Petanda kebangkitan Islam di akhir zaman telah muncul, tetapi amat sedikit manusia yang memahaminya. |
HarianTurki Hurriyet edisi Ahad (26/4) kemarin mengabarkan, rencana reshufflekabinet Turki yang akan dilakukan oleh PM Erdogan dalam waktu dekatbisa dipastikan akan merubah struktur kementrian negara itu secarasignifikan.
Salah satu perubahan struktur tersebut adalahdialih-posisikannya Menteri Luar Negeri Turki Ali Babacan oleh AhmetDavut Oğlu (Ahmad Dawud Oglu) yang kini menjabat penasihat Erdogan.
Sementaraitu, Ali Babacan, yang kini masih menjabat Menlu Turki, akandipindahkan ke posisi Menteri Ekonomi, menggantikan Mehmet Simsik.
Oğluadalah politisi kawakan Turki yang juga penasihat utama PM Turki dalambidang politik luar negeri. Beberapa kebijakan luar negeri Turki saatini ditengarai banyak terpengaruhi oleh strategi-strategi Oğlu.
SemenjakOğlu memegang jabatan penasihat PM Turki, beberapa kebijakan luarnegeri Turki tampak lebih megemuka di kancah internasional. Sebabitulah, oleh media-media Arab, Oğlu kemudian dijuluki sebagai ArsitekPolitik Luar Negeri Turki (Muhandis as-Siyasah al-Kharijiyyah at-Turkiyyah).
Oğlurupanya hendak menjadikan Turki kembali "mewarisi" keagungan imperiumUtsmani (Ottoman) Turki yang pengaruhnya malang melintang di sasahkonstelasi global.
Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan televisiAljazeera sekitar sebulan silam, terkait beberapa manuver kebijakanluar negeri Turki, secara tegas Oğlu menyatakan jika "kami (Turki)tidak ingin hanya menjadi pengikut, apalagi penonton konstelasi global,tetapi kami juga harus menjadi pemimpin, kami harus mengendalikanbeberapa arah kebijakan dunia."
Selain terkenal sebagai politisisenior, pria kelahiran Konya 1959 ini juga dikenal sebagai sosokdiplomat ulung, akademsi, penulis, dan professor yang cemerlang.Beberapa bukunya, semisal "The Impact of Islamic and WesternWeltanschauungs on Political Theory", "The CivilizationalTransformation and The Muslim World", "Osmanlı Medeniyeti: Siyaset İktisat Sanat", dan lain-lain, banyak dijadikan rujukan kajian politik, utamanya politik Islam.
SemenjakErdogan dan Partai Keadilan dan Pembangunan (AKP)-nya menguasaipemerintahan Turki pada 2002 silam, dunia Islam sedikit banyak mulaimenaruh harapan baru kepada negara tersebut. Oleh banyak kalanganpengamat, Turki dibawah AKP-nya dipandang sebagai prototipe negaraMuslim ideal masa depan, bahkan digadang-gadang sebagai calon pemimpinnegara-negara Islam yang dapat mewujudkan perubahan signifikan.
Kebijakanpenempatan Oğlu pada posisi Menlu Turki oleh Erdogan tampaknya tidaklahberlebihan. Setelah tampuk Kemenlu Turki dipegang Oğlu nanti, kebijakanpolitik luar negeri Turki diprediksi akan kian memanuver danmenggoncang, yang, semoga saja bukan semata berpengaruh untukkepentingan dan kebaikan Turki, tetapi juga bagi negara-negara Muslimdi seluruh dunia. (L2/AGS)
file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/MFH10/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpgfile:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/MFH10/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpgANTARA WIRA BARU UMAT ISLAM AKHIR ZAMAN....
PM Turki sedang memarahi Presiden Israel Shimon Perez
Balas #418 tongkatali\ catat
Kalau betul, baguslah! Dulu bangsa Turkilah yg menyebabkan kejatuhan kegemilangan Islam di sana bila lahirnya Islam sekular. Semuga akan lahir pemimpin2 yg akan menggemilangkan semula Islam di mata dunia.
Amin! |
Balas #419 HOTlips\ catat
Saya kurang setuju bila anda kata "bangsa Turki"....sebab ia UMUM...sebetulnya kumpulan Young Turks...yang dipimpin oleh antaranya Mustafa Kamal Atartuk...yang bertanggungjawab ke atas kejatuhan Khilafah Othmaniah. Tapi jika rajin telusuri sejarah...itulah HUKUM alam di mana setiap sesuatu tidak kekal...hanya ALLAH SWT yang kekal selam-lamanya. Sebenarnya kejatuhan daulah Turki Othmaniah tidak berlaku secara tiba-tiba...ianya bermula lebih awal denganfaktor-faktor yang berangkai dan berakar umbi sejak sekian lama...puncanya ialah bila pemimpin dan rakyat mula mencintai DUNIA...dan TAKUT MATI...RASUAH berleluasa...AGAMA dikesampingkan. Ia akan berlaku kepada mana-mana kerajaan sekalipun...bacalah Ibnu Khaldun |
Balas #421 HOTlips\ catat
Memang betul....Islam suruh time kerja kita kena kerja macam kita nak hidup 1000 tahun lagi...maknanya mencipta kejayaan...kekayaan...dan tamadun tu sangat penting...tapi hendaklah tanpa meninggalkan hukum-hakamNYA...soal halal-haram kena ambik kira. Matlamat akhirnya mesti ke arah KEREDHAAN ALLAH...kita sekarang ??? |
Balas #420 tongkatali\ catat
Sebut pasal bangsa TURKI...saya teringat akan PM kita sekarang DS Mohd Najib...ibunya iaitu TUN RAHAH adalah adik TUN HUSSIEN ONN...berketurunan TURKI. |
Ahmed Davutoglu Becomes Turkey's New Foreign Minister
Friday, 1 May 2009
ANKARA- Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's foreign policy adviserProf. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu has entered the Council of Ministers as thenew foreign minister on Friday.
Davutoglu is the only member of the Council of Ministers who hasentered the cabinet despite not being in the Turkish Parliament.
Ahmet Davutoglu was born in Taskent town of central Anatolian provinceof Konya in 1959. Davutoglu holds a doctorate degree in PoliticalScience from Bosphorus University. Davutoglu worked for the MarmaraUniversity between 1996 and 1999.
In 1999, he became a professor. In 2003, he was appointed as anambassador by the then Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer and PrimeMinister Abdullah Gul. He served as a foreign policy adviser to Erdoganbefore becoming Turkey's new foreign minister.
[ Last edited by tongkatali at 4-6-2009 22:18 ] |
Balas #424 tongkatali\ catat
ISTANBUL -- This week, Turkey assumed the presidency of the United Nation's Security Council, and while that may just be a passing story in most countries, here it is a big deal.
"This is very important and a big responsibility for our country," said Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu--and he should know. Davutoglu has been the chief architect of Turkey's neo-imperial foreign policy that envisions a far greater role for this pro-western Islamic country than as an aspiring second-tier member of the European club.
No one was surprised last month when Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan appointed his longtime political adviser Davutoglu as the Foreign Minister. The soft-talking professor--who was also an adviser to President Abdullah Gul--has largely been responsible for reshaping Turkey's foreign policy over the past six years, moving it away from its isolationist roots and toward a role as a self-declared regional power broker in the Middle East.
Turks love the spotlight that has come from efforts to mediate between Israelis and Syrians, act as peacekeepers in Lebanon and host high-profile world dignitaries. They got a kick out of seeing their globetrotting leader Erdogan in a face-off with Israeli President Shimon Peres in Davos.
The official television station TRT has recently started to refer to Turkey as a "global power." These days, the book du jour in Turkish power circles is Stratfor founder George Friedman's The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century. It predicts the rise of a hegemonic Turkish empire in the former lands of the Ottoman Empire.
All that talk may be premature, but not for Davutoglu.
Meeting the Turkish foreign minister, you would never guess that you are talking to one of the most powerful figures in the Middle East. Davutoglu is a short, even-tempered man in his fifties who talks, in fact nearly mumbles, with a relaxing half-smile that gives you the momentary hope that the world's most vicious problems are actually not that difficult to solve. He is more avuncular than imposing, more monotonous than charismatic.
From Damascus to Tel Aviv, regional leaders have been talking to him as the best private channel to the decision-makers in Ankara--making him the most influential consigliore in the history of the modern republic. His book Strategic Depth is a must-read for diplomats coming to Turkey. He has been at the heart of every critical diplomatic initiative over the last few years--from lobbying to attain U.N. Security Council membership for Turkey to conducting secret Israeli-Syrian mediation efforts.
It's not power for power's sake. There is a whole political theory behind the Davutoglu Doctrine. In a nutshell, instead of defining Turkey as the eastern flank of the Transatlantic Alliance, Davutoglu sees it as a pivotal country ("merkez ke"), the centerpoint of concentric power circles. The governing Justice and Development Party, or AKP, does not see the European Union as an end goal, and does not regard Turkey's western orientation as its sole strategic axis. Instead, they talk of multiple axes of alliances to solidify Turkey's leadership in the Muslim world.
But not everyone is happy about the New Turkey. To his critics, Davutoglu is responsible for the neo-Ottomanist revisionism in foreign policy that values Muslim solidarity over the secular nation's long-standing alliance with the West. He was partly blamed in media for Turkey's refusal to open a northern front for U.S. troops in the Iraq war, as well as Ankara's controversial invitation to Hamas leader Khaled Mashal in 2006.
Davutoglu defended both decisions by pointing out that Turkey, in each case, made more gains than losses. Ankara currently differs from the European and American positions on numerous issues, including relations with Russia, the role of Hamas in Israeli-Palestinian issues and Darfur, where the AKP government openly supports the regime of President Omar al-Bashir, who has been indicted by the International Criminal Court.
But even his critics agree, AKP reign has somehow elevated Turkey's stature as a democratic Muslim country and an independent actor in the Middle East. Among his fans, including leading members of the Islamist-oriented governing party, he has somewhat of a cult following, "Before AKP, no one in the mainstream media had heard of his name, but in our circles he was a legend. We used to think of him as the next Ozal," says a conservative journalist with close ties to the government.
Born in Konya, Turkey's conservative heartland, Davutoglu is a pious man who has spent a good chunk of his academic career teaching in Malaysia--somewhat unusual among Turkish academics, who gravitate toward European and American colleges for academic research. South Asia's brand of Islamic politics, marked with the growth of religion within a democratic framework, impacted his thinking on state and society. He has been very active in the Balkans with efforts to help Muslims in the Bosnian war. His particular view of Turkey as seen from the outside has led to the development of an unconventional understanding of its place in the world stage.
Davutoglu's vision somewhat differs from traditional Turkish foreign policy. Weary of troubling imperial baggage and decades of wars, the modern Turkish republic, founded in 1923, has predominantly been isolationist--aimed at anchoring Turkey to the "civilized" West and untangling it from the "backward" lands to the East. The AKP challenges this view and sees an active role in the Middle East as an asset for Turkey's relations with the West.
Under AKP, Turkey has been delving into areas that its traditional westward-looking foreign policy establishment considered off-limits, acting as a power-broker in far off disputes from Afghanistan to Palestine. In doing so, it certainly has become more enmeshed in the Muslim world, sometimes even positioning itself as the spokesman for the Islamic world, as reflected in Erdogan's outburst in Davos against Peres, or Turkey's reluctance to accept Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen as the head of NATO, due to his stance during the Danish cartoon crisis.
When Davutoglu coined the term "Neighborhood Rapprochement Policy" back in 2003, the idea of Turkey becoming friends with its arch enemies--like Syria, a rogue state that hosted Kurdish guerilla leader Abdullah Ocalan for many years, Iran, whose efforts to export Islamic revolution threatened Turkey's secular foundations, or Armenia, with its unyielding diaspora lobbying against Turkey--seemed pointless, at best.
Today, Turkey is best of friends with historical enemies Greece, Syria and Iran, on course to normalize its relations with Armenia and even talking to the Kurdish regional government in northern Iraq. Journalists who used to scoff at Davutoglu's theories nowadays generously throw around his terminology, like "zero conflict with neighbors," "flexible focal point" and, of course, Turkey as a "global power."
Conservatives who tend to credit Davutoglu with raising Turkey's influence through a non-aligned foreign policy were encouraged by President Barack Obama's visit here in April. Speaking to lawmakers in Ankara, Obama said, "Turkey's greatness lies in your ability to be at the center of things. This is not where East and West divide--this is where they come together." He sounded almost like Davutoglu himself.
One major problem with Davutoglu's policies has always been the question of what would happen domestically if Turkey traded its place in the West in return for a greater regional role. While Turks enjoy their high-profile role in the Middle East, there are pitfalls. Typically the farther a nation moves from the West and its mechanisms, the more likely it is to see a rise in illiberal tendencies.
Russia, for example, is a very important country, but its independent status is precisely what makes it impossible for the U.S. to pressure Vladimir Putin or Dmitry Medvedev for accountability when it comes to corruption, a free press or democratic norms.
What if Turkey were no longer a candidate for E.U. membership. Would human rights be as closely monitored? Media freedoms and minority rights still protected? Women's rights guaranteed?
No one knows the answer. But Turks seem to like the ride.
[ Last edited by tongkatali at 4-6-2009 22:25 ] |
Mengingati kembali tentang tajuk dan isi perbincangan thread ini dan setelah memerhati dengan mata hati akan perkembangan semasa di seluruh dunia...membuatkan aku gembira...seolah-olah semuanya telah mengikuti perancanganNYA. Mutakhir ini sudah banyak perkembangan yang tidak terduga dek akal "singkat" kita telah berlaku...dan...tak perlulah saya ulas satu-persatu...bimbang ia akan menjadi pula satu FITNAH...buat yang suka "mencari" dan "cerah" hatinya...mereka akan faham akan apa yang saya maksudkan...masanya akan sampai...walaupun ianya cuba disekat...umpama "air yang cuba diempang"...akan sampai tikanya ia akan melimpahi tebing...atau...empangan itu sendiri akan PECAH.
p/s...hari ini 10 Jamadilakhir 1430 Hijrah...ianya akan semakin ketara sepanjang bulan REJAB yang bakal tiba tidak berapa lama lagi.... |
gambar mahathir takde ke? dia yang start dulu..... |
Balas #427 cikepong08\ catat
dia yang start masa kat geneva tu kan... lepas tu baru pemimpin-pemimpin lain berani nak bersuara... |
kalau tak semua macam tikus... |
Post Last Edit by cmf_tongkatali at 22-7-2009 21:42
Post Last Edit by cmf_tongkatali at 22-7-2009 21:39
HizbutTahrir Malaysia (HTM) dengan Kerjasama Khilafah Centre dengan inimenganjurkan seminar Demokrasi di Penghujung Hayat, Khilafah PenyelamatUmat. Seminar ini akan di adakan seperti butir- butir di bawah:
Tarikh : 26 Julai 2009 (Ahad)
Masa : 8.30 pagi - 1.30 petang
Tempat : Dewan Cempaka, Tingkat 4, Kompleks PKNS Bandar Baru Bangi
Semua di Jemput Hadir, Masuk Adalah Percuma
Anjuran Bersama : Khilafah Centre & Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia
ApakahDemokrasi sesuai dengan Islam kerana Islam seperti juga demokrasimenyeru kepada kebebasan, persamaan dan hak asasi manusia?
● Apakah Demokrasi sebenarnya milik umat Islam yang dicuri oleh Barat?
Apakah Demokrasi hanyalah alat/cara untuk memilih pemimpin, justeru ia langsung tidak bertentangan dengan Islam?
Benarkah Demokrasi itu sama sahaja dengan pilihanraya?
Benarkah Demokrasi sama dengan syura di dalam Islam?
Benarkah Demokrasi dapat mewujudkan kesejahteraan kepada manusia?
Benarkah tidak ada dalil yang mengharamkan Demokrasi kerana Nabi SAW bersabda, "Apa yang didiamkan itu merupakan keringanan"?
Bolehkah kaedah syarak "Ma la Yatimul Wajib Illa Bihi Fahuwa Wajib" menghalalkan demokrasi?
Sampai bila umat Islam akan mengharapkan Demokrasi?
Apakah tidak ada sistem lain yang lebih baik dari Demokrasi?
Apakah perbezaan sistem Demokrasi dan Sistem Khilafah?
● Tidak yakinkah ada bahawa Khilafah akan kembali dan menjadi penyelamat umat?
Masih banyakkah persoalan tentang demokrasi dan Khilafah yang bermain di benak anda?
Anda dijemput datang beramai-ramai untuk memahami dengan tepat konsep demokrasi, pilihan raya, suara majoriti, syura dan penggubalan undang-undang dari perspektif yang sebenar.Luangkan masa untuk menghadiri seminar anjuran Hizbut Tahrir Malaysiaberhubung isu ini yang bertemakan “Demokrasi Di Penghujung Hayat,Khilafah Penyelamat Umat.”
p/s...menarik...sape-sape yang berminat boleh la pi dengaq
....lusa pada Jumaat masuklah kita ke 1 Syaaban 1430 Hijrah...debaran makin kuat |
salam pada semua....
nampaknya makin ramai yg terbuka...bukan sj di malaysia ini, bahkan diseluruh dunia
silalah ke laman web ini, dan lihatlah satu persatu siri episod ini, mereka juga mencari kebenaran...
zaman skang inteent laju, setakat donlod youtube ni sat saja
dah perhati semua episod...maka tungulah babak menarik di akhir akhir tahun...
rasa saya, 30 para dajjal yg disebut nabi dlm saheh bukahri muslim sudah sampai kemuncak....tapi belum yg mata satu lagi
sekian, wassalam.... |
menakutkannye baca thread ni.. ape2 pun sy percaya dgn hr kemusnahan.... dgn ini.. sy menyeru diri sy dan semua org utk bertaubat segera sebelum terlambat.. dunia dah hampir ke penghujungnya.... sebelum nyawa sampai di tenggorok atau israfil meniup sangkakalanya.. marilah semua kembali kepada ajaran Islam yg sebenar2nya dan mengamalkan sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW....
semoga kita semua akan berada di barisan yg satu ketika di padang mahsyar.. kerana hanya ada satu barisan utk umat Nabi Muhammad SAW yg akan selamat disana.. amin! |
433# anne83
Apa yang takutnya...bukan ke kita cerita berita yang MENGGEMBIRAKAN ??? |
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