Neelofa Tak Tunjuk Mewah, Tapi Upload Kek Harga 6 Ribu Je
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actually tu la kebenarannya. bg org kaya, benda tu benda bese n normal. hanya yg poket x tebal n lompong2 saja yg dok wadefak wadefak kek 6k nk kecoh, nk berlagak, nk berak keluar kristal
tp iols yg x kayo ni, yg slalu dok brkira2 bab beli pampers anak, tp tidakla iols mmandang isu ni negatif. iols cuma rasa lopa terlebih terharu dgn kwn2 n sedara mara yg sggup kluar duit bnyk tu
menda mudah jer noks
sama ada ko ada lebih dr dia atau kurang banyakkkkk dr dia
org yg ada lebih dr dia senyum sinis jah tgk dia punya pprt dapat telan kekenamribu pun peghakkkk
ni set2 meroyan nihh? sendiri mau ingat lah di mana kedudukan diri
Saintera is annoying bitch |
againnnnnnn..gaduh suda
pening la...asal pasal lopak..pashaaa..nenod..suma gaduh..
Bitch, ko yg dari siang tadi dok coerce ko punya 'isu' kat orang pastu sapa tak terima ko PA. Panggil org fatso dgn harapan org terhina tu is so 90's. Ko tak boleh creative sikit? Kalo ko nak cream bontot, aku boleh supply khusus utk sis kepam butthurt.
I aim to annoy idiots like you, bitch.
Peliks la ngan fans lofake ni. Mcm x dpt terima kenyataan gtu. |
We must have struck her hard in the spot that hurts most. Kemain marah dipanggil sis kepam.
Edited by kibodwatriuh at 13-2-2016 04:03 AM
I never PA'd anyone but just now, when you called anyone with opposite views sis kepam. And you directed that at me too You called me sis kepam first. I merely retaliate your amicable invitation. Maybe you can start salving your blistered ass with the cream you have. I have my own, thanks.
and fatso, i dont shove my views on anyone. I merely respond. Ini forum ada macam2 views. Im not as shallow to not know that. Pffft
Ko ingat aku tak baca sapa yg bg different view suma ko PA? Ko panggil pprt la apa la. You've got some views? Stick 'em up. Jgn play victim sini.
Dia pun sebut PPRT. that's not PA lah. Hekleh org tu pun rilek2 dia plak melebih.
Santeira the fatso nak tunjuk samseng. Puhleaseeee |
Sapa yg tak rilek ah bitch. Ko panggil2 org lain pprt boleh, aku panggil set2 ko sis kepam ko nak meroyan sbb apa?
Im not playing victim pon. Ko panggil aku sis kepam, aku panggil ko fatso. Who's crying? Nobody. But you need to create that "somebody is playing victim" shit. It's true isnt it? ko memang gemuk dan mentally disturbed.
Kenapa, ada problem?ko terasa sbb ko mmg sis kepam miskin?
Hey sis kepam. Aku bg tadi reply secara general aku tak mention ko pun. Tp ko mmg quote dan reply panggil org pprt. Aku sebut sis kepam ko terus quote dan reply aku directly sbb terasa kan? Pefeeling suci lak sis kepam miskin ni. Kau yg kalut dok PA org dari siang tadi kenapa meroyan bila ko kena PA? Kalau ko fabulous, ko kesah apa lopak nak upload harga kek dia? Sbb kau lesser being yg sedih. Don't deny bitch.
tgk # dah tau nk show off
bab bisnes aku respek, bab bnda lain aku rasa dia hipokrasi terhebat |
LuLu^Lost replied at 12-2-2016 10:00 AM
Xmo ckp pasal kemampuan neelofa atau kek mahal.
Cuma nak cakap, geli plak tgk permukaan keliling ...
Trypophobia (sp?) kot.. Geli tengok cluster of holes |
Kalau nak bterimakasih pon perlu kah hastag bagai #kekenamribu
x perlu pun sis...just tag org yg buat kek + org yg hadiah kan kek..
my opinion
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