doc pakar... tapi x tahu ler sebab mumy dah byk kali gugur atau sebab mumy baru gugur masa tu.....tapi cuber lah mintak utk jumpa pakar coz kat klinik kesihatan dia memang x bg aper2 ubat utk sihatkan rahim...

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Post time 25-7-2007 10:52 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 25-7-2007 06:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #350 Ariys21's post

anti phospolipid - also known as sticky blood syndrome (sindrom darah pekat).  

Treatment focuses on preventing clotting by thinning the blood with the use of anticoagulants and aspirin.  There are some ladies here that have had miscarriages and were put on aspirin and are now pregnant (or have given birth to lovely babies).

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Post time 25-7-2007 09:34 PM | Show all posts
lina apa kabar yek? pregnant ke dia?? myself first period dtg 4 july hari tu pastu termake love masa subur without precaution,,,pastu kena attack resdung yg kuat sgt sampai 2 minggu. and the doctor bagi ubat yg kuat.. yg mmg kalau pregnant takleh makan..harap2  nyer takde apa laa..... amin!!

to the rest yg tgh pregnant tu tahniah..and insyaAllah semua will be fine amin!!

[ Last edited by  bayam at 25-7-2007 09:37 PM ]

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Post time 26-7-2007 08:16 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by AnitaSabrina at 25-7-2007 06:29 PM
anti phospolipid - also known as sticky blood syndrome (sindrom darah pekat).  

Treatment focuses on preventing clotting by thinning the blood with the use of anticoagulants and aspirin.  Ther ... [/quote

saya skang pun amik aspirin ....alhamdulillah....

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Post time 26-7-2007 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Ladies, thank you for the information.
I tgh pregnant 3rd baby, tak pernah gugur..cuma masa anak 1st, going to the 6th month, i was bleeding. Quite bad..jadi 2 kali, twice in 2 weeks kena hospitalized..darah keluar sedebuk cam daging jatuh  ( but cair la), then mencurah2..byk, but bleeding for no reason..

the reason why i baca this thread and asking question is, a very dear friend of mine, had a miscarriage last week..we all just don't know how to support her..u know, i think camne symphatized we are, only those who has experienced it yg tahu camne rasanya..

i just cried with her when she told me the news..dia lagi la..menangis teresak2..of course, our due date sama, we have been enjoying the pregnancies 2gether, suddenly it is gone..i tak tau camne nak console dia..

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Post time 30-7-2007 08:43 AM | Show all posts
i hope u reading all the xperience here.. can help u deal with your friend
a good supporting friend n family is wat she need indeed..
yup.. only those yg melaluiny akan tau camne rasanya
just tel her good things she want to hear
not only bgtau dia soh sabar and all.. everybody is telling her that
she need something more fr you
let her pour it all out
because she may not be able to do that to others
make her feel/think that misc is not a bad thing afterall
n of course its not her fault!
many moms are likely to blame themselve
yes, they would tell you that, so be prepared to assure her that its NOT her
its just meant to be that way
n plis let her husb react the same
i mean, some ppl, esp men or inlaws usually take the easy way out by continuosly confirming her fault
everybody is sad but plis dont add salt to the mother!!



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Post time 30-7-2007 08:51 AM | Show all posts
my mil pun ada rhesus prob rasanya
it will cause the placenta to mature earlier
but alhamdulillah, her child sumer sempat lahir, but ke operate la sbb mmg kena kuar awai before the placenta rotten
except for the 4th child kalau tak silap terberanak sendiri
masa tu tgk2 placenta dah turn green..

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Post time 20-8-2007 06:23 PM | Show all posts
salam semua,

Saya baru menjengah thread nie.. thanks for sharing the experience abt miscarriage.
Memang semua miscarriage, fetus tu mengecut ke?
Saya sekrg nie kat hospital, doc masukkan ubat untuk keluarkan darah..doc expect by tonite mesti turun darah.. kalu tak turun mlm nie, besok pagi.
Lama ke kena tunggu sebelum darah tu turun..nie my first miscarriage but it is my 3rd baby.. sedihnye..

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Post time 21-8-2007 10:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #359 msms's post


msms miscarriage minggu keberape..??? lin minggu ker 17
cam lin ari tu doc. induce bagi baby tu kuar...2kali masuk ubat..
pukul 3ptg masuk ubat esok pagie baru baby tu kuar...
banyak-banyak la berdoa......

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